Top 20 Games Similar to 異界英雄物語

梦回南朝 2.7.5
CatCap Studio
【梦回南朝】玩家交流快速链接 QQ群 :微博 :贴吧 :梦回南朝亚洲第一女性向原创游戏团队私密打造~ 乙女穿越手游第一作—《梦回南朝》现已正式上线!最唯美、最心动、最有趣的乙女恋爱养成游戏,拿起手机就能随时玩! ●∞ ∞●∞ ∞●∞ ∞● ●∞ ∞●∞∞●∞ ∞● ●∞ ∞●∞∞● 精致唯美的画风,每一个人物都栩栩如生 跌宕起伏的故事,每一段剧情都扣人心弦精彩激烈的战斗,每一场胜利都激动人心俏皮幽默的语言,每一段对话都妙趣横生丰富有趣的疗伤小游戏,让你脸红心跳激动不已!丰富多彩的公主养成计划,让你征服南朝各路美男正太大叔的芳心! ●∞ ∞●∞ ∞●∞ ∞●●∞ ∞●∞ ∞●∞ ∞● ●∞ ∞●∞∞● 还等什么?!穿越到南朝风靡万千美男少年的任务就交给你了! “公主殿下,我们等你!”
《花千骨》仗打三生三世! 3.1.0
※ 破億觀看修仙玄幻網路小說,完美演譯宏觀仙俠世界!※ 全球破百萬下載量,10萬人同時在線,打屁打怪不亦樂乎!【改版内容】✦飛天坐騎 正面對決!多種坐騎威猛登場,小骨帶你換裝征戰三界!✦神威靈寵 PK王登場!隱藏版魔尊釋出,戰鬥力激升,殺個他片甲不留!✦寶寶來了 親子養成!畫骨夫婦修成正果,養成屬於你們的三界「靈寶」!✦小骨農場 隆重開幕!坐騎靈寵碎片任你收,休閒養成RPG再升級!【遊戲特色】她,世間最後一個神,出生時滿城鮮花盡凋零,故取名花千骨。他,一生不負長留,不負六界,不負眾生,不負任何人,惟獨負了她。✦ 交友互動甜蜜滿載- 獨家仙緣系統,炫耀閃光最新招,戀愛感滿點!- 師徒X鮮花系統,尋找屬於你的花千骨/白子畫!- 長留24H互動派對 小骨約你泡澡沐浴享盛宴✦ 多款爽快共鬥玩法- 全新門派群戰,組隊爭奪六界第一戰隊!- 眾仙爭鳴跨服PK,高手永遠不寂寞!- 三人群戰新體驗,同心擊魔狂飆友誼好感度!✦ 多種趣味變幻系統- 靈寵元神系統,弱戰逆襲奇招克敵!- 轉職幻化功能,掌握命運浴火重生!- 神裝系統破孔位升屬性,與神的境界更近一步!✦ HD高畫質視聽饗宴- 超過500套驚艷時裝,可愛搞怪隨你搭配!- 3D炫目戰鬥技能特效,電影效果身歷其境!- 療癒型Q萌迷你跟隨寵,隨時陪伴融化你心!✦ 姊妹閨密都愛玩- 師徒虐戀揪心上演,血吻醋吻完整公開- 超萌Q版人物造型,國民萌寵糖寶、霸氣殺姊姊陪你共闖天下- 全自動托管系統,簡單體驗『仙俠奇緣』《花千骨》繁體中文版官網《花千骨》繁體中文版粉絲專頁:《花千骨》繁體中文版Youtube頻道:《花千骨》繁體中文版客服回報:[email protected]《花千骨》遊戲論壇:
一劍情緣 1.0.1
【遊戲介紹】「一劍斬情生死斷,只為踏上修仙途;但願成仙再相首,與你共譜前世緣」《一劍情緣》是一款修真題材的全方位MMORPG,主打萬人同屏、無限制PK血戰!玩家可在三大陣營、四大經典職業中,選擇你的故事起點,並跟隨劇情發展,開啟唯美心動的修仙旅程。隨著等級提升,你將邂逅來自各地的修仙者們,跟其他玩家組成幫派,建立好友、情人等親密關係,讓你修仙之路不孤單!【遊戲特色】『華麗外觀 親手打造』--擺脫千篇一律的系統造型,輕鬆打造個性化外觀!『靈活操控 玩轉特技』--前所未有的戰鬥打擊感,釋放角色特技,秒殺全屏!『陣營對決 跨服亂鬥』--無限制跨界亂鬥!隨時展開熱血暢快的掌上廝殺。『飛羽靈寵 遨遊天際』--華麗羽翼在身,霸氣靈寵相佐!輕鬆助戰統領三界!『夢幻仙侶 絕美雙修』--真人語音聊天!交友、結婚超Easy,與心儀的他/她立下愛的誓言!【故事概要】傳說在遠古的靈域大陸上,存在著「仙、人、魔」三界,一日魔族大舉進攻,長留派四尊者與魔族展開統領大戰。仙、魔雙方菁英盡出,幾乎全數隕落!人族四尊者身負重傷,無奈轉世輪回。時間飛逝,千年後的今天。失去尊者統領的人族,化為「軒轅、神農、蚩尤」聯盟三分天下!世界看上去一片欣欣向榮,殊不知魔族正暗中計畫著陰謀。涅盤重生的你,將帶領所有修仙者一舉擊潰魔族,重新統領三界!【聯絡我們】客服信箱:[email protected]
Chaos Chronicle 1.9.7
NEXON Company
★ Season II Now Open★■ New Content- Retrieve gear crafting materials from the newspecialdungeon!- Use the gear crafting system to create extra strong gear!■ New Characters- A brave warrior as strong as the 12 heroes themselves: Julianaofthe Blademasters has appeared!- A special dungeon expert: Elto has appeared!■ Server Integration Guild Battle Event- Compete against the best guilds from each server!