Top 20 Apps Similar to Ghost sensity radar

Ghost Radar®: CONNECT 4.5.15
Spud Pickles
The socially connect Ghost Radar®.
Real Ghost Detector
Detection colors guide:Each dot or blip on the radar is colored to represent thestrengthof a single observed entity and its readings, and if adetectiongoes outside of maximum radar range, then later that samedetectionreturns within the observation range, the same colorshould beshown, or if it is a different, unique detection, and auniquecolor should appear although it is possible it will be closeto thestrength depending on what the sensors read. Each color isgradedon the strength of the signal from any one radar blipacrossROYGBIV color spectrum, and as dots enter and exit the sensorrangetheir strength is graded based on the magnitude of thereadings.The "weakest" types of detection to the "strongest" typesofdetection are arranged as follows:- Violet - Weakest strength of detection (possiblefalsepositive)- Indigo- Blue- Green- Yellow- Orange- Red - Strongest strength of detection (almost never afalsepositive)This is an app developed through rigorous trial and errortesting,to allow smartphones to detect the presence of ghosts, andmanyother supernatural beings in the area near the device.Effectiverange is limited to roughly 500 meters (~0.311 miles), andaccuracycannot be guaranteed because of variations in sensors fromdeviceto device. Sometimes it helps to allow the app to run foraprolonged period of time for more accurate results. The radartypedesign approximates the location of nearby detected presencesinnearly real time, with a unique color assigned to help identifyandtrack additional entities as they come within scandistance.Effectiveness and range are slightly different amongdifferentdevices, and running multiple instances nearby cancauseinterference and disturbances to the scanning process. Bestused inlow light, quiet areas, and often detects entities in areasyou mayhave never suspected there to be any active apparitions.It'srecommended to repeat scanning and spot checking acrossseveralweeks of time for the most effective results as there aresometimeselectronic and magnetic disturbances which willtemporarily preventaccurate data being collected. To be a real proone should collectnotes as well alongside the app for referencingwhich times andspecific locations where the sensors detectusefulinformation.It should be noted that visual detection cannot always beobtainedfor a variety of reasons, such as too much interferencenearby, orthat there simply are no entities to detect anywhere nearyou. Tryagain later, and at other locations!NOTICE: For best results on the new version, it is recommendedtoturn on your LOCATION services, allowing the compass to detecttruenorth geographically from your location. Otherwise it dependsonmagnetic north, which will be less accurate, and can easilybeinterfered with by electronics and magnetic objects! The appwillnot request permissions for location services, but the OSwillprovide true north anyway if GPS is active.This is a free app, and as such, it is supported throughadvertisingon the AdMob platform to keep it free for everyone touse. Shouldissues/vulgarity with ads arise, they can be reporteddirectly toGoogle AdMob.An invisible energy can be detected near you! If you suspecttheremay be supernatural events occurring, like strange voices,phantomhappening, or the classic case of paranormal equipmentdetectingsomething - you should try ghost detector! Like adetective withESP you can impress your paranoid friends by usingthis scanner tolook for spirits.Due to the paranormal nature of this app, results and accuracywillvary depending on conditions, surroundings, location and thedeviceused.Real Ghost Detector in many languages:كشف شبح حقيقي | detector de fantasma real | 真正的鬼魂探測器 | 真正的鬼魂探测器|असली भूत डिटेक्टर | detektor hantu nyata | detector fantasma real|বাস্তব প্রেতাত্মা আবিষ্কারক | Детектор реального призрак|本物のゴースト検出器 | detector Kudus nyata
Ghosts PRO
The complete equipment includes:- Magnetophone: converts the sensor readings into sounds- Paranormal Detector: detects level of paranormal activity- Radar Map: draw in the city map the exact point of thedetectedenergy- Ghost Finder: help to locate focus of energy usinggaussfield- Ghost Camera: converts sensor readings into imagesWe don't offer guarantees of accuracy or any warranties,therefore,since results from this application cannot beverifiedscientifically the app should be used forentertainmentpurposes.
Ghost detector 2.0
Ghost Detector is an application that usesyourmobile device sensors to detect sources of variablemagneticemissions. Which could indicate us the presence of somekind ofparanormal activity. This app shows a radar with lurkingghostaround you and some ghosts try to talk with you, It is foundthatthe radar range is about approximately 9 miles.We also added an EMF entity Ghost Detector which is veryhelpfulto find ghosts, Ghost Detector try to control your devicesmagneticand microphone sensor which is monitored by the ghostdetector andshows you the possible location of the ghosts,demons,entitiesetc.
