Top 3 Games Similar to Ballon Poppop

Ballon Shooter 1.0
Permainan mengasyikkan yang satuinimembutuhkan kecermatanmu dalam menemukan formasi balon manayangpaling strategis untuk dijatuhkan, sebab setiap balon yangkamujatuhkan sangat mempengaruhi poin yang kamu kumpulkan lo,untukselengkapnya ini dia caranya:1. Kamu akan mendapatkan balon sebagai balon peluruuntukmenembak.2. yang harus kamu lakukan sebelum menembak adalahmenemukanbalon-balon dengan formasi warna yang sama dengan balonpelurumu.Kamu akan menemui beberapa formasi warna yang sama, makapilihlahyang paling berpotensi menjatuhkan balonsebanyak-banyaknya.3. Kamu bisa menembakkan pelurumu menukik untukmenjangkaucelah-celah yang sulit.4. Kamu bisa menggunakan garis bantu untuk membidik dengancaratekan layar.5. Gunakan peluangmu untuk menjatuhkan balonsebanyak-banyaknyakarena jumlah pelurumu terbatas.An exciting gamethatrequires kecermatanmu in finding a balloon formation aremoststrategic for the imposed, for every balloon you dropgreatlyaffect the points you pick lo, for more here's how:1. You will get a balloon as the balloon bullet to shoot.2. you have to do before shooting is to find the balloons withtheformation of the same color as your bullet balloon. You willfindseveral formations of the same color, then choose themostpotential to bring down the balloon as much as possible.3. You can shoot your bullet dived to reach crevices thataredifficult.4. You can use the guidelines to target by pressingthescreen.5. Use your chance to drop balloons as much as the amount ofyourbullet is limited.
Ballon burst 1.0
pull the small balloon down-left and blowthemulticolored balloons.The number of points may be multiplied by 5 or 10 depending onthelocation of the balloon burst.Each outgoing 10 balls, the level is automatically incrementedandthe speed of the balloons to explode.If a level, you will blow up any ball, the game is over.You win if your score is higher than the best score.
Ballon Crush 1.0
Ballon Crush is a very classicCrushpuzzlegame. Once you pop, you can't stop !!!- Fun and addictive Match 3 Balls or more .- Change neighbor Balls so that they were 3 or more in oneline.Makemaximum number of crushes for a two minutes.- Simple and smooth game play .Enjoy!