★★★ Chaos Chronicle ★★★■ Strategic Gameplay- Master the Skill Cancel system and restore honor toyourHouse!- Deal double damage with a Perfect Cancel!- Create your own strategic team with countlessherocombinations!- Strengthen heroes with the exclusive gear system!- The most exciting and strategic RPG in your pocket!■ Various Battle Modes- Adventure Mode: Lead your heroes on an epic campaign forGordeJyle’s Chest!- PvP: Bring honor to your House by challenging other Housesinbrutal PvP battles!- Raids: Join forces with your allies to defeat mightyraidbosses!- Manatech Tower: Climb to the top of the tower and claim thehiddentreasure!- Daily Dungeons: Acquire rank up materials and rare itemseveryday!- Gloran Palace Coliseum: 13 heroes, each representing theirHouse,battle for glory!- Guild Battle : Conquer territories to bring honor to yourguildand claim special rewards!- Proof of Gorde Jyle: Participate in a PvP brawl that puts youinfull control!■ Gear Up, Rank Up, Power Up- Collect 129 unique heroes and countless legendary items!- Develop your heroes and gear through rank up, trade,strengthen(heroes and items), transcend, and limitbreakthrough!- Complete quests to strengthen your House!- Collect hero-exclusive gear and equip runes to transformyourheroes!- Enjoy guild systems with your friends!■ A new character has appeared: Blademaster Juliana!- Immerse yourself in a riveting storyline- Battle alongside heroes from all corners of the worldBecome the ultimate hero and save the world ofChaosChronicle!SupportAre you having a problem? Contact our 1:1 Support in-game or sendusan inquiry through this link. Official Facebook: Official Forum : of Service: Policy:[Recommendations: Chaos Chronicle is optimized for devicesrunningOS 4.0/Samsung Galaxy S3 or newer.The game may crash on older devices. An internet connectionisrequired to play.We request the permissions listed below for optimal gameplayand/orplay environment.- Picture/Media/Fill Access: Authorization needed in ordertodownload additional content for Android OS 4.3 orolderdevices.This permission is not used for any purpose other than thestateduse of installing and playing the game.Thanks for playing!!
