Top 14 Apps Similar to 하나님의 교회와 유월절

WATV MyPage 1.202303290
The members of the Church of God website ( can usethisapplication
WMC Academy
The members of the Church of God website ( can usethisapplication
WMC 바인더 2.0 2.202307050
This app can be used by the Church of God website(
하나님의 교회 1.0
본 앱은 하나님의교회 세계복음선교협회 소개와 국내 및 세계 복음활동 정보를 제공합니다. (하나님의교회 정회원만 사용할수있습니다.)
IntroWMSCOG (Church of God) 1.20161019
This application helps you to knowaboutWorldMission Society Church of God (WMSCOG)[Major news]1. Renewal of our homepage ( World Mission Society Church of God Received Queen'sAwardforVoluntary Service 2016.3. About World Mission Society Church of GodOfficialYoutubechannel.4. About World Mission Society Church of God Official Facebook.- May this application helps you to receiveofficialcontents(news, new videos and etc.) of WMSCOG.- World Mission Society Church of God received Queen'sAwardforVoluntary Service(UK, 2016) and receivedPresident’sVolunteerService Award(US, 2011, 2014, 2015) for 3times.
리포메이션 ( reformation ) 1.1
Re-formation (reformation) Of the Church of Godwebsite( membership, can be used by the authorizedparty.
WMSCOG 1.20170216
The World Mission Society Church of God(WMSCOG) has over2.5millionmembers in 175 different countries with over2,500churchesworldwide. Doing blood donations, disaster relief,helpingourneighbors, environmental clean ups, helping hand forruralareas,as supporters and so on. Carrying out the role of beingthesaltand light in the world. Here upon receiving theKoreanPresident'saward, the American President's volunteeringserviceaward and theGreat Britain's greatest service award "TheQueen'sAward forVoluntary Service", along with many as much as2,000awards fromall over the world. The WMSCOG application is aglobalappintroducing the homepage of the Church of God withnewsandinformation. [Information] 1) The local Church ofGodhomepagefeaturing their community culture. 2) Allowing tohaveaccess to avariety of service activities of the local churchnews.3) News ofthe local church being awarded. [Function] 1) Thefirsttime usingthis app, choose your nationality. 2) Afterchoosingyournationality the app will connect you straight totheirhomepage. 3)If you have any questions, you can e-mail thechurchhomepageadministrator. Let's find the Church of God near usthroughthisapplication. You can find members of the churchfollowingtheteachings of Mother in a harmonious family likeatmosphere.Wishingyou can find the way of eternal life and Kingdomof Heaven.
WMC Binder ( English ) 2.201601120
This application is provided by theWorldMission Society Church of God to introduce the word and thetruthof God.The members of the Church of God website ( can usethisapplication.“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel;sohear the word I speak and give them warning from me.”(Ezekiel3:17)The WMC Binder provides various functions and videos to preachtheword of God and help people understand it.“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of theheavens,and those who lead many to righteousness, like the starsfor everand ever.” (Daniel 12:3)We hope that this can help you find eternal life and the way tothekingdom of heaven.[Major Functions]1. Introducing the Church of God2. Present status of the Churches of God throughout the world3. News about Church’s contribution to society and videos4. Electronic survey5. Binder about the truth6. Videos about the truth7. Other materials8. Bible verses about the truthThe members of the Church of God website ( can usethisapplication.
WMC 바인더 ( 스페인어 ) 1.201512040
본 앱은 하나님의교회 세계복음선교협회에서 제공하는 앱으로 하나님의 말씀과 하나님의참진리를 소개하는 내용 입니다.“인자야 내가 너를 이스라엘 족속의 파수꾼으로 세웠으니 너는 내 입의 말을 듣고 나를 대신하여 그들을 깨우치라”(에스겔 3:17)WMC 바인더는 하나님의 말씀을 전하고 이해하기에 유용하도록 제작된 다양한 기능과 영상물을 제공합니다.“지혜 있는 자는 궁창의 빛과 같이 빛날 것이요. 많은 사람을 옳은 데로 돌아오게 한 자는 별과 같이영원토록비취리라” (다니엘 12:3)영원한 생명과 천국의 길을 찾는 데 기여할 수 있기를 바랍니다.[주요 기능]1. 하나님의 교회 소개2. 국내와 전 세계의 교회현황3. 사회공헌 소식과 영상4. 전자 설문지5. 진리소개 바인더6. 하나님의 교회 진리영상7. 기타 자료8. 진리 소개용 성구- 본 어플은 하나님의교회 웹사이트( 정회원이 사용할 수 있습니다.This app is thecontentthat introduces the true Word of God and the truth of God inappsprovided by World Mission Society Church of God."Son, I made you a watchman for the house of Israel, andyou'veheard the words of my mouth cease reminding them instead ofme."(Ezekiel 3:17)WMC Binder offers a variety of features and videos designedtoconvey useful to understand the Word of God."The wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament.Manypeople return to righteousness, and He shall shine as thestarsforever and ever "(Daniel 12:03)I hope I can contribute to finding the way to eternal lifeandheaven.[main function]1. Introduction to the Church of God2. domestically and around the world into the church3. Social Responsibility News and Video4. The electronic questionnaire5. Truth About binder6. visual truth of God Church7. Other Resources8. Introduction to Scripture for the truth- This app is the Church of God website ( membershipisavailable.
