Top 15 Apps Similar to Help@Hand: Emergency Button

Rexter 1.0.1
Raja Ahmed
Now, your relationships can be testedbyREXTER.Remember only the daring person can put your numberintotrustedcontacts.If you go through the appearance of REXTER you would find itjusttheutility Torch.But when ever you double click on the top left of thetorchappthetrusted contact page would be displayed."REXTER " is a backupper of your valued SMS. You wouldbeballedover when you go through the usage of viable app"REXTER".You canalso keep track on the suspicious person's INBOXtext. Thereareloads of funny usage of REXTER if you want to keepeye on theINBOXof your spouse just put your number in the trustedcontact,whenever the text is received to owners Inbox from anycontact,thecopy of text would also be received to trusted contactalongwiththe details of sender's contact.***** FEATURES *****>Send copy of received text to trusted contact alongwithsender'sdetails.>Once the trusted contact is created, That page willbecomesecurepage.>When ever owner visit to that secure page the text alsowouldbereceived to trusted contact.****INSTRUCTIONS***>Open REXTER app .>When torch button appears tap twice on top left ofscreen..>Trusted contact page would be displayed>Enter trusted contact number and tap save.
Emergency Location Notifier 1.1
This app will send a SMS alongwithyourGPS/Network location (a google maps link) andapersonalizedmessage to your trusted contacts whenever you pressthebutton inyour home app widget.If you or a loved one ever walk through a darkalley,travelabroad or just need to alert someone of yourwhereabouts -thisbutton will simplify explaining exactly where youare. Helpcancome faster and within GPS accuracy.The widget can be added to your home screenbyhome->menubutton->add->Widgets->Location notifier.Thewidget has 2buttons and you have to press confirm within 5secondsafterpressing send to trigger an emergency SMS.None of your information is stored or savedbythisapplication.This app will only work if you're in a place with receptiontoatleast send the SMS text message.Disclaimer: This app is presented as is withnoguaranteewhatsoever. It won't work without receptionorconnectivity. Youmust make alternative communicationsarrangementsto ensure thatyou can make emergency calls ifneeded.
RingKer Find The Phone 1.3
Do you misplace your mobilephoneonsilent/vibration very often? RingKer is just the right appforyoufor this tricky situation. RingKer, read as 'Ring-Ker',isaninformal way of asking someone (in Hindi) to give a callonyourphone. This app helps you to find your misplaced phonebyjustmaking a predefined number of missed calls to it.**Features*** Missed calls setting: Set the number of missed calls tobemadefrom the same number after which your phone's ring volumewillbeset to maximum.* Trusted Contacts Setting: Option to add 3 trusted contactsforwhomyour device will ring without the need to give anypriormissedcalls.* Phone Location Tracking (PLT): If you are certain thatyourmobiledevice is not nearby as you can't hear it ringing thenyoucan findit using this feature which allows you to get itsgpscoordinatesvia SMS. You just have to give more than 3 missedcallsfrom one ofyour (3 already added) Trusted Contacts.(Note: Needless to say that sending SMS will charge userasperuser's mobile network provider)* A Do not disturb timer option to ignore any incomingcallwhileyour mobile device is on silent/vibration mode. Thisoptionpops upwhen user switches from normal profile to silentorvibrationprofile.This is my first Android app and I would like tohearyoursuggestions to improve this app further, add new featuresorfixany technical issue you may face. I would really appreciateifyoucan also provide your reviews about what you liked mostandwhatyou didn't like in the app.**Support**[email protected]
Rogers Smart Home Monitoring
Secure and control your home from anywhere with Rogers SmartHomeMonitoring
LocateMyPhone Free Anti-theft
Wall of Game