每一段傳說,都跟一個傳奇人物有關——皓月大陸上,也同樣有著這樣一個傳說。他是第一個,也是唯一成神的人類。領悟了星辰運轉軌跡,人獸生老病死,草木繁榮枯萎,冷暖四季變換的他擁有呼風喚雨,撼天震地的異能。他通曉古今,預測未來,因此被尊為先知之神。然而皓月歷331年,炎魔現世,生靈塗炭!先知之神被打敗,靈魂被封鎖在地底深處。炎魔身上,有著什麼秘密?國王派遣了一匹部隊前往營救,隊伍中包刮前線勇者「魔劍士」,吟誦自然之力的法術使「元素師」與攻其不備的黑暗隱者「潛行者」,冒險者們阿!快拿起武器,跟上腳步,為榮耀而戰。遊戲特色系統介紹【全新組隊玩法,各職業出頭天】可以加入別人的隊伍成為隊員,也可以創建隊伍成為隊長。在隊伍中,您能自如地和隊友交流,團隊作戰,享受一起打BOSS的樂趣。【坐騎跑酷副本,搭乘拉風坐騎】操作搖杆移動來獲取金幣,寶箱來累計積分,同時還要小心避開路上的障礙物,要是被撞倒可是會受傷扣血的。【百層勇者之塔,挑戰自我極限】冒險者們逐級而上,站在塔頂便是無上的榮耀。勇者之塔無層數限制,只要你行,只要你敢,便給你無限挑戰。【獨特翅膀系統,搭配華麗裝飾】系統贈送翅膀達到10級後即可啟動穿戴,隨著等級上升還會越變越華麗呢!穿戴翅膀不僅僅是為了酷炫,還能為人物增加額外屬性。【勇闖遺跡金庫,實現千萬富翁】冒險者們打敗遺跡中的寶箱怪,可獲得大量金幣,俗話說出門在外雖然錢不是萬能,但沒錢卻萬萬不能阿~【金銀島大探險,搜尋珍貴寶物】金銀島是護送帆船,主要能獲得聲望和金幣,也可邀請好友協助或搶奪其他玩家,點擊刷新可以刷新出海的船隻,越好的船隻收穫越大哦~※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
The First Tactics Classic (SRP 1.037
SRPG genre which is based on turn system. It is created by onlyonedeveloper.
League of Masters: PvP MOBA 1.37
Only 100 Mb app size, PvP battle! Legend MOBA game!
Bá Chủ Tam Quốc 2016 1.1.0
Bá Chủ Tam Quốc - Công Thành Xưng Đế - Mộttrảinghiệm game chiến thuật 3D siêu đỉnh cấpNếu bạn đã chơi qua ngoa long, tam quoc truyen ky thì congthanhxưng de thật là gần gũiBạn sẽ gặp lại những viên tướng dũng mãnh trong thời chiếnquốc,đồng hành cùng với các mỹ nữ tam quoc truyen kyCùng xây nghiệp mộng đế vương với , ba chu tam quoc - congthanhxung de, tao lập nên một lien minh huyen thoai của riêngbạnVới đồ họa 3D siêu khủng bố, âm thanh hoành tráng, cốt truyệnđầychắt lọc sẽ làm cho bạn cảm thấy thích thúBạn sẽ được trải nghiệm quá trình công thành đầy gian nan,chiếmđất đầy vất vả nhưng không kém phần vinh quangTải ngay ba chu tam quoc - cong thanh xung de để trải nghiệmmộtthế giới tam quoc truyen ky đầy huyền ảoElder Three Kingdoms-Cong Thanh impulse to - A 3D strategy game experience supertoplevelIf you've played through Wolong, Three Kingdoms comic confess debarexam so closeYou will see the mighty generals in wartime Korea,accompaniedthe Three Kingdoms legendary beautiesAlong building kingly dream career with three cycles of theThreeKingdoms - curved bar pulse de, I formed a League of LegendsyourownWith super-terrorist 3D graphics, spectacular sound, fullofrefined storyline will make you feel excitedYou will experience the process of arduous, arduous landoccupiedbut no less gloriousDownload Now three cycles Three Kingdoms - curved bar pulse detoexperience a world full of legendary Three Kingdoms fanciful
Tru Tiên 1.2.3
Tru Tiên – Tiên hiệp kỳ thư đầu tiêntrênSmartphone.---------BIGUPDATE 4.0 – TIÊN ĐẠO LUÂN HỒI ---------Tựa game PK đỉnh cao, giao dịch không giới hạn, hoạt động khôngbaogiờ ngừng nghỉCẬP NHẬT: Đỉnh cấp Thú Cưỡi HUYỄN ẢNH KỲ LÂNThú cưỡi Cửu, Trang bị chuyển sinh, Thẻ Ma, PETTổ đội chiến Liên Server 3 VS 3PK không giới hạn trong server, săn tìm đối thủ có thực lựctươngđương, huyết chiến nhận danh hiệu MVP – Người chơi xuấtsắcnhấtĐỉnh cao chi chiến Liên Server 1 VS 1 + Tu La Tháp loạn chiếnTranh đoạt danh hiệu Vạn Giới Tiên Tôn, tôn vinh danh hiệu độcnhấttrong game, diễn ra vào các ngày trong tuầnĐẶC SẮCChiến Trường Bất TậnHệ thống chiến trường PVP và PVE bất tận, Tam Giới Đại Chiến,Đấutrường sinh tử, Lôi Đài Hỗn Chiến , PK Chiếm bãi quyết liệt,CôngThành Chiến nảy lửa với hàng ngàn người tham gia.Bang Hội Tranh BáLập Bang, kết bạn. Gia nhập bang hội bạn có thể nâng cấp sứcmạnh,tham gia Bang Chiến nảy lửa với hàng trăm nhân vật. Cùng nhautiếnđến ngôi vị Bang Hội Bá Chủ.Kết