연세중앙교회 2.17
“연세중앙교회는 성경말씀 중심의 교회로서 하나님을 섬기며 성령의 역사를 통하여주님의명령을 수행하고자 오늘도 숨가쁘게 움직이고 있습니다.본 어플은 윤석전 목사의 생명의 말씀를 언제든지 다운받아 스마트폰에 저장(멀티다운로드 지원)하여 들으실 수 있으며찬양,전도, 간증, 문화, 어린이 컨텐츠 등이 매일 업데이트 됩니다. 목사님 저서와 교회 신문 [영혼의 때를위하여],교회주보 등도 서비스하여 성도들의 신앙생활에 도움을 드리고 있습니다.”----개발자 연락처 :CnBridge"Yonsei Central Churchismoving to do the Lord's command to serve God through theHolySpirit as the church of the Bible today, the centerofbreath.This app can be downloaded at any time and listenmalsseumreulstores (multi download support) smartphones yunseokjeonlife of thepastor and worship, evangelism, witness, culture,children'scontent, and is updated on a daily basis. Pastor [forwhen thesoul] church books and newspapers, church bulletins arealsoservices like the faith of the saints to help. "
디모데 교회관리
(주)스데반정보 모바일 교적관리 버전 6.0입니다.교역자, 구역장(목자), 교사 등 교회를 섬기는 분들을 위해 제작되었고,방대한 디모데 교회관리 프로그램 제품군과 연동되는 스마트폰용 어플리케이션입니다.최신 기술, 프로그램 안정성, 사용자 편의성을 대폭 강화하여 새롭게 개발한 프로그램입니다.* 처음 실행시 입력하는 서비스 주소는 교회 담당자 또는 스데반정보에 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.* 본 프로그램의 데모를 보기 원하시면 회사로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. Tel : 02-393-7133 ~ 6(Note) TheStephenrelatively mobile information management, version 6.0.Clergy, guyeokjang (Shepherd), was designed forteachers,including those who serve the church,Timothy is a church management program with extensivefamilyapplication for smartphones that work.Latest technology, program stability, greatly enhanced bythedevelopment of a new program the user's convenience.* Service address that you enter during the first run,pleasecontact the church Stephen personnel or information.* Please contact the company you wish to view a demo ofthisprogram. Tel: 02-393-7133 ~ 6
수영로교회 워십
Praise and Worship Church to swim, you can view real-time andagain.
Videoencuesta de la Biblia 1.0
Los miembros de la Iglesia de la web de Dios ( esta aplicación. Esta aplicación de videoencuesta delaBiblia le ayudará a estudiar los secretos escondidos en los66libros de la Biblia en forma de encuesta.
