Top 3 Apps Similar to Formularium kinder/jeugdpsych.

FK 2.5.43
The drug texts from ChemSpider in one convenient app
Receptprijs 2.0
In de applicatie Receptprijs zijn inprincipealle middelen opgenomen die als geneesmiddel zijngeregistreerd endie in de openbare apotheek verkrijgbaar zijn,aangevuld metspecialistische middelen, die voor de kosten van hetgebruik in hetziekenhuis apart kunnen worden gedeclareerd(add-ongeneesmiddelen).De applicatie Receptprijs is een product vanZorginstituutNederland. Receptprijs is in 2012 ontwikkeld opinitiatief van hetministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport(VWS) en deFederatie Medisch Specialisten (FMS), tot 1 januari 2015de Ordevan Medisch Specialisten, met als doel de specialist eeninstrumentte bieden voor het doelmatig voorschrijven vangeneesmiddelen.Begin 2015 heeft Zorginstituut Nederland, op verzoekvan de FMS, deuitgave van de applicatie overgenomen.Receptprijs bevat actuele informatie over de prijs,devergoedingsstatus en mogelijke alternatievenvangeneesmiddelen.De informatie is afgestemd met en vormteenaanvulling op de praktische informatie en adviezenovergeneesmiddelen in het Farmacotherapeutisch Kompas, beidenookproducten van Zorginstituut Nederland.In the applicationRecipePrice are basically all the resources listed that areregistered asdrug and which are available in the communitypharmacy,supplemented by specialist resources, which can bedeclaredseparately for the costs of hospital use (add-on drugs).Recipe Rate application is a product of CareInstituteNetherlands. Recipe Price was developed in 2012 at theinitiativeof the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) andtheFederation of Medical Specialists (FMS), until January 1, 2015toprovide the Order of Medical Specialists, aiming the specialistatool for effective prescription drug. Beginning 2015 CareInstituteNetherlands, at the request of the FMS, adopted the issueof theapplication.Price recipe contains updated information on the price,thereimbursement status and possible alternatives to drugs.It is adapted with and complementsthepractical information and advice on medicines in ChemSpider,bothalso products of Care Institute Netherlands.
TRCapp 1.6
LUMC Leiden
The Teaching Resource Centre (TRC)Pharmacologyis meant for medical students, but also very usefulfor any healthcare professional.The TRC provides basic pharmacologicalknowledge:pharmacodynamics,pharmacokinetics, and drug mechanisms in contextof(patho)physiology.Each topic includes graphic(s) in the TRC iconlanguage,explanatory texts and questions with feedback. The TRCcovers mostrelevant drugs prescribed in Europe. Each drug topic hasreferencesto the Dutch national formulary (FarmacotherapeutischKompas) orthe British National Formulary.The TRC can be used as a reference or as self-study toolduringcourses throughout the medical curriculum. The TRC helpsstudentsto obtain pharmacological knowledge providing a consistent,userfriendly, recognizable, and structured presentation in ordertooptimize learning efficiency.We strive to make this application the best resourceformechanisms of drug action in the context of physiologyandpathophysiology by creating each topic in cooperation withanexpert from the field. Graphics, texts, questions, andotherreference data are provided to enhance the understanding oftheuser.The App is kept up to date with the newest drugs and thusupdatedregularly.How to use the TRC?Start by dragging down the blue upper bar to view the treemenufor navigating the chapters. The TRC tree menu is made up of alistof chapters on different fields of medicine and allows you toenterthe submenu and concomitant drugs with a specific disease.You can easily switch between the display of a certaintopic(graphic, text, questions etc. in the lower part) and the treemenu(in the upper part).You can swipe up (and down) the pages to view the next topic(orgo back).to the tree above and find another topic.Enlarge graphics etc. by pinching two fingers apart (zoom in)andtogether to zoom out again.Searching a specific topic can be performed by using thesearchbutton.Choose your national formulary reference (Kompas or BNF) withthesettings menu.If you have any comments or find mistakes, please notify ususingthe feedback button in the settings menu.