Top 23 Apps Similar to Birds PRO

Sibley Birds of North America
NB: Please backup your list beforeinstallingv1.6.0! Your list should upgrade automatically but therehave beeninstances on certain devices where a list upgrade hasfailed and islost.On Sale Now !!!The most popular printed field guide to North American birds isnowavailable in its entirety on the Android!NB: Please note that an additional download of 360MB isrequiredonce this app has been installed. Please ensure you use aWiFiconnection to prevent additional data costs.The Sibley Guide to Birds has become the most popular andfastestselling printed guide to birds as well as the mostcomprehensiveand authoritative guide to North American Birds:● Over 6600 images.● Every species is shown perched and in flight from aboveandbelow.● Shows every major seasonal, age, and sexual variation.● Detailed coverage of subspecies and regional variations.● Detailed maps showing not just winter and summer range butalsomigration and rare occurrence.● Detailed descriptions of songs and calls, comparingsimilarspecies measurements of length, wingspan, and weight foreveryspecies.Now all of that information is available in aneasy-to-navigateportable format on any Android device.Includes the following functionality:● Swipe to move to the next or previous species.● One-tap enlargement of images with extendedzoomfunctionality.● Over 2300 carefully-selected and edited sound recordings.Nearlyall species are represented with multiple examples showingtherange of vocalizations.● The ability to compare any two images, maps, or sounds, sidebyside on the screen.● The ability to filter by state/province, so that you see onlythespecies likely to occur in your location, and to further reducethepossibilities to the most common birds in that area.● The ability to search by distinguishing features such assize,prominent colors, habits, and group.● *A basic personal species list that stores your sightings savedtothe device (ability to upload list coming soon)* Uninstalling/reinstalling the program will result in the lossofyour list, it is recommended that you keep your own backup(masterlist) separate from the application (applicationprovidesbackup/restore functionality in "My List" page)We go out of our way to resolve customer issues, please feel freetocontact us by email at [email protected] invite all users to share their comments and ideas on ourforumat
Vogelstimmen Id - Ruf + Gesang v10
The only app on the market, the birdsong automatically detect!
NABU Vogelführer 1.9.6
Mit dem NABU-Vogelführer ist dasVogelbestimmenjetzt überall einfach! [Bitte Hinweise zumautomatischen Update amEnde der Beschreibung beachten]Der Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V. (NABU) stelltdieApplikation kostenlos zur Verfügung und dankt dem Kosmos-Verlagfürdie Bereitstellung von Texten und Bildern.Wie oft passiert es, dass man in der Natur unterwegs istundwieder eine Vogelart entdeckt, über die man mehr wissenmöchte.Doch im Rucksack ist neben Proviant und einer RegenjackekeinVogelführer zu finden. Dieser steht noch zu Hause im Regal.Jetzt gibt es eine neue Möglichkeit, Vögel direkt auf demAusflugauch ohne Buch zu bestimmen und gleichzeitigumfassendeInformationen über den Vogel zu erhalten. Für BesitzereinesAndroid Telefons gibt es den Online-Vogelführer vom NABU nunauchals mobile Anwendung.So einfach geht es: Sie geben die Merkmale des gesuchtenVogelsein und schon werden verschiedene Vorschläge gemacht. JemehrMerkmale wie Lebensraum, Schnabel, Beine, Größe oderGefiederangegeben werden, desto kürzer wird die Ergebnisliste derin Fragekommenden Vögel.Der NABU-Vogelführer führt sämtliche in DeutschlandheimischenVogelarten auf. Auf den mehr als 200 Steckbriefen sindweitereInformationen auf den Internetseiten des NABU verlinkt.Nach der Installation der Anwendung können SieautomatischeUpdates für diese Anwendung auf der Marketplace-Seiteerlauben.Damit geben Sie uns die Möglichkeit neue FeaturesundFehlerkorrekturen zeitnah zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir würdenunsfreuen wenn Sie diese Option nutzen.With the NABU BirdGuideBird determining is now everywhere! [Please hints to theautomaticupdate at the end of the description note]The Naturschutzbund Germany e.V. (NABU), the application forfreeand thanks the Kosmos-Verlag for the provision of textsandimages.How often it happens that you are traveling in natureandrediscovered a species about which one would like to know more.Butthe backpack is next to food and a rain jacket to find nobirdguide. This is still at home on the shelf.Now there is a new way to determine birds directly ontheexcursion without book and at the same time to obtaincomprehensiveinformation about the bird. For owners of an Androidphone thereare the online bird guide from NABU now as amobileapplication.It's so easy: Enter the features of this bird, andalreadyvarious proposals are made. are given, the more featuressuch ashabitat, beak, legs, size or plumage, the shorter theresultinglist of eligible birds.The NABU bird book lists all resident in Germany birds. Inthemore than 200 wanted posters further information on the websitesofNABU are linked.After installing the application, you can enableautomaticupdates for this application on the Marketplace page. Inorder toenable us to new features and bug fixes to make timelymanner. Wewould be pleased if you use this option.