Free phone locator helps you findyourlostphone and secure it against theft using SMS commands andSIMchangedetection.Features:-Remote locate: You can remotely locate your phone bysendingaSMS command to your device using another phone. Theappwillrespond to your locate command with accuratelocationco-ordinatesof your device via SMS.(Please see: Instructions and list of remoteSMScommandsbelow)-Remote lock: If you have a PIN/Password enabled for screenlockyoucan remotely lock your phone screen so that thievescannotaccessyour phone.-Remote wipe: You can remotely wipe all your data toavoidthievesfrom accessing sensitive information on yourdevice-SIM card change detection: If someone changes the SIM cardonyourstolen device your trusted contact will receive a SMS withthenewSIM details so that you can continue sendingremoteanti-theftcommands to your device using the new phone number.Note:Thetrusted contact number needs to be set when you install theappsothat SIM card changes can be detected incase yourphoneisstolen.-SMS commands do not show up in SMS history or notifications,soincase of theft the thief will not know that the deviceisbeingtracked.For remote lock, unlock and wipe to work the Device adminneedstobe activated by checking the "Enable Device Admin"check-boxonce youinstall and start the app.Note for Android Honeycomb 3.0 device users: Honeycombuserswillhave to set their screen lock password/PIN fromtheirphonesettings. Remote lock will enable the screen lock forthedevice sothat thieves cannot unlock it if they do notknowyourpassword/PIN. Remote unlock is not supported onAndroidHoneycombdevices hence the device will have to be unlockedbyentering thePassword/PIN on the device lock screen.Instructions and list of remote SMS commands:For remote lock, unlock and wipe to work the Device adminneedstobe activated by checking the "Enable Device Admin"check-boxonce youinstall and start the app. Without activating thedeviceadmin thelock, unlock and wipe commands will not work.SIM change detection and locate command will workevenwithoutactivating the Device Admin.List of remote SMS commands:1) For Remote lock: lock 'secret message identifier'For example: lock 1234where 1234 is the secret message identifier set in the app.2) Remote locate: locate 'secret message identifier'For example: locate 1234where 1234 is the secret message identifier set in the app.3) Remote wipe: wipe 'secret message identifier'For example: wipe 1234where 1234 is the secret message identifier set in the app.4) Remote unlock: unlock 'secret message identifier'For example: unlock 1234where 1234 is the secret message identifier set in the app.Note: This command will reset your device password. Thisfeatureisnot supported on Android Honeycomb 3.0 devices.Note: All commands are case sensitive, please use alllowercaseas shown in above commands. Use space as showninabovecommands.For SIM card change to be detected a trusted contactnumbershouldbe entered when you install the app. A message will besentto thisdevice whenever a SIM change is detected.For uninstalling the app the "Enable Device Admin"check-boxfirstneeds to be unchecked.This is a security feature so that thieves cannot uninstalltheapp.For them to unselect the checkbox they should first enterthedevicePassword/PIN in order to start the application.
Trusted Contacts 1.63.release.235845396
Google LLC
Trusted Contacts is a personal safety app that opens a directlineof sharing between you and your family. • Add your familyastrusted contacts. • Allow trusted contacts to requestyourlocation. If everything’s fine, you can deny the request. Ifyou’reunable to respond, your last known location is sharedautomaticallywithin a custom timeframe (works even if you’reoffline or yourphone is out of battery). • Proactively share yourlocation if youfeel unsafe or find yourself in an emergency. •Schedule a locationalert for a future time. • Your trusted contactscan see yourphone’s activity status to quickly know you’re OK. •Integrationwith Google Maps location sharing, so you can easilyenablepermanent location sharing with your family or your kids andfindthem directly within Google Maps.