Ghosts on Radar Simulation 1.1
Ghost Radar is a simulation to prank your friends withnon-realspirits on radar
Ghost radar detector 4
Games top
Detects ghostsUse your android deviceEffective radar100% effective
Ghost Detector and Killer 1.0.0
Sufari Apps
Overcome your fear. Overcome thehorrors.Findthe Ghost inside your room, and kill it.Direction for use:1. locate the Ghost by looking at the sensor on the topofthescreen.2. once the ghost is in your range, just kill it by pressingthefirebutton.3. kill as many ghosts as you can............................................This application is for fun purpose only and developertakesnoresponsibility for its use.
Camera Ghost Detector Ad Free 1.1.1
Camera Ghost Detector is a new paranormal activity radar withcameraghost vision.It is the very first ghost detector to use the cameraonAndroid.The ghost around you will be displayed on the camera area.When the app detect a ghost move your smartphone slowly untilyousee it between the lines on the radar, then you will see theghost'srepresentation on your screen.Be careful the ghosts could be good but also evil.Enjoy scaring your family and friends too.And remember this is for entertainment purposes!
Ghost Radar Horror 1.0
This app acts as a medium between you andtheghosts.Ghosts channel messages to you through this app and you candetectghosts around you.This app shows a radar with lurking ghost around you andsomeghosts try to talk with you, It is found that the radar rangeisabout approximately 9 miles.We also added an EMF entity detector which is very helpfultofind ghosts, The ghosts try to control your devices magneticandmicrophone sensor which is monitored by the ghost detectorandshows you the possible location of the ghosts,demons,entitiesetc.You can also ask questions to the ghosts and they may answeryou.The ghost may not answer directly to you. you must interpretthegroup of words you see as an answer to your question.Find,talk and connect to the ghosts.
Ghost detector radar 5
Games top
You can actually find ghost by ourbestradardetector app. The speed radar scanner apps for free willuseghostradar detector to scan around you to find the soundwavesofdemons.Are you fascinated and frightened by the world of spiritsandghosts?Do you want to know who is very close, but appearsonlyunder thecover of darkness?Tell them you can track paranormal activity with theincludedsensorsof our phone. Not all, but some willbelieve...The application will show a green dot on the radar in casethereisnearby a source of magnetic emission.The detection range varies between 0 and 30feetapproximately,depending on the mobile device used.
Ghost Detector - Supernatural
Ghost Detector works using yourdevicesensorsto detect changes in variables that may indicatethepresence ofsupernatural entities.** NEW DETECTION ENGINE **Now the App have two detections engines switchedaccordingwithsensors presents in your device.** NEW DESIGN **New clean and simpler layout. You can start and stoptheSearchEngine easily.Use with caution, there is no way to know what kind ofentitiescanbe found!Results may vary, there is no guarantees. Useonlyforentertainment.
Ghost Detector 2.0.16
Ghost detector is a simulated EMF with radar which you cantakepictures.
