Top 38 Games Similar to Narutimates Ninja Hero

Narutimates: Ultimate Ninja 1.0.2
NTT Group
Narutimate features asimilargameplayexperience to Ultimate NinjaThe simple goal is to fight the opposing character and towinbyreducing their health to zero. There are specialtechniquesandjutsus that can be used. Some characters feature theabilitytoactivate special mode by inflicting the specialtechniqueswhichenhances their status and gives them new abilities.Italsofeatures several items, like shuriken and kunai.The game also uses support characters such as Naruto:supportbeingIruka, or Sasuke's support being Kakashi Hatake. Thegamefeaturesan arcade style story mode. Although the gamelooselycovers theevents in the original manga from the Introductionarc upto theInvasion. Each stories consist of up to six battlesdividedbydialogues in a manga style display, one of many homagestoitssource material.Narutimate features a similar gameplay experience toUltimateNinja,featuring many of the same gameplay elements andgeography.The gamereplaces the arcade-style story mode from theoriginalgame with anRPG story mode
Narutimate Heroes 2 1.0.2
Narutimate Heroes is more of anactiongamewhereas Naru Portable was more story oriented.The game features a unique battle system with specialattacksandvarious techniques that can be used. It also featuresseveralitems,like kunai and shuriken. There are many multi-layeredstagesfromaround the Naru universeThe game also features 20 characters and severalnewfeatures,such as a three-on-three fighting system,wirelesstwo-playerbattles, and "hidden" team skills.The simple goal is to fight the opposing character and towinbyreducing their health to zero. Along with thevariousweaponsavailable to the characters also have theirvariousspecialabilities taken straight from the series. To usetheseattacks,however, the player must have the required chakraasindicated bythe "chakra bars" located under the playershealth.Using thetechnique drains the chakra bar which can beregainedthroughvarious methods, including special, characterspecificmethods forsome characters.Some characters feature the ability to activate specialmodebyinflicting the special techniques which enhances theirstatusandgives them new abilities. It also features severalitems,likeshuriken and kunai.Utimate Ninja Heroes 2 features a similar gameplayexperiencetoUtimate Ninja, featuring many of the same gameplayelementsandgeography. The game replaces the arcade-style story modefromtheoriginal game with an RP-esque story mode that looselycoverstheevents up to episode 96 in the anime as well as a fillerarcmadeup for the game involving a special seal.
Ultimate Ninja Storm Impact 2
Ultimate Ninja Storm Impact isanadventureNarutimate game.Kakashi, Sakura and Rock Lee reach the templeafterfightingnumberless Puppet Walkers,they meet with Meno, a ninja from the Shirogane Three, a triooftheruling ninja of the Shirogane Three.The bandit leader confesses his group involvement withtheShiroganeclan, they have been forced to obey them and havebeenunder theirthumb.The Shirogane clan began a attack at thebandits'headquartersShinobi.After travelling to the Sunagakure to make a report,hediscoveredKonohagakure is under attack by the Shiroganeclan,who were trying to silence the bandit's leader. He joinswithChojiAkimichi and fight the Shirogane leader, Ibushi andhislizardpuppet.Download Narutimate Ultimate Ninja Storm Impact Now!
Super Ninja: Hero Fight 1.0.2
The player controls one of thecharacterswithinthe Naruto: anime and manga. The simple goal is tofight theopposingcharacter and to win by reducing their health tozero.Along with thevarious weapons available to the charactersalsohave their variousspecial abilities taken straight fromtheseries.To use these attacks, however, the player must havetherequiredchakra as indicated by the "chakra bars" located undertheplayershealth. Using the technique drains the chakra bar whichcanberegained through various methods, includingspecial,characterspecific methods for some characters. Thesespecialtechniques arenot performed in real-time, however;oncesuccessfully executed, acinematic takes place, where theplayereither has to fill a bar toa specific level or hitbuttonsillustrated in the corner of thescreen faster than theiropponentto assure the attack is at itsfull strength.The first two games of the Ultimate Ninja series letplayersexecutethree different secret technique attacks usingthreedifferentChakra levels two different signature techniques, andawide varietyof kicks and punches. However, in UltimateNinja,players are onlyallowed to use one secret techniqueattack,besides the otherattacks and techniques.The game features an arcade style story mode. Althoughthegameloosely covers the events in the original mangafromtheIntroduction arc, the game's twelve stories are meant todepicttheevents from different characters' perspectives and astheresultsome of them deviates from the original source
Ultimate Ninja Heroes Storm 2
While some characters retaintheiroldtechniques, others, such as Neji, have theirsupgraded.The game contains an original storyline involving moving upahauntedcastle through the eyes of Narutimate,and for a certain amount of floors, Gaara, called the MugenCastleinthe sky and has a hundred floors.Each floor has several "unstable" rooms where theusersplacerandomly generated scrolls to determine the type ofactionthatwill take place in the room.It involves viewing through the eyes of Jiraiya who isaccompaniedbyTsunade, Shizune, and Kakashi (temporarily) and goingdownMugenCastle 30 floors(from the stairs leading below that were hidden in the firstfloorbya False Surroundings Technique) to the cauldron wherethevitality isstored.Previously, Jiraiya couldn't make it alone due to asealthatrequired at least four ninja to release.Other game modes include Vs. CPU and a wireless battle modewheretheplayer can fight against a friend using only one UMD(buttwoPSPs).In this video game, the player can equip skills and itemstofourcharacters of any choice.This release is the full non-modified version ofUltimateNinjaHeroes Storm, and contains the three charactersthatwereremoved,which includes The Third Hokage, Shizune and Kabuto.Bothremovedstages and the game's Story Mode are now presentaswell.Additionally, movesets have been updated. Gamers can alsoselectthecharacters to use Japanese or English voices.Jiraiya can use Rasengan, Kakashi can use Lightning CutterandSasukecan use Chidori without the use of a secrettechnique.Download and play Ultimate Ninja Heroes Storm now!
