Top 22 Apps Similar to Aires Camping Car (France)

Aires Campingcar-infos 2.61
Nouveau ! Nous venons de publier unenouvelleappli qui remplacera celle-ci: officielle dusitehttp://www.campingcar-infos.comMerci de lire cette description jusqu'au bout, notamment encequi concerne l'espace mémoire nécessaire à son utilisation.Ce site est associatif et recense toutes les aires en Franceetdans 42 autres pays.La base de données la plus complète du web en matière d'airesdeservices camping-car, mise à jour quotidiennement par uneéquipeperformante de bénévoles, avec les données, commentaires etphotosenvoyées par les camping-caristes eux-mêmes.Recherchez très facilement toutes les aires de services etdestationnement pour camping-car référencées par Campingcar-Infos,lesite de référence en la matière.L'application permet la localisation des aires parcartegéographique, par son nom, son numéro, ou autour d'un ville oud'unpoint précis.Choisissez vos options (types d'aires, rayon de recherche)etlancez la recherche autour du centre de la carte pourfaireafficher les aires situées dans le rayon choisi.Cliquez ensuite sur l'aire que vous souhaitez pourfaireapparaitre la fiche correspondante, avec photos etcommentaires descamping-caristes.Cette version peut être utilisée gratuitement avec uneconnexionInternet (wifi, 4G, 3G ou Edge), mais aussi horsconnexion(moyennant un abonnement sur notre site web: ).Le mode hors connexion permet l'utilisation sans aucuneconnexionde données, en utilisant les données, photos,commentaires et fondsde cartes préalablement chargées surl'appareil.Ces données sont téléchargeables pays par pays (région parrégionpour la France) depuis l'application aussi souvent que vouslesouhaitez, durant toute la durée de l'abonnement.Attention, cette application nécessite d'avoir un espacemémoiredisponible suffisant pour s'installer et pouvoir fonctionner:- l'application seule nécessite au minimum 100 Mb de libre.Données pour utilisation "hors connexion" :- France/région Alsace : 6.5 Mb- France/région Aquitaine : 23 Mb- France/région Auvergne : 16 Mb- France/région Bourgogne : 11 Mb- France/région Bretagne : 27 Mb- France/région Centre : 16 Mb- France/région Champagne-Ardenne : 7.5 Mb- France/région Corse : 1.5 Mb- France/région Franche-Comte : 8.5 Mb- France/région Ile-de-France : 1.5 Mb- France/région Languedoc-Roussillon : 17 Mb- France/région Limousin : 9 Mb- France/région Lorraine : 8 Mb- France/région Midi-Pyrénées : 23.5 Mb- France/région Nord-Pas-de-Calais : 7 Mb- France/région Basse-Normandie : 11 Mb- France/région Haute-Normandie : 6 Mb- France/région Pays-de-la-Loire : 19 Mb- France/région Picardie : 3 Mb- France/région Poitou-Charentes : 16.5 Mb- France/région Provence-Côte-d'Azur : 18 Mb- France/région Rhône-Alpes : 27 MbSoit pour la totalité de la France : 130 MbAutres pays :- Albanie : 3.5 Mb- Allemagne : 87 Mb- Andorre : 1 Mb- Autriche : 14.5 Mb- Belgique : 11.5 Mb- Bielorussie : 15 Mb- Bosnie : 5 Mb- Bulgarie : 7.5 Mb- Croatie : 8 Mb- Danemark : 9 Mb- Espagne : 52 Mb- Estonie : 5.5 Mb- Finlande : 30 Mb- Grande-Bretagne : 33 Mb- Grèce : 14.5 Mb- Hongrie : 9 Mb- Irlande : 9 Mb- Islande : 13 Mb- Italie : 54 Mb- Lettonie : 7.5 Mb- Liechtenstein : 0.5 Mb- Lituanie : 7.5 Mb- Luxembourg : 1.5 Mb- Macédoine : 2.5 Mb- Maroc : 21 Mb- Mauritanie : 5.5 Mb- Norvège : 43.5 Mb- Pays-Bas : 10 Mb- Pologne : 31.5 Mb- Portugal : 19 Mb- Roumanie : 17 Mb- Russie : 263 Mb (grosse quantité de fonds de cartes)- Serbie-Monténégro : 7 Mb- Slovaquie : 5 Mb- Slovénie : 4 Mb- Suède : 37.5 Mb- Suisse : 9 Mb- Théquie : 11.5 Mb- Tunisie : 3.5 Mb- Turquie : 31 Mb- Ukraine : 35 MbSoit un total France + pays