Top 12 Apps Similar to Quadratic equations solver

Quadratic Equation Solver 1.2
I'm Katrechko
Solving quadratic equations and displaying detailedsolutionalgorithm
Решение квадратных уравнений 4
Roman Petelin
Решает полные инеполныеквадратныеуравнения.Рассчитывает действительные и комплексные корни.Можно вводить отрицательные и дробные коэффициенты.Сохраняет последнее решение при сворачиванииизакрытииприложения.По умолчанию устанавливается на карту памяти.Decides tocompleteandincomplete quadratic equations.Calculates the real and complex roots.You can enter negative and fractional odds.Saves the latest decision on the folding andclosingtheapplication.The default setting on the memory card.
Fraction Calculator 1.3.1
I'm Katrechko
FractionsCalc+ is a programthatenablestooperate with fractions and view detailed processoftheirsolving.Also it is able to cancel factors and hasadditionaloutputresultin decimal representation. The program isveryeffective andeasyto use.General features:★ Display of solution algorithm available★ Comfortable and fast way to input fractions★ Ability to enter decimals★ 4 operations with fractions:addition,substraction,multiplication,division★ Additional output result in decimal representation★ Various themes available★ Pleasant and comfortable interfaceLanguages: English, Russian
MyScript Calculator
With MyScript© Calculator, performmathematicaloperations naturally using your handwriting.Specially designed for Android devices.Easy, simple and intuitive, just write the mathematicalexpressionon the screen then let MyScript technology perform itsmagicconverting symbols and numbers to digital text and deliveringtheresult in real time.The same experience as writing on paper with the advantages ofadigital device (Scratch-outs, results in real time, …).Solve mathematical equations by hand without actually havingtocrunch the numbers yourselfBENEFITS AND FEATURES- Works on your smartphone (Use your finger or a capacitivestyluswith your android phone (Samsung Galaxy phones, HTC,Motorola, SonyXperia, LG Optimus and others)- Works on your tablet (Take advantage of the S-Pen with yourGalaxyNote, or use any capacitive pen with your Galaxy Tab familyoftablets, HTC flyer, Lenovo Thinkpad, Asus transformerandothers)- Use your handwriting to write any arithmetic formula- Write and calculate mathematical expressions in an intuitiveandnatural way with no keyboard- Scratch-out gestures to easily delete symbols and numbers- Portrait and landscape operation- Redo and undo functions.SUPPORTED OPERATORSBasic operations: +, -, x, ÷, +/‒, 1/xMisc. Operations: %, √, x!, |x|Powers/Exponentials: ℯx, xy , x2Brackets: ( )Trigonometry: cos, sin, tanInverse trigonometry: acos, asin, atanLogarithms: ln , logConstants: π, ℯ, Phi.***Support website:***Note about permissions:We are asking permission to access Internet connection; this istoprovide users the possibility to watch the video tutorial.Future releases:We are taking note of all your remarks and comments, many of youareasking us for equations, you can visit our web demo page, awebequation demo will show to you what we are planning to add inthefuture, visit:Equation web demo: recognition web demos:
Fraction Calculator Plus Free 5.3.2
I'm Fraction Calculator Plus and I'm thebestand easiest way to deal with everyday fraction problems.Whetheryou're checking homework, preparing recipes, or working oncraft oreven construction projects, I can help:- Wish you could find the time to check your kids' mathhomework?Now checking fraction math takes just seconds.- Need to adjust recipe quantities for a larger guest list? Letmeadjust your cup and teaspoon quantities.- Working on a craft or home project in inches?Stopdouble-or-triple calculating on paper - let me do itonce,accurately.I'm attractive and effective and I make great use of either aphoneor tablet display:- I show your calculations in crisp, clear, elegant type thatyoucan read at-a-glance from a distance.- My innovative triple keypad display lets you type fast!(enteringthree and three quarters takes just 3 taps!).- Every fraction result gets automatically reduced to itssimplestform to make your job easy.- Every result is also shown in decimal to make conversionabreeze.- It couldn't be easier to add, subtract, multiply, anddividefractions.Let Fraction Calculator Plus turn your phone or tablet intoaneveryday helping hand.This is an ad supported version - our ad-free version isalsoavailable.Fraction Calculator Plus (C) 2017 Digitalchemy, LLC
ЛовиОтвет - калькулятор 1.09
