Top 3 Apps Similar to Hypnosis - O.C.D. (M)

Alarm Looper 2.0
Grizzly Beard
Alarm Looper: The easiest way to set multiple alarms. Yousnooze,you lose.
Panduan Diet Sehat 1.0
Aplikasi panduan diet sehat inimerupakanaplikasi panduan bagaimana cara menurunkan berat badandengan cepatnamun tetap mementingkan kesehatan tubuh Anda.Berikut ini contoh materi dari aplikasi ini:- Diet pisang- Cara menurunkan berat badan dengan mudah- Menurunkan berat badan dengan joging- 5 jenis olah raga untuk menurunkan berat badan- Menurunkan berat badan dengan maksimal- Menurunkan berat badan tanpa obat- Menurunkan berat badan setelah melahirkan- Menurunkan berat badan tanpa olah raga- Cara mempertahankan berat badan- Latihan membentuk perut sixpack- Membentuk otot dada- Contoh menu diet OCD- Menu diet mayo- Cara membeli alat fitnes- Memilih obat pelangsing yang aman- Diet pepaya- Panduan diet detox- Cara mengecilkan otot tangan- Manfaat teh hijau- Cara mengecilkan paha- Tips senam ibu hamil untuk melancarkan persalinanSerta masih banyak materi lainnya yang diberikan dalamaplikasiini.Aplikasi ini akan selalu diupdate sehingga materi yangdiberikanakan selalu baru.Application guidehealthydiet is an application guide how to lose weight quickly butremainconcerned with the health of your body.Here is an example of material from this application:- Diet bananas- How to lose weight easily- Lose weight by jogging- 5 different types of exercise to lose weight- Lose weight with a maximum- Lose weight without drugs- Lose weight after giving birth- Lose weight without exercise- How to maintain weight- Exercise forming a sixpack stomach- Establish a chest muscle- Sample menu diet OCD- Menu diet mayo- How to buy fitness equipment- Selecting slimming drugs are safe- Diet papaya- Free diet detox- How to shrink the hand muscles- Benefits of green tea- How to shrink the thigh- Tips gymnastics pregnant women to expedite deliveryAnd many other materials provided in this application.This app will always be updated so that the materialprovidedwill always be new.
OCD 1.0.0
Learn skills to resist obsessions and compulsions! Allmaterialwaswritten by a licensed psychotherapist (LCSW) withtwenty-fiveyearsof counseling experience. You first rate thefrequency andstrengthof the OCD thoughts on a color coded scale of1 (fleeting)to 10(continual, very difficult to resist). You thenmove on tothefirst set of skills, where you will select one oftendifferentcalming activities to perform. After followingtheinstructions forthe calming activity, you will select one oftenways to changeyour thoughts. Changing your thoughts in ordertochange yourfeelings is the basis of cognitivebehavioralpsychotherapy, themost widely practiced form ofpsychotherapy.After utilizing one ofthe thought changers, youproceed toselecting one method forresisting the rituals orcompulsions. Thisis the basis of exposureand response prevention,the evidence basedmethod of OCDtreatment. After implementing thoseskills, you ratethe level ofOCD again in order to determine if theskills you chosewereeffective for you. If the level of the OCD hasnotreducedsufficiently, you will be given the opportunity totryagain,selecting a different skill set. The content presented isforyourinformation only. It is not a substituteforprofessionalcounseling or medical advice, and it should not beusedto treat apsychiatric or medical condition. Please consultyourhealthcareprovider or a counselor if you have any questionsorconcerns. ***Tested on a Nexus One phone.