Roberts Multimedia Birds of SA 4.1
Gibbon Multimedia
This app has been superceded. Please search for "RobertsBirdGuide2". The ROBERTS VII MULTIMEDIA BIRDS OF SOUTHERNAFRICAAndroidEdition is a comprehensive and interactiveapplicationthatcombines multimedia data on 968 Southern Africanbird specieswithseven interactive modules for every aspect ofmobile birding*.Theapp can be used as a FIELD GUIDE (like thebook), or as aBIRDLIST, with essential functions 'open bird page',play birdsound','add to list' and 'view similar birds' availabledirectly ineachmodule. The FIELD GUIDE displays the full fieldguide pages oftheRoberts Bird Guide book for instant comparisonandidentification.Use the family list or browse the pages for abird,play the sound,add to your list, and open the BIRD PAGE forfurtherdetail. TheBIRD GUIDE includes a full bird list and 968individualBIRD PAGESwith illustrations, distribution maps, photos,birdsounds, RobertsField Guide text and the full Roberts VII text.TheBIRD LISTincludes includes all the new species and new names,withfunctionsfor Bird Page, Play Sound, Add to List, Similar BirdsandFieldGuide Page. You can also select regional lists,andEnglish,Afrikaans, German, French, Portuguese, Dutch andScientificnames.IDENTIFICATION uses your location, habitat, birdshapes andplumageto shortlist possible species for identification.You canalsoidentify bird sounds, nests and eggs. SIMILAR BIRDSloads alist ofbirds similar to that selected for comparisonandidentification.COMPARE BIRDS displays the bird pages side bysidefor directcomparison. MY LOCATION is an interactive map forfindingyourcurrent location, generating bird lists for yourlocation,andlocating birding sites near you. Or drop a pin for anewlocationwith GPS co-ords, pentad and bird list. Or open abirdingsite listand site description. MY LISTS is a personal listmanagerthatincludes a life list and sub-lists that report to yourlifelist.You can also sync your lists to iCloud, and export liststoiTunesfor backup. Sighting details include place, date, GPSco-ordsandpentad, and sighting notes. BIRDING SITES includesdetails of280birding sites around Southern Africa, withtextdescription,photos, bird list, and weather forecast. TheMULTIMEDIADATAincludes • 180 field-guide pages • 968 individualbird pages •allthe new bird species and names • 1400 illustrations• 5800photosincluding 500 nest and 700 egg photos • 920 birdsounds•colour-coded distribution maps with seasonal status barandendemicand red data species indicated • new rare bird maps. #Thisapp canbe used in the bush and remote locations. It doesnotrequire awifi, phone or internet connection to operate.$DIFFICULTYPURCHASING? If you have difficulty purchasing withyourcreditcard, you can purchase Play Store gift cards frommajorstores.
Vögel bestimmen 1
With the GU-app you can determine local bird species now easy!
UK Birds - Birdwatching App 12
Thom Shutt
Information and photos for over 600 birds of the UK andGreatBritain.
iKnow Birds 2 PRO - Europe
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to BIRDS OFEUROPE,all in the palm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelpof a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts,figures, and images. Read fascinating information and learnfactsabout birds; browse professional images; listen tospectacular callsand songs. Find inspiration and experience naturein a whole newway.CONTENT* 300 bird species - 2000 images - 550 calls and songs* Extensive description of the species* Bird names in 30 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameBIRD IDENTIFICATION BY* APPEARANCE- Size, feathering, beak type, etc.* RANGE AND HABITAT- Cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc.* ORDER- Owls, herons, eagles, etc.* MIGRATION- Sedentary, short, medium, longQUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Guess species from calls and songsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at [email protected] OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Audubon Bird Guide 6.6.7
Identify over 800 bird species
iBird Pro Birds North America
Identify any bird of North America with iBird Pro’s birdsearchengine
Bird Guide: Aves Europe 2023.1.0
Learn all about the birds of Europe! Identify species, playbirdsongs and more.
