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Śladami Heweliusza 1.01
Z okazji obchodów Święta Gdańskiej Naukiwstyczniu, miasto wybrało na patrona jubileuszu gdańszczanina,JanaHeweliusza. Firma CTAdventure przygotowała na ten okresspecjalnąaplikację. Dzięki niej odwiedzający w tym czasie Gdańskbędą mieliokazję spotkać sławnego astronoma na ulicach miasta iuwiecznić tęchwilę na zdjęciu za pomocą swojego smartfona lubtabletu. JanHeweliusz będzie towarzyszył im również podczaswycieczki po ośmiucharakterystycznych miejscach związanych z jegożyciem. Zobacząwspólnie Ratusz Starego Miasta, Kaplicę Królewską,Kościół św.Katarzyny i wiele innych...--Each January Gdansk is celebrating Science Days and forthisoccasion, the city chose its patron, a citizen of Gdansk,JohannesHevelius. For this period CTAdventure has prepared aspecialapplication. Visitors to Gdansk in this period will have achanceto meet the famous astronomer on the city streets and capturethismoment on a photograph with their smartphones or tablets.JohannesHevelius will also assist them during a trip toeightcharacteristic places connected with his life. Together theywillvisit the Old Town Hall, Royal Chapel, st. Catherine’s Churchandmany others...On the occasion ofthecelebration of the Gdańsk Science in January, the city chosenasthe patron of the jubilee of the native, Jan Hevelius.CompanyCTAdventure prepared for this special application period.Thanks toher visitors at this time Gdańsk will have the opportunityto meetthe famous astronomer on the streets of the city and capturethismoment in the picture using your smartphone or tablet.Heveliuswill also accompany them during the tour of eightdistinctiveplaces associated with his life. Together they see OldTown Hall,the Royal Chapel, Church of Sts. Catherine and many more...-Each January Gdansk is celebrating Science Days and forthisoccasion, the city chose its patron, a citizen of Gdansk,JohannesHevelius. For this period CTAdventure has prepared aspecialapplication. Visitors are Gdansk in this period will have achanceto meet the famous astronomer on the city streets and capturethismoment on a photograph with smartphones or tablets Their.JohannesHevelius will also assist them during a trip toeightcharacteristic places connected with his life. Together theywillvisit the Old Town Hall, the Royal Chapel, St. Catherine'sChurchand many others ...