Top 19 Apps Similar to Canciones Dibujos Animados 60

Aplicatón 2.2
La Aplicación Oficial de la Teletón serenuevapara la edición del 2016, busca acercar a todos los chilenosa lacruzada solidaria más importante de nuestro país.En esta App podrás ver en vivo en tu dispositivo móvil las 27horasde transmisión, además de material exclusivo de streamingybackstage de los animadores del programa. Por primera vezpodrásenviar videos de saludos y mostrar donde y como estásviviendo estaTeletón. Además, la App ofrecerá la posibilidad devotar y decidirmomentos claves del programa que se reflejarán en latransmisióntelevisiva generando una experiencia de interacciónúnica.También podrás ver como va la meta de este año, cuánto faltaparalograrla y saber qué sucursales del banco están cerca de tiparapoder hacer tu donación. Junto con todo lo anterior,encontrarásnoticias, los mejores videos y todas las historias enVOD y toda lainformación de la programación y tareas de estaTeletón.Además te invitamos a participar de la nueva sección "fullacceso"en dónde podrás dar a conocer los lugares accesibles paralaspersonas con capacidades diferentes ¡Ayúdanos a lograr unChileinclusivo!Ayúdanos para que juntos nos demos el abrazo de Chile.2 y 3 de Diciembre Teletón, el abrazo de Chile.Official Applicationofthe Telethon is renewed for the 2016 edition, aims to bringthemost important solidarity crusade of our country toallChileans.In this app you can watch live on your mobile device 27 hoursoftransmission, plus exclusive backstage material streamingandanimators of the program. For the first time you can sendvideogreetings and show where and how you are living this Telethon.Inaddition, the App will offer the possibility to vote and decidekeymoments of the program that will be reflected in thetelecastcreating a unique interaction experience.You can also see how the goal this year, how much longer toachieveand know what bank branches are close to you to make yourdonation.Along with the above, you will find news, the best videosand allthe stories and all information VOD programming and tasks ofthisTelethon.We also invite you to participate in the new section "fullaccess"where you can make known places accessible for peoplewithdisabilities Help us achieve inclusive Chile!Help us so that together we know the embrace of Chile.2 and 3 December Telethon, the embrace of Chile.
Canciones Dibujos Animados 70 2.1
Krypton Apps
¡Disfruta con las canciones delosdibujosanimados de la década de los 70!, ya sea enseñandoselasatuspadres para que se les caiga la lagrimita o mostrándoselasatushijos para que vean lo buenos que eran los dibujosentustiempos...!!70's Animados, segundo tomo de la colección XX'sAnimados,recogelas canciones e imágenes de las mejores series dedibujosanimadasemitidos en España en la decada de los 70.Recuerda con nostalgia y alegría las canciones eimágenesdeseries como Heidi, Marco, Mazinguer Z, la Abeja Maya,Popeye,Eraseuna vez el hombre, Don Quijote de la Mancha, Calimero,VickyelVikingo, Jacky y Nuca, Capitán Cavernícola y muchosmás!!!Si durante esa decada ya tenias la cabeza cuadrada deestarpegadoa la tele, entonces estas canciones te traerán montonesdebuenosrecuerdos.Y si naciste un par de décadas despué hay problema!,graciasala repetición infinita de series animadas que se hizoenlatelevisión Española durante las décadas posteriores,somosmuchaslas generaciones que conocemos estás clásicas intros dedibusdelos 70.También podrás gestionar tu sección de cancionesfavoritasymandarnos sugerencias de series a través del buzóndelaaplicación. Ah! y recomendarnos a tus amigos via mail!Los 70 fueron unos años muy locos y discotequetos, asiquenodejes pasar la oportunidad de hacer un retrospecteryreescucharlas canciones de dibujos más molonas de la década delos70!!!¡¡¡Disfrútenlas!!!Enjoy songsfromthecartoons of the 70s!, Whether your parentsenseñandoselasfordislodging the tear or showing them to yourchildren so theycansee how good they were the drawings in your day... !70's Cartoons, second volume of the collectionXX'sCartoons,picks the songs and pictures of the best animatedcartoonseriesissued in Spain in the decade of the 70s.Remember with nostalgia and joy the songs and imagesofserieslike Heidi, Marco, Mazinguer Z, Maya Bee, Popeye, once uponaman,Don Quixote, Calimero, Vicky the Viking, Jacky andRing,CaptainCaveman and many more!If during that decade you already had a square head to begluedtothe TV, then these songs will bring lots of goodmemories.And if you were born a few decades later .... no problem!,Thankstothe infinite repetition of animated series ontelevisionbecameSpanish for decades after, we are many generationsthat weknow areclassic intros dibus of 70.You can also manage your favorite songs section andsendussuggestions of series through the application mailbox.Ah!andrecommend us to your friends via email!The 70s was a very crazy and discotequetos years, so donotmissthe opportunity to make a reescuchar Retrospecter songsandmorebangin drawings of the 70s!Enjoy them!
