Top 7 Games Similar to 狂斩之刃

功夫少林-全球唯一正版授權3D硬派動作手遊 1.10.2
少林寺官方授權, 3D ARPG正宗武俠巨作,堪稱十年唯一經典天下武功出少林-少林正宗授權 千年武林絕學盡在掌中【少林寺官方正宗授權】少林寺方丈釋永信大師登門首肯,一招一式由少林大師親授,完美演繹霸氣龍爪手,無堅不摧金鐘罩,震耳欲聾獅子吼…等經典招式,還原少林千年武學精髓,實地取景呈現少林寺傳奇樣貌,少林古剎,3D超清重現360°全景視角,場景互動觸發連鎖攻擊,暢享視覺極致體驗。少林功夫蓋天下-武僧親授棍法 持棍搏擊在技不在力【少林寺棍僧指親授】運用全3D動作捕捉技術,擬真打鬥將少林功夫精隨完美融入遊戲中,呈現少林棍法不硬拚勁力而是剛柔並濟純正動作要領,結合打狗棒法,伏魔杖法,武當玄武棍,等數百種招式組合套路靈活運用。正宗硬底子真功夫-對戰實時換角 PK出招拳拳到肉【獨步全球驚艷首創】創新的三位一體玩法三個角色實時切換戰鬥,同時可以利用角色的攻擊、防禦屬性來調整,實時匹配真人在線PK以及超燃擂臺競技,帶給玩家極致暢爽的競技體驗,PK打本講究策略技術並用,拒絕無腦操控。萬派歸宗武俠巔峰-QTE系統 心法技能合一瞬間爆屏加入高規格PlayStation等TVGAME才有的QTE動作系統,激烈對戰中QTE快速回擊提升戰鬥感,玩家隨時可在戰鬥中觸發心法,釋放QTE絕技,同時考驗玩家的反應能力和對整體節奏的掌控能力,提高了遊戲的操作性和競技性,每一場PK都能興奮莫名無比暢快!遊戲官網:粉絲團:
Kungfu Master
English version: Master there is a horizontal version of the Republic ofChinaas the background of the fighting game, featuring culturesystemupgrade, let you step foot pinnacle of martial arts. Avariety ofcool weapons for you to choose! Changing skill smoothbatterhandsome! Republic of wind horizontal version of the game,gorgeousscene, cool skills, super cool sense of combat. Let uslook at theBritish nation to lead us together to drive theinvaders, Yang Weiof China!Games fighting style biased tough, strong sense of combat, youshowa true spirit of martial arts, so you have a different martialartsjourney. Game, you play Fist of Legend Fearless Republic ofChina,in accordance with the development of the plot challenges onebyone boss. I believe a lot of heroes in your heart there is adream,right? So Fist of Legend - you must meet a variety of coolweaponsfor you to choose! Changing skill smooth batter handsome!Get backto the Republic of achievements hero dreams!Challenges in the level you set in the case of full energy andcanrelease large strokes. Big move released, you need to keeptappingthe screen points to even move, but this is the test ofeveryone'shand speed oh ~In the training in the main interface, you can upgradetheircharacter attributes. Training is divided into common cultureandstrengthen the culture, the former need to enhance thepropertiesof gold, while the latter is the need to strengthen theirdiamondproperty. When you feel the time is quite difficultchallengelevels, you can enhance their ability to reduce thedifficulty ofthe challenge.Of course, in the game, you are all well versed versatileheroes.The default is the game empty-handed combat, but you canspendmoney to unlock weapons, weapons, property and also upgradetheRising Star, arms Rising Star debris need, you can challengethebarriers to get in.Many advantages of the game, fighting smooth, good experience,nocomplicated system, the game is also dedicated to provide youwithall kinds of martial arts give you the brush material. Martialartsgame, that this is a pretty good place. Martial arts roomisdivided into five difficulty, for the first time you can playfromthe lowest level of difficulty to challenge novice, familiarwiththe contents of the martial arts. After a successful challenge,youcan get experience, money and weapons debris from martialarts,these to improve your ability to be a very important part. Soyoumust grasp the martial arts this one oh.In the sense of real combat game. Fighting coherent actionisstrong, you are presented a visual and sensory doubleenjoyment.You are interested in the game, hurry to demo it." Kungfu Master " is a Chinese-style fighting hand tour.Reducingthe height of the game's plot is set, beautifully richcharacters,the story brings you authentic experience.[Game Features]1) classic combo, cool special effectsThe real fight against flu, fluid combat coherent forceeffect,bring you sense a fingertip on enjoyment.2) Fighting hand travel, new realmThe new virtual joystick, innovative gestures, touch, Combozoomtrick, violence batter, fighting pleasure instantbursttable.3) the ultimate Boss, waiting for you to fightUnique level system, Boss 8 different elements. In thevisual,auditory and combat sense, so that you hearty, feel your ownheroof the road.4) Heroes of the road, hard-edgedContinued passion and blood at the same time, so that you haveaprofound sense of belonging to the nation, and you will feel amorepassionate fighting experience!5) gorgeous style, Q version modelingLovely rounded design, with abundant fine picture of thegame,immersive gaming experience, stimulate straightforwardfightingstyle.Youtube: https: // https: // https: //
流星蝴蝶剑(Meteor Combat) 1.0
《流星蝴蝶剑》是一款武侠格斗手机游戏。游戏包含多种武器,角色。通过不断击杀敌人可以获得更多武器。紧张刺激的节奏和热血沸腾的格斗音效,爽快的对战而且小巧的安装包为您节省宝贵的下载流量!"Butterfly Sword"isamartial arts fighting game phones. The game contains avarietyofweapons, roles. By constantly kill enemies getmoreweapons.Exciting rhythms and passionate sound of fighting, warandrefreshingsmall installation package to save youpreciousdownloadtraffic!
