Top 12 Apps Similar to DF Protección civil

Ciudad de Mexico (DF) 1.1
Travel Guide Mexico City (Mexico City)
México DF: Guía turística 1.0.1
Descubra México DF con la nueva Guía de Ciudades gratis en su Android la guía de turismo yconsulte toda la información totalmente en español.Mapas,recorridos, puntos de interés, los mejores hoteles y muchomás!Es gratis y muy fácil de usar.  Seleccione y descarguelaguía de México DF para contar con toda la informaciónnecesariapara aprovechar al máximo su viaje.Descubre la ciudad de Frida Kalho, el Zócalo y el EstadioAzteca!Arme sus itinerarios para conocer cada rincón de México DFcon losmejores datos! Opiniones, críticas y recomendaciones deviajeros.Las Guías turísticas de cuentan con lamejorinformación en español para que planifique se viaje. Todaslasactividades que puede realizar, con el mejor asesoramiento delosusuarios.INFORMACIÓNConsulte todas las atracciones y las actividades imperdiblesparaorganizar su viaje como si fuera local. Encuentre todalainformación de México DF, mapas, tips, recomendaciones,opiniones,críticas, distancias, ubicaciones y medios de transporteparamoverse sin problemas.QUÉ HACERDescubra un mundo de actividades! Conozca la ubicación delosprincipales puntos de interés, museos, zoológicos, plazas,parques,aeropuertos y hoteles. No se pierda los mejores lugares deMéxicoDF para ir de compras, disfrutar los espectáculos másimportantes,aprovechar la vida nocturna o  apreciar lanaturaleza.Toda la información de México DF estará disponible en su Androidconsólo descargar la aplicación de!HOTELESTodos los hoteles en un mismo lugar! El listado más ampliodehoteles en México DF se encuentra en las Guías de Consulte y reserve los hoteles próximos asuubicación; precios, servicios y condiciones de contratación,yconozca las puntuaciones y opiniones de otros usuarios. Losmejoresprecios garantizados de Hoteles de!FAVORITOSSea su propio guía! Organice su lista de favoritos paratenersiempre en cuenta las actividades que no se quiere perder,marquelos lugares de México DF que desea volver a visitar o dejarunarecomendación a otros usuarios.Descargue gratis en su Android la guía turística deDespegar.comy tenga toda la información para su viaje totalmenteenespañol.DiscoverMexico City with the new Guide Cities.Download theAndroid free tourism guide and see allinformation inSpanish. Maps, tours, attractions, best hotels andmore!It's free and easy to use. Select and download the guidefromMexico City to have all the information needed to make the mostofyour trip.Discover the city of Frida Kahlo, the Zocalo and theEstadioAzteca! Build your itineraries to know every corner ofMexico Citywith the best data! Reviews, traveler reviews guidebooks have the best informationin Spanish is toplan travel. All activities can be performed withthe best advicefor users.INFORMATIONSee all unmissable attractions and activities to organize yourtriplike a local. Find all the information from Mexico DF, maps,tips,recommendations, opinions, reviews, distance, location andmeans oftransport to move smoothly.WHAT TO DODiscover a world of activities! Know the location of the mainpointsof interest, museums, zoos, parks, airports and hotels. Donot missthe best places in Mexico City for shopping, enjoy theshows mostimportant, make the nightlife or appreciatenature.All information in Mexico City will be available on your Androidbydownloading the application!HOTELSAll hotels in one place! The more complete list of hotels inMexicoCity is located in the Tourist Guides View andbookhotels near your location, prices, services and conditionsofemployment, and meet scores and reviews from other users.Bestprices guaranteed Hotels!FAVORITESBe your own guide! Organize your favorites to alwaysconsideractivities not want to miss, mark the locations of MexicoCity thatyou want to visit or leave a recommendation to otherusers.Download free on your Android tourist guide andhaveall the information for your trip entirely in Spanish.
Copiloto DF 1.0
Si eres una persona que viajas apieconstantemente por la Ciudad de México, esta aplicación es parati,ya que te permite llegar a tu destino sin complicaciones,solobasta capturar los datos de salida, destino y el tipo detransporteque utilizarás (metro, metrobus, tren ligero y/o trensuburbano).Copiloto DF te ahorrará tiempos de trayecto, marcando larutaoptima entre diferentes combinaciones de medios de transporte,asímismo te mostrará el importe estimado de tu viaje.Para ti que viajas constantemente dentro del Distrito Federalyque buscas llegar a tu destino de manera más rápida,estaaplicación es imprescindible para tu smartphone.
Mexico City Guide WiP-MEX Live 2.0
WiP-MEX Live is an online app forMexicoCitythat includes GPS-powered maps with a wealth of pointsofinterest,allowing for street view, driving and walkingdirections,near-mefunctionality, specials, events and much more!WiP-MEX Live works ONLINE, offering you the fullWiPexperiencewith immediate updates; so the next time you use WiP,itwillinclude the latest additions like just-announcedeventsorrecently-added specials.

WiP-MEX Live FEATURES:- GPS-powered maps: 
WiP-MEX Live includes a wealth ofpointsofinterest in Mexico City, each one of them located atitsexactposition in a dynamic map of the areawithgeo-locationfunctionality included.- Street view, driving and walking directions: 
Want to seewhatacertain area of Mexico City actually looks like? Use streetviewandsee by yourself what that restaurant looks like; orevenbetter, getdirections to the place!

- near-me functionality: 
Using GPS technology, WiPputsthebusinesses, attractions, specials, tours and beaches thatare“nearyou” right at your fingertips! near-me also determinesthedistancefrom your current location and it is available as alistview and amap view. 

- in-phone specials: 
Enjoy exclusive promotions fromourfeaturedbusinesses; this WiP functionality istime-sensitive,meaning that itwill only show you the specialsavailable at themoment. Specials canbe redeemed by simply showingthe WiP app toan employee at theestablishment. 

- in-depth information about local restaurants,hotelsandbusinesses: 
Exclusive articles about localrestaurants,hotels,nightclubs, art galleries, spas, tours and more.With alltheimportant info such as addresses, phone numbers,websites,e-mailaddresses and hours of operation right atyourfingertips.

- in-depth information about the destinationandemergencynumbers: 
Exclusive articles about the basic detailsofthe city,its history, traditions, cultural and naturalattractions,thingsto do, emergency numbers and more. 

- Business Directory: 
WiP contains a complete directoryoflocalbusinesses with addresses, telephone numbers andlocationmarkers inmaps.
- Browse by Category: 
Search the WiP content bycategory.Forexample you can browse the “Restaurant” category andthenselectthe “Mexican” sub-category to get a listofMexicanrestaurants.

- Browse by Neighborhood: 
Search the WiP content by thezoneorneighborhood you are interested in. 

- Browse by Tag: 
Search the WiP content by tags. A tag isawordthat describes what you are looking for. Examples oftagsare“Romantic”, “Pet-Friendly”, “WiFi” and “Trendy”.

- Locals and Tourists Friendly: 
WiP is a city app as muchasitis a travel app, which means that it is as useful fortouristsas itis for locals. Everybody can appreciate anexclusivespecialprovided only on WiP, or take advantage of thevastinformationavailable in our database.

- Bilingual: 
WiP is provided in English and Spanish,theappwill choose the appropriate language based on the settingsinyourdevice.
StyleMap Free 3.2.0
Mexico City Guide: Travesias StylemapMexicoCity is a tightly curated city guide to discover the bestthat thiscity has to offer. Our editors are constantly updating ourApp witha careful selection of the best restaurants, bars,museums,galleries, coffee shops and shopping venues that an experttravelermust visit while spending time in this grandmetropolis.
Travel Guide CDMX 1.3
Travel Guide CDMX is the officialtouristappfor the Religious Tourism routes created by MéxicoCityTourismBoard.Discover the history, important facts andadditionalinformationof the main tourist attractions from theReligiousTourism routesof México City.Travel Guide CDMX app main functions:Audio guide.Map with the main Religious attractions.Walking from your location to the main Religious attractions.QR lector to easy access to the information oftheReligiousattractions.
Metro - Metrobus Mexico 3.44
yalla ya!
Maps and routes of Metro, Metrobus, Suburban, Light,MexicableMexibus, Train.
Metrodroid DF 0.9.5
Planning a trip to Mexico City? Movearoundusing public transport using this app.Metrodroid is designed to consult metro stations, ecobicibikeavailability, maps for Suburbano, Metro, Metrobus andEcobici.Features:- Calculate routes from all metro stations including Line 12.- Consult Ecobici availability.- Search metro stations using the new vector and 3DGoogleMaps.- Vector maps consume less data.- Take a look around with Street View.
DF Turismo y cultura 1.0
Fomento Geek
DF Turismo y cultura te ayudara alocalizarsitios de interes para visitar en el Distrito Federal.Actualmente cuenta con: Museos, Teatros, Archivoshistoricos,Faros.- Los sitios se pueden visualizar en un mapa con marcadoresobien en forma de lista.- Cuenta con filtrado por delegación o por tipo de sitioparapersonalizar la busqueda.City Tourism andCulturewill help you locate places of interest to visit in MexicoCity.Currently has: museums, theaters, historical files, Fog.- Sites can be displayed on a map with markers or inlistform.- Has filtered by delegation or by type of site topersonalizesearch.
MetroMaps CDMX 2.80
Con esta aplicación tendrás la forma mas fácil y accesibledeconsultar los mapas de los sistemas de transporte como: - Metrodela ciudad de México - Metrobus de la ciudad de México - TrenLigero- Tren Suburbano Todos con una calidad única! + Mapasrealizadospor nosotros exclusivamente para ti, nada de mapas "copypaste" deotras aplicaciones. + Imagenes unicas de gran tamaño(UHD). NO MASimagenes pixeleadas dicifiles de leer. + Espectacularzoom en losmapas para una mucho mejor visualizacion. + Diseñobasado enmaterial design de google. + Exclusivo boton flotante paraconocerlas estaciones mas cercanas a tu posicion. + Generador derutas, teda informacion como cuento tiempo te haras y queestacionestransbordar + No debes esperar a navegar entre molestosmenús cadavez que quieras consultar las estaciones de la red delmetro,simplemente abre la aplicación y consulta, así de fácil!. +Usa eldoble tap sobre una parte especifica del mapa para realizarun zoomrápido. + Usa el gesto de arrastrar para moverte confacilidad portoda la red. + Usa gestos de zoom in y zoom out paramodificar eltamaño del mapa a tu gusto. esperamos [email protected]
Mexico City Airport (MEX) Info 14.4
Live Arrivals / Departures for MEX airport
MayaLive! 1.0.0
MayaLive! one rivera, one app, is afreeapplication developed for the Riviera Maya with which youwill have the chance to meet various alternatives so thatyourtrip is pleasurable, removing thepressure of consult guidebooks, blogs, maps, brochures, etc.It’slike having the Riviera Maya in thepalm of your hand.You will find your points of interest from your arrival attheCancun airport; water sports, nightlife orrelaxation and beaches ... you can locate everythingthroughMayaLive!Our app helps you to discover the Mayan culture onthearchaeological sites, the beauty of the junglein natural parks like Xcaret or Xel-ha. Let MayaLive! guideyoursearch of extreme experiences insports such as skydiving, zip lines or diving with sharks.Download MayaLive! your virtual tour guide and startexploringthe Riviera; from the comfort of therelaxing beaches of Puerto Morelos, the diversity of FifthAvenuein Playa del Carmen, turquoiseCaribbean Sea exuberance appreciated from the Island ofCozumelor the Tulum archaeologicalwonder. Free download User Friendly Search for sites of interest by category Geolocation GPS to guide you step by step toyourdestination Local events calendar Social media integration Rate & Review visited sites Full details of each landmark, business or site Search land, sea and air transportation systems Emergency numbers (police, hospitals and Protección Civil)