Top 13 Apps Similar to Novosibirsk City Guide

Novosibirsk (Metro 24) 1.1.6
★ BEFORE USING THIS MAP YOU NEEDINSTALLAPPLICATION CALLED "METRO24"★★★Metro map of Novosibirsk (Russia) for app called "METRO24".Don't try to open it after installation, you just need tochangethe map in "METRO24"settings.
Nsk Zoo 2.5
The first GIS solution for a zooinRussia!Zoo Nsk is a free mobile application for the Novosibirsk zoo, oneofthe three biggest zoos in Russia. Zoo Nsk is provided tonavigate onthe zoo territory and to inform visitors about the zooanimals,attractions, working hours, and services. The Zoo Nsk appis a greatchance to make your visit to the Novosibirsk zoo moreinteractiveand usable. The zoo has over eleven thousand animalsfrom all overthe world and is an active participant of differentcaptive breedingprograms for endangered species.Featured functionality:· Zoom in/out, pan· Switch on/off map layers (animals, cafes, attractions, etc)· View information about working hours, tickets price,providedservices, and planned events· Locate your current position· Search by animal names, including nicknames (if any)· View information about animals, cafes, attractions, kidsrailwaytime-table, etc.
Flamp app for Android features a localbusinesslistings with reviews and a search for the best placesaround you.Read reviews, choose what’s best for you and share yourownexperiences from anywhere!Features:- local business listings with rating and reviews in 91Russiancities: Novosibirsk, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg,Krasnoyarsk,Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Ufa,Tumen', Samara,Tol'yatti, Sochi, Krasnodar, Tomsk and others;- easy access to the most important information aboutlocalbusinesses: addresses, phone numbers, websites, hours ofoperation,payment methods, etc;- advanced search for businesses in the neighbourhood orbyparameters needed;- a base of reviews on local businesses;- ability to add reviews and photos about any company directlyfromyour Android;
Metro ★ Navigator 3.2.3
Awesome navigator for metro of differentcitiesaround the world. All maps are interactive, relevantandattractive.★ Highlights ★✔ Fully interactive maps✔ Route planning, timetables, powerful search✔ Can operate offline✔ Dark and Light themes✔ Additional services for most touristic cities (nexttrain,stations schemes, lines statuses, closed stations, faultsanddelays on map, tickets reading via NFC)Available metro schemes:★ USA ★1. New York2. Washington3. Los Angeles County★ United Kingdom ★1. London tube2. London tube + National Rail in Z1-6★ Russia ★1. Moscow2. Saint Petersburg3. Ekaterinburg4. Kazan5. Nijniy Novgorod6. Novosibirsk7. Samara★ Spain ★1. Madrid2. Barcelona3. Valencia4. Seville★ Canada ★1. Toronto★ France ★1. Paris★ Republic of Singapore ★1. Singapore★ Ukraine ★1. Kiev2. Kharkiv3. Dnepropetrovsk★ Belarus ★1. Minsk★ Germany ★1. Berlin2. Munich3. Nuremberg★ Mexico ★1. Mexico★ Brazil ★1. São Paulo★ Czech Republic ★1. Prague★ Japan ★1. Tokyo2. Osaka★ Greece ★1. Athens★ South Korea ★1. Seoul★ China ★1. Hong Kong2. Beijing3. Shanghai4. Guangzhou★ Italy ★1. Rome2. Milan★ Sweden ★1. Stockholm★ India ★1. Delhi★ Malaysia ★1. Kuala Lumpur★ United Arab Emirates ★1. Dubai★ Austria ★1. ViennaREQUIRED PERMISSIONS:* CHANGE YOUR AUDIO SETTINGSIt is necessary to mute the player in headphones, when theprogramannounces current station's name by the voice* COARSE (NETWORK-BASED) LOCATIONTo determine current location by GSM transmitters ofmobileoperators* FINE (GPS) LOCATIONTo find the nearest station in the city* FULL INTERNET ACCESSDownload train timetables, info about metro servicestatus,information about time of the next train* READ PHONE STATE AND IDENTITYFor information on the current GSM or Wi-Fi cell. Binding licensetoMarket* MODIFY/DELETE USB STORAGE CONTENTS MODIFY/DELETE SDCARDCONTENTSSaving navigation data on SD-card. Saving current route aspictureon SD-card to send to a friend.* PREVENT DEVICE FROM SLEEPINGPrevent phone from sleep when uses navigation* CHANGE WI-FI STATETo find Wi-Fi spots on subway stations and determine currentuserlocation in the underground (activated only if you allow touseWi-Fi in phone settings)
Map of Russia 1.27
This application turns your Android deviceintoa GPS navigator with offline maps.You can search easily locations in Russia and you can add themtoyour route.Discover interesting places near you: accommodation,parking,restaurants, bars, clubs, cinemas, theaters, auto services,shops,parks, schools, hospitals, sport areas.It includes detailed maps of the biggest cities in Russia:Moscow,Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, NizhnyNovgorod,Samara, Omsk, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa,Volgograd,Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh, Saratov, Krasnodar,Tolyatti, Izhevsk,Ulyanovsk and others.How do I use maps on my SD Card?Go to General settings->Data storage folder and choose afolderon extSdCard.Starting Android version 4.4.x Android has changed the rules sothatno application can write to the external SD card anywhereoutsideits new standard folder Android/data/eu.mapof.russia.So you can only place the data in the standard SDfolder:(extSdCard)/Android/data/eu.mapof.russia
ЗавтраНовосибирск 1.2
ЗавтраНовосибирск - это главныесобытиягорода:концерты, выставки, воркшопы, лекции. Стандартныеафишикинотеатров,музеев и т.д. - это не к нам. Мы подбираемособенныемероприятия длявас. Мастер-классы, литературные икиноклубы,тренинги, лекции и ещемного всего. Завтра в Новосибирскеобещаетбыть интересным.Афиша формируется на основе страниц мероприятий,созданныхвсоциальной сети ВКонтакте. После загрузки вся информацияособытияхдоступна в режиме offline. За день до каждоговыбранногособытия выполучите уведомление и точно ничего непропустите!ZavtraNovosibirsk-theseare the main events of the city: concerts,exhibitions,workshopsand lectures. Standard posters cinemas,museums, etc. - Itis notfor us. We select special event for you.Master classes,literaryand film clubs, workshops, lectures and muchmore. TomorrowinNovosibirsk promises to be interesting.The poster is based on event pages created in thesocialnetworkVKontakte. After downloading all the information abouttheeventsis available in offline mode. The day before eacheventselectedyou will be notified and precisely do notmissanything!
TopTripTip Russia 4.0.3
Appreal LLC
It is your faithful guide who will always be there to helpinyourtravels to the largest cities and most remote partsofRussia!Landmarks, natural monuments, popular tourismdestinations,routes,audio guides, transportation info – all this isnowavailable onyour smartphone, offline and without a connectiontothe internet!The goal of our project – to bring together all ofthetourismresources of Russia into a single digital product,toimprove thesafety of travelers, and to provide informationaboutthe tourismopportunities of Russian regions.
KuponGid – all daily deals and 2.9
KuponGid – this is new service where you can find all daily dealsatonce!