Birds of Europe 1.0
This e-guide to the birds of Great BritainandEurope is part of a series of mobile systems foridentifyingspecies in nature. They were developed as part of theECKeyToNature project aiming to provide easy access to floraandfauna information.This app contains:- Information on 448 species of birds (distribution,habitat,food, etc.)- 1360 photographs- The sounds of 435 species- An interactive key for identifying species- An alphabetical list of species with a search functionThis application is an adapted mobile version of theCD-ROM‘Birds of Europe’, published by ETI, Netherlands(ISBN90-75000-98-7). In addition to this e-fauna, othere-guidescovering plants, butterflies, fish, reptiles and amphibiansareavailable or in preparation. For a list of available titles,see: Tekla Boersma and Huub Veldhuijzen van Zanten,PaulKlinkenberg (opening screen).Programming: Dennis Seijts, Stefano Martellos and EdwinvanSpronsen.Initiative: ETI BioInformatics.Identification key: R. Sluys, G. Gijswijt and Huub VeldhuijzenvanZanten.Drawings: F.J. Maas, Joh. Reydon and P. van der Wolf.Bird calls: C. Hazevoet and L. Svensson.Photography: we would like to express our gratitude to thefollowingphotographers for their willing co-operation : JankeesSchwiebbe(, Han Bouwmeester(, PieterDol (, RichardDiepstraten(, Toy Jansen(,Robert Royse (, Janvan der Voort, MarcGottenbos (, StichtingSaxifraga (Luc Hoogenstein,Piet Munsterman, Jan C. van derStraaten and Mark Zekhuis), RuudAltenburg and Edwin vanSpronsen.ETI BioInformatics was founded in 1990 by the Dutchgovernmentand UNESCO to facilitate easy access to information ontaxonomy andbiodiversity. See
Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab 3.0
What's that bird? Merlin Bird ID helpsyousolve the mystery in 5 questions, or with a photo of abird.First, Merlin asks you a few simple questions. Then, almostlikemagic, it reveals the list of birds that best matchyourdescription. Pick your bird, then delve into more photos,sounds,and ID tips about your bird!If you have a photo, Merlin Photo ID is here to help. Take aphoto,or choose one from your photo gallery, and Merlin will offera listof birds that best match your photo.Merlin is fun and easy to use—whether you’re curious about abirdyou’ve seen once or you’re hoping to identify every bird thatcomesto your feeder. The answers are waiting for you with this freeappfrom the renowned Cornell Lab of Ornithology.Features• Merlin Photo ID can identify your bird photo. Select yourphoto,tell Merlin where and when you took it, and you'll see ashort listof suggested identifications.• Download bird packs containing the species of yourregion,reducing the app size.• Created for beginning and intermediate bird watchers,Merlinidentifies the 1,100 most common bird species of thecontinentalUnited States, Canada, Mexico, Belize andGuatemala.• Explore birds by location and date with a list ofspeciesseen in the area.• Intelligent results. No more scanning through hundredsofpossibilities! Merlin shows the birds near you that fityourdescription.• Customized location and date tools generate best answers foryourneighborhood and time of year.• Powered by eBird to deliver the most accurate results basedonmillions of sightings from bird watchers acrossNorthAmerica.• Enjoy more than 7,000 photos of birds, including males,females,and juveniles.• Learn ID tips from Cornell Lab of Ornithology experts.• Listen to the beautiful bird songs and calls from theMacaulayLibrary at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.• It’s all free! The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s goal is tohelpyou and millions of others to learn about birds.​Merlin Bird ID currently includes Bird Pack downloads for theUnitedStates including: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, RockyMountains,Southwest, Texas and Oklahoma, Alaska, and West Coast.Canada iscovered by Eastern Canada and Western Canada packs.Mexico packsinclude Yucatan Peninsula, and another for Oaxaca andChiapas.Central America Bird Packs include Guatemala andBelize.About Photo IDPowered by Visipedia, Merlin Photo ID uses computervisiontechnology to identify birds in photos. Merlin learns torecognizebird species based on training sets of hundreds ofthousands ofphotos from birders at When using photo ID,enter thedate and location where you took the photo; those cluesimproveMerlin’s accuracy by helping it focus on the species youmostlikely encountered there.
