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Electrical Machines 5.4
The app is a complete free handbook of SpecialElectricalMachineswhich covers important topics, notes, materials,news &blogson the course. Download the App as a referencematerial&digital book for Electrical engineering programs&degreecourses. This useful App lists 91 topics withdetailednotes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material,thetopics arelisted in 5 chapters. The app is must have for alltheengineeringscience students & professionals. The appprovidesquickrevision and reference to the important topics likeadetailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful forthestudent ora professional to cover the course syllabusquicklybefore an examsor interview for jobs. Track your learning,setreminders, edit thestudy material, add favorite topics, sharethetopics on socialmedia. Use this useful engineering app asyourtutorial, digitalbook, a reference guide for syllabus,coursematerial, projectwork, sharing your views on the blog. Someof thetopics Covered inthe app are: 1. Poly-phase AC Machines2.Classification of A.C.Motors 3. Construction of A.C Motor4.Phase-wound Rotor 5.Production of Rotating Field 6.Three-phaseSupply 7. RelationBetween Torque and Rotor Power Factor8. StartingTorque ofinduction motor 9. Torque, Rotor E.M.F. andReactanceUnder RunningConditions 10. Condition for Maximum TorqueUnderRunningConditions 11. Relation Between Torque and Slip12.Full-loadTorque, Starting torque and Maximum Torque13.Torque/Speed Curve14. Current/Speed Curve of an Induction Motor15.Plugging of anInduction Motor 16. Complete Torque/Speed Curve ofaThree-PhaseMachine 17. Measurement of Slip 18. Power Stages inanInductionMotor 19. Torque, Mechanical Power and Rotor Output20.InductionMotor Torque Equation 21. Analogy with a MechanicalClutchand D.C.Motor 22. Sector Induction Motor 23. MagneticLevitation24.Induction Motor as a Generalized Transformer 25.EquivalentCircuitof the Rotor and Induction Motor 26. Power BalanceEquations27.Circle Diagram for a Series Circuit 28. Circle DiagramfortheApproximate Equivalent Circuit 29. Determination of G0 andB030.Blocked Rotor Test 31. Construction of the CircleDiagram32.Starting of Induction Motors 33. Starting of Slip-ringMotors34.Starter Steps 35. Crawling and Cogging or MagneticLocking36.Double Squirrel Cage Motor 37. Speed Control ofInductionMotors38. Three-phase A.C. Commutator Motors 39.Three-phaseA.C.Commutator Motors 40. Standard Types ofSquirrel-cage Motors41.Types of Single-Phase Motors 42.Single-phase Induction Motor43.Double-field Revolving Theory 44.Making Single-phaseInductionMotor Self-starting 45. EquivalentCircuit of aSingle-phaseInduction Motor Without Core Loss 46. TypesofCapacitor - startMotors 47. Capacitor Start-and-Run Motor48.Shaded-poleSingle-phase Motor 49. Repulsion Type Motors50.RepulsionPrinciple 51. Compensated Repulsion Motor 52. A.C.SeriesMotors53. Universal Motor 54. Speed Control of UniversalMotors55.Unexcited Single-phase Synchronous Motors 56. BasicPrincipleandStationary Armature of Alternator 57. Details ofConstruction58.Damper Windings, Speed and Frequency 59.ArmatureWindings,Concentric or Chain Windings and Two-Layer WindingEachtopic iscomplete with diagrams, equations and other formsofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning andquickunderstanding.Special Electrical Machines is part ofelectricalengineeringeducation courses and technology degreeprograms ofvariousuniversities.