狂斬三國-單機版 1.0.2
★「狂斬三國」萬千寵愛的 Android 單機版!2014年8月隆重上架。★「狂斬三國」三國題材不稀奇,稀奇的是動作、策略、操作同時體驗。★「狂斬三國」ios Appstore排行總榜 Top 1 單機遊戲。★「狂斬三國」Google play商店 台灣動作榜 Top 3單機遊戲!你值得入手!★ 不定期玩家活動請關注FB粉絲圈facebook專頁:遊戲系統✔ 一點寒芒先到,隨後槍出如龍三國名將——趙子龍!✔ 古風猶存,沉穩、小萌、有意思的將領風格,✔ 獨創劃屏狂斬玩法,斬攻擊敵方軍馬將領頭顱,✔ 手握將領兵權、多種軍隊、兵種,可帶領,可攻城!✔ 華麗技能特效,至炫擊打、多種五虎上將獨有の技能爆發!-------------------------------遊戲特色★大將技能——順勢一擊,雷霆踐踏,絕殺沖陣,劃屏狂斬展現華麗真實奧義。★升級進化——強化稀有武器,進化兵種軍隊,讓你所向無敵,享受奪下每一座敵城的榮譽感。★領兵系統——金槍兵,強弓兵,巨盾兵,虎錘兵,法師陣,術士群,衝鋒陷陣,由你統領指揮!★單機特色——網遊般的眾多內容、大Bossの副本,在單機遊戲中,您可以全部體驗!-------------------------------遊戲關卡《黃巾之亂》、《虎牢關之役》、《赤壁之戰》、《荊州爭奪戰》、《南蠻入侵》等二十多關卡,千萬城池!「三國演義」中的經典劇情都將躍然紙上。白袍將軍趙雲(字子龍)七進七出長阪坡,至今談來依然盪氣迴腸……你最值得擁有的單機遊戲!-------------------------------youtube遊戲視頻:還不能打動您的下載?玩給你看!看完視頻你就明白!狂斬三國單機版,值得你入手珍藏!
風華寶劍一千秋 1.8.3
官方粉絲團:客服信箱: [email protected]===遊戲特色===《風華寶劍一千秋》是一款即時戰鬥角色扮演手遊,以流暢的操作模式,並加入創新好玩的刮刮樂、測試反應力等多樣系統,讓玩家在緊張刺激的戰鬥中,同時分享組隊戰術與暢遊同樂心得,達到攻無不克,戰無不勝的奇蹟!以黃易的經典故事為背景,頂級的畫面特效,各式各樣的副本玩法,讓你如臨其境,刻劃出自己的武俠傳奇!★全3D遼闊美景★絢麗戰鬥畫面★多人搭配即時競技★豐富多元養成系統【史詩經典劇情 再次回味故事中的高潮迭起】正宗劇情編著,絕世畫面完美重現,讓你慢慢細數回憶【即時PK與國戰亂鬥 體驗血脈噴張的戰鬥快感】【炫麗光影特效 開啟感官新紀元】順暢流利的殺敵快感,高手間過招豈能讓武學遜色【豐富活動與副本 日日行程滿檔】過關斬將、十面埋伏,與戰友一起團結抵禦外邦的侵略吧【強大的社群互動系統 即刻與朋友分享喜悅與榮耀】圖文並行的聊天輸入,讓你廣結江湖好友【多元養成系統 傳奇人物在臨】武功心法高手相助,千百種搭配選擇,開啟角色養成新視野【獨享溫泉美女 山莊幫派經營讓你更顯盟主風範】紅顏能力的不斷進化,美女與天下兼能掌握手中
The Swords
Sunhead Games
The Swords is an action game of ancient martial arts.
功夫少林-封測版 1.10.2
少林寺官方授權, 3D ARPG正宗武俠巨作,堪稱十年唯一經典天下武功出少林-少林正宗授權 千年武林絕學盡在掌中【少林寺官方正宗授權】少林寺方丈釋永信大師登門首肯,一招一式由少林大師親授,完美演繹霸氣龍爪手,無堅不摧金鐘罩,震耳欲聾獅子吼…等經典招式,還原少林千年武學精髓,實地取景呈現少林寺傳奇樣貌,少林古剎,3D超清重現360°全景視角,場景互動觸發連鎖攻擊,暢享視覺極致體驗。少林功夫蓋天下-武僧親授棍法 持棍搏擊在技不在力【少林寺棍僧指親授】運用全3D動作捕捉技術,擬真打鬥將少林功夫精隨完美融入遊戲中,呈現少林棍法不硬拚勁力而是剛柔並濟純正動作要領,結合打狗棒法,伏魔杖法,武當玄武棍,等數百種招式組合套路靈活運用。正宗硬底子真功夫-對戰實時換角 PK出招拳拳到肉【獨步全球驚艷首創】創新的三位一體玩法三個角色實時切換戰鬥,同時可以利用角色的攻擊、防禦屬性來調整,實時匹配真人在線PK以及超燃擂臺競技,帶給玩家極致暢爽的競技體驗,PK打本講究策略技術並用,拒絕無腦操控。萬派歸宗武俠巔峰-QTE系統 心法技能合一瞬間爆屏加入高規格PlayStation等TVGAME才有的QTE動作系統,激烈對戰中QTE快速回擊提升戰鬥感,玩家隨時可在戰鬥中觸發心法,釋放QTE絕技,同時考驗玩家的反應能力和對整體節奏的掌控能力,提高了遊戲的操作性和競技性,每一場PK都能興奮莫名無比暢快!遊戲官網:粉絲團: