Top 12 Apps Similar to MyJobTime

Timesheet - Work Hour - Work Log (Pro) 10.9.0-full
Timesheet is easily to track work time and keep as aworklog.Timesheet is perfect for self-employed,freelancers,contractors,hourly workers and employees to use as timecard, knowyour workinghours, automatically calculate earnings,submit timesheet tomanagers or invoice to customers. Key Features ★Add workhour bytimer, widget or calendar ★ Navigate work hour bycalendarview ★Know your work hour and earning ★ Track multiple jobsandclients ★Auto calculation on daily and weekly overtime ★ Roundtimeto 3, 5,6, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes ★ Pay period inmonthly,semimonthly,biweekly and weekly ★ Support Tax, deduction,expenseand mileage ★Organize work hour by tag ★ Analyze work hourby chart★ Sharetimesheet in Excel, CSV and HTML format ★ Sendclient pdfinvoiceHave an idea or featuresuggestion ※If you like the app, thenpleasegive us a good rating as thedriving force behind ourcontinueddevelopment. ※ Since it is noteasy conversation in themarketreview, if you have any suggestionsor questions please mailto ourmailbox directly. For marketreviews, please just leave yourratingand cheers, thanks again.
Working Time 2.3
Working Time is an application that allows you to record yourworktime. Each time is related to a project that is related toacustomer. - FEATURES - Easy build of a new time - Ability topause,resume, or close a time - Check times - Lists detailed bycustomer,by project, by date, with its exports of data and reports- Listfiltered by date, project or client - Calendar - Setdefaultpreferences filters - Export data in CSV format in theexternalmemory, with reference ID Code or clients and projects ofyourexternal database for easy data processing - Sending data viaeMail- Export and reading reports in HTML format - Export data inPDF -Submission of Reports by eMail - Import customer list via csvfile(with sample files) - Import csv file with project list(withsample files) - Backup and Restore Database - Export DatabaseinCSV format - Sending Database in CSV format - Widget HomepagePlease contact me with any problems or bug reports
Hours Reporting 1.9.0
Automatically calculates the missing hoursorin excess of your activities as Employee, Consultant orFreelancer,or study hours, breaks, relax time or the familytime.Hours Reporting calculates for you the hours worked, permitsandholidays that you have done and the difference fromtheschedules.So you always know when you need to recover the missing hours orifyou can recover the extra hours.The archive can also be consulted for groupings and right nowoffersa series of Categories organized under two main categoriesparent(Business Day, Free Time).Hours Reporting uses minimal system resources and, thanks toitsgraphics with muted colors on a black background, uses verylittlebattery by being highly environmentally sustainable.Start now to use Hours Reporting and you'll continue to do soforAlways FREE!Tell your friends before the free installations will be sellout,you'll could do him a favor ;)N.B.Any suggestions and/or reporting any anomalies for animmediatecorrection are welcome, thanking you for yourcollaboration weinvite you to view the FAQ and/or contact thedevelopment team onsite: Features :- Entering Daily Reports by Date and Category (ex. Working Hours,Overtime, Holidays, Permissions , Solidarity, Recovery Time ,BabySitting , Studio , Free Time, Sports , etc.).- Automatic Calculation Time and End of Turn End Pause- Consultation and Report Total Placed in a period , or for AllRoomCategory- Customizing the Default category and other categories- Define the start time and duration of the turn is thatthePause- Definition of the days of the week to apply thedefaultsettings- Performing the duration of the round is that the Pause- Automatic Backup and Restore every each application update- Backup and Restore archive manualy- Monthly report- Export and send Summaries in CSV and PDF with Email,Bluetooth,Wi-Fi, and through all the other installed apps.- English and Italian Translations
Michael Heinz
Just choose your shift, morning, regular or late andtapthecorresponding day. You can define work times, colors,namesandmany more to fit your needs. With our unique app youcancreateyour whole shift pattern in less than a minute. No appcanbeatthis. Unique features: - scroll calendar - Freeeditabletemplates- Single tap to add or delete calendar entries -Doubletap toswitch shift entries - additional entries in shiftcalendarforsecond shift (double shift) - Choose work times, names,colorsandmore - Option to add notes to any calendar day -publicholidaysfor 38 countries - widget for view shifts (todayandtomorrow) -week number optional: - export of services asPDF-file -matchingof your services in your device calendar (manualandautomatic) -automatically add recurring shift cyclestoroster-calendar -automatically delete of shifts - calculationsfortotal hours ofshifts - Online Backup/Restore - daily entryofovertime - passwordprotection - data exchange Android <->iOS- planning ofholidays/vacation/trips
My Overtime - working hours 3.70
Track your working hours and comp time on the go with MyOvertime!