Irish Birds 1.1
A Mobile App for Ireland's Birdwatchers Irish Birdshasinformationon 212 regularly occurring species of bird inIreland.Ideal forbirdwatching, with detailed information presentedabouteach birdincluding identification, breeding, diet,conservationstatus &wintering habits. You can record your birdsightings bybuilding upyour list, or you can create a wish-list offuture birdsightings.The app will record your location when youmake asighting, anddisplay markers on a map for each one and if youlike,you canshare your sighting through Twitter, Facebook ortextmessage.Irish Birds is a companion reference guide forthebirdwatchers ofIreland, whether you're a novice or anexperiencedbird enthusiast.Pictures from Wikipedia. Data fromBirdwatchIreland (noaffiliation).
Bird Sounds 1.4
Now play your favorite bird songs and calls from xeno-canto inthefield!
Vogelstimmen-Trainer 2.0.1 2.0.2
Insgesamt 175 Vogelarten undüber1.000Lautäußerungen! Die umfangreichste App zuVogelbestimmungimdeutschsprachigen Store.*** Allgemein ***Mit dem Vogelstimmen-Trainer lassen sich die Gesänge,Rufeundanderen Lautäußerungen heimischer Vögel wesentlichschnellerundeinfacher bestimmen als je zuvor. Wo auch immerinDeutschland,Österreich oder der Schweiz Sie einen freilebendenVogel hören:mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von über 90Prozent findenSie ihn aufdem Vogelstimmen-Trainer innerhalb wenigerMinuten.DieSchnellbestimmung ist in sechs verschiedeneLebensräumegegliedert,die zusammen ganz Deutschland und Österreichsowie diegesamteSchweiz abdecken. Es handelt sich um:- Häuser, Gärten, Grünanlagen- Feld und Flur- Wald- Gebirge- Binnengewässer- Meer*** Schnellbestimmung ***Die Vogelarten sind, im Ganzen gesehen,nachabnehmenderWahrscheinlichkeit angeordnet, mit der man sieimjeweiligenLebensraum hört: Die akustisch häufigstenVögelstehengrundsätzlich vorn, die akustisch seltenstenhinten.Vogelarten,die in mehreren Lebensräumen mit einergewissenHäufigkeitauftreten, sind in jedem dieser Lebensräumeenthalten.Damitunterscheidet sich der Vogelstimmen-Trainer vonanderenAnwendungenund Bestimmungsbüchern: Erstmals verbindet sichdasanschaulicheund praktische Gliedern nach LebensräumenmitwirklicherVollständigkeit - denn jeder Lebensraum ist insichabgerundet undenthält alle wichtigen Vogelarten!Um eine sinnvolle Anordnung zu finden, wurden tausendeDatenzurSiedlungsdichte von Vögeln statistisch verwertet.Alternativ kann die Vogelübersicht nach Alphabet odernachGattungengruppiert werden. Der Quermodus stellt eineweitereAnsichtsoptionzum bequemen Blättern dar.Neben den Lautäußerungen sind viele weiterführendeInformationeninder Beschreibung hinterlegt. Zusätzlich wird zujedem VogeleineÜbersicht der Lebensräume inkl. Rang angezeigt, indenendieserVogel vorkommt.