Narutimate: Ninja Impact 1.0.2
Powered Man
The game features a revamped fightingsystem.Itincludes new ways of forming teams based on their skillsas wellascounterattacks and guard breaks as well as new designsforthecharacters belonging to the organization. The game alsoincludesatournament mode where the player can battle againstthreeCPUfighters at the same time, in an all-out battleroyaleformat.Players are also able to customize characters.The game introduced guard-break and counterattack and100charactersand 14 only support characters . In the former,theplayer breaksthe guard of the opponent, knocking him orherunconscious. Thisgives the player the opportunity to unleashadeadly attack toinflict serious damage. There is a limit,however,on the number oftimes it can be used. In regards toacounterattack, if an opponentis about to land an attack ontheplayer, the players can knock themunconscious, renderingthemhelpless and sealing theirsupport.The game has 118 playable characters, with new charactersbeingaddedin addition to returning ones. Series creator Masashiwasinvolved inthe game to design an original character Narutimatewhohas atwo-stage awakening: a four-tails transformation
Narutimate: Ninja Storm 1.0.2
This game allows players tofightinthree-dimensional environments, as opposed tothetwo-dimensionalplanes in previous games.One of the new features introduced to the series in NinjaStormis"Awakening Mode", a transformation that can be activatedwhenaplayer loses a certain amount of health during a match.Thehealthrequirement for each character differs based on howpowerfulthetransformation is. Once activated, the charactergainsnewabilities, speed, and stronger attacks.A few of the characters in the game gain entirely newmovesetsaftertransforming. With the d-pad, players can use presetitemsduring amatch that either damage the opponent or providevariousstatuseffects like increasing attack power, or loweringtheopponent'sdefense. Players are also able to customizetheircharacter's jutsuand select two support characters to use inamatch.The game includes 25 playable characters, each of which canalsobeused as a support character during battle.Tenadditionalsupport-only characters are available asfreedownloadable contentreleased over the five-month periodthatfollowed the game'srelease. Additional downloadable contentincludealternativecostumes, and new missions.Players are also able to customise their character's jutsuandselecttwo support characters to use in a match. Returning tothegame fromprevious instalments is "jutsu clash" mode, whichisinitiated ifboth players activate their special attack at thesametime. Duringthis mode, both players have to pressthecorresponding button asfast as possible in order to knockawaytheir opponent.
ninja warrior shadow shinobi 1.0
The ninja warrior shadow shinobiit’sanultimate combination of jutsu, Ninjutsu,Genjutsu,Taijutsu,Dojutsu and Senjutsu of shadow tactics gameplayfun andaddictivegame for ninjas shippuden fans, the perfect to passyourfree timeand you will never get bored, suitable for all agesifyou’re aninja fighting jutsu fan this game is made for you Getitnow forfree!HOW TO PLAY:* avoid the Enemy with skills, you can jump or double jumptoavoidobstacles as well.* Be careful with Bosses, they will appear besidenarutoattack.* Press Left button to jump or double jump.* Hold down Right button to build up power for a largerblast.* Collect 7 Gems to use larger blast without hold rightbutton,justtap and tap.FEATURES:- Totally FREE.- Friendly user interface.- Wonderful skills.- Easy to play: run and fly and shoot to skill enemies.- Leaderboards to challenge your friends.Enjoy playing and let us know your opinion about it makeacommentand rate to help us ameliorate the game for allninjafans!
Narutimate : Ninja Heros War 1.0.8
Fight with your favorit Kyubi ninja anddestroyenemies .FEATURES- Easy and Simple to play- amazing animations- Cool skill design and effect- Flexible moving and game play- A lot of challenges and stagesThe simple goal is to fight the opposing ninjas and to winbyreducing their health to zero. There are special techniquesandjutsus that can be used. Some characters feature the abilitytoactivate special mode by inflicting the special techniqueswhichenhances their status and gives them new abilities. Italsofeatures several items, like sharingan and kunai.The game also uses support characters such as Naruto: supportbeingIruka, or Sasuke's support being Kakashi Hatake. The gamefeaturesan arcade style story mode. Although the game looselycovers theevents in the original manga from the Introduction arc upto theInvasion. Each stories consist of up to six battles dividedbydialogues in a manga style display, one of many homages toitssource material.Narutimate features a similar gameplay experience to UltimateNinja,featuring many of the same gameplay elements and geography.The gamereplaces the arcade-style story mode from the originalgame with anRPG story mode
kakashi Narutimates Ultimate 2.0
Game Ninja Ultimate Revenge - acombinationofexciting gameplay, nostalgic graphics and atmosphereof theninjaworld.This is the ultimate ninja run game, it can be considered asaninjajumping game and also a ninja running game where the ninjarunandjump just like all ninja run games, but unlike the otherfreeninjarun games, this one is so fast and super addictiveThe simple goal is to fight the opposing character and towinbyreducing their health to zero. There are specialtechniquesandjutsus that can be used. Some characters feature theabilitytoactivate special mode by inflicting the specialtechniqueswhichenhances their status and gives them new abilities.Italsofeatures several items, like shuriken and kunai.In such game characters like Kakashi and others.Suckcharacteristicsof the characters, learn ninjutsu, taijutsuandgenjutsu, Usesharingan Kakashi , awaken the MangekyouSharinganand protectKonuha, revenge the Uchuha clan of ninjas ofhostilevillages Sound,Sand and Fog.The game features an arcade style story mode. Althoughthegameloosely covers the events in the original mangafromtheIntroduction arc up to the Invasion. Each stories consist ofuptosix battles divided by dialogues in a manga styledisplay,the game Ninja Runner Adventure is not about him it's justthatourshinobi is inspired from him because we all love thatgreatninjafrom the konoha or hidden leaf village .This is not the typical ninja game where you Play as anenrageninjakilling every assassin to revenge the dead of his wife,andwhenthey dare to drive a ninja angry, there will only beblood,Shinobininja run is totally different !Narutimate features a similar gameplay experience toUltimateNinja,featuring many of the same gameplay elementsandgeography.Juego Ultimate Ninja venganza - una combinación deunjuegoemocionante, gráficos nostálgicos y la atmósferadelmundoninja.Este es el último juego de ninjas plazo, puede serconsideradocomoun juego de ninjas saltando y aussi un ninja juegoterrestreCuandola carrera ninja y saltar al igual que todos losjuegos deninjasde ejecución, el objetivo A diferencia de l'autrejuegos deninjasde funcionamiento libre, éste es tan rápido ysuperadictivoEl objetivo es simplemente para luchar contra el personajeoponenteyganar por la reducción de su salud a cero. Hay jutsutécnicosyespeciales que se pueden utilizar. Algunospersonajestienencapacidad para activar las modalidades particularesdeinfligir elqui técnica especial que aumenta su estatus y lesdanuevashabilidades. Cuenta con aussi varios artículos, comoshurikenykunai.Tal como en los personajes del juego Kakashi yotros.Suckcaracterísticas de los personajes, aprender ninjutsu,taijutsuygenjutsu, Uso Sharingan Kakashi, despertar el MangekyouSharinganyproteger Konuha, la venganza Uchuha el clan de ninjasdepuebloshostiles de sonido, arena y niebla.El juego cuenta con un modo historia estilo arcade. Aunqueeljuegocubre holgadamente los acontecimientos en el mangaoriginaldelarco Introducción a la invasiónel juego Runner Ninja Aventura no se trata de _him_ essóloquenuestra shinobi se inspira de _him_ Porque a todos nosgustaquegran ninja de la hoja de oro Aldea Oculta de Konoha.Este no es el típico juego de ninjas en el que juegas comounninjade enrage matando a todos los asesino para vengar alosmuertoshijo de la esposa, y cuando se atreven a conducirunninjaenojadoJeu Ultimate Ninja Revenge - une combinaisondegameplaypassionnantCeci est l'ultime jeu ninja run, il peut être considéré commeunjeude ninja sauter et également un jeu de course ninjaLorsquelacourse ninja et sauter comme tous les jeux de ninjarunLe seul but est de lutter contre le personnage adverse etdegagneren réduisant leur santé à zéro. Il existe destechniquesspécialeset jutsu qui peuvent être utilisés. CertainspersonnagesdisposentPossibilité d'activer le mode spécial .
Ninja Shinobi Run 3 👍 3.0
Ninja Shinobi Run 3 is an action game.It'stimeto crush enemies and help the shinobi to fight and becometheking ofshinobi wolrd, follow the adventures of ninja, a bigmemberofshinobi team who try to fight in a dangerous adventuregame. Youmusthelp him advance trough the jungle, forest, desertcastle,cave andfight using his ninja tools. With more than102captivating levels,Ninja Shinobi Run 3 is an amazingexperiencethat you gonna loveit.There is many enemies in Ninja Shinobi Run 3, try to huntthemwhileprotecting shinobi from being smashed. Tap in thebuttonsthatcontain all type of ninja attacks and dont forget tocollectallweapons to upgrade you ninja shinobi run 3. This willhelp youtodestroy all ninja enemies faster.FEATURES :- Easy and Simple to play- amazing animations- Cool skill design and effect- Flexible moving and game play- A lot of challenges and stagesDeliberative and Exciting action!- Recommended for uchiha , sasuke, Igo, mah-jongg, itachi ,gofish,blackjack and other board games!- Recommended for the fans of roronoa zoro , luffy,mihawkandgameslike casino, horse race, stock market!World Ranking Challenge!- Acquire high ranking admission ticket byachievinghighscore.- All seven kinds of authorized ranks! Aim for thelegendaryphoenixrank!- The authorized ranks you’ve acquired can be shared toLINE,Twitteror Facebook from the application!Easy to Play- While waiting for taxi, at the restaurant or karaoke.- On the trains, buses, airplanes and transit whentravelling.- While watching ball of dragon serie on tv .- While enjoying snacks, desserts, or any food.- To refresh from driving a car for sightseeing with a maporgettingtired from car navigation.Recommended for Those- Who are sick of boring and stupid prison school games.- Who are horrible at difficult puzzles and escapetheroomgames.- Who failed crosswords and minesweeper.- Who aren’t good at online games.- Who love luffy and nami pirates- Who love manga and animation and have a lot ofimaginations.- Who are looking for funny topic to talk about forchatorfortunetelling.- Who aren’t satisfied by horror movies or soap operas.- Girls who love stickers and discount coupons.- Who love swordmans like Zoro and Mihawk ‮narutO- Who likes to share interesting screenshots of gamesandpicturesfrom smartphone cameras.- Who aren’t satisfied by photo hunt or card games.Other Features- Easy and simple. Fun way to kill time!- Your favorite music can be set as BGM to play the game!- Ideal for events like Halloween and Christmas!- Mental training for kids who likes cute catsandpicturebooks!- Enjoyable for lovers and as a party game for birthdaysandNewYear!- Good for New Year card and business talk topicwhenexchangingbusiness cards!- Presents happy recopies for all users!Ninja Shinobi Run 3 is not yet another adventure, it'salsocontainsunique gameplay elements that make it the bestninjashinobi game,just install it now while it's free !!!