Бесплатная программа ЛовиОтветдляавтоматического решения математических примеров любой сложностисотображением этапов решения онлайн. Простой и приятныйинтерфейс,множество математических функций, решения задач натетрадном листеонлайн одним кликом. Вы увидете выполнения всехдействий решенияпримеров, уравнений и математических задач "встолбик" на лету,нажатием пары кнопок. Решайте примеры и уравненияонлайн совершеннобесплатно при помощи программыкалькулятора-решебника ЛовиОтвет!Ищете где скачать калькулятор ? Попробуйте калькуляторXXIвекаКалькулятор ЛовиОтвет решает математические примеры и уравнениясотображением этапов решения, производит наглядно вычисления"встолбик". Вас приятно удивит результат решения - наразлинованномтетрадном листе вы увидите все что должен написатьученик илистудент для решения примера. Отлично подходит как дляпроверки ужевыполненных заданий, так и для, непосредственно, ихвыполнения.Free softwareforautomatic LoviOtvet solve mathematical examples of anyproblemswith the mapping stage solutions online. Simple and niceinterface,a lot of mathematical functions, solve problems on thenotebooksheet online in one click. You will see the completion ofallsolutions of examples of equations and mathematical problems "inacolumn" on the fly by pressing a couple of buttons. Solveequationsand examples online for free with the help oftheprogram-calculator Reshebnik LoviOtvet!You are looking for where to download the calculator? Trythecalculator of the XXI centuryCalculator LoviOtvet solve mathematical equations withexamplesand reflection stages solutions, makes visual computing "inacolumn." You will be pleasantly surprised by the result ofthedecision - on lined notebook sheet you will see that all havetowrite a pupil or student to solve the example. Great fortestingalready completed tasks, and for, themselves,theirimplementation.
Scientific Calculator free 2.8.0
RealMax LK
Scientific Calculator for your mathematics. EspeciallyforEngineering students.
Natural Scientific Calculator
Loved by millions of users,Android'shighest rated scientific calculator.Rove to navigate. Forget buttonsNatural Scientific Calculator utilizes Rove to allow to youeditwherever you need to. Unlike other calculators which make youmashbuttons to move a cursor, our app allows you to simply swipe onthekeyboard to get to where you need. You can also pinch to zoomandget an overview of complex equations.Write as you would on paperOther apps make you enter equations on a single line likesomethingfrom the 1970s. Our Natural Input solves this problem byallowingyou to enter equations as you'd write them on paper,usingfractions, roots, exponents and more. It's called a"naturaldisplay" and is a common feature on scientific calculatorslike theCasio fx-82 or TI-30XB, and we've finally brought it overtoAndroid!History and FavouritesInstead of having to type out long equations over and over,simplyfavourite them and retrieve them with a single tap.Guaranteed tospeed up your workflow enormously.Tackle problems togetherTwo minds are better than one. Send your equations tofriends,classmates or co-workers to refine your approach to adifficultquestion.Elegant and purposeful Material DesignA calculator app doesn't have to be bland and boring. Let thesubtleanimations and vibrant colors guide you through the hardestofproblems. If you've purchased the Productivity Pack, select fromavariety of beautiful themes including our battery-saving"StarlessNight" theme.Fractions, exponents and surdsConfused when your equation looks likethis?50∗1/(0.05/12−0.08/12)[1−((1+0.08/12)/(1+0.05/12))^3]. We aretoo,so we've made structures like fractions display naturally asitdoes on paper.UpdatesFor the last 8 months our team has worked day and night toimplementnew features and updates - we're not going to stopanytime soon.Support us by leaving us a rating, review or bypurchasing theProductivity Pack.Fully featured scientific functionality• Radians and Degrees support• Decimal to fraction conversion• Mixed and improper fractions• Permutations and combinations• Precision to 2,048 decimal places (non-trigonometric/roots)• Programmable roots, logarithms• Programmable constants• Trigonometric functions - sine, cosine, tangent• And many more we can't list because we'd be flagged forspammingthis description!We need your helpJoin our beta testing community to get access to the latestcuttingedge features and provide feedback. If you can help ustranslate,please get in touch with us! You'll be featured in ourapp forlending a helping hand.