*** Trainer / Quiz ***Der Vogelstimmen-Trainer unterstützt Sie nicht nur beimBestimmenderVogelarten sondern ist auch Ihr persönlicher Trainer.LernenSiespielerisch die heimischen Vogelarten kennen. Der TrainermerktIhreindividuellen Ergebnisse und passt die Auswahl der Vögelindem Quizentsprechend an. Vögel die Sie richtig erkannthaben,werden wenigeroft abgefragt, als die falsch erratenen Arten.Sowird das Quiz nichtlangweilig und unterstützt Sie effektivbeimLernen neuerArten.Messen Sie sich mit Ihren Familienangehörigen, FreundenundKollegen!Die Auswertungskomponente zeigt, wer die meistenArtenrichtigerkannt hat und liefert eine detaillierte Statistikzujedem Spieler.Der Mehrspielermodus ist nur einederindividuellenEinstellungsmöglichkeiten, um das Quiz anIhreBedürfnisseanzupassen. Sie können bestimmen, ob das Bildangezeigtwerden sollund wie viele Vorschläge Sie wünschen. Durchdie WahleinerSchwierigkeitsstufe können Sie dieLernkurveselbstbeeinflussen.A total of 175birdspeciesand more than 1,000 vocalizations! The mostcomprehensiveapp foridentifying birds in the German Store.General *** ***With the birds singing coach to the songs, callsandothervocalizations of domestic birds can be determined muchfasterandeasier than ever before. Wherever in Germany,AustriaorSwitzerland, you hear a wild bird: with a probability ofabout90percent, it is located on the birdsong coach withinminutes.Therapid determination is divided into six differenthabitats,whichtogether cover the whole of Germany, Austria andSwitzerlandas awhole. They are the following:- Houses, gardens, parks- Fields and meadows- Forest- Mountains- Inland Waterways- SeaRapid determination *** ***The birds are, on the whole, arranged in orderofdecreasinglikelihood that you can hear them in the habitat:Theacousticallymost common birds are basically the front, therearacousticrarest. Bird species that occur in several habitatsatcertainintervals are included in each of thesehabitats.Thisdistinguishes the bird call Coach of otherapplications andfieldguides: For the first time, the ideologicaland practicallinksconnects to habitats with real integrity -because eachhabitat isrounded in itself and contains all thebirds!To find a sensible arrangement, thousands of dataforpopulationdensity of birds were recovered statistically.Alternatively, the bird list are grouped alphabeticallyorbycategory. The transverse mode is another viewoptionforconveniently leaves representIn addition to the many vocalizations further informationarestoredin the description. In addition to an overview ofeachbirdhabitats, including rank is indicated where thisbirdoccurs.Coach *** / *** QuizThe birdsong coach you not only in determining the speciesofbirdsbut also your personal trainer. Learn fun way thenativebirds. Thecoach remembers your individual results andadjustsaccordingly tothe selection of birds in the quiz. Birds thatyouhave correctlyidentified that are being read less often thanthewrong speciesguessed. Thus, the quiz is not boring and helpsyoueffectively forlearning new ways.Compete! With your family members, friends andcolleaguesTheevaluation component shows, who has known most ofthespeciescorrectly and provides detailed statistics for eachplayer.Themultiplayer is just one of the individual settingoptionstocustomize the quiz to suit your needs. You candeterminewhetherthe image should be displayed and how manysuggestions youwant. Bychoosing a difficulty level you caninfluence the learningcurveitself.
Morcombe's Birds of Australia 1.7.1
The foremost field guide to Australian birds is now available ontheAndroid.