지구촌교회 1.49
민족을 치유하고 세상을 변화시키는 지구촌교회 어플리케이션입니다.지구촌교회는 1994년 1월, 창립예배를 통해 태동한 지구촌교회는 2012년 현재 약 3만여명의 성도가 출석하는교회로성장하게 되었습니다. 지구촌교회는 ‘목장교회’라고 하는 건강하고 이상적인 소그룹 모델을 한국 교회에제시함으로써대형교회가 갖고 있던 고질적인 어려움에 새로운 대안을 제시하는 계기가 되었습니다.이제 지구촌교회가 어플리케이션을 통해 세상과의 소통을 시작합니다. 단순히 교회를 소개하고 알리는 한계를 뛰어 넘어성도들의영적인 필요를 채워주는 장으로서의 역할로 자리매김하고자 합니다.지구촌교회의 대표적 사역인 셀 사역을 더욱 효율적으로 감당하기 위해 ‘목장나눔’(목장나눔지, GT가정예배,중보기도수첩)카테고리를 개설하였습니다. 이를 통해 3,000여개에 달하는 목장교회가 언제나 목장나눔을 갖는것이현실화되었습니다.또한 전도를 하고 싶은 열정은 있지만, 전도 방법에 대해 도움이 필요한 분들을 위해 ‘전도자료’ 도 첨가하였습니다.이를통해 시간과 장소에 구애받지 않고 잃어버린 한 영혼을 구원할 수 있는 귀한 전도의 도구로 쓰임받게될것입니다.1. 실시간 라이브 설교 방송2. 이동원 원로목사, 진재혁 담임목사 최근설교 방송3. 지구촌교회 예배안내4. 오늘의 말씀5. 교회안내(비전 및 사명, 원로목사소개, 담임목사소개, 오시는 길, 연락처, 지구촌뉴스, 교회주보,지구촌FAQ)6. 지구촌채널(지구촌영상, 영어예배, 전도자료, 지구촌갤러리, 경배와찬양)7. 목장나눔(목장나눔지, GT가정예배, 중보기도수첩, 기도 알리미, 성경읽기표, 오늘의말씀)8. 보관함이제,지구촌교회가 여러분에게 가까이 다가갑니다.※ 어플이 안드로이드 버전 2.3(진저브레드)과 해상도는 갤럭시 s2 (480x800) 에 최적화 되어있습니다따라서 일부 저사양의 스마트폰에서는 기능이 지원이 안되거나 동적으로 움직이는 UX로 인하여 오류가날수있습니다.- 키워드지구촌교회, 지구촌, 교회, 이동원, 진재혁, 분당, 수지, 글로벌, 선교, Global MissionChurch,GMN, 채플, 기독교 한국 침례회, 침례교, 침례회, 개신교, 기독교, 예수님, 하나님, 예배, 구원,목사, 성경,찬송, QT, 묵상, 맥체인성경, 기도수첩, 말씀노트, CTS, CBS, C채널, CGN- 연락처전화 : 031-710-9354이메일 : [email protected]개발자 연락처 :CnBridgeNation to heal andchangethe world global church application.Global Mission Church of January 1994, founding the Globalchurchthrough worship quicken 2012, the Saints are about 30,000were inattendance to the church to grow. Global Mission Church is"theChurch Ranch" model called the Health and ideal for smallgroups inKorea by presenting the Church is a large church who hadchronicdifficulties was an opportunity to present a newalternative.Now, the global church to communicate with the world throughtheapplication starts. Simply to introduce the church to movebeyondstating that fills the spiritual needs of the saintsestablisheditself as long as you want the role.Representative of the global church ministry, ministry of cellsinorder to deal more effectively 'sharing pasture (pasturesharingsupport, GT family worship, intercession notebook) openedacategory. Nearly 3,000 pasture through which the church hasalwaysbeen a reality, it is a sharing Ranch.Passion for evangelism, but also want to, how about fallingforthose who need help 'conduction data' is added SeptemberItregardless of time and place through the lost souls that canbeused as a valuable tool of evangelism will be given. 1 real-time live broadcast sermons2 transfer-source senior pastor, Pastor Gene recent sermonbroadcastjaehyeok3 Global Mission Church Worship Information4 Word of the Day5 Church Guide (vision and mission, senior pastorIntroduction,Introduction to the pastor, Location, Contact, globalnews, churchbulletins, global FAQ)6 global channels (Global Video, English worship,evangelismresources, Global Gallery, Worship Music)7 Ranch sharing (sharing Ranch G, GT family worship,intercessionorganizer, reminder prayer, Bible reading, table,today'sword)8 deposit NowYou move closer to the global church.※ This application Android version 2.3 (Gingerbread) andtheresolution of the Galaxy s2 (480x800) is optimized forAs a result, some low-end smart phone, the functions arenotsupported due to error or dynamically moving UX maybeemitted.- KeywordsGlobal church, global church, transfer-source, Jean jaehyeok,sugar,resin, global, mission, Global Mission Church, GMN,chapel,christian Korea Baptist, Baptist, Baptist, Protestant,Christian,Jesus, God, worship, salvation, ministers, bible, hymn,QT,meditation, maekchein Bible, prayer organizer, said notes,CTS,CBS, C-channel, CGN- ContactPhone: 031-710-9354Email: [email protected]