Ninja Fighter Z 1.1.6
LIP Studio
Ninja Fighter Z bring you to a totallynewfeeling about ninja battle, fight and versus game. Everythingyouneed about ninja fighter will be ready in this game.Ninja Fighter Z is one of the most addictive ninja game onmobilewhat is designed to make you have to win by fighting skills.Wehave no upgrade system like "buy to win", if you can defeatamonster then you are skill enough to defeat it, not becauseyoubuying anything. Other than that, the game support manyhiddenweapon, skill and combo what you need to figure it outyourself.Full of ninja weapon such as shuriken, raisen shuriken,ninjasword, dragon recall, transformation, five tails ninja, ninetailsninja ...It 's time to be a strongest ninja in your village!THE STORYThe world is in under attack by monster from the hell. Ninja isoneof people 's hope to defeat all of monster. One by one theultimateninja must defeat all of monsters to keep peace of theworld.In this game you must defeat as many as you can by yourfightingskills. No help! Just fighting!HOW TO PLAYThe game play is very simple, you will be asked for fightingwithmonster and just try to win in versus fighting game. Otherthanthat, the skills, how to move, how to jump, how to usesword,raisen shuriken, dragon recall ... will be shown in the firststageyou fight. Now you just to combine all of skills and yourfightingto skills to fight.Now, ninja fighter z, all of people in the world are waitingforyou. Don't be afraid any monster!FEATURES- Addictive fighting versus game play- Nice ninja character design- Many skills and combo are supported- Many monsters and characters- Multi-character design and skills- Strong and Intelligent boss fighting designWeb:
Tips Ultimate Ninja Blazing 2.0
Podomoro Apps
Ultimate Ninja Blazing is anapplicationthatsimulates the user as a shinobi in Naruto. This gamegenre RPGsousers will use 6 characters 3 as a player and three moreonthebench. Featured in the show enough. For those userswholikeNaruto, the game is quite complete Tips For Ultimate Ninja Blazing to obtainthecompleteguideLegal Note :****Disclaimer****This application is not UNOFFICAL of Tips UltimateNinjaBlazing.This is NOT an official but a fan made app.Thisapplication isonly the tips to make it easier to play forthefans
Boruto Ninja Storm 4 1.0
Hokage Ninja Strom 4 is bestadventurerunnergame, you will be the shinobi in konoha village, andbe thebestninja ever. Collect all character in this game, and runasfasteras you can.
Super War: Goku Tenkaichi 1.0.2
The game features high-impact two vstwocombat.The games are quite different from the often-comparedBudoseries;they use a "behind-the-back" third-personcameraperspective. Alsodifferent from the Budokai series each formistreated as its owncharacter, with varying stats, movesetsandfighting stylesIn battle, players can build up their Ki gauge toexecutevarioustechniques such as the Power Guard, which reducesthedamagecharacters take by 1/4. The Ki gauge can also be used tousemovesreferred to as Blast 2 skills. Every character has auniqueset ofBlast 2 skills that allow the character to use specialmovessuch asKi blasts and physical attacks.The story mode of the series progresses similarly tothestorymodes in previous games. Players can select battlesfromdifferentsagas and proceed through the story[Features]- Over 70 deeply customizable characters.- 10 different stages.- Character customization.- Incredibly deep combo system.- 1 vs 1, 1 vs 2, 2 vs 1 & 2 vs 2 battles.- High-Impact battles.- Consists of Blow Exchange and Shot Exchange.- In-game transformations.- Three Super Blast moves or combat moves for all characters.
Ultimate Ninja Fighting 1.0
Ultimate ninja fighting championship,thenewsequel of “Ninja Fighting - Kung Fu Fight” ,is therealFightinggame compared to "Ninja Fighting".Ultimate ninja fighting championship, This game canrecallyourchildhood memories of arcade game !Recorded in the history of the classic arcade game.Comparedwithother fighting games, Ultimate Ninja Fighting Championis arealfighting game with Ninja Blade Theme.Don’t Wait install and enjoy Ultimate Fighting Championgameandbecome the king of Ninja Fighting fighters.Ultimate ninja fighting was a worldwide hit in the arcadesandablast in the fighting game genre at its release thanks tothehighquality of its game mechanics and its 6 KUNG FUfighters!Feature:* Endless combo hit makes you become a Ultra Combo Master* Classical arcade & Exclusive landscape thrilloffighting* Waste no mobile data & Fight for endless levels rating* Classical Horizontal version of fighting help yourelivethehappiness of childhood.* 7 Boss characters & Each characters can be transferredforanmore powerful role for free.Come on, challenge the Ultimate Ninja Fighting. Punch inallenemies,kick out all other Kung Fu fighters. Rush into theduelfield andbecome the King of Kung Fu Fighter.If you love this incredibly cool and fun Coin-Op ArcadeFightingGamethen you'll also want to try your hand at more greatfightinggamepublished by ACUSPUNSA!Enjoy game now !
Battle of Ninja War - Online 8.0
CS Ninja has arrived, a 2D FPS with ninjas!Youcan choose from various ninjas and play against people from alloverthe world or with your friends.This game is still in Beta version, any feedback or suggestioncanbe sent to the email [email protected]:This game is Multiplayer, connection required to play.
