Top 2 Apps Similar to Yorbody Easyfysio

OTC Fysiotherapie 3.2.4
AppsIT b.v.
Practical information on OTC, a physiotherapy clinic in GooiandVecht.
Physiotherapy Help Guide 1.0
How can physiotherapy help you?If you have a problem with moving or performingcertainactivitiesdue to pain, weakness, loss of balance or otherreasons,thephysiotherapist will perform an assessment, make adiagnosiswherenecessary, and outline a management plan tooptimiseyourabilities. Physiotherapists can help to manage acuteinjuriessuchas ankle sprains, knee, hip or shoulder injuriesandchronicconditions like arthritis, back pain, diabetes andheartdisease.Physiotherapy is a therapeutic health professionconcernedwithenhancing mobility and the quality of life of a personwho mayhavebeen affected physically in one way oranother.Physiotherapistsaim to help people gain as much movementandphysical independenceas possible so that they are able toresumetheir normal job orlifestyle, where possible. The app alsocontainsdetails of basicphysiotherapy, benefits physiotherapy,typeexercisephysiotherapist, arthritis of the thumb, triggerfinger,neck pain,low back pain, low back pain exercise, kneeconditionprogram, kneepain exercises, bowed legs, burning thighpain,compartmentsyndrome, deep vein thrombosis, limb lengthdiscrepancy,clubfoot,exercise and bone health. This app will guideyou throughtherehabilitation process step by step to restore asmuch ofyourfunction as possible. Physiotherapy is also usedaftersurgery,with the aim of speeding up recovery by getting apatientmobile assoon as possible. It also provides a usefulbaseline bywhichchanges can be detected – often before the patientis aware ofadegenerative problem. Even those without injury whoaresimplyseeking to increase general health and fitness canbenefitfromphysiotherapy. A physiotherapist can set you up withahomeexercise program, facilitate community exercise sessions(orreferyou to an appropriate service), guide you with yourorganisedsportor gym program.