étrangers : 892 MbEn cas de problème, merci de contacter notre équipe debénévoles: [email protected]! We just releasedanew app that will replaceit: application site http://www.campingcar-infos.comThank you for reading this description to the end,especiallywith regard to the memory space required for its use.This site is associative and lists all the areas in France andin42 other countries.The most complete database of the web in terms of serviceareascamper, updated daily by a strong team of volunteers, withthedata, comments and photos sent by motorhome themselves.Search easily all areas of services and parking formotorhomesMotorhome-referenced information, the reference site inthefield.The application allows the location of areas by map, byname,number, or around a city or a specific point.Choose your options (types of areas, search radius) andstartlooking around the center of the map to show areas withintheselected radius.Then click on the area you want to bring up thecorrespondingcard, with photos and comments motorhome driver.This version can be used free of charge with anInternetconnection (WiFi, 4G, 3G or Edge), but also offline (onasubscription on ourwebsite mode allows use without any data connection, usingdata,photos, reviews and maps preloaded on the device.This data is downloadable by country (region by region inFrance)since the application as often as you like, for the durationof thesubscription.Please note that this application requires to havesufficientmemory available to install and to operate:- The single application requires at least 100 Mb of free.Data for use "offline":- France / Alsace region: 6.5 Mb- France / Aquitaine region: 23 Mb- France / Auvergne: 16 Mb- France / Burgundy region: 11 Mb- France / Brittany: 27 Mb- France / Centre region: 16 Mb- France / Champagne-Ardenne: 7.5 Mb- France / Corsica region: 1.5 Mb- France / Franche-Comte region: 8.5 Mb- France / Ile-de-France: 1.5 Mb- France / Languedoc-Roussillon: 17 Mb- France / Limousin: 9 Mb- France / Lorraine region: 8 Mb- France / Midi-Pyrénées: 23.5 Mb- France / Nord-Pas-de-Calais: 7 Mb- France / Basse-Normandie region: 11 Mb- France / Haute-Normandie region: 6 Mb- France / Region Pays de la Loire: 19 Mb- France / Picardy region: 3 Mb- France / Poitou-Charentes region: 16.5 Mb- France / Provence-Côte d'Azur: 18 Mb- France / Rhône-Alpes region: 27 MbEither for the whole of France: 130 MbOther countries :- Albania: 3.5 Mb- Germany: 87 Mb- Andorra: 1 Mb- Austria: 14.5 Mb- Belgium: 11.5 Mb- Belarus: 15 Mb- Bosnia: 5 Mb- Bulgaria: 7.5 Mb- Croatia: 8 Mb- Denmark: 9 Mb- Spain: 52 Mb- Estonia: 5.5 Mb- Finland: 30 Mb- Great Britain: 33 Mb- Greece: 14.5 Mb- Hungary: 9 Mb- Ireland: 9 Mb- Iceland: 13 Mb- Italy: 54 Mb- Latvia: 7.5 Mb- Liechtenstein: 0.5 Mb- Lithuania: 7.5 Mb- Luxembourg: 1.5 Mb- Macedonia: 2.5 Mb- Morocco: 21 Mb- Mauritania: 5.5 Mb- Norway: 43.5 Mb- Netherlands: 10 Mb- Poland: 31.5 Mb- Portugal: 19 Mb- Romania: 17 Mb- Russia: 263 Mb (large amount of maps)- Serbia and Montenegro: 7 Mb- Slovakia: 5 Mb- Slovenia: 4 Mb- Sweden: 37.5 Mb- Switzerland: 9 Mb- Théquie: 11.5 Mb- Tunisia: 3.5 Mb- Turkey: 31 Mb- Ukraine: 35 MbTotaling France + foreign countries: 892 MbIn case of problems, thank you to contact our team ofvolunteers:[email protected]
Aires C.Car 1.97
The app to quickly find a service area for your next trip
iCampingCar 2.2.0
i-Camping Car
Cette application est la version smartphonedusite Référencement et évaluationdesaires de services. Géolocalisation. Observations des visiteursdusite.This application isthesmartphone version of the site and assessment serviceareas. Geolocation. Comments byvisitors.