Goku War: Budokai Tenkaichi 1.0.3
Bat Lab
The games are quite differentfromtheoften-compared Budokai series; they usea"behind-the-back"third-person camera perspective. Alsodifferentfrom the Budokaiseries, each form is treated as its owncharacter,with varyingstats, movesets and fighting stylesThe Ki gauge can also be used to use moves referred to asBlast2skills. Every character has a unique set of Blast 2skillsthatallow the character to use special moves such as Kiblastsandphysical attacks. Characters also have aself-rechargingnumericgauge called Blast Stock that allows playersto usetechniquescalled Blast 1 skills. Blast 1 skills usually haveasupportiveeffect such as allowing characters to regain healthorimmobilizethe enemy.Players can also power up into a mode called MaxPowerModenormally by building up their Ki beyond full at the costofBlastStock bars. Max Power Mode makes the character thatinitiateditfaster, stronger, and able to use moves that areexclusive tothemode. One of these moves is the Ultimate Blast whichis usuallythemost powerful move a character has, though use of anyBlast 2skillor the Ultimate Blast immediately ends Max PowerMode.- Artificial Humans: Will not show on radar unlesslockedonto.- Large Characters: Do not flinch from smallercharacters'meleeattacks.- Great Ape: Do not flinch from smaller characters'meleeattacks
Super Lu Bu: Dyna War 1.0.2
NTT Group
Advance is mostly its own game, butusesasimilar "board game" map. Instead of battles being timedandallarmies moving at once, each force has its own turn,makingAdvanceeven more like a board game.Characters have some similar attacks to their counterpartsintheother Dynasty: War games, but there is no jumping,arrows,ormounts. Characters still level up and can acquireweaponshiddenaround the map. There is a new mechanic, aGradius-stylepowermeter that cycles through a number of powerups asyoudefeatenemies; you lose powerups as you take damage, and youstarteverybattle with no power.Her weapons in the sixth title are originally namedafterromanticand pristine images. They are moon incense Standard,arainbow dropSkill, and flower tears Strength. Her skill charthastwo hearts,likely a reference with her relationship withLuBu.Tap both sides of screen: Draws in enemies by twirling weaponinanupright position to create a pink-tinted whirlwind.Followingtheattack's movements causes the whirlwind to grow largerandreleaseflower petals.
Ninja War III 1
Next Studio
Ninja War III is new 2D game about ninjaworld.Please help he pass all members of Akatssuki group andmoveforward.How to play ?Very simple. You will tap on screen to jump , avoidcollisionsand try get all coin .Disclaimer :This game is not related to Naruto movies.
ShinobiWar: Destiny of Ninja 1.1.1
Play with your favorite heroesinShinobiWar.ShinobiWar is new 2D anime ninja battle game.It's fan project, maded for fans. All rightsreservedbyowners.
Ninja Boy Surfer 2.1
Ninja Boy Surfer, it is game is about amanlost in a scary dark world trying to pass all the evils andtheobstacles using the your super power ,go help the man toescapethat world, it will be nice of you assist it, you have to useplaycarefully.This game is one of the best Ninja Boy Surfer games themostincredible one, go score the highest distance and gold youcangather.This game contains :-An open level game- Smooth user interface with the best graphics.- Phone and Tablet support- Music and sound effects- Play for all ages (especially teen )- the game is free, no purchase required.- No Violence, crude pictures in the game (Suitable forkids,children and teens) No doubt that this is the number onebestAdventure and action games ever made Download to play yournewarcade game.hope you enjoy Ninja Boy Surfer, good luck.Pay attention:**The hero of this game Ninja Boy Surfer might look a littlelikethe naruto but it is not him
Dragon Tenkaichii Tagg Teamm Z 4
Dragon Tenkaichii Tagg Team Z is the firstgamethat does not include characters from GT but it is the firstgame tofeature the cast of Z Kai.A demo was released on PSN on October 19. It featured Goku,Vegeta,Piccolo, Krillin, Android 19 and Dr. Gero asplayablecharacters.Although these mechanics have stuck with the series, otherideassuch as the "Hyper Mode" the ability to move at incrediblespeeds,fly freely,and "Beam Struggles" between two character's beam attacks.werelater replaced in favour of other techniques.It is also the first Tenkaichii game to feature 1 vs 2, 2 vs 1 and2vs 2 battles, beside the general 1 vs 1.The special moves are mainly taken from individual charactersownspecial moves from the show;including, but not limited to, Goku's Kamehameha, Vegeta'sGalickGun and Frieza's Death Beam.Dragon Tenkaichii Tagg Team Z Features* Over 70 deeply customizable characters.* 10 different stages.* Character customization.* Dragon Z Kai voice acting.* Incredibly deep combo system.* 1 vs 1, 1 vs 2, 2 vs 1 & 2 vs 2 battles.* Complete Tenkaichii experience on PSP.* High-Impact battles.* Consists of Blow Exchange and Shot Exchange.* In-game transformations.* Three Super Blast moves or combat moves for all characters.* Dragon walker, battle 100, and survival.
大量殺戮兵器 九尾 1.0
九尾(九尾の狐)は中国神話の生物。9本の尻尾を持つ妖狐。ナルトにも出てくる九尾の封印解除!世界各地で狐は魔物や憑き物として伝承され、九尾もそうした狐にまつわる昔話の1つで、悪しき霊的存在として登場する。九尾は万単位の年月をイキた古狐が化生したものだと言われている。Kyuubi (nine-tailedfox)isof Chinese mythology organisms. Inu with nine tail.Also come out nine tails of the seal released Naruto!Fox in many parts of the world is handed down as ademonorinherent, Kyuubi also one of the folk tales surrounding suchafox,appeared as evil spiritual presence.Kyuubi the old fox was alive the years tens of thousandsaresaidto be something that was metaplasia.