Magic drawing 2
Cosmic Mobile
Amazing application for animated drawing 2. Create nicer yourmobilescreen. Draw something using animated brushes. This magicpainterallows you to create fantastic animated drawings or simpledoodles.Using animated brushes, you can create beautiful, animatedphotoframes. You can save your completed animated drawings as alivewallpaper and set them on screen of your phone or you cansavepainting as a photo. You can use animated brushes such as:-Shining diamonds (9 color of diamonds: blue, pink, yellow,classicdiamond and others) - Diamond hearts (6 color of heart:pink, blue,red, violet and others) - Shining hearts - Flowerschanging color -Diamond flowers - Animated butterflies - Shiningstars - Animatedfire flames - Animated explosions - SparklersAnimated brushes have3 different sizes. You can set 3 differentdensity. This allows youto achieve amazing results while drawing.You can create greatanimated drawings or static drawings. This coolmagic painter willallow you to create a fantastic animated livewallpaper. Write downa name using flowers changing color or fireflames, draw a rose ofdiamonds, create animated photo frames,whatever you want and whenyou want. Use your imagination. If youlack a particular brushemail us, we'll add it to the magic painterupdate. View ourgallery of drawings, live wallpapers and photoframes, which willgive you an idea of how to draw. In case of anyproblems with theeffect of magic painter, drawing application,instead of giving usthe negative opinion, please send us an e-mailand review brieflythe problem. It will help us to solve it in thenext updates ofdrawing app. Magic painter is free but contains adsin settings ofthe wallpaper and inside app. Revenue fromadvertising will help usto create new attractive wallpapers andapplications. Allpermissions are required only for advertising andare supported bytrusted vendors.
Canciones Dibujos Animados 80 2.2
Krypton Apps
¡Disfruta con las canciones delosdibujosanimados de la década de los 80!, ya sea enseñandoselasatuspadres para que se les caiga la lagrimita o mostrándoselasatushijos para que vean lo buenos que eran los dibujosentustiempos...!!Ahh...y úsalas como tono de llamada!80's Animados, tercer tomo de la colección XX'sAnimados,recogelas canciones e imágenes de las mejores series dedibujosanimadasemitidos en España en la decada de los 80.Recuerda con nostalgia y alegría las canciones eimágenesdeseries como Oliver y Benji, Inspector Gadget, D'artacan ylostresmosqueperros, Chicho Terremoto, Dragones yMazmorras,SherlokHolmes, los Diminutos, La Aldea del Arce, FraguelRock,Doraemon,Los Aurones......y así hasta 45!! están todas!!!La década de los 80 fue sin duda la más fructífera delasdécadaspara las series de dibujos animados. Sus canciones nosonsoloeso.... son himnos!! Y no unos himnos cualquiera, sinolosmejoreshabidos y por haber. Esta super colección de temazos delos80 no tela puedes perder!!!!Disfrútala al completo en esta versión, o en suversiónreducidacon el TOP 80. Serás el amo en las reuniones deamigos conestostemas.También podrás gestionar tu sección de cancionesfavoritasymandarnos sugerencias de series a través del buzóndelaaplicación. Ah! y recomendarnos a tus amigos via mail!Enjoy the songsofcartoonsof the 80s !, either enseñandoselas your parents todropthe tearthem or showing them to your children so they can seehowgood theywere the drawings in your time ... !!Ahh ... and use them as a ringtone!80's Cartoons, third volume of the collectionXX'sanimated,collect songs and images of the best series ofanimateddrawingsissued in Spain in the decade of the 80.Recalls with nostalgia and joy songs and images ofserieslikeOliver and Benji, Inspector Gadget, Dogtanian andthethreeMusketeers, Chicho Earthquake, Dungeons andDragons,SherlockHolmes, the tiny, Maple Town, Fraguel Rock,Doraemon, theAurones...... and so on until 45 !! They are all!!!The 80s was undoubtedly the most fruitful decadesforcartoonseries. Their songs are not only that they are hymns ....!!And nohymns anyone, but the best have or might have.Thissupercollection of great songs of the 80 not to be missed!!!!Enjoy it to the full in this release, or in its reducedwiththeTOP 80. You will be the master at meetings of friendswiththesetopics version.You can also manage your favorite songs sectionandsendsuggestions through the letterbox series application.Ah!andrecommend us to your friends via email!
las estrellas
The Las Estrellas App is completely free. Download it now!