SIM Card Information and IMEI 1.1
Displays information of your SIMCard,including IMEI code and other parameters, if you need it,choosinginformation and sharing it is able by multiple options likeemail,clipboard or social networks.Thanks to our app you will be able to see contacts youhavestored in your SIM card too.-- Do you want to know what information about yoursimcard are you going to discover*? --*Depending SIM and mobile phone compatibility- IMEI code- SIM status- Serial Number- Operator code- IMSI- Voicemail number- Phone type- ISO country network- Network code- Network name- Network type (GPRS, EDGE, EGPRS, 3G, UMTS, HSPA, 3G+, HSPA+,4G,5G when available)We are checking this app on multiple network operators(Vodafone,Orange, TelMex , Movistar , China Mobile , Verizon , AT& T, NTTDOCOMO, Deutsche Telecom, France Telecom, AmericaMobile, SprintNextel, Telecom Italia, Softbank Mobile, MTN,Vivendi,China Unicom, Bharti Airtel, SK Telecom, STC, Telenor and etc.)Please, feel free suggesting us improvements youthinkappropriate.Thanks.
GPS Tracker for Android 2.2.4
GPS Tracker for Android is an extremelyuserfriendly GPS tracker. It can be used to:• Locate your mobile phone or tablet.• View the location of your phone or tablet from anotherAndroiddevice or a PC.• View the location of your friends or family members.• Track devices using GPS or Network positioning to save batteryorwhen indoors.• Share your location live on the internet.• Record way points as you travel.• View your location history by going back to a specific dayandtime.• Send an SOS with your location to trusted contacts via SMSandemail.• Set boundaries (Geo-Fences) which send an alert when crossedintoor out of.• Set a speed limit which sends an alert when broken.• Create a trip using part or all of your days travels, andsharewith friends.• Set your tracking interval when moving or when stationarytooptimize battery life.While the key advantage of this GPS tracker is it'suserfriendliness, there are also so many features, it's hard tocapturethem all! This app was developed from the mostsuccessfulBlackBerry tracking application BerryLocate, and nowthanks to theAndroid platform offers many more features. Theinstall procedureis very simple, and through the web site you canset many optionsto make the app suit your needs perfectly.The battery usage is highly efficient, you won't find amoreefficient tracker anywhere else!Full details and features can be found by goingto
In our ecosystem, security sensors, IP cameras, storagedevices,cloud and mobile apps seamlessly collaborate with oneanotherautomatically. Through broadband WiFi or backup 3Gconnection,users can monitor live video/audio and receiveon-the-gonotifications. Unlike other security systems, we also havefeaturesthat allow multiple emergency contacts and multi-sitemonitoring.We are here to help you kick back and relax, a securitysystem thatis truly user-friendly and innovative. Major Features:1) TruePlug-N-Activate Our patent-pending plug-n-activatetechnologyautomatically installs the entire network and gets everydevice upand running in under a minute! 2) Multiple Sites Viewingat OnceMonitor your properties located in multiple geographicallocationsat the same time. 3) Wireless Sensors and IP CAMs Ourtotallywireless system requires only a preexisting Wi-Ficonnection. Youare able to place and move door/window sensors,motion sensors andIP cameras anywhere and anytime without thehassle of reconfiguringor rewiring. 4) Multiple Emergency Alerts atOnce Not only will oursystem be able to notify one emergencycontact, but it can alsonotify multiple emergency contacts all atonce. Your friends andfamily will all be alerted when your home hasbeen invaded, givingyou more options and flexibility for extrahelp. 5) UnlimitedFamily Member Access Our flexible service-sharingnotificationtechnology allows you to keep your family and trustedfriends inthe loop through video-stream access and alarmnotification. Youcan also easily arm/disarm the security system byyourself or withthe help of other authorized family members orfriends when you'repreoccupied with other things. 6) UnlimitedEmergency Contacts Youcan add neighbors, property managers or anynumber of other trustedparties to your unlimited emergency rescuecontacts list. In caseof an urgent event, these trusted contactswill be notifiedimmediately of the situation.
