Top 5 Games Similar to 掌中象棋

Chinese Chess(2 Players) 0.9.2
Long Tsai
Currently only support two people play(Chinese chess board).
中國象棋(殘局1300關) 3.0.0
中國象棋,超高難度AI,打敗全國大部份高手,大師,難度分為初級,中級,高級,大師級,難度越高電腦的思考時間也會增加,精選1300局超高難度殘局難度逐一提升,等待你的挑戰!ChineseChess, super tough AI, beat most of the national master,themaster, the difficulty is divided into beginner,intermediate,advanced, master, the higher the degree of difficultywill increasethe computer's thinking time, featuring superdifficult endgame1300 Bureau of difficulty each upgrade , waitingfor yourchallenge!
仿真暗棋 3.38
可玩單機或線上找人對打,可線上透過 GooglePlay遊戲服務找真人對打,也支援藍牙連線對打、WiFi連線對打(有無連基地台都可以,只要雙方都開啟WiFi,進入介面後依文字說明指示操作即可),無論單機或線上遊戲都支援連吃及單吃,趕快來場爽快的暗棋連吃吧。權限使用說明:存取檔案的權限是因為人偶圖可更改所需,存取帳號是因為有g+線上對打所需,本程式不會做任何應用,而 Android6.0以上版本會事先要求權限准許,純粹只是程式功能所需,本程式的隱私權政策也有說明,所以請您放心使用。1.支援 Google Play 遊戲服務2.可線上隨機找人或邀請好友對打。3.可查看有無受邀請對打。4.支援排行榜、關卡(官階晉升)。5.分數資料自動存雲端,關卡、排行榜分數資料不怕遺失。6.可選擇連吃或單吃線上對打。7.查看對手的官階、戰績分數。8.遊戲類型有單吃、連吃、連吃飛車、連吃飛車馬斜模式。線上對打相關規則(支援連吃及單吃):1.進入遊戲室時,會先猜拳決定先後,會以猜贏的人選擇的玩法類型(連吃或單吃)為主。2.輪到你時,下棋的思考時間限制 45 秒,逾時就算輸,而連吃之間的間隔超過 3 秒就強制換邊。3.官階的晉升亦即是關卡,晉升各官階的分數及各官階贏一場分數計算如下:上尉以下官階贏一場均為 100 分,但如遇上少校以上,且當官階低的打贏官階高的分數為取兩者(低官階贏一場分數、高官階贏一場分數除以2)較大的分數為主。1.500(二兵)、2.1000(一兵)、3.1500(上兵)、4.2500(下士)、5.3500(中士)、6.4500(上士)、7.6000(三等士官長)、8.7500(二等等士官長)、9.9000(一等士官長)、10.11000(少尉)、11.13000(中尉)、12.15000(上尉)、13.17500(少校1場300)、14.25000(中校1場400)、15.37000(上校1場500)、16.87000(少將1場600)、17.147000(中將1場700)、18.287000(二級上將1場800)、19.487000(一級上將1場1000)、20.3000000(五星上將1場2000)4.遊戲進行中,離開遊戲室,就算輸。5.排行榜分數即時更新。單機:相信很多人小時候都玩過台灣特有的象棋暗棋玩法(支援連吃玩法),一半靠運氣,一半靠棋藝,不知道會翻到甚麼棋子,既期待又怕受傷害,非常好玩,而這個程式就是把那種玩棋的真實感覺放到手機或平板上來,無聊時可打發時間。仿真暗棋玩法類型分為:1.單打單吃,即是與電腦對打,要吃棋時須先翻牌而且一次只能吃一個棋子。2.雙打單吃,兩人對打,吃棋時亦須先翻牌且一次只能吃一個棋子。3.單打連吃,即是與電腦對打,吃棋時不須先翻牌直接吃棋,而且可以連續吃到不能吃為止。4.雙打連吃,兩人對打,吃棋時不須先翻牌直接吃棋,而且可以連續吃到不能吃為止。5.單雙打連吃飛車,同連吃方式,只是增加飛車模式。6.單雙打連吃飛車馬斜,同連吃方式,只是增加飛車及馬斜模式。以上各種玩法及各項設定請在選項設定裡設定。電腦棋藝的演算法會在下次版本陸續更改更貼近人類智慧,目前電腦的棋藝大概只到幼稚園吧 ,試看看。Playable stand-aloneoronline to find someone to beat, real sparring can findonlinethrough Google Play game services, also supportsBluetoothconnection sparring, WiFi connection sparring (whether thebasestation can be connected, as long as both sides are openWiFi,enter after the interface according to text instructions),whetherstand-alone or online games support single and ate eat,hurry tofield brisk Anqi even eat.Privilege use: access to the file is required to be changedbecausethe dolls Figure, access account is required because thereis g +rally online, this program will not do any application, andtheAndroid 6.0 and above will be allowed to ask for permissioninadvance , purely functional programming required, this programalsodescribed the privacy policy, so you can use it.1. Supporting the Google Play game services2. You can find online random person or invite your friendstobeat.3. Have been invited to see the rally.4. Support charts, level (rank promotion).5. Information automatically keep