Canciones Dibujos Animados 90 2.0
Krypton Apps
Fueron muchas cosas las que nos trajo ladécadade los 90, la caída del muro de Berlin, la expo del 92 enSevilla,el nacimiento de la ovejita Dolly, la invención deINTERNET y comono, una gran colección de series de dibujosanimados que hicieronlas delicias de los tele-espectadores de laépoca!¡Disfruta con las canciones de los dibujos animados de ladécadade los 90!Ahh....Y úsalas como tono de llamada!90's Animados, cuarto tomo de la colección XX's Animados,recogelas canciones e imágenes de las mejores series de dibujosanimadasemitidos en España en la decada de los 90.Contiene canciones de grandes clásicos de series dedibujosanimados como Bola de Dragon, Bola de Dragon Z, CaballerosdelZodiaco, Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon, Juana y Sergio, etc, asícomoproducciones españolas como Las Tres Mellizas, Los FruittisoDelfy, sin olvidarnos de aquellas que parecían estar avanzadas asudécada como Los Simpson, South Park, Las Super Nenas, Vaca yPollo,El Laboratorio de Dexter, Jhonny Bravo y muchos más!Pensandolo bien....los 90 fueron una buena década para lasseriesde dibujos animados!! Disfruta de ellas hoy mismodescargando estaapp de forma totalmente gratuita y con lascanciones accesibles sinconexión a intenet!También podrás gestionar tu sección de canciones favoritasymandarnos sugerencias de series a través del buzón delaaplicación. Ah! y recomendarnos a tus amigos via mail!There were manythingsthat brought us the 90s, the fall of the Berlin Wall, Expo 92inSeville, the birth of Dolly the sheep, the invention oftheInternet and of course, a large collection of cartoon series tothedelight of the television viewers of the time!Enjoy the songs of cartoons of the 90s!Ahh .... And use them as ringtone!90's Cartoons, fourth volume of the collection XX'sanimated,collect songs and images of the best animated cartoonseries issuedin Spain in the decade of the 90.It contains songs of classic cartoon series like DragonBall,Dragon Ball Z, Saint Seiya, Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon, JuanaandSergio, etc, as well as Spanish productions like The Triplets,TheFruitties or Delfy, without forgetting those who seemed tobeadvanced to his decade as The Simpsons, South Park, ThePowerpuffGirls, Cow and Chicken, Dexter's Laboratory, Johnny Bravoand manymore!Second thought .... 90 were a good decade for cartoon series!!Enjoy them by downloading this app today completely freeandaccessible songs offline intenet!You can also manage your favorite songs section andsendsuggestions through the letterbox series application. Ah!andrecommend us to your friends via email!
PlayKids - Educational cartoons and games for kids 4.22.1
PlayKids Inc
PlayKids has the best cartoons and gamesforkids under 5 years old. We're the #1 app for kids in more than25countries!- Hundreds of the best educational cartoons, sing alongmusicvideos and quality preschool TV shows for kids andtoddlers- Free educational games, minigames and puzzles designedtohelp children and toddlers develop motor coordination, memory,andpre-kindergarten skills- Use the app offline when you don't have internet accessorwish to save your data plan! Download and play ourpreschoolcartoons and games whenever / wherever. Very useful forlong trips,doctor's appointments and restaurants!- Popular characters like Daniel Tiger, Caillou, PocoyoandLalaloopsy bring your kids the best adventures!- Teach new languages to your kids with children'scartoonsin Spanish and Portuguese.- Sing along with our amazing songs and nursery rhymes.Watchthem dance!- All cartoons, videos, songs and games are curated by a teamofspecialists. We make sure all videos and games arealwaysage-appropriate, safe and fun- PlayKids is designed to be very easy to use so childrencanuse tablets and phones in a safe and fun way to learn whilehavingfun- Subscription required for unlimited access. Subscribe onceandhave access on your Android phone, tablet and TVPlayKids is certified by the kidSAFE® Seal Program. Tolearnmore, visit http://www.kidsafeseal.comONLY ON PLAYKIDS- ABCs - Dance, sing and learn about the letters of theAlphabetwith Junior and his friends on this series of upbeat singalongmusic videos- SuperHands - Learn how to create new toys and objects usingitemsavailable in your homePLAYKIDS TV SHOWS & CARTOONS- Caillou- Pocoyo- The Wiggles- The Hive- Peg + Cat- Sesame Street.....and many moreEDUCATIONAL GAMES AND PUZZLES- Junior's room: drag and drop each toy inside the toybox andmatchtheir shadows. This game teaches kids about matching andmemorizinggeometric shapes- Learn to draw: our drawing tutorials teach fine motorcoordinationskills and incentivize children to grab their pencilsand getcreative!- Connect the Dots: tap the stars in order to reveal anobject!Here, kids learn how to count and have fun while connectingthestars.- Match game: this classic game teaches children about focusandmemory skills.