Gartenvögel 1.0
Amsel, Drossel, Fink und Star-Unserebeliebtesten 36 Gartenvögel sehen und hörenin"schnabelsynchronen"Kurzfilmen.In kurzen Filmen werden die 36 beliebtestenheimischenGartenvögelgezeigt. Berühre einfach die Vogelbilderunderlebe„schnabelsynchron“ das Schmettern und RufenunserergefiedertenFreunde. Außerdem mit Infotexten zu allenVogelarten:Wie vieleEier legen sie? Wie groß werden sie? Wie sehendieJungvögel aus?Usw. Eigene Sichtungen können in einer Listeangelegtwerden.Enthaltene heimische Vogelarten:- Amsel- Bachstelze- Blaumeise- Bluthänfling- Buchfink- Buntspecht- Eichelhäher- Elster- Erlenzeisig- Feldsperling- Fitis- Gartengrasmücke- Gartenrotschwanz- Gimpel- Girlitz- Grauschnäpper- Grünspecht- Hausrotschwanz- Haussperling- Heckenbraunelle- Klappergrasmücke- Kleiber- Kohlmeise- Mauersegler- Mehlschwalbe- Mönchsgrasmücke- Rauchschwalbe- Ringeltaube- Rotkehlchen- Singdrossel- Star- Stieglitz- Trauerschnäpper- Zaunkönig- ZilpzalpUm den Download auch mobil zu ermöglichen sind in der Appnurdieersten sechs Videos bereits vorinstalliert. WeitereArtenkönnen Siejederzeit unterwegs oder via WLAN herunterladen.*****Fragen, Verbesserungsvorschläge und Feature-Wünsche?Wir freuen uns auf Anregungen!Mail an: [email protected]*****Blackbird,thrush,finchand starling - see our most popular 36 garden birds andhearin"beak synchronous" short films.In short films, the 36 most popular home garden birdsareshown.simply touch the bird images and experience"beaksynchronous" andthe blare Call our feathered friends.Moreover,with informationtexts to all bird species: How many eggsthey lay?How big theyare? What are the young birds? Etc. Mysightings can becreated ina list.Included domestic species:- Blackbird- wagtail- Blue Tit- Linnet- Chaffinch- Great Spotted Woodpecker- Jay- Elster- Siskins- Tree Sparrow- Willow Warbler- Garden Warbler- redstart- bullfinch- European Serin- Spotted Flycatcher- Green Woodpecker- Black Redstart- House Sparrow- Dunnock- Klappergrasmücke- Kleiber- Great Tit- Swifts- Martin- Blackcap- Barn Swallow- Wood pigeon- robins- Song Thrush- Star- Stieglitz- Flycatcher- Wren- ZilpzalpTo download to enable mobile connections are preinstalledintheapp, only the first six videos. Other types you can alwaysgoordownload via WLAN.*****Questions, suggestions and feature requests?We look forward to suggestions!Mail: [email protected]*****
Bird Id - British Birds v10
BirdId is a stunning guide to identifying bird species oftheBritish Isles.
Trees PRO
The version 2.0 of the app is availablefordownload. Please search for iKnow Trees 2 PRO.How often does it happen that you're out in the wild andyoudiscover trees that you would like to identify? Or you findtheirleaves, flowers, or fruits that you would like to eat or learnmoreabout?NATURE MOBILE introduces - Trees PRO - an ideal guide to themostcommon North American and European trees on your SmartphoneandTablet. With the built-in quiz you will also learn quicklytodistinguish between different species.Finally, you have the option to identify different treespecieswithout the help of a heavy book. You get a comprehensivelibraryfull of facts, figures and images, but all in the palm ofyourhand. Learn where you can find certain species, how theirleaves,flowers, and fruits look like and taste, and how you cookthem.Find inspiration and experience nature in a whole new way.It's that easy. Enter a number of features of thedesiredspecies, and you will get different proposals. The morefeaturesyou enter, such as the size, growth habit, leave and fruittype,the shorter the resulting list of eligible species willbe.SEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- size, leaf, flower, color, growth, etc.* FRUIT TYPE- berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* HABITAT- North America, Europe, Asia, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE - QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish the different species* Become an expertBecome a Fan on Facebook:, followuson Twitter for updates on Nature Mobile:@NatureMobile ( or visitourwebsite HINTS* more than 200 trees species included* Select favorite species* No Internet access required* Change the language in the settings -> Available in EnglishandGermanSUBMIT YOUR PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures available to all in the app?Please visit website to submit pictures.Everyserious, curious, and hilarious picture submission ishighlyappreciated! Pictures of the highest quality may beconsidered forfuture updates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way in anattractive waythat is easy to understand. If you are an author orphotographer,or if you have fascinating ideas or content to offer,pleasecontact us at [email protected] work together to find a win-win solution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and expertsinnatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr.DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE AND ALPHABLIND* Birds PRO* Dogs PRO* Cats PRO* Horses PRO* Exotic Fruits PRO* Wild Berries & Herbs PRO
