Top 6 Apps Similar to Chueca Mobile Gay

Gayde - gay chat 2.343
It doesn't matter if you are gay,lesbian,bisexual, trans or genderqueer. You belong here!With outstading design and features, this can be yourperfectLGBT social network. Including:* Nearby people* Chat* Push notifications for free of new messages and who seesyourprofile* Discover handsome man and woman around you* Send photos and locations* A section dedicated for videos* Beautiful people* Filter by your preferece* Find what you are looking forEven more to come:* Events and parties* A guide with more than 6000 places around the world* Bars, restaurants, hotels, gyms, saunas, stores andshopping* Favorites: places and peopleFor sure, the best Android LGBT app. All these features arefreeand ready to use.We are sure you are going to love it.Any doubts, critics or sugestions, please send us anemail:[email protected]. We are glad to help you improving ourappeach day.
Plurk 6.18.0
Plurk Inc
Communities for cosplayers, anime lovers, knitters, gay,secondlifers and etc.
National Gay Alliance客户端开源版 3.8.5
NationalGayAlliance客户端开源版是由数位你懂的的论坛的坛友成立的公益性开发团队开发的本APP是在片总原版基础上增添功能修复漏洞而成的支持手机和平板包含一些新功能有bug在论坛私信 [@竹井詩織里]本APP所有数据均来自网络,数据内容与本APP无关,不代表开发者赞同该内容本APP所有功能均由用户自由选择,不存在任何强制浏览内容没有Google 市场的可以去下面的地址下载,请不要在下载页面无脑灌水.开放源代码地址协议GNU GPL v2StatementThis APP is based on the open source with GNU GPL v2licensepublished by [[email protected]]at[], and as they saidtheystoped update their project at the revision of 580, we starttotake over the project, we fork the projecttogithub[]andstill use GNU GPL v2 as our code license, you can see theREADME.mdfile on our github site that shows this APP in Google Playiscompletely compile with our codes. This APP use the open APIsofthe forum "Nation Geography of Azeroth" which are openedtoeveryone as the threadsaid[], users just needtologin as they did on the PC site, and the APIs use cookietoauthorization users, if the user login with our APP, theyshouldhave the rights to get all data from the APIs. and those APIsalsoused in many different places such as the forum's PC andmobilesite, other developers' APPs and so on. We state we havenotviolated the legitimate rights of the forum "Nation GeographyofAzeroth", our APP is free and does not contain advertising,ourcode is based on a open source project and is also opendingithub.Q&A为啥没有yoooo?在第一个界面按菜单为啥yooo看不到?需要能够定位/网址不被墙,也可能是附近没人.为啥看到全是乱码?去设置里,把移动数据的接入点改为net怎么回复/引用?长按楼层/设置中开启快捷喷之按钮后点击帖子右下方按钮怎么搜索用户发帖/回贴?在板块里点右上角的搜索按钮,没有的按菜单呼出或直接使用搜索功能怎么查看搜藏夹?在板块里点右上角的收藏夹按钮,没有的按菜单呼出怎么删除收藏夹里的帖子?长按,删除就是这么简单.为啥楼层会抖啊抖?为啥帖子是空白?去设置,开发者里关闭gpu渲染, 在app的设置里关闭硬件加速怎么调整app的字体大小?在第一个界面侧滑进设置改.怎么搜索自己的帖子?点开搜索,选中发帖/回复,直接确定,可.开发团队成员:代码:[@竹井詩織里]/[@cfan8]/[@jjimmys]/[@Moandor],美工:[@那个惩戒骑]/[@从来不卖萌]感谢[@force0119]感谢 第一版作者 ak121077313 第二版作者 吸片感谢 我自己掏钱注册了Google Play感谢 菜园小生的论坛额外表情包、林大B的B娘、那谁的蛆娘、那谁谁谁的你为何那么叼、还有其他表情作者感谢 所有的用户-------功能-------屏蔽你不想看到的用户更改自己的头像签名匿名版、短消息被喷记录有备份查看了查看用户信息侧边栏读取URL进入帖子删除书签视频内置播放器,热门视频网站支持开始匿名功能昵称支持添加了B娘、蛆娘、你为何那么吊、麻将脸等表情彩虹体可选择是否显示大漩涡当时新增的几个版面在设置中不选择显示斑竹固定的帖子时,大漩涡第一页下方几个固定的小版面帖子会消失,同时消失的还有178的广告帖左、下、右侧拉动返回上级现在应该在几乎所有界面中可用了Android 4.0以上可以在设置中设置发帖/回复页面的按钮在页面下方,同时可以设置左右手操作习惯设置里可以点击删除最近访问搜索页面现在功能更加齐全了2G/3G时图片中转压缩功能(Beta),可选择原始大小/大图/中图/小图楼层列表中每一层均设有喷之按钮,并可设置是否显示例如收藏等页面加载到最后一页将不再弹出继续加载Android 4.4移动网络下可以看到图了发帖页面新增了一个简易的富文本编辑框发帖界面将能让你体会到所见即所得的快感帖子复制长按可以弹出对话框,直接点击则复制全部,自己也可以选择复制部分可以看到别人的尾巴信息,可以发送符合论坛规定的尾巴搜索发帖或回复时若不填写内容则搜索本人发帖或回复添加自定义版面长按楼层点击按钮显示签名侧边栏菜单解析论坛AC娘表情代码全屏模式
COOKIE: 9GAG Forum 🍪