Anime: Heroes Run 1.0.1
Help the anime super heroes escape the chaseofthe enemy.How to play:> Tap to screen to help the super heroes jump up&down> Avoid chasm & obstruction> Get coin to unlock new super heroes.ver 1.0:Anime Heroes:- Curt.- Jumong.- Cena.- Trent.© TIRIPS StudioThe version of Nobita Run expansion.
Ultimate Ninja Stickman Fight 1.1
These funny stickman creatures are readyforadeadly fight! Help them to determine the best stickmanwarriorwithUltimate Ninja Stickman Fight!No one knows why these creatures have started their wareonsago…Only the Black One – undead vampire – knows the rootsofbloodybattle, but he just smiles instead of an answer.Anyway,this timewith got a bloody tournament of the stickmenfightersfrom all overthe world! Mysterious ninja Grass One,aggressivestreet fighterBlue One, not so clever, but very strongBrown Onealready have comehere – and many other fighters too!Choose thebest one withUltimate Ninja Stickman Fight!Research fighting skills of these funny creaturesandusedifferent fighting styles including Taekwondo, Muay Thai,KungFu,Boxing – in stickman style, you know! Fight againstenemiesandsurvive on the ring as long as you can! Earn pointsandupgradeyour power, speed, and accuracy or unlock new strikesandfightingstyles getting points for each kill! Check two game mode–storymode, where you should achieve the top of the best fightersatthisplace; and survival mode, where you should survive on theringaslong as you can!Ultimate Ninja Stickman Fight features:Unusual stickman fighting gameFunny fighters and opponentsWide range of strikes and fighting stylesTwo game modesBeat your enemies without mercy, learn new tricks -kicks,punchesand strikes - and have fun with Ultimate NinjaStickmanFight in3D!
Ninja War Fighter Craft 1.0
Games are very popular right now.Gameissurvival really hard with more Challenging New MaplevelsforAndroid now!BE THE FIRST To Finish THE GAME CHALLENGE !Your family and friends are playing it - can you beattheirhighscores?!Discover the mysterious naruto!Face the unknown dangers and fear!Ninja War Fighter Craft is a running game where you needtocrossdifferent obstacles, overcome dangersDrag to jump or slide and to move left or right.Run around different scenarios and gather all thecoinsyoucan.Game also gives you the chance of getting amazing fun.FEATURES :+ High-quality graphics+ 100+ Challenging Levels+ Lightweight Game+ High Speed Runner !+ ninja The jumping !So what are you waiting for!
Biệt Đội Chi Bi 1.5.0
Bạn muốn chơi một game nhập vai phiêu lưuhànhđộng đầy sáng tạo và tổ đội cùng các siêu anh hùng từ thếgiớikhác?Tham gia cùng BIỆT ĐỘI CHIBI, Game Hành Động Nhập Vai Anh HùngHOTnhất năm 2016!***Giải cứu thế giới anh hùng***Thành lập Biệt Đội “Anh Hùng Xuyên Không” cho riêng mình, vượthàngngàn phụ bản chông gai, hàng trăm con boss khó nhằn, phiêu lưuquanhiều vùng đất để tìm cách tiêu diệt thế lực Hắc Ám, đoạt lấyvinhquang cho bản thân.***Điều khiển tự do, xả skill thỏa thích***Cơ chế chiến đấu free style mới mẻ, điều khiển tự do theo bốnhướngkết hợp với các combo skill đẹp mắt. Biệt Đội Chibi chắc chắnsẽđem đến cho bạn những trải nghiệm vui vẻ và hào hứng nhất.***Thời trang siêu ngầu, đau đầu lựa chọn***Biệt Đội Chibi cung cấp hơn 100 bộ thời trang cool ngầu, giúpbạnthỏa giấc mơ được hóa thân thành các siêu nhân trong nhữngbộtruyện tranh nổi tiếng của Nhật Bản và Mỹ... giúp tăng khảnăngchiến đấu cũng như trải nghiệm tuyệt vời nhất cho bạn.***Pet tiến hóa nhanh, ăn hành cả đám***Phiêu lưu cùng hàng chục loại thú cưng, linh vật cực teentrongnhững bộ phim hoạt hình xuất sắc. Những con pet này có thểtiếnhóa, thay hình đổi dạng, tạo nên chất riêng cực dễthương.***Danh hiệu cực kiêu, avatar đủ kiểu***Danh vọng là thứ ai cũng muốn đạt được. Thu thập hơn 100 danhhiệutrên hành trình phiêu lưu, cùng khoe với năm châu bốn bể đểchứngminh thực lực và tài năng.Vậy còn chần chờ gì nữa, hãy mau tạo ngay cho mình một BiệtĐộiChibi để giải cứu thế giới anh hùng ngay thôi! HOÀN TOÀNMIỄNPHÍ!Website:Đã chán game kiếm hiệp, tiên hiệp, võ lâm quá rập khuôn? Đá phátốmvới những game thẻ bài, thủ thành, chiến thuật quá thiếu sángtạo?Suốt ngày tam quốc, tây du ký… liệu còn đề tài nào mới mẻhơnkhông?Tất cả sẽ được trả lời trong:Biet Doi Chibi - Top 20 Game Mobile Online Hay Nhat 2016Biet Doi Chibi - Top 10 Game Action RPG Hay Nhat 2016Biet Doi Chibi - Game De Tai Sieu Anh Hung Hay Nhat 2016Biet Doi Chibi - Top Game Dien Thoai Di Dong Mien Phi Dang ChoiNhat2016