Horses PRO
The version 2.0 of the app is availablefordownload. Please search for iKnow Horses 2 PRO.Do you know horses?Horses PRO by NATURE MOBILE is an elegant and easy-to-useBREEDGUIDE and IDENTIFICATION APP with a built-in QUIZ GAME.Readfascinating information and learn facts about the world'smostpopular 180 horse and pony breeds; browse more than1500professional pictures of stallions, mares, and foals byworldfamous equestrian photographers; find your favorite horse!...orfind the largest, friendliest, most agile, or any other horsethatyou like! With Horses PRO by NATURE MOBILE youdefinitelywill!SEARCH AND IDENTIFY HORSES BY* Appearance- size, body type, hair, color, etc.* Temperament- intelligence, courage, agility, etc.* Usage- dressage, jumping, polo, hunting, etc.* Gait- pace, walk, trot, tölt, etc.* Category- warmblood, coldblood, half-bred, etc.* Country of Origin- Canada, Germany, UK, USA, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE - QUIZ GAME* Guess breeds from pictures* Learn to distinguish the different breeds* Become an expertBecome a Fan on Facebook:,follow us on Twitter forupdates on NatureMobile:@NatureMobile( or visit ourwebsite* 180 world's most popular breeds incl.- horses, ponies, mules, donkeys, and zebras* 1500 pictures by world famous equestrian- photographers* Facts and infos on all breeds by- German horse expertsSPECIAL FEATURES* Change language in settings* Select favorite breeds* No Internet access requiredSUBMIT YOUR HORSE PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures to be a in the app?Please visit website to submit pictures.Everyserious, curious, and hilarious picture is highlyappreciated!High-quality pictures may be considered for futureupdates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractive way. Ifyou arean author or photographer, if you have fascinating ideasorcontent, please contact us at [email protected]. Wewillwork together to find a win-win solution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and experts inthenatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr.DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Bird Identification 1.3
Ryan Haines
Use this guide to identify birds in the Northeastern UnitedStatesand adjacent Canada.
Australian Birds Guide
Gaia Guide
A field guide to Australian Birds based on the GaiaGuidewebsite( that can be used withoutanInternetconnection. The app. supports rapid identificationbaseduponlocation, type, colour and size. Note that whilethisapp.continues to support capture of your ownobservationsincludingphotos and audio recordings, we stronglyencourage you touseiNaturalist for your own records. The strengthof theiNaturalistcommunity and the breadth of its observationdatabaseare bothfantastic. Future versions of this app willstoreobservationscaptured within the app. on iNaturalist. If youhavelegacyobservations of your own on the Gaia Guide system thatyouwouldlike to migrate to iNaturalist, please get in contactwithusdirectly.
Vogelstimmen-Trainer Lite 1.2
In der Lite Version finden Sie 8Vogelartenmit42 Lautäßerungen sowie zahlreichen Bildern!Wenn Sie mehr Vogelarten wünschen, kaufen Sie bittediekompleteVersion des Vogelstimmen-Trainers mit insgesamt175Vogelarten undüber 1.000 Lautäußerungen!*** Allgemein ***Mit dem Vogelstimmen-Trainer lassen sich die Gesänge,Rufeundanderen Lautäußerungen heimischer Vögel wesentlichschnellerundeinfacher bestimmen als je zuvor. Wo auch immerinDeutschland,Österreich oder der Schweiz Sie einen freilebendenVogel hören:mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von über 90Prozent findenSie ihn aufdem Vogelstimmen-Trainer innerhalb wenigerMinuten.DieSchnellbestimmung ist in sechs verschiedeneLebensräumegegliedert,die zusammen ganz Deutschland und Österreichsowie diegesamteSchweiz abdecken. Es handelt sich um:- Häuser, Gärten, Grünanlagen- Feld und Flur- Wald- Gebirge- Binnengewässer- Meer*** Schnellbestimmung ***Die Vogelarten sind, im Ganzen gesehen,nachabnehmenderWahrscheinlichkeit angeordnet, mit der man