Я Попутчик + Все такси города 1.2.1
2764 пароль для входа, если непришлосмс!Лучшее приложение для заказа такси и поискапопутногоавтомобиля!Очень просто, никаких дополнительных настроек.Все такси города! Все ценовые категории!Скидки до 25% в каждой поездке!Возможность сделать заказ одновременно во всех такси иполучитьмаксимально быструю подачу.Возможность поиска попутного автомобиля.Сверхбыстрая подача машины - от 3 минут!Лучшие тарифы - от 50 руб!!! ДЕШЕВЛЕ ТОЛЬКО ПЕШКОМФиксированная цена (не изменится даже если Вы попадетевпробку)Точный расчет стоимости во всех такси одновременно!Время подачи известно до заказа во всех такси одновременно!Статус исполнения заказа на всех этапах обработки в режиме онлайннаэкране Вашего устройства!Возможность позвонить водителю и лично проконсультировать оВашемадресе, либо о его спонтанном изменении.Только лучшие водители. Постоянный контроль качества!Возможность оценки водителя после поездкиЛучшее приложение по мнению http://WWW.OTDOHNI.PROИ на десерт!!! ;)Теперь Вы всегда знаете на каком расстоянии от Васнаходитсяавтомобиль! Информация обновляется каждые 30 сек (этогораздоудобнее чем следить за автомобилем по карте и оцениватьрасстояниесамим. А также экономит интернет трафик!).Если у Вас возникли сложности по работе приложения, илиестьпожелания по его улучшению, напишите пожалуйста нам почту:[email protected]Что нового- Добавлена система скидок и возможность бесплатных поездок- Обновлен интерфейс и доработано юзабилити- Добавлена история поездок, для быстрых повторных заказов- Добавлено на каком расстоянии от Вас находится автомобиль- Добавлена возможность заказа такси сразу в несколько адресов"Кудаехать", для эффективного построения маршрута поездки, атакжеотображения стоимости всей поездкиВаш выбор лучший. Вам всегда везёт!Абакан Азов Альметьевск Ангарск Арзамас АрмавирАрхангельскАстрахань Ачинск Барнаул Белгород Бийск БлаговещенскБратск БрянскВеликие Луки Великий Новгород Владивосток ВладикавказВладимирВолгоград Волгодонск Волжский Вологда Воркута ВоронежГрозныйДзержинск Екатеринбург Ессентуки Иваново Ижевск ИркутскЙошкар ОлаКазань Калининград Калуга Камышин Кемерово КировКисловодск КовровКоломна Комсомольск на Амуре Кострома КрасногорскКраснодарКрасноярск Курган Курск Кызыл Липецк Магадан МагнитогорскМайкопМеждуреченск Миасс Москва Мурманск Муром Мытищи НабережныеЧелныНазрань Нальчик Находка Нефтекамск НефтеюганскНижневартовскНижнекамск Нижний Новгород Нижний Тагил НовокузнецкНовокуйбышевскНовороссийск Новосибирск Новоуральск НовочеркасскНовый УренгойНорильск Ноябрьск Обнинск Одинцово Омск Орел ОренбургОрехово ЗуевоПенза Пермь Петрозаводск Петропавловск КамчатскийПсков ПятигорскРостов на Дону Рыбинск Рязань Самара Санкт ПетербургСаранскСаратов Сергиев Посад Серпухов Смоленск Соликамск СочиСтавропольСтарый Оскол Стерлитамак Сызрань Сыктывкар ТаганрогТамбов ТверьТобольск Тольятти Томск Туапсе Тюмень Улан УдэУльяновск УссурийскУфа Ухта Хабаровск Химки Чебоксары ЧелябинскЧереповец Чита ЭлистаЭнгельс Южно Сахалинск Якутск Ярославль идр.2764 login passwordunlessit's sms!Best Application for taxi and car Search for free!Quite simply, no other settings.All of the city's taxi! All price categories!Discounts up to 25% on every trip!The possibility to order at the same time in all the taxi andgetthe fastest flow.Ability to search the associated vehicle.Ultrafast feeding machine - 3 minutes!Best Rates - 50 rubles !!! CHEAPER only on footFixed price (does not change even if you get stuck intraffic)The exact calculation of the value of all the taxi at thesametime!Time of order is known to all taxi at the same time!The status of order execution at all stages of processing onlineonthe screen of your device!The ability to call the driver and advise you personally aboutyouraddress, or his spontaneous changes.Only the best drivers. Constant quality control!The ability to assess the driver after the tripBest app according http://WWW.OTDOHNI.PROAnd for dessert !!! ;)Now you always know how far you are from the car! Informationisupdated every 30 seconds (it is much more convenient than thecarto follow the map and measure the distance itself. And alsosavesInternet traffic!).If you have any difficulty in the application, or havesuggestionsfor improvement, please write us a mail: [email protected]'s new- Added a system of discounts and free trips- Updated interface and refined usability- Added history trips for quick re-orders- Added how far away from you is the car- Added the ability to order a taxi to several addresses "Wheretogo", for efficient travel route, as well as display the cost oftheentire tripYour best choice. You are always lucky!Abakan Azov Almetyevsk Angarsk Arzamas Armavir ArkhangelskAstrakhanAchinsk Barnaul Belgorod Biysk Blagoveshchensk BratskBryansk GreatLuke Novgorod Vladivostok Vladikavkaz VladimirVolgograd VolgodonskVolzhsky Vologda Vorkuta Voronezh TerribleDzerzhinsk YekaterinburgYessentuki Irkutsk Izhevsk Yoshkar OlaKazan Kaliningrad KalugaKamyshin Kemerovo Kirov Kislovodsk CarpetsKolomnaKomsomolsk-on-Amur Kostroma Krasnogorsk Krasnodar KurganKursk KyzylLipetsk Magadan Magnitogorsk Maikop MezhdurechenskMiass MoscowMurmansk Moore Mytishchi Naberezhnye Chelny Nazran,Nalchik NakhodkaNeftekamsk Nefteyugansk Nizhnevartovsk NizhnekamskNizhny NovgorodNizhny Tagil, Novokuznetsk NovokuybyshevskNovorossiysk NovosibirskNovoural'sk Novocherkassk Novy UrengoyNorilsk Noyabr'sk ObninskOdintsovo Omsk Eagle Orenburg Nut ZuevoPenza Perm PetrozavodskPetropavlovsk Kamchatka Pskov PyatigorskRostov on Don RybinskRyazan Samara St. Petersburg Saransk SaratovSergiev Posad SerpukhovSmolensk Solikamsk Sochi Stavropol StaryOskol Sterlitamak SyzranSyktyvkar Taganrog Tambov Tver TobolskTolyatti Tomsk Tuapse TyumenUlan Ude Ulyanovsk Ussuriysk Ufa UkhtaKhabarovsk Khimki CheboksaryChelyabinsk Cherepovets Chita ElistaEngels Yuzhno SakhalinskYaroslavl and others.
4geo - map and daily guide 2.1.443
4geo - map and directory of addresses in Montenegro and Russia
GPS navigator TourMap 8.9
Free offline GPS navigator TourMap with traffic and speed cameras.
2GIS beta
We update 2GIS – it has become difficulttoshow everything we found out about the city and companies inthecurrent version of the app.In new 2GIS we have changed the design, made a new search,improvedthe city update and merged Favorites with 2gis.ruYou can join the beta testing if you have Android 4.1 or above.Youwill be the first one to get updates as the bugs and errorsarecorrected and you will contribute to the development of anewversion of 2GIS which will be installed by millions of users.Thereis no need to delete the original version – the beta versionworkssimultaneously and you can switch between the two of them atanymoment.If you are looking for the original 2GIS version which is opentothe public, click on thislink: we have already done:New appearance. We have completely redesigned it andsimplifiedaccess to the most popular functions.New search. We have taught 2GIS to understand complex requests.Wewill show where to “eat out in the city center” and wherethenearest “24-hour pharmacy” is.City update. Up-to-date data is now uploaded and installedinbackground which does not interrupt the use of a smartphone.Youmay configure the update: always or only if there is aWi-Ficonnection.Transport. We build a car route taking into considerationthetraffic jams and road workload. That is why the route from A toBcan be one in the morning, and another in the evening. Forthosewho uses public transport, we show a detailed route and saywhichmetro car to board.Common profile with Add companies to Favorites on2gis.ruand they will appear on your device.Please tell us about what you think, what you liked and whereyouhad problems. Your feedback will help to make 2GIS easierandbetter. Leave comments in Google Play and email [email protected]. We will be glad to read it and reply,ifnecessary.