Quadratic Equation Solver 1.2.2
Do you want to solve a quadratic equation? This easyapplicationwill perform it for you. Just enter the values and getthe roots!Main features: - display the solution step by step - easyandcomfortable interface - complex roots
Prof Calculator Free 2.2
Prof Calculator is an easy naturaldisplayscientific calculator with equation & matricescalculators andunit converter.--------------------Prof Calculator is a fraction calculator.--------------------Prof Calculator allows user to choose how result isdisplayed(Decimal OR Fraction).Prof Calculator allows user to display result in Degrees,Minutesand Seconds.--------------------Prof Calculator allows user to store up to 12 results in 12storeunits.--------------------Prof Calculator can calculate Quadratic and Cubic (FullVersionOnly) equations.Prof Calculator can calculate two equations two unknowns.Prof Calculator can calculate three equations three unknowns(FullVersion Only).--------------------Matrices calculator can add, subtract, and multiply (FullVersionOnly) matrices.--------------------Prof Converter (Demo) includes:- Length converter- Area converter- Volume converter- Weight converter- Time converter- Speed converter- Temperature converter- Data size converter
Quadratic Equation Solver 1.8
This is a quadratic equation solver that shows your work! Itgivesthe teacher friendly answer AND shows work each step of theway.Very handy for tedious homework assignments OR just for findingtheaccurate answers quickly. TIP: Hold "Clear" to clear alltextinputs. Features: -Shows the work each step of theway.-Dynamically updates the solution as you change the variables.-Hasa custom keypad. -Handles imaginary numbers. -Simplifiessquareroots & fractions. -Gives approximate & exactanswers.-Each variable input is a simple calculator supportingthefollowing operators (^, *, /, +, -). -Supports whole numbers&decimals with each operation. -Lightweight. -Totally FREE!Pleasecontact me if you find any bugs. tags: quadratic equationformulasolver solve calculator show work shows step steps mathalgebracalculus calc homework help free
Физический калькулятор
Калькулятор с возможностью конвертировать физические величины.Длятого, что бы начать конвертирование, просто нажмите наначальнуювеличину и затем нажмите на требуемые величины.Поддерживаемыевеличины: - Масса, вес (килограммы, тонны, граммы,миллиграммы,микрограммы, центнеры, унции, фунты, тонны (США),тонна(Британская), стоун, тройская унция, гран, пеннивейт,карат,драхма); - Длинна, расстояние (метр, километр, дециметр,сантиметр,миллиметр, микрометр, нанометр, парсек, а.е., световойгод, верста,сажень, аршин, пядь, вершок, дюйм, фут, ярд); - Объём(метркубический, километр кубический, дециметр кубический,сантиметркубический, миллиметр кубический, литр, пинта, галлон(США),кварта.); - Время (Миллисекунда, Секунда, Минута, Час,Сутки,Неделя, Месяц, Год, Век, Микросекунда, Наносекунда,Пикосекунда,Аттосекунда); - Площадь (метр квадратный, миллиметрквадратный,сантиметр квадратный, дециметр квадратный, километрквадратный,гиктар, дюйм квадратный, фут квадратный, ярд квадратный,акр, миляквадратная, ар (сотка), десятина (казенная),десятина(хозяйственная), квадратная верста, квадратный аршин,квадратныйфут); - Плотность (тонна на кубометр, килограмм накубометр, граммна кубометр, миллиграмм на кубометр, килограмм налитр, грамм налитр, миллиграмм на литр, килограмм на кубическийдециметр, граммна кубический дециметр, миллиграмм на кубическийдециметр,килограмм на кубический сантиметр, грамм на кубическийсантиметр,миллиграмм на кубический сантиметр, килограмм намиллилитр, граммна миллилитр, миллиграмм на миллилитр); - Скорость(м/с, км/с,км/ч, м/мин, фут/с, миля/час); - Температура (F, K, C,Re); -Давление (паскаль, гектопаскаль, килопаскаль, мегапаскаль,бар,физическая атмосфера, килограм/квадратный метр,ньютон/квадратныйметр, ньютон/квадратный сантиметр,ньютон/квадратный миллиметр,килограмм силы/квадратный сантиметр,миллибар, техническаяатмосфера, Фунт/квадратный дюйм, торр,Миллиметр ртутного столба,Миллиметр водяного столба, Миллитор); -Мощность (мегаватт,киловатт, ватт, лошадиная сила, британскаятермальная единица/час,британская термальная единица/минута,фут·фунт-сила/минуту, футфунт-сила/секунда).; Возможности: -Динамически изменяемый размершрифтов; - Скобки в математическихоперациях автоматическиподсвечиваются; - Автоматическое закрытиескобок, без ошибок; -Умное добавление знака умножения; -Возможность редактироватьуравнение в любом месте; - Полнаяподдержка копирования, вставки ивырезания; - История операций; -Редактируемые спискиконвертируемых величин.