Top 4 Apps Similar to In my mind for Project Tango

Project Tango Virtual Reality 4
Shadowww VR Demo Project TangoJust an app that is better than no app at all.v2 is for lighting and sound demo of Doppler
Tangominoes 1.2
Use a Project Tango capable device tosetupvirtual dominoes all around you. And then knock them down!This is a Project Tango toy from a one day Tango HackathoninBoston.Includes Everyplay so you can (optionally) record andsharevideos of your best creations.
Tango 360 Video Player 1.28
Andrew Nakas
Load up 360 Youtube videos and the viewtheminvirtual reality.The app is pretty self explanatory so I'm going usethissectionto talk about the problems I've been having in thehopessomeonecan point me in the right directions1. I can't seems to get the youtube data api loadedunderanandroid key, so i used an ios one instead. The sha1 seems tonotbeverifying one my end.2. I tried really hard to get this working withtheexperimentalaugmented reality package and I could not getthematerial to cullthe front faces. I suspect this isbecauseocclusion in the ardemo.Those are the main ones with the tango, I havetwogeneralproblems I need to address with the 360 youtube data api,isa wayto detect if youtube videos are 360 or not and to tell iftheyfailto load.
Navi 2.0
Check out the demos for the DK2 that canpairwith this app (best experienced in a swivel chair or standingup -tested on a NVIDIA 970M):-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. JellyFling: demo showcases the ability to use touch and drag to fireaslingshot into orbs that are floating around you. You can alsousepositional and/or rotational tracking to control where theslingshot is relative to you.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. PirateDefense: demo showcases the ability to finely control theTangodevice relative to you. Use the plane to deflect bombs thatarefired at you from pirate ships. Note that the image you see intheplane that is controlled by Tango is an image of what isdirectlybehind your field of vision. Use it to see incoming shipsthat areapproaching from behind.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To run the demos, run the .bat script which runs the executablewitha parameter to use an Oculus (Unity has yet to build vrmodeinto theexecutable). If that does not work, open terminal and runthefollowing commands:cd /path/to/demos./SpaceDemo.exe -vrmode OculusBoth demos include a tutorial at the beginning on how to usethedevice. This can be skipped by touching the device with5fingers.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This application converts your Android Device (includingProjectTango Dev Kits) into an input device for your favoritecompatibleVR games. Use touch input and motion control to affectyour virtualenvironment.Currently, rotation and touch inputs (Tango alsosupportsposition) from your Android are sent over a wirelessnetwork toyour PC to use in a virtual reality experience. In orderto connectyour smart device to your PC with a DK2, both your PC andAndroidmust be on the same wireless router. Your PC willautomaticallyfind the Android device on the local network and begintransferringsensor data.At any point, you can reset the orientation of the device andtheheadset by taping the screen with your right 5 fingers. Thereisalso a small reset button on the device in the top left cornertojust reset the position and rotation.You can also toggle between rotational mode and positionalmodeby tapping twice. At the moment, I highly recommend usingjustrotational mode because positional mode drifts a lot (bothdemoapps defaults to rotational mode).For those interested, here is a link to the github repo toaccessthe code and start developing: