Top 8 Apps Similar to Geneagraves

Généatique est une application pouremportervotre généalogie sur votre tablette ou smartphone. Pratiquepourvous promener dans l'arbre généalogique, visualiser et mettreàjour la généalogie de la famille. Fonctionne sansconnexioninternet. Celle-ci est uniquement nécessaire pour la miseen placede la généalogie sur le mobile. Ensuite, vous parcourezl'arbregénéalogique, les index de nom/prénom ... sans connexion auréseau! Si vous disposez d'une connexion Internet, il est possibledemettre à jour votre généalogie depuis lesserveursGeneatique.netTrès pratique, car bien souvent, dans une petite salled'archivecommunale, on n'a pas d'accès à internet.Anciennement, l'applications'appelaitMes-Arbres-Genealogiques.L'application dispose d'une option Premium qui ajoutedesfonctionnalités à l'application de base :- Modification des fiches pour les généalogies de plus de100personnes.- Accès à l'index des lieuxNote :Pour les tablettes ou Smartphones avec un processeur Intel(certainetablette Galaxy Tab 3, certaine tablette Acer...), vousaurez unmessage "Application does not support this device" ou"L'applicationn'est pas supportée sur cet appareil". Dans ce cas,je vousrecommande la version 1 de l'application encore disponibleensuivant ce lien : ce cas, n'oubliez pas de désactiver les mises àjourautomatique pour ne pas passer à la version 3.Généatique isanapplication to take your genealogy on your tablet orsmartphone.Convenient to walk through the family tree, visualizeand updatethe genealogy of the family. Works without internetconnection.This is only necessary for the implementation ofgenealogy on themobile. Then you look at the family tree, the indexname / firstname ... without a network connection! If you have anInternetconnection, you can update your genealogy fromserversGeneatique.netVery convenient, because often, in a small room withcommunalarchive, it has no internet access.Formerly, the application called My-tree-genealogy.The application has a premium option that adds functionality tothebase application:- Changing sheets for the genealogies of over 100 people.- Access to the index of placesNote:For tablets or smartphone with an Intel processor (sometabletGalaxy Tab 3, some Acer tablet ...), you'll get amessage"Application Does not Support this device" or "Theapplication isnot supported on this device" . In this case, Irecommend theversion still 1 of the application available byfollowing thislink: case, remember to turn off automatic updates for notupgrade toversion 3.
The Family Tree of Family 2.9.5
The program is intended construction of a family tree of a family
Family Tree Maker - FamilyGTG
Family tree maker app. Create new family or import GEDCOM.Let'sGet-To-Gether!
Genealogical Tree of Family 2.9.5
The app is intended construction of a genealogical of a family
Kinsmap 3.05.2
Your Genealogy Companion – The no.1 Family Tree Viewer
Name Your Roots 1.0
Names are a code for understandingyourfamily’sJewish roots, history and ancestry. Based on the workofmanydedicated scholars, experts and researchers,NameYourRootshascompiled a large database of names to facilitatespecificnamestudy. It is a collection of data relevant topersonsworldwidesharing a particular name. The databaseincludesinformation on theorigin and meaning of family names,locations,and a wide array ofsources where this name has beencited. Ourdatabase focuses onSephardic Jewish surnames originatingin Spainand Portugal. Ifyour name is on our database, this could beanindicator of havingSephardic ancestors from the IberianPeninsula.Once you have learnt about your family roots and history,youcanpersonalize the application to keep up to date witheventsandresearch connected to your lineage, whether itthroughDNA,genealogy, research, customs or many other issuesrelated toyourJewish ancestry.Come with us on a voyage of discovery as you learn aboutwhoyouare and where you came from.
FamilyGTG - Family Tree
Family tree maker app. Create new family or import GEDCOM.Let'sGet-To-Gether!
GeneDroid (Family Tree) 0.5.2
GeneDroid - it is an easy to navigatefamilytree, based on a well-known service Geni.Version 0.3 allows to link Geni profiles with yourAndroid'scontacts!The main features of the program:· Family tree view and navigation· Demonstrate family tree to your friends and relatives· Read information about the family members in theirnativelanguageTo start to enjoy the program you should have a free accounton You have to log in using the usernameandpassword from your account in Geni. Then you will be shownthefamily tree with the easy navigation on it. If you click onthecurrent tree element (the badge), you'll see the detailinformationabout this person.GeneDroid is a great opportunity for Android smartphones userstoget connection with a leading service platform forgenealogy.Interestingly, Geni users from around the world worktogether tobuild a single, comprehensive family tree. Your treewill growquickly, because now the system has more than 50 millionprofilesregistered.GeneDroid - is actually the first Android application thatusesGeni data.Of course, we can have many different functions to implementinthe next versions of GeneDroid, that is why we are lookingforwardto listen for user feedbacks and try to implement the mostpopularrequests.Thus we plan the following additional features for thenextupdate:· Display photos of each family tree member· Connections drawing· Show additional information in the profileAs a postscript: To know your lineage means to respectyourfamily history and be proud of it, transforming yourancestries’experience and achievements in the progress and dignityof yourchildren and grandchildren!ChangesVersion 0.5.11. Added Norwegian translation2. Added French translation (yes, it is made viaautomatictranslation service, so fixing it is very appreciable,please helpme to make nice translation onsite 0.51. Added path from current profile to root profile of thetree2. All browsed data is cached into local db so user canbrowsefamily tree without internet connection3. Fixed some issues with ui responsivenessVersion 0.21. Showing all partners2. Showing siblings3. Added photos for profiles4. Improved data caching