CaraMaps - Motorhome campsite 4.7.4
CaraMaps, motorhome directory to find services areas,campsites,RVdealers...
Campercontact motorhome camper 7.1.18
With Campercontact, you will always find a motorhome site thatsuitsyou.
CampingCar.TV 1.5
Une aventure médiatique,innovanteetinteractive.Notre mission :Faire aimer - valoriser - le camping-car de l'intérieur.Nos objectifs :Contribuer à la croissance du secteur.Fédérer une communauté de professionnels,passionnésetutilisateurs.Le est un média mobile :Un camping-car transformé en plateau TV pour vousmettreenlumière.Valoriser l'offre touristique et servir l'économie locale.Démontrer que les camping-caristes sont curieux,respectueuxetgénéreux !Mediaadventure,innovativeand interactive.Our mission :Make love - value - the motorhome inside.Our goals :Contribute to the growth of the sector.Federate a community of professionals, enthusiasts and users.The is a mobile media:A camper turned into TV tray for you to highlight.Enhance the tourism offer and serve the local economy.Demonstrate that motorhome owners are curious,respectfulandgenerous!
Camping App Eu Pro 4.9.2
Womo Stellplatz
Yet another camping app? Yes, why not? We hope to have improvedonsearch functionality and design, and to offer a supplement tootherwell-known search campervan or camping apps. - Over 20.000sites -Fully offline-capable: search without internet connection-On-Route search (online, routes can be saved for offline use)-Search by vicinity or city / postcode or map - Search byprice,distance, location, facilities - Create favourites - Comment/review function - Upload your photos - New sites and countriesarebeing added continually - The directory is searchable usingmanyfilters, including negative criteria. You can find campingsites,touring sites and basic car parks which allow overnight staysforcampers.
Camper Leveler
eland apps
Put your motorhome or any other 4-wheel vehicle in ahorizontalposition!
AriApp - Camping/Camper Areas
A quick way to find campsites, camper areas and agricamping inItaly
Camping App Van & Camping
Camping App
The nicest campervan stopovers, wild camping spots &campsitesin one app.
CamperSpots sitios camper y AC 18.0.0
Una app para hacer tus viajes enfurgoyautocaravana, más confortables que responde a lapregunta;¿Quénecesitas? areas de descanso, areas de servicioAC,Agua,tranquilidad, zonas amigables para perros,,campings,surfear,saber la altura de los parkings etc.No es una base de datos de lugares sino una app alimentadaporunapareja entusiasmada con su autocaravana, y su perroCrash.A lo largo de nuestras aventuras con la furgo yahoraconautocaravana nos hemos encontrado con muchas dudas yvacíossinresponder... ¿Será un sitio tranquilo al quevamos?¿Seguro?¿Podremos aparcar cómodamente en el super?...Por eso, hemos lanzado CamperSpot. Esperando queencontréisenesta aplicación las respuestas a todas estaspreguntas.Nos gustaría que nos acompañes en nuestra aventura. Ymientraslohaces, aportar tu granito de arena, para hacer quenuestrosviajes yel de todos vosotros sea lo más confortableposible.Descárgate ya CamperSpots*CamperSpots no se hace responsable de ningún tipo dedenunciaporpernoctar, aparcar o cualquier otra actividad llevada acabopor losusuarios de la app. En CamperContact contamosnuestraexperienciapero siempre hay que estar atento a lasnormativasmunicipales,Señalizaciones etc.An app to makeyourtravelin camper van and more comfortable to answer thequestion;What doyou need? rest areas, service areas AC, Water,quiet, dogfriendlyareas, camping, surfing, know the height of thecar parksetc.It is not a database of places but an app powered byacoupleexcited about their motor home, and your dog Crash.Throughout our adventures with camper van and nowwehaveencountered many questions unanswered and empty ... Isaquietplace we go? Insurance? Can we park comfortably inthesuper?...So we launched CamperSpot. Hoping that you findinthisapplication the answers to all these questions.We would like you to join us on our adventure. And whileyoudo,bring your bit to make our travel and all of you ascomfortableaspossible.Download and CamperSpots* CamperSpots not responsible for any complaint overnight,parkorany other activity carried out by users of the app. Inourexperiencewe CamperContact but always have to be attentivetomunicipalregulations, etc. Señalizaciones
Camperstop-App Motorhome stops 2.7.4
Camperstop-app - with over 13,000 motorhome stopovers acrossallover Europe!