sieimjeweiligenLebensraum hört: Die akustisch häufigstenVögelstehengrundsätzlich vorn, die akustisch seltenstenhinten.Vogelarten,die in mehreren Lebensräumen mit einergewissenHäufigkeitauftreten, sind in jedem dieser Lebensräumeenthalten.Damitunterscheidet sich der Vogelstimmen-Trainer vonanderenAnwendungenund Bestimmungsbüchern: Erstmals verbindet sichdasanschaulicheund praktische Gliedern nach LebensräumenmitwirklicherVollständigkeit - denn jeder Lebensraum ist insichabgerundet undenthält alle wichtigen Vogelarten!Um eine sinnvolle Anordnung zu finden, wurden tausendeDatenzurSiedlungsdichte von Vögeln statistisch verwertet.Alternativ kann die Vogelübersicht nach Alphabet odernachGattungengruppiert werden. Der Quermodus stellt eineweitereAnsichtsoptionzum bequemen Blättern dar.Neben den Lautäußerungen sind viele weiterführendeInformationeninder Beschreibung hinterlegt. Zusätzlich wird zujedem VogeleineÜbersicht der Lebensräume inkl. Rang angezeigt, indenendieserVogel vorkommt.*** Trainer / Quiz ***Der Vogelstimmen-Trainer unterstützt Sie nicht nur beimBestimmenderVogelarten sondern ist auch Ihr persönlicher Trainer.LernenSiespielerisch die heimischen Vogelarten kennen. Der TrainermerktIhreindividuellen Ergebnisse und passt die Auswahl der Vögelindem Quizentsprechend an. Vögel die Sie richtig erkannthaben,werden wenigeroft abgefragt, als die falsch erratenen Arten.Sowird das Quiz nichtlangweilig und unterstützt Sie effektivbeimLernen neuerArten.Messen Sie sich mit Ihren Familienangehörigen, FreundenundKollegen!Die Auswertungskomponente zeigt, wer die meistenArtenrichtigerkannt hat und liefert eine detaillierte Statistikzujedem Spieler.Der Mehrspielermodus ist nur einederindividuellenEinstellungsmöglichkeiten, um das Quiz anIhreBedürfnisseanzupassen. Sie können bestimmen, ob das Bildangezeigtwerden sollund wie viele Vorschläge Sie wünschen. Durchdie WahleinerSchwierigkeitsstufe können Sie dieLernkurveselbstbeeinflussen.In the Liteversionthereare 8 species of birds with 42 Lautäßerungenandnumerouspictures!If you want more birds, please download the entire versionofthebird call coach with a total of 175 bird species andmorethan1,000 vocalizations!General *** ***With the birds singing coach to the songs, callsandothervocalizations of domestic birds can be determined muchfasterandeasier than ever before. Wherever in Germany,AustriaorSwitzerland, you hear a wild bird: with a probability ofabout90percent, it is located on the birdsong coach withinminutes.Therapid determination is divided into six differenthabitats,whichtogether cover the whole of Germany, Austria andSwitzerlandas awhole. They are the following:- Houses, gardens, parks- Fields and meadows- Forest- Mountains- Inland Waterways- SeaRapid determination *** ***The birds are, on the whole, arranged in orderofdecreasinglikelihood that you can hear them in the habitat:Theacousticallymost common birds are basically the front, therearacousticrarest. Bird species that occur in several habitatsatcertainintervals are included in each of thesehabitats.Thisdistinguishes the bird call Coach of otherapplications andfieldguides: For the first time, the ideologicaland practicallinksconnects to habitats with real integrity -because eachhabitat isrounded in itself and contains all thebirds!To find a sensible arrangement, thousands of dataforpopulationdensity of birds were recovered statistically.Alternatively, the bird list are grouped alphabeticallyorbycategory. The transverse mode is another viewoptionforconveniently leaves representIn addition to the many vocalizations further informationarestoredin the description. In addition to an overview ofeachbirdhabitats, including rank is indicated where thisbirdoccurs.Coach *** / *** QuizThe birdsong coach you not only in determining the speciesofbirdsbut also your personal trainer. Learn fun way thenativebirds. Thecoach remembers your individual results andadjustsaccordingly tothe selection of birds in the quiz. Birds thatyouhave correctlyidentified that are being read less often thanthewrong speciesguessed. Thus, the quiz is not boring and helpsyoueffectively forlearning new ways.Compete! With your family members, friends andcolleaguesTheevaluation component shows, who has known most ofthespeciescorrectly and provides detailed statistics for eachplayer.Themultiplayer is just one of the individual settingoptionstocustomize the quiz to suit your needs. You candeterminewhetherthe image should be displayed and how manysuggestions youwant. Bychoosing a difficulty level you caninfluence the learningcurveitself.