- Coloring book: unleash the kids' artistic skills andcolordrawings featuring Junior and his friends- Magic Piano: children learn about music, rhythm and sounds.Ourspecial piano keys will also teach children about colorsandnumbers!- Animals: High-quality pictures and samples of animal soundsteachchildren the animal's name and how they sound...and moreSUBSCRIPTION DETAILSYou can cancel your subscription anytime – there is nocancellationfee. You can find instructions on how to manage andcancelsubscriptions here: may vary from one country to another; pleasedownloadeverything you might want to watch before traveling abroad.Youdon’t want to miss your favorite cartoons!CUSTOMER SERVICEWe're here to answer questions and hear how we can improvePlayKidsfor you and your kids. You can mail us within the app orathttp://support.playkidsapp.comWant to receive the latest news from PlayKids?Like us on Facebook
Pokémon TV
Take Pokémon TV on the go with the Pokémon TV app!
Sketchbook 6.0.4
Sketch and paint on your device with the feel and freedom ofdrawingon paper
Charcoal Drawing 2.0
Beautiful Images
Teazel Ltd
Relaxing adult coloring book with beautiful pictures andgorgeouscolors.
How to Draw Weapons 5.4
An app that teaches you how to draw weapons step by step
Paint Free 3.5.4
One of the best and most popular app for drawing!
Live Graffiti - drawing app 1.2.4
Live Typing
The best drawing app in a russian social network VK.COM(7millionsinstallations) now is on Android! Live Graffiti isanuniqueapplication for drawing which remembers the process ofyourartcreation and then perform it as a cartoon. Send livegraffiti toafriend and he will watch you draw from the first stroketothelast. You can use convenient tools of real digitalartists:-different settings of size and intensity - simpleandadvancedcolor palettes - handy zoom for detailed work -undo/redoaction -saving and sending animated graffiti - saving yourgraffititointernal memory as a picture - sharing in socialnetworksandservices - sending a link to graffiti by sms or email -stylusandgalaxy note s-pen support (new!) Live Graffiti: draw,share,watch!“If you like drawing and painting, this applicationshouldbeperfect for you.” — “Fun littleapp.”— If you find any error [email protected]. Like us and share you Art at theLiveGraffitiFacebook page!
Colorfy: Coloring Book for Adults - Free
*** Elected as one of the “Best Apps oftheYear 2016” by Google - "Most Beautiful" category ***Colorfy is the free addicting coloring book for adults onAndroid.Start coloring books now! Kids can also enjoy the picturesofmandala, florals, animals and patterns. You can play itseveraltimes and recolor pictures you have already painted!With Colorfy, you don't need wifi to start the coloring game.Youcan color and recolor the blank coloring pages online oroffline.Try now one of the best coloring games of 2016!Coloring books and mandalas are proved to help adults releasethestress and feel better: test it now! It is a great way torelaxyour mind and have fun! Enjoy this color therapy forfreenow!Girls and boys can also draw and paint several coloring pagesinthis app. It is a free and fun book for all ages: adultsandkids!Features:- Color beautiful florals, animals, patterns, mandalas,cats,gardens, famous paintings, and more- Create your own color combinations in this awesomecoloringgame- Draw mandalas- Color and recolor as many time as you want- Designed for adults but kids and little girls can also enjoythecoloring experience.- Easy controls! Simply tap to paint and pinch to zoom onthecoloring pages- Experiment with beautiful palettes and mandalas- Design unique work with new filters and effects- Share your pages and creations with family and friends- Post your art and get likes from your followers on InstagramorPinterest- Works offline! No wifi needed to relax on the bestcoloringbook.• New images and pictures every weekGet inspired with pics posted by users all over the world!Justbrowse our own feed or explore the hashtag #colorfy onInstagram.Create your own pic collages that look like realpaintings orcolorful photos. Unleash your inner artist.• Coloring books anywhereColorfy is a free app and does not require any internetconnection.Have fun with it in the garden, while kids play videogames, orduring a long flight. Relax and be creative. You can playit onlineor offline!• Connect with the world in a new, meaningful, andbeautifulwayShare your creations in Instagram, Snapchat, Messenger, Facebookandmore. Have the most beautiful coloring pages! The colors youchoosesay a lot about your true feelings.• Colorfy Plus subscriptionA subscription is offered within the app for access to thefullcontent and weekly image updates. Color and recolor themostamazing pictures!• Compatibility and supportWe're continuously working so that all Android phones andtabletsrun Colorfy the best way possible. Please report any issueyou mayexperience at• Age rating disclaimerColorfy is a free app for all ages. Just like the best games–children, girls, and adults can enjoy it without anyrestrictions.Have your kids pass time with this app.