Block Shadow Ninja Battle C10.2.2
In a world overrun with evil, only onecanconquer of horrors of the night and save the worldfromdestruction. In Block Shadow Ninja Battle you play thesuperhero ofa world of danger and mayhem. Test your skills to thelimit in thisultimate first person shooting experience that keepsyou on yourtoes!GAME STORYSince you were young, there has been a silent horror thatalwaysaccompanies you. When you were young, it was merely areflections:a glint of eyes after a sidelong glance into aglittering or liquidsurface. As you grow older it began to manifestitself into aphysical form, splitting apart from you until you wereleft toalter entities. And then it left you. For a time, youbelieved allwas done. You never spoke of it. You feared what wouldbecome ofyou if you did. Surely normal people did not experiencesuchthings. And then one day something changes. Your horrorreturns,you find it has returned with a vengeance- and it is notalone. Asit descends upon your city, you feel a surge of power risewithinyou, greeting the evil before you with bleak resolve. Justlikethat, you know what must be done... you must confront and killthishorror. Wielding your new superpowers against this foe, it isup toyou to defeat it... or die trying.GAME MISSIONUnlock an arsenal of powerful weapons and perks and keep up thegoodfight. Every step could be your last unless you utilize yourskill,wit, reflexes, and aim. As you launch this game, you'll bepromptedto view a brief video ad in exchange for a powerfulpower-up. Usethis power-up until you die. You'll need thisultimate perk as youenter your first map, where an integrated gametimer will prove oneof your greatest challenges. You mission willbe to defeat a givennumber of enemies before your time runs out.Succeed at this task,and you'll be rewarded with a mega permanentweapon to wieldthroughout the game. Each level boasts intense gameplay, withhighly intelligent enemies that claim high damage andhealth. Foeslurk in ever shadow. Make use of your every advantageto take outthese lurkers and win the day!Game Features:-Game timers-Entity map-Game timers-Loading screen game play tips-FPS battle scenarios-Variety of different missions-Increasing difficult game play
Uchiha VS Uzumaki 1.3
Uchiha VS Uzumaki is the best gameadventureinthe world, u will explore the ninja village with coolninjutsuandcakra, and u will be the king of the konoha village . ifulikeaction game adventure or fighting game this game is madeforyou,so dont miss it. lets play with us
Shinobi Runner! - Ninja Saga 1.0.0
Uchoa Apps
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Shinobi Runner! Free ★ ★ ★ ★ ★Shinobi Runner is endless runner saga ninja! Useyourdexterityand skill to overcome deadly obstacles(Like fireball,shurikens,kunai, swords) and survive on the run - in the airor ontheground! Running to far away with the ninja shinobi youwillearnhigh score on the leaderboard.The ninja can use quickly jump over and slidesthroughobstacles.Go as fast and as far as you can. Try to beatotherplayershighscore on up to 13 different speed levels.Shinobi Runner features:★ Very EASY CONTROLS (Press Left to dodge, Rigth to Jump and2xRigthto double Jump)★ Very fast paced gameplay★ Really challenging★ Increasing difficulty from easy to bone breaking★ Increasing speed★ Google leaderboard and Achivments★ Challenge your friends and all other players worldwide★ Different difficulties to runner★ Shinobi Runner - Saga Ninja is 100% Free to play - Nopurchaseinthe game.★ Inspirated in Ninjas from Konoha in Nature Shippuden★ Main enemies: fire ball, shurikens, kunai, swords★ Shinobi nunja looks the naruto shinobi named HatakeKakashiinnaruto shippuden anime / manga who is also knownassharingankakashi from Konoha
Amazing Super Heroes Reborn 1.1.5
ToHo 3D
Amazing Superheroes Adventure is a fun, single touch high scoregameoozing with charm. Touch and hold the screen to control yourhero.Don't let your character touch anything, it's a trap.Transform tosuper hero. Features: - Available hero: Invoker fromDota 2, IronMan, Hulk, Wolverine, Rocket Santa, Naruto, more heroare coming. -One Touch Control Scheme. - Buy equipment items. -Unlock new hero.- 100+ areas. - No In App Purchase. *** DOWNLOAD& PLAY NOW FORFREE *** ** COMMUNITY ** "Like" on Facebook toreceive “AmazingSuperheroes Adventure” updates andnews! :This game doesn't intend to break any copyrightviolation . Allcharacters and their IP's are reserved to theirrespective owners.