TimeDock - employee time clock 2.3.7
TimeDock keeps you up to date withreal-timejob timesheets, forcing your team leaders into the habitofclocking staff in at the point of doing work.Stop chasing timesheets last minute before payday, and compileyourlabor positioning reports at the click of a buttonat (Premium Account or Trial required to usethisapp).Suitable for...Remote team-based workforceEach employee carries an ID card with a Barcode or NFC tag thentheyapproach the designated person when they start work who clocksthemin. Then, at the end of the day, they present their ID card toclockout. Great for construction crews, agriculture, service teamsandother wage-based organisations with designated personsresponsiblefor tracking hours worked.Fixed-premisesInstall a modular wall-mounted Wifi time clock that uses the sameIDcards as our mobile app. Or optionally install your own tablettothe wall with this app set to front-facing camera forself-servicecheck-in as employees arrive.Repeatable laborCleaners, healthcare workers, security staff and otherswhoregularly visit set locations can check-in by scanning a fixedtagat each location to create a new jobsheet entry with theirhoursassigned. Review in job-sheet format with total hours perrepeatedjob.Top reasons to choose• Scales from 1 to 1000's, without diminishing workflow.• Lets you react to labor fluctuation and project overrun beforeithappens.• Gives you real-time labor costing for keybusinessdecisions.• Eliminates the hassle of chasing timesheets andresolvingtimesheet errors.• Forces point-in-time workflow and actively fightstimesheetlateness and consistency issues.• Modular architecture lets you integrate as many mobile devicesandwall-mounted punch clocks as you need, across many locationswithdiffering internet connectivity.• Works seamlessly online and offline.How this app works:1. Download the app and connect to a TimeDock account asatime-tracking device.2. Optionally pre-select a job code or activity code (configuredbythe admin through the online web portal).3. Use the in-app camera to scan staff ID's as they arrive, orwavetheir NFC badges next to the NFC sensor, to clock into work.Repeatsteps 2-3 for switching jobs, then clock out at the end oftheyday.What you'll get from the online web dashboard:• Instant timesheets for each employee and job. Plustimesheetoverview.• Positioning reports and analytics for configurable costcodes,activity types, tasks.• Manually adjust or enter hours missed.• Configurable CSV exports for sending time data directly topayrollapplications.TimeDock's card-based interface is highly scalable, allowingtheissue of thousands of ID cards and eliminating the need formanualinteraction at the point of recording time.Designed for payroll administrators, TimeDock gives youinstantonline access to timesheets in real-time. Time can also beappliedto jobs on a job-sheet, allowing you to monitor in real-timetotalhours worked on a specific job or location.Install any number of attendance clocks on any number of devicesandthey all work together as employee time clock devices,collectingtimesheet information for your central TimeDock account.Unlike yourtraditional punch clock, employees can check in fromone device andout another.* TimeDock software subscription required to usethisapplication.
Timesheet - Work Time Tracker
Looking for an opportunity to measure yourworktime?This App provides all functions that an employee expects fromamodern timesheet.First, you declare how many hours you work a day, how longyourbreak is, and at which times your working hours may berecorded.Afterwards, a protocol of your working hours can becreated.The timesheet can display your overtime hours and statistics onyourbusiness hours per week/month. All statistics can be exportedas aCSV file and processed in the spread sheet.Do you have fixed working hours (as for example 40 hours perweek)and want to know when you have to punch out? The integratedtimeclock timer supports you.Functions of this time clock app:- Measuring of work time- punch in/ punch out- Statistics on weekly/monthly work time- Declaration days taken off- Breaks and restrictions of working hours are takenintoaccount- Overtime support- Timesheet timer to indicate your closing time (punchouttime)**Time Clock, Overtime Tracking, Time Attendance, Punch Clock,TimeRecorder, Work Time Tracker**Any helpful suggestions or interest in new features?Contactus.
JobRecorder 1.1
JobRecorder is an application that allowsyoutorecord schedules and the work done daily and monthly.Easyandintuitive screen you can record all the shifts youcarriedout,their start and end times. On another page instead youwill beableto register the work scheduled monthly. All colors thatplay aworkdivided into daily shifts know very well what istheplanned,namely a vision without timetables and work shift tobemonthlydiscussions, for example: morning, afternoon, eveningornight. ButJobRecorder is more: you can download directlythroughyourinternet connection, from your company, all rounds anddailyandscheduled work. Just that your company must have accesstothewebsite and register bycreatingitsown dedicated server. This server has a number ofrecognitionthatthe company shall distribute to all its employees.From thewebsiteof the company JobRecorder will display allregistered userstoyour server and can upload all shifts andscheduled itsemployees.Who owns JobRecorder on your phone will beable toafterregistering the number of servers in yourorganization,downloadall shifts. Not only! Can receive and sendnotifications toyourcompany.Download and try it now JobRecorder and if you like ittellyourcompany that offers free JobRecorder!!
