Top 1 Apps Similar to VeVaSmart

Coaching Defensie 1.0.0
Coaching is een vormvanpersoonlijkebegeleiding op basis van eengelijkwaardigeéén-op-één-relatie. Degecoachte leert, de coachondersteunt enbegeleidt dit leerproces.Om de (startende of ervaren)coaches/coachees bij dit proces teondersteunen is deze mobieleappontwikkeld.Alle relevante informatie omtrent coaching beschikbaaropuwmobiele device.Coaching is aformofpersonal guidance based on a similar one-to-onerelationship.Thecoached teaches, supports the coach and accompaniesthislearningprocess. To the (starting or experienced) coaches/Coacheessupport in this process this mobile app is developed.All relevant information regarding coaching availableonyourmobile device.