Sygic Truck & RV GPS Navigation 21.3.0
High-quality GPS navigation designed for professional drivers&their large vehicles. Trusted by 3 million drivers ofTrucks,Camions, HGVs, RVs, Caravans, Campers, Vans, Buses, Cars& manyof the world’s leading delivery fleets. Lots of smartfeatures,beautiful 3D offline maps, and easy to use interfaceprovide aproductive and enjoyable navigation experience. SygicTruck GPSNavigation is the best copilot on your routes! TRUCKSPECIFIC MAPS& ROUTING • Special routing for Truck / Camion /LGV / HGV/Delivery Van calculated for the vehicle & load. •High quality3D offline maps. Free map updates several times peryear. Maps arestored offline on your device so internet connectionis notrequired, works with GPS signal. • 3 route alternativesaredisplaying total time, distance, and elevation of the route.•Profiles for 3 different trucks. Set the parameters suchasdimensions, weight, transported material (HAZMAT), numberoftrailers, and the app will select the best route for the vehicle.•Last-mile functionality displaying restricted part of the routeina different color POIs • Millions of Truck specific PointsofInterests • Include gas stations, weigh stations, and restareas.PROFESSIONAL PLANNING & OPTIMALISATION • Advancedrouteplanning to avoid toll roads, U-turns, hazards such as lowbridges,narrow roads, or restricted areas (emission zones, schoolzones).Set preferences such as right turns or arrival with thedestinationon the right side. • Plan & optimize your Multi-Stoproute. Addup to 150 waypoints, and they will be re-arranged toachieve thebest efficiency. • Plan your route with Google Maps& easilydispatch to the app with Sygic Truck Route Sender -free extensionin Chrome and Firefox browser. DESIGNED FOR RV /CARAVAN / CAMPER /BUS • Profile configuration for RV / Caravan /Camper / Motorhome /Bus • Special routing for RV / Caravan / Camper/ Motorhome / Buscalculated for the vehicle & load. • Routesand directionsdesigned for RVs based on your vehicle size • RVspecific POIs:Campgrounds, parking stations, rest areas and moreSAFETY FEATURES• Spoken voice instructions with road indication •Dynamic LaneAssistant & Junction View • Speed Limits &Speed CamerasWarnings ADD-ONS • Live Services include Real-timeTrafficinformation + Mobile Speed Cameras Database + Fuel Prices +ParkingPlaces • Head-Up Display (HUD): Projects navigationinstructionsonto your windshield AVAILABLE MAP REGIONS • NorthAmerica • Europe(with Russia) • Australia & New Zealand •Brazil • Middle East• Africa You can test-drive Premium feature forthe first 14 daysafter installation. After 14 days, you cancontinue using the basicfeatures or upgrade to the Premium license.Also available fromSygic: Should you have any questions, We are here for you 7 days a week. If youlikeour app, please leave a review. Thank you for your support.PrivacyPolicy: Terms By installing, copying orusingall or any portion of this software you accept all the termsandconditions of this agreement:
CamperMate: Au & NZ Road Trip 4.21.09
Find and book campsites, caravan parks, activities & trailswithour map
womoclick 2.3
Einzigartiger Reisemobilstellplatzführer.AlleStellplätze werden mit einem Film vorgestellt.Diese APP ermöglicht Ihnen, Wohnmobilstellplätze undCampingplätzein Deutschland und BENELUX zu finden.Unique RV parkingguides.All pitches are presented with a film.This app allows you to find RV parks and campsites in GermanyandBenelux.