COOKIE (formerly 9CHAT) is thelargestinternational mobile forum & communities by 9GAG. Youcandiscover interests, stories and discussion. Share snippets ofyourlife and interests. If you are bored, feeling lonely and sad,orsimply want to kill time, COOKIE is definitely your choice.Join the COOKIE community to check out these awesomefeatures:▷ Share the way you want:Upload photos and videos of your life momentsStart a discussion about all the topics like Ps4 / Xbox,Gamerelease like Zelda, Days gone, god of wars, titanfall, pokemongo(including Team Valor, Team Mystic or Team Instinct, or thelatestEmmy Awards Nominations like HBO, Mr Robot, Better Call Saul,TheAmericans, House of Cards, Homeland, Downton Abbey with acommunityof people from around the world. Country groups likeFrance,Switzerland, Wales, England, Germany, Poland, Croatia,Italy,Belgium, Iceland, Portugal for you to discuss all you wantaboutEuro 2016. Join the conversation on topics that interest you.Andif you like gifs (or jifs, jiffys, glyphs, ifs, however youchooseto mispronounce it), we’re positive you'll love it.▷ Find cool stuff you love:Discover stories and other awesome content from theCOOKIEcommunityExplore discussions on endless topics such as Deep ShowerThoughts,Shoes I'm wearing, Too Afraid To Ask Andy, Today I FuckedUp, SuperScary Story, Depressed No More, Creepy Text, I'm New Here,DescribeMe In 3 Words, Bored AF, Would You Rather,Virgin Club,Roast Me,Truth Or Dare Me, Am I The Only One, Confess My Secret,LanguageExchange, Chat With Me, Last Night IDreamt,Philosophy,Relationship Advice, Pet Selfies, Drawing of theDay, Anime &Manga, Food, Travel, Saitama, Game of Thrones,Overwatch, PS4,Xbox, Days Gone, Zelda, titanfall god of wars, Euro2016, pokemon,dank meme, tbt, cheer to the weekend, thank god it'sfriday, MondayMotivation, Vegan, too afraid to ask, today I fuckedup emmyawards, HBO, Mr Robot, Better Call Saul, The Americans,House ofCards, Homeland, Downton Abbey, or any random topics, it’sonCOOKIE.▷ Meet & interact with awesome people:Meet new friends and connect with people from countries likeFrance,Switzerland, Wales, England, Germany, Poland, Croatia,Italy,Belgium, Iceland, Portugal that inspire you or shareyourinterests.Discuss in over a cool post or chat 1-on-1 with yourfavouritepeople.Sit back and swipe through an endless stream of hilariousGIFs,heartwarming stories, mind blowing science facts, adorableanimalpics and so much more. Watch as your spirits lift rightbefore youreyes.Where does all that awesome stuff come from, you ask? Simple:peoplefrom all around the world submit images, and COOKIE usersvote upthe best of them so all can bask in their glory.If you want to get fancy, you can browse posts by topic, searchforspecific kinds of posts, and cast judgement byupvoting,downvoting, and commenting on posts.Be warned: time has been known to quicken in this realm.We’re not saying COOKIE is like all your favorite apps puttogether.But if we were saying that, we’d tell you it has:• the trendy headlines of Twitter, reddit, Imgur• the educational content of Quora• the viral pics of reddit and Imgur• the jokesters of Tumblr, Imgur• the lols of 9GAG, Imgur and theCHIVE• the cringeworthy personal stories of FML and Fail Blog• the rage comics of 4chan, reddit and Imgur• and the powerful, human stories found only on COOKIECOOKIE is just getting started. We read every review andsupportemail to make COOKIE better for you. If you have ran intoanyproblems or have suggestions, send [email protected]
Chat Alternative — android app 604054
ChatAlternative is a video chat app with thousands of usersonlineat all times
Strangers - Video Chat 1.4.12
It's how people meet.Enjoy great and surprisingly fun Face-to-Face Video LiveChatmoments by talking to real people. Wherever you are, andwhereverthey are. Filter by distance for nearby people, or set nofilter tochat with people from all over the world.All chats are constantly moderated which ensures a safeenvironment.Still see someone misbehaving? Tap the red reportbutton and we willmake sure you and others will never see thatperson again.App was formerly known as: Chat AHOY, Chat Roulette.