Ninja kung fu : fighting games 1.0.4
Welcome to the ninja kung fu fighting3dtraining den gameplay. Your objective is to fight the neverendingwaves of armies. Super easy, Super addictive! You should notwasteyour time looking for others, here is what you were carvingallthis time! Ultimate street fighting action game! Variesordinarycitizens as characters and opponents Bright and realistic3Dgraphics for your pleasure Opportunity to upgrade andcustomizeyour combatant skills Two entertaining game modes: contestmode andsurvival mode You are training to be the best Ninja KungFuFighting, a great warrior on martial fights.You prepare yourself at the ninja kung fu fighting 3d school ofkungfu to become a ninja master. You have met there tonight withotherninjas to fight each other in order to train your kung fuskills butyou have a problem: Some people heard about this meetingand want tostop you at any cost! So if you want to arrive to themeeting pointand reach the kung fu school, you will need to befast beforesomeone tries to stop you because despite the badreputation of theninjas, you only fight if it is necessary, so tryto avoid everyattack and do not stop running! You are trained byshinobi senseibecome a hitman ninja in this shadow fight game.Penetrate militarycamp in forest near fortress. Sneak up enemyninjas with stealthtechniques, soldiers are well-armed avoidmaking any noise. Climbwall with rope, jumps from rooftops attackenemies from behind. Armysniper hidden in jungle as thief keepyourself in shadow beforefight. Challenge enemy ninjas for combatfight and kill them all.Download Ninja Warrior Assassin 3D isviolent action game withthrilling and action pack gameplay. Climbninja on wall with rope,swim through river it’s time to show yourmartial arts move withlethal weapons in Ninja Warrior Assassin 3Dfast-paced action packedgame.Upgrade your Japanese assassin’sskills - power, speed andaccuracy and try new strikes to overcomerivalsthis fighting games is designed only for killing your timeinawesome way. fighting games Beautiful new graphics. Here is thetipfor you. The Special fighting games move is not what you expect.Becareful! Easy and fun to play, challenging tomaster.Stunninggraphics and animations. fighting games Displaysupport.Hardcoregames-play.Try different fighting styles including Taekwondo, Mauy Thai,KungFu, Boxing and other and enjoy being a real Japaneseassassin!Check contest and survival mode – fight against enemiesand killthem to earn points or survive on the ring as long as youcan!Become the strongest fighter on the earth playing Ninja KungFuFighting 3D action game! Upgrade your power, speed and accuracyorunlock new strikes and fighting styles getting points foreachkill. It’s high time to assassinate! Explore differentlocationsand use different fighting styles including Taekwondo,Muay Thai,Kung Fu, Boxing and other and enjoy being a real Japaneseassassin!Lead your clan to the victory and bring death to allyourenemies!Devastate your enemies with delightfullyintuitivecontrols, thanks to an all-new fighting interfacedesignedespecially for touchscreens. Customize your fighter withepicswords, nunchacku, armor suits, magical powers, and more.Features:★Realistic stealth and combat movements between ninja fights★Ultimate action fighting game in Japanese style★Amazing swimming, jump, weapon strike animations★Smooth on screen touch buttons for shadow fighting game★ninja kung fu fighting 3d HD graphics with beautifulforestlocations to explore★ fighting games with blood
Ninja Warrior Run 1.0
Do you have what it takes to be a Ninja?Meet these brave ninja warriors and help them get homebeforenightfall.Your goal is to survive as long as possible while avoidingfallsand fierce dragons.Be careful where you run. You can also try to jump toavoiddragons or shoot at them using ninja stars or shurikens.Go as far as possible and collect coins to beat yourfriends.FEATURES:•Simple tap controls that are easy to use.•Multiple characters to choose from•Incredibly fun, endless gameplayThanks for playing Ninja Warrior Run - Dragon Slasher!
Ninja Kage 🔥 1.3
Hello, everybody! My name is Ninja Kage,mymother caught by bad guys. I need to learn and practice skillstobeat bad guys , and rescue my Mother !Legend of ninja story " Once upon a time, at a village, thepeoplewere really miserable by a greedy mandarin. A hero appears,NinjaKage decimated that mandarin. Therefore, hero’s mother wasunderarrest by court to bully hero into expiating his crime. Heknewthat from an old man. From that, he became ninja legend. Hedecidedto stand out for save his mother "How Ninja save his mother ?Ninja legend starts at the top of the temple, and then NinjaKagejump off the temple back to the forest. You must killtheboss.In home versions, grabbing a crystal ball causes theplayer'sclothes to change to the next level in color and therebyattaincertain powers . If Kage is hit in a home version while ingreen ororange clothes, he does not die but reverts to his normalredclothes.Download and enjoy this action legend game.
Ninja Hero Space Legends Saga 1.04
Play Ninja Hero Space Legends Saga, the best new free game oftheyear 2014! A classic fantasy arcade 3d game with enemies whoshootyou with high calibre guns!Do you need fun? This 3d game is what you were looking for!Defeat bosses by waving your lengendary metal sword andothergear. Dodge their bullets and jump to the glory.Space wars have arrived----------------------------------Angry clumsy enemies are now in your planet. And deadlyfinalbosses. And a slug.Every town in your kingdom, every planet in the space, is inrealdanger. Terror is in the air.But you are a real hero. A good one. A superhero.One world, Different levels.-------------------------------------Defeat every enemy through many levels, raise your sword tothegalaxy and become a legend!Power up your system to the next level. Be a hero. But don'tspillto much blood.The galaxy is in your hands! Can you deal with it?
Advancing Heroes
St James
【Game Introduction】Awesome 3D characters, environment & cool special effectsOver 300 3D cute lovely heroes with you fight shoulder toshoulder,a full 360-degree view of 3D environment in game, plussuper coolskill special effects! A visual feast is coming toyou!Fun real-time strategy & group fightingDynamic switching heroes, change team formation, formulateattackstrategic, power up, rank up and gear up to prepare yourheroes,experience real-time fighting every moment!【Game Features】1. Quest filled with adventure, mysteries and real-timeintensebattle2. Forge super power into your equipment3. Level up and customize your own character’s attributes4. Unleash demonic powers against evil bosses5. Get the daily rewards, all kinds of weapons & items6. Easily control, simply to play7. Perfect graphics& design, alive cute charactersNow, massive blood- thirsty bosses is coming, join the fightandguide your own heroes to victory!
Anbu Konoha Shinobi 1.5.4
Anbu are recruited from theirvillage'sstandardshinobi forces, hand-picked by their Kage fortheirindividualcapabilities and special skillsProtect the village from exceptional threats,conducthigh-riskmissions into enemy territory, and deal withextremelystrongninja.Play as Anbu Shinobi and protect Konoha village