Free RV Campgrounds & Parking 5.00
Travelling or Living on your RV andwouldliketo save money on RV Park Fee? This App is yoursolution.Wegathered all the locations of free RV Campground orRVOvernightParking across the United States and show them on themap.Theseplace includes:1. Free Campground offed by National, State, County orRegionalPark,Forest Service land, BLM (Bureau of Land Management)areas,WMA's(Wildlife Management Areas and many other freepubliccampsites.These campgrounds are usually boondockinglocations andin manycases, they are the most beautiful andpeaceful sites.These placesare RVer's favorite.2. Truck Stops. Truck stops such as FLYING J, Pilot,TA,Loves,AMBest, Petro et. al. are RVer's best friend. Theyusuallyofferevery possible service a RVer could desire, free or foraveryreasonable price: dump station, gasoline, ATM,grocery,vehiclemaintenance and repair, RV wash, TV lounge and gameroometc. It isnice to find such a place when you are tired, hungryandneed somesleep.3. Casino. Many Casino offer free overnight parking.4. Chain Stores including Walmart, Sam's Club, Costco,Lowes,HomeDepot etc. There are some Walmart that ban overnightparkingwhilemost of them allows. We have carefully removed thosenotallowovernight parking.5. Other such as local restaurants,nonprofitorganizationcampground, empty land etc.This app has gathered all of these locations. Usercaneasilybrowse what is available nearby on the map orsearchbylocation.If you have some question or have some new location thatyouwouldlike to share, feel free to contact us directly in the apporemailus.Happy Camping!
Accurate Altimeter 2.2.32
AR Labs
The most downloaded Altimeter on the PlayStoreis now updated with a new interface and new features!- Altitude estimation with three different methods to be alwayssureto get a reliable measure, even without internetconnection.- Historical charts to see your excursions elevation gain.- Map with your elevation and contour lines.- Pictures with impressed place name and altitude.Altitude can be estimated:- With satellites triangulation. Slow and less accurate but itworkseven with no internet connection.- Taking the ground elevation at your current position fromaninternet web service.- Using the pressure sensor of your device (if available).Itcalibrates itself on pressure from the nearest weather stationtoimprove accuracy.As additional PRO features you can also:- compensate systematic error of pressure sensor- record altitude without opening the App- remove advertising
promobil pitch radar 4.11
Over 12,000 pitches all over europe for your motorhome
Areaspain 2.0.4
Información sobre áreas deautocaravanas,sitios de pernocta y lugares de aparcamiento paraautocaravanas. Lainformación está obtenida de distintos foros deinternet, páginasweb y anotaciones del desarrollador. Entre,, camping-car infos y tenéis alguna duda, podeis poneros en [email protected] viatweeter @autobytesDisponibles los videotutoriales en mi canal de youtube: on RVareas,sites and places overnight RV parking. The information isobtainedfrom various internet forums, web developer andannotations. Othersources:,, camping-carinfos you have any questions, you can get in touch by [email protected] or via tweeter@autobytesAvailable video tutorials on my youtube channel:
Camperlife, camperstops, 4.25
Life Edizioni
Camperlife ( presents the new anduniqueCamperlifeApp
RV Parky 75
Completely FREE with NO ADS or In-app purchases. Built byafulltimer to help RVers on the road. Don't be fooled bycopy-catsthatcharge you to unlock the app, this is the mostcompletecollectionof RV parks, camp grounds, rest areas, gasstations, andstores.Get information, view pictures, get directionsto where youareheaded to next. - Includes RV Parks categorizedby:CommerciallyOwned, Public Parks, Military Camp, 55+,KOA,Jellystone, Casino -RV friendly stores like CampingWorld,Cabela's, Cracker Barrel,and Walmart - Rest Areas andWelcomeCenters - Fuel Stops includingFlying J's, Pilot, and TATravelCenters - Low bridge warnings ForNorth America (USA,Canada,Mexico)