Ghost Detector VX-250 (New!) 3.0.2
Pro ghost detector and communicator softwarebyBlairFor serious paranormal professionals with Morse CodeinvestigationexperienceTechnical Requirements:- Android OS device w/ XYZ accelerometer sensorsTheory of Morse Code communication by Blair:Our software uses a simple method for communicating withspiritbeings. The CobraGhost Morse VX-250 captures accelerometerdata andmatches it to Morse Code. Once a user understands thetheory ofMorse Code, a two-way communication session can takeplace.What is Morse Code:Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as aseriesof on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directlyunderstoodby a skilled listener or observer without specialequipment. TheMorse VX-250 acts as the "real-time" listener andtranslator oftext information -- freeing up the user to conductparanormaltwo-way communication sessions (also known as ghostdetection).How to Use the CobraGhost Morse VX-250:1. Start the VX-250 application on your device2. Turn on the VX-250 by pressing the On/Off Mode Button intheVX-250 interface3. Place the device on a flat, stable surface (like a floorortable) or hold very steady in hand if doing apersonalreading4. Be careful not to move the device when calibratingorsensing5. Before conducting investigations, allow the device to startupand collect initial device/environmental datapoints6. When the data stream begins, the VX-250 is ready forghostcommunication and translationUnderstanding Morse Code MarkersThe VX-250 uses exact pattern recognition when capturing MorseCodedata to ensure data integrity. This makes communicationvirtuallymore reliable than any other "ghost communicator" -- andfarexceeds the performance of a simple "ghost detector".Here is a technical description for our technical users:The on-screen data will display a Morse Code marker --When the VX-250 senses a single inner-space within a MorseCodereading. This inner-space ("i") is the same time duration asa"dot" (".") and is used to create a space within a MorseCodeletter. For instance, the Morse Code letter "S" is threedots("..."). But for it to be proper Morse Code, each dot mustbeseparated by space in time or "inner-space" time period. Sotofollow along with the VX-250, simply look for the code dot i dotidot (".i.i.") and a "S" will be read. But wait, because theMorseCode letter is still not valid and must be ended by morespace. TheVX-250 requires the triple space or the 7-count space inorder tovalidate the letter. In real Morse Code, there is athree-countspace between letters and a seven-count space betweenwords. So ifthis was a "S" it would be either ".i.i.o" to be theend of aletter or ".i.i.w" to be the last letter in word. Theexactlanguage communication markup ensures that the communicationisvalid Morse Code. We encourage serious users to learn moreaboutMorse Code to understand the communication channel that isopen foruse.About Blair:Blair Scientific produces the best environmental detectorsforrecreation, security, and industry. Being innovative inresearchand development has made Blair Scientific the leader in thefieldof spirit detecting.Disclaimer: Results may vary and are not guaranteed foreveryone.Use it at your own risk.
Ghost Detector 1.0
M.N. Taler
This little app uses sensors available ineveryAndroid device to detect supernatural entities around us.First itscans the surroundings in various bands, then it tries toreproducewhat it senses. Unlike any Ghost Radar type of app itdoes not giveyou fake graphics, this is all real.You live in a haunted house? You are throwing a ghostsummoningparty? Preparing to Halloween? The Ghost Detector issomething youso need to try!
Ghost Detector 1.0.1
Apps Genie
Download this Ghost Detector app whichisdesigned to detect paranormal activity.This app attempts to detect paranormal activity by makingvariousreadings on the device.This app sets itself apart by analyzing the readings andgivingindications only when interesting patterns in the readingshavebeen made.This app also includes a voice to let you know wheninterestingwords have been detected.Please note we offer no guarantees of accuracy or anywarranties,therefore, since results from this application cannot beverifiedscientifically the app should be used for entertainmentpurposeonly.
Ghost Detector 9
Find those pesky ghosts using their spooky magnetic fields
Ghost EMF EVP Paranormal Radar 1.6
EMF EVP Paranormal Radar is designed todetectparanormal activity, by making various readings on thedevice.Do you believe in ghosts? No matter what is your answeryoushould know that supernatural is all around. Just watch off tothesides and you’ll understand… Paranormal Ghost Radar is anoriginaltool designed to detect paranormal activity. Are you readyto comeface to face with real ghosts and see “the other side”?With Ghost on Radar, can you simulate supernatural figuresonyour smartphone or tablet. The animation is a real radarscreenvery close and looks deceptively real. But this is justasimulation to prank all your friends, because they do notknowthat. Tell them you can track paranormal activity with theincludedsensors of our phone. Not all, but some will believe...Features:* Energy translation to radar indicators, numeric valuesandgraphics* Word logs* Classic Theme - FOREST TEACHER 300MHZ* Advanced Theme - THE WILD HUNT 500MHZ* Advanced Theme - BLOODY MARY II 600MHZGhost Radar Ultimate is advanced android application designedtodetected haunted places and general paranormal activity.It uses variety of phone sensors to scan differentfrequenciesand detect presence of any ghosts near by. It then triesto displaythose entities on the radar.Scanner makes some attempts to detect if the detected entitiesarehostile or friendly. In some rare cases the application mightalsodetect if any of the persons near by is possessedbypoltergeist.With the Ghost EMF EVP Paranormal Radar, you can also feellikethe Ghost busters. At least in the eyes of others, but onlyyouknow that it is a simulation and not a real empdetector(electromagnetic pulse).If you have tricked your friends with the ghosts radar,thenwrite a comment. Even what you told them exactly, for examplethatyou also can detect zombies and monsters with your smartphone.Noless interesting is where you have encountered spirits.Please keep in mind that Ghost EMF EVP Paranormal Radar isforentertainment only. You can use it to play jokes on yourfriendsand nothing more. Use the options to select what shouldhappen whenthe ghost gets close to the centre of radar - thechoices are:crack the screen, display the ghost or nothing.