Drawings to paint Frozen 15.7.2
Bausauli Apps
Coloring book of ice princesses or of theicequeen. Drawings of Elsa and Anna, Kristoff and Olaf for youtopaint your favorite cartoon. If you love princess tales forgirlsas sofia and tinkerbell or other fairy tales you'll lovecoloringdrawings of frozen in the ice kingdom. While waiting frozenfrozenfever 2 to the second part, the girls and princesses of thehousewill have fun with these drawings made to entertainyoungchildren.Paint with precision these precious princess tales and colortheirbeautiful costumes and princess dresses. With the magicmarker,they can paint the picture automatically using the wholecolorpalette ,like purple and violet . They will love it.• A wide palette of colors, from pink and violet andstrawberryor the whole range of the rainbow. Many colored pencilsorcrayons• Pen or magical brush to color the image quickly• For infants and children who go to daycare and preschool.Perfectfor children between 0-6 years and for children who go toschool orare in primaryAll images have been acquired by the company for exclusiveuse.These images have copyrights and belong to their author.
Neon drawing 1505 v5
Educa Kids
• Make notes and drawings with lighting and fluorescent effects.•You can choose from different colors and strokes (dottedline,double line or lightning) that acquire motion while you write.•Save your notes and drawings, and share them with your friends!•An app very useful for tablets or mobile phones. You can useitwhen an idea comes to your mind, to write a Post-it as areminder,to write the grocery list, to draw, to take notes at work,or tosketch or doodle something. • Kids from the age of three canalsouse it, preschoolers or those who attend school as well. Theycanmake beautiful drawings with neon lights, which later can beprintin order to decorate their home. It’s more than a coloringbook;they’ll love to draw their favorite characters or whatevertheywant. All images are specially designed for this applicationandare copyrighted. If you're going to use them forcommercialpurposes, please contact us before. If you liked the appVote forus, helps us improve, thanks!
Neon drawing 15.7.13
• Make notes and drawings with lightingandfluorescent effects.• You can choose from different colors and strokes (dottedline,double line or lightning) that acquire motion whileyouwrite.• Save your notes and drawings, and share them withyourfriends!• An app very useful for tablets or mobile phones. You can useitwhen an idea comes to your mind, to write a Post-it as areminder,to write the grocery list, to draw, to take notes at work,or tosketch or doodle something.• Kids from the age of three can also use it, preschoolers orthosewho attend school as well. They can make beautiful drawingswithneon lights, which later can be print in order to decoratetheirhome. It’s more than a coloring book; they’ll love to drawtheirfavorite Disney characters or whatever they want.If you liked the app Vote for us, helps us improve, thanks!LEGAL NOTE: All images were specially designed forthisapplication and are copyrighted. If you're going to use themforcommercial purposes, please contact us first.
Learn to Draw 0.0.5
This apk, "Learn to Draw" is designed forthosewho want to start in the world of the drawings.With it's easy to learn because it contains free courses thatwillexplain step by step how to draw:• Drawings of animals• Drawings of Flowers• Drawings of Goku• Children's Drawings• Cartoons Simpsons• Drawings for printing• Drawing a Minion• Draw Mickey Mouse• Drawings car• How to draw anime• Etc ...With this app will paint your favorite pictures as coloringgamespoque drawings'll start with easy step by step as you haveenoughslack here you can find images and pictures that will helpyou drawinspiration for your dreams alone with your pencil.Also you can put wallpaper pictures to draw.Remember Learning to Draw is totally free and you can share itbyWhatsapp and Facebook with your friends.Do not forget to rate this application.Best free app to learn to draw, with explanatory images