score cloud,achievements,leaderboards score afraid of missing data.6. Alternatively ate or eat a single line of sparring.7. Review the opponent's rank, the record scores.8. type of game with a single to eat, ate, ate Speed, Speed​​atehorse oblique mode.Online sparring rules (support ate and eat alone):1. When entering the game room, first mora has decided, willguessto win people to choose the type of play (ate or eatalone)dominated.2. When it is your turn, board games thinking time limit 45seconds,even if lost over time, and the interval between ate morethan threeseconds is forced to change sides.3. That is the level rank promotion, promotion of each rank andeachscore to win a rank score is calculated as follows:  The following are the captain to win a rank of 100,butif the case of major or higher, and when the low rank rankhighscore to win whichever  (Low score to win a rank, rank win a high scoredividedby 2) a large fraction based.   1.500 (two soldiers), 2.1000 (a soldier), 3.1500(thesoldiers), 4.2500 (corporal), 5.3500 (Sergeant), 6.4500(Sergeant),7.6000 (Third Master Chief),  8.7500 (b etc. Master Chief), 9.9000 (FirstSergeant),10.11000 (lieutenant), 11.13000 (lieutenant), 12.15000(captain),13.17500 (Maj 1 field 300),  14.25000 (Lt. Col. 1 field 400), 15.37000 (Col. 1field500), 16.87000 (Major 1 field 600), 17.147000 (field 1 in700),18.287000 (two games will be 1 800),  19.487000 (one field will be 1 1000),20.3000000(Admiral field 1 2000)A game in progress, leaving the game room, even if lost.5. The leaderboard scores instantly updated.Standalone:I believe many people have played a child unique to Taiwan Anqiplaychess (support ate play), half luck, half by chess, I do notknowwhat will turn piece, both expect fear of getting hurt, veryfun,and this program that is to play chess true feeling into yourphoneor tablet up, you can kill time when bored.Anqi play emulation types are divided into:1. Individual single to eat, that is sparring with a computer,mustfirst move to eat when the flop and can only eat a piece.2. doubles eat alone, the two sparred when eating chess shouldseekflop and can only eat a piece.3. singles ate, which is sparring with the computer, do noteatchess chess must first flop directly eat, eat and can not eatupcontinuously.4. doubles ate, the two sparred not eat chess chess must firstflopdirectly eat, eat and can not eat up continuously.5. Single Speed ​​doubles ate, ate the same way, just addSpeed​​mode.6. singles and doubles horse coaster oblique ate, ate the sameway,only increased coaster and Ma oblique mode.All of the above games are played and the settings in theoptionsset in the Set.Chess computer algorithms would be closer to human wisdom inthenext version after another change, the current computerchessprobably only to kindergarten it, try to see.
中國象棋麻將 1.0.18
象棋不求人(殘局篇) 1.0
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