Ghost Detector PRO 4.0.0
Bryan Acero
Ghost Detector PRO es unadivertidaaplicacióndonde podrás saber si hay un fantasma en ellugar dondeteencuentras!Disfruta con esta aplicación que con tan solo unossegundossabrássi estas siendo visitado por entes del otromundo.*Ghost Detector 2DEncuentra fantasmas en:*Habitación*Baño*Cocina*Comedor*SalónDetectar y encontrar fantasmas nunca fue tan divertido,conGhotsDetector PRO tienes la diversión asegurada!**===== GHOST DETECTOR PRO - Detector de Fantasmas ====**Ghost Detector PRO isafunapplication where you know if there's a ghost in theplacewhere youare!Enjoy with this application with just a few seconds youwillknowif you are being visited by beings from another world.* 2D Ghost DetectorGhosts located in:* Room*Bath*Kitchen* Dining* LivingDetect and find ghosts never been so fun, with GhotsDetectorPROyou have guaranteed fun!===== ** GHOST DETECTOR PRO - ** ==== Ghost Detector
Ghost Detector Radar Prank 1.0
Ghost Detector Radar Camera Prank is a newappfor detecting paranormal activity using radar with cameraghostvision.It is the best Ghost Detector Radar Camera to use the cameraonAndroid.The ghost around you will be showed on your phone camera area.When the Detector detect a monster or a ghost move yourphoneuntil you see it in you screen on the radar.Be careful the ghosts could be good but also evil.It is perfect for Halloween to surprise people withthisghostdetector appit's amazing to scare your friend with this amazing prank appcalledGhost Detector Radar Camera.
Ghost Mapper 3D - Spirit Radar 1.1
All **NEW** TechnologyYou have to try this! The best ghost spirit app available.Youwill not believe how accurate the radar is. See the ghostyandspirit around you.For the first time we've been able to triangulate the exact3Dradar location of ghosts and the spirits within your localspace!You can now hold your device, look through the viewer, andsee theprecise radar location of a ghost or spirit detected aroundyou.Also works with any phantom, demon, or phantasm. Much betterthanany EMF meter, EVP meters, or sonar. Speak to the poltergeistandask questions. Our ghost locator is so advanced that itsradarsweep can detect the relative distance from the ghosthuntersdevice while also updating the spirits radar location inrealtime.Our ghost detector and paranormal electromagneticalgorithm is thebest.This is a must have for any paranormal investigator.When first starting the app its ghost sensors will performaninitial calibration. After initialization the ghost seekerprocesswill allow inbound noise. The noise filter uses white noiseoffsetregression analysis in its ghost communicator sub-process.Thistranslates the ambient noise to strings of randomalphanumericcharacters. We then employ pattern recognition analysisand machinelearning to decipher words from similar characterpairs.We didn't stop there!Our ghost detector process initiates a radar sweep everyfewseconds from the ghost hunter's location out into the localarea.Traveling through floors, roofs, and walls it locatesparanormalentities in 3D space. This can map the ghost's locationwithin yourlocal area. Due to the way the algorithm works we candeterminerelative, not actual, distance from the device.This is the most advanced ghost locator available!*DISCLAIMER*This app is for entertainment purposes only. The scientificmethodsused by this software have not verified or validated. We donotoffer any guarantee of fitness for purpose or warrantyofuse.This app does not provide true ghostcommunicationfunctionality.The creators of this app cannot be held responsible foranyconsequences that result from the use of this app.PLEASE USE IT RESPONSIBLY!Please READ our Terms of Use:By downloading and/or using this mobile application (the “App”)yousignify that you have read, understand, and agree to be boundbyall of the terms and conditions as set forth in this TermsofUse.The use of this App is entirely at your own risk and in noeventshall the creators be liable for any direct, indirect, or anyothermonetary or other damages, fees, or liabilities whatsoeverarisingout of or relating to this app.Your sole and exclusiveremedy fordissatisfaction with the App is to stop using theApp.You may use the App only for your own personal,non-commercialuse.