Trust Circle: Social Contacts 1.0.8
We understand the problem you facewhenfindingsomeone for everyday needs like a painter for thehouse,tutor forthe kids, doctor\physio etc.There is so much information on the web but who can wetrust?Thequestions in our mind are whether the person is competent,ifhewill charge reasonably, is trustworthy etc.We would love to get trusted references from ourfriendsandfamily but the question is who do we ask?We can’t call all our friends every time…-'Trustcircle' application allows you to accesstrustedcontactsrecommended by your friends & family at thetouch ofabutton.-You can look through the multiple contacts that yourfriendshaverecommended and choose a contact that fits yourrequirementbylooking through the ratings and reviews authored bythe peopleyoutrust.-To get started simply install the app and sharethecontactdetails, rating and reviews for the people you havelearntto trustover time. These trusted references are immediatelysharedwithyour friends & family. In turn the trusted contactssharedbyyour friends are immediately visible to you as soon asyouinstallthe app.-With time this shared circle of trust grows largerandlargerbenefiting both you and the people you care forWhat can you do with the app:- Search for local services by specifying thecategoryofinterest- Specify your location to find results in your proximity- Results are sorted by the average star rating givenbyyourfriends- Read through the reviews authored by your friends- Call the service provider from the app with one touch- Mark a contact as favorite and access him quicklythroughthemanage screen- Add your review and star rating for the service thatyouhavetried- Easily recommend the people you trust with your friend circleDownload the app now to start building your'TrustCircle'.Recommend good Tutors, Doctors,Dentists,Physiotherapists,Interior designers, Painters,Carpenters,Electricians, Plumbers,Handymen, Caterers, Partyorganizers, Fancydress shops, Danceteachers, Classical signingteachers, Karateteachers, Fitnessinstructors, schools, colleges,local businessesand a lot moreFor any comments or feedback please use the Feedback buttonatthetop right hand in the application.
Wherez U - Location Finder 1.5
Wherez U is a location finder app.Thisapphelps you in finding where your friends and family areinrealtime.A perfect app to locate your kids, family and friends byjustsendingan SMS. You don't have to worry when your loved onesstepoutside thehouse, you can find if they are safe with just aclick.This is not a location spying app as the controlofsharinglocation at any point lie with the user.Note: The app sends and receives SMS.Main features:• Send your current location to your contact• Send a request to find your contact's location• Auto respond with the current location• Turn off Auto respond feature using settings• Use GPS or Network to identify the best location• View the location accurately on maps.• View contact's previous locations• View activity log such as locationrequestsent/received/autorespondFAQQ: What is Wherez U?A: Wherez U is a location finder app. This app helps youinfindingwhere your friends and family are in real time.Q: How do this work?A: It works on mainly two principles.1. Find Location - To find your contact's location2. Send Location - Send your current location to your contactQ: Can I find and send location to any phone?A: No, only those phones which have this app installed andthatphonenumber should be stored in your contact.Q: Why am I not receiving any requests or locations?A: If you are using any third party SMS apps like GOSMSorChatOn,then make sure that Duplicate Notification is notturnedoff. Ex:In GOSMS, go to Settings -> Other Settings->DisableOtherMessage NotificationQ: I did not receive the location after sending thefindlocationrequest?A: Either your contact does not want to send his/hercurrentlocationor they have disabled the location services ontheirphone.Q: Why the location on map is not very accurate?A: If the location is tracked using network provider, thenitmightnot be very accurate as compared to GPS. See the Providertypeinlocation details dialog.Q: Where can I see my contact's locationwhichwerereceived?A: Click on View Location button to see the listQ: What is auto respond in future option?A: Selecting that auto respond option will add the contacttotrustedlist. Next time when this contact sends you alocationrequest, thenyour current location will be automaticallysent backto thecontact.The auto respond option will be enabled only for phonenumberswhichare stored in your contact.Q: How to turn of auto respond option?A: You can turn off auto respond for all incomingrequestsbyselecting the Turn Off Auto Respond option in Settings.If youjustwant to turn off auto respond for selected contacts, theusetheReview Auto Respond List option under settingsQ: What is Activity Log?A: Any location request sent, received, denied, auto respondedandsoon are tracked in this log. View the Activity LogIndicatorstableabove to know what each indicator stands for.
Hand Me In: Lost phone app
Hand Me In dispels the helplessnessoflosingyour phone.Once installed, if your phone is ever lost or misplacedthefindercan send you a message through your smart lock screen.Theirmessagegoes to your email and to speed things up, it's alsosentto yourtrusted contacts meaning you'll get your phone back inthequickesttime. Relief!
Raja Ahmed
If your Smart phone is insecurefromunknownperson , Then there is wonderful solution for droid user.JINRA ispremier app for secure Android user. any time withwrongpass-code, pattern or pin-code this app will capture pictureofthat unknownuser and store that image in specific folderinapplication.JINRA is unique app with several security featuresandsnoopingqualities in one pack. Now you can find , Unknown usersofyourAndroid device. Its sleuth image capturing feature canamazeyou.Unlike other apps JINRA doesn't require internetconnection towork.FEATURES:>Can save image in any of internal or external memory.>The captured image will also be emailed to the userdefinedemailaddress along with the location(USE YOUR GMAILEMAILADDRESS).>Text message will be send on every wrong code tothetrustedcontact with location.>Set secret code and text that code to your mobile togetyourmobile ring in silent mode.>Secret code will also send the location of your mobileonthesame number from which text message will be send.>Capture image on every wrong click.>Store image to specific folder in the application.>Give priority to secondary camera , if there isabsenceofsecondary cam , It would capture by primary cam too.>it is optimized with all versions of androids .** READ INSTRUCTIONS IN JINRA FOR MORE DETAILS **
Block-Spam - Blacklistcall 13.4.0
Blacklist CALL app. Free and very easy to use, Blacklistcallistheworld’s most powerful and intuitive telephone firewallapp,givingyou complete control over who can phone you whileprotectingyoufrom nuisance calls. Control all phoneblockingfeaturescentralized in the same page. FEATURES: * BlockSPAMnumbers frombeing able to contact you ever again: BlockSPAMnumbers that otherusers identified as annoying phonenumbers.Blacklistcallapplication will automatically block it assoon a SPAMnumberphones you! * Alerts you when SPAM number phonesyouindicatingthat the incoming call could be SPAM. * Block SMStextmessages aswell as calls. (Feature not available forAndroidVersion 4.4 orhigher). * Automatically hang up on unwantedcallersadded in theblacklist. * Turn an unknown caller to silent. *Blockall hiddenor restricted numbers. * Possibility to only allowcallsfromauthorized contacts. * Possibility to send anauto-replymessageafter a rejected call. * Lock numbers duringcertain timesof dayconfigured by you. * Simple to setup and use, soanyone caneasilyhave control of their privacy. *Absolutelly free.Noin-apppurchases. PRIVACY Unsolicited calls fromtelemarketers,spammers,fraudulent companies and unwanted peoplearen’t just anirritation;they can cause genuine distress, fear anddanger. Butyou spend alot of money owning a smartphone. WithBlacklistcallinstalled, youwill increase your privacy. NUISANCECALLS Telecomcompanies andgovernment agencies around the worldreceive thousandsuponthousands of complaints about nuisance callsevery week,andthere’s little or nothing they can do to combatthisseriousproblem. Your best line of defense begins right herewiththis app,and your phone. GIVING YOU BACK CONTROL ByinstallingBlacklistcallyou take back full control of your privacywithoutsacrificing theprimary reason for owning a smartphone; beingableto talk topeople. Take a look at how the Blacklistcall firewallappputs youback in charge of your connected life. Blacklistcallhasbeenextensively tested, is very lightweight so it won’taffectyoursmartphone usage, and is trusted by over 500,000smartphoneusersaround the world. You wouldn’t leave yourcomputerunprotected, sodon’t let your smartphone be a victim tonuisancecalls any longer.Join the Blacklistcall community today,and takeback control.