Rileva Smart 1.5.9
Libemax srl
L’analisi di mercato ha portato Gruppo Centro Paghe arispondereaduna richiesta ben precisa: la possibilità per ildipendenteditimbrare la propria presenza direttamente dasmartphone,senzaobblighi di supporti hardware aggiuntivi o dispostamento sulluogofisico di lavoro. Per questo, in collaborazionecon Libemax,GruppoCentro Paghe lancia una soluzione innovativa efondamentalepercommerciali, tecnici, trasportatori o chiunquelavori concontinuispostamenti. Grazie a GPS, TAG NFC e BEACONS,l’app inviainautomatico i dati ad un database remoto, mentreuntimesheetregistra gli orari. Il dipendente potrà selezionareilclientepresso cui si trova per tenere sempre tracciadell’operato.Letimbrature saranno visibili direttamente sulcalendariodell’app,importate nel programma di rilevazione presenzeedesportabili inexcel.
HoursTracker: Time tracking for hourly work 4.2.3
OVER 120,000 PEOPLE track their time and pay usingHoursTracker®.Try it today, and find out why it's the best andmosthighly-ratedtime tracker in Google Play! Easily track your timeandearnings,whether you're an hourly employee, a contractor, oryoujust wantto better manage your working hours. QUICK AND EASYtimeentry andediting make time tracking painless • Record timeusingtimers,complete with support for Breaks and Pauses • Trackyourpay,including Tips, Mileage, and flexible ± timeandearningsadjustments • Pick any time to start, stop, break orpausethetimer (7 minutes ago, 10 minutes from now, whatever youneed) •Setjob locations and get clock in and out reminders when youarriveorleave or fully automate your time tracking (geofencing)•Manuallyenter time entries with minimal effort thanks tosmart,adaptivedefaults • Enter comments of any length with yourtimeentries andoptionally include them in your exports ◆ADVANCEDFEATURES andcustomization set HoursTracker above the rest•Automatic daily andweekly overtime earnings calculations •Built-inreports by Day,Week, and Month and support for most commonpayperiod schedules •Robust tagging and filtering allow you tobuildyour own customviews • Reminders when you've worked yourtargetnumber of hoursper day (even takes time rounding intoaccount) •Automatic timerounding: up, down, or to nearest(including 6 min) •Ongoingnotification lets you view time on theclock, even clock outtake abreak without launching the app • CSVand formatted textexport •Cloud-based backup/restore with onere-usable backup slotincludedfree (free account sign up isrequired) • Web-basedreportingaccess, including charts, graphs,desktop exports, androllingbackups available with optionalsubscription • CustomizeyourHoursTracker experience in thePreferences section under theMoretab. Choose only one or many jobsclocked in at a time,opt-intoprompts for comments, choose anelapsed time format(hours:minutes,or decimal hours), and more "FreeEdition" stores upto 3 jobs and21 days of entries. For unlimitedentries, upgrade tothe"Personal" (up to 5 jobs) or "Pro" (unlimitedjobs) edition.Or,erase older data and continue to use the "FreeEdition"untilyou're ready to buy. Visit ourwebsiteat to learn more,andfollow@HoursTracker on Twitter or tohearaboutupcoming features first. If you have a question, problem,orneedhelp, please send us a support request via e-mail.
Rilevazione Presenze - Clock-in and clock-out
Libemax srl
Realtime clock-in and clock-out to your employees
Badge Free 4.2.31
A simple tool to track your Working Time and manageWorkShifts.Badge helps with access control entry points (entrancesandexits)as your Barcode Label card. The application stores allaccessdata(Check-Ins and Check-Outs), has internal clock thatcanbesynchronized with the clock on your work. Badge remind youifyousuddenly forget to do Check-In or Check-Out, countWorkedandOvertime hours, build Graphics and Share Reports. You canuseBadgelike a barcode generator, Work Shifts Calendar withsimpleandintuitive setup. App supports Work Shifts Managementwith2-weeksrotation. ★ WORK SHIFTS manager ★ GRAPHIC REPORTS★GENERATING ofbarcodes (look supported barcode formats below)★Barcodes SHARING★ Saving, Modification, Deleting of Signs In★NOTIFICATIONS withsound and/or vibration ★ CLOCK (canbesynchronized with the clockon your work) ★ COMPUTING ofworkedhours ★ COMPUTING of overtime ★COMPENSATIONS CALCULATOR ★SHARINGreports as .CSV file ★ STORINGof your barcodes ★BACKUP/RESTORE ofyour data ★ WIDGET NOTES: Thispaid version isad-free and allowsyou to select history month.Supported barcodeformats: ★ QRCODE ★UPC-A ★ UPC-E ★ EAN-8 ★EAN-13 ★ CODE-39 ★CODE-128 ★ CODABAR If youlike this applicationtry non free versionof Badge: There are noads. INTERNETpermission is used for ads. Ifyou have any questionsor ideasplease email us. Tags: barcodegenerator, barcode clone,work hourstracker, work shifts, shiftscalendar