HônCùng người yêu thương tham dự phụ bản tình duyên vĩnh hằng chilộnơi chỉ dành cho những cặp tình nhân thề nguyện bên nhau, báchniêngiai lão.Hệ Thống Giao DịchGiao dịch buôn bán, làm giàu từ thế giới Tru Tien TruyenBối cảnh:Thần Châu Hạo Thổ, chính đạo đang mạnh, tà ma tránh lui. Vùngđấttrung nguyên sơn linh thủy tú, nhân khí cường thịnh, sản vậtphongphú, là nơi chiếm cứ bền vững của các chính phái, trong đó đặcbiệtcó ba phái lớn đứng đầu, là Thanh Vân Môn, Thiên Âm Tự vàPhầnHương Cốc.Bắt đầu từ "Thanh Vân Môn". Trương Tiểu Phàm, nhân vật chính, làmộtthiếu niên bình thường, nhưng vận mệnh đã cợt đùa với hắn khôngchỉmột lần... Ý nghĩa duy nhất giúp hắn tồn tại là tình yêu, tìnhyêulà tấm phao cứu mệnh, là tín ngưỡng và tôn giáo duy nhất củađờihắn. Sự nghiệt ngã khi trưởng thành của Tiểu Phàm Soi vào đó,ta tìmthấy phần nào đó số phận riêng ta...TÍNH NĂNG NỔI BẬT KHÁC:- Hệ thống phụ bản EXP, Vũ khí và đạo cụ- Tiên nữ hộ thể, Thú cưỡi, Cánh- Ngự Kiếm Phi Hành- Phi Thăng Thú Cưỡi- Truy Tìm Bảo Vật- Lôi Đài Tranh Bá- Du Ngoạn Cùng Mỹ NhânVà rất nhiều những tính năng hấp dẫn khác đang đợi các bạn khámphátại Tru Tiên MobileTru Tiên mobile – Một sản phẩm chất lượng của SOHA GAME -Tảigame FREE!Thông tin tham khảo thêm tại:Trang chủ: http://trutien.sohagame.vnFanpage:ỗ trợ: +84-1900-6639Email: [email protected]
East Legend 1.3.5
This game is free to play, butyoucanchoosetopay real money for extra items.[East Legend's 2nd Huge Update]New Equipment!2nd WAVE [Age of Equipment]1. Get new equipment through Alchemy and Training!Get new items through item Alchemy and changetheitempropertythroughitem Training to equip yourselfwiththestrongestitems!2. Equipment Box & Medal Box 10+2!Get equipment and Evolution materials from theEquipmentBoxandgetMedals and Evolution materials from the Medal Boxwithbuy10get 2free!3. New Heroes from the Three KingdomsMeet Zilong, Yueying, and Da Qiao from the Three Kingdoms!4. You can now chat during battles!5. You can now continue your Adventure Mode stages!*****************************************************Your story will become the legend!Go on an adventure to find the legendaryHalidoms:Wisdom,Eden,HolyScript, and Chalice.Join the Heroes to find the Chalice and save the world!Features1. Heroes of 5 Different AttributesUtilize each Hero's unique skills toprotectDeosisfromthedevils.Become the Superb Knight to find the ChaliceandclosetheHellGates.You're the only one who can bring back thelegendaryHeroesfortheChalice Search!2. A Great War Against the DevilsExplore around Deosis to defeat the devils who'vecomethroughtheHellGates.Gear up with various items to strengthen yourpowerstosavetheworld!3. Join the ForcesFight against the Boss with your friends in the Boss Raid.Participate in the fierce PvP in the Colosseum.Join a Guild to find powerful allies.Enter the Treasure Dungeon to get the legendary treasures.It's time to start your own legend!▶This game supports English, français, Deutsch,한글,中文简体,中文繁體and日本語.◀This game is free to play, but you can choose topayrealmoneyforextra items.Items are available for purchase in this game.Somepaiditemsmaybe refundable depending on the type of item.For Com2uS Mobile GameTermsofService,visit questions or customer support, pleasecontactourCustomerSupportbyvisiting────────────────Play with Com2uS!────────────────Follow us! us on Facebook! and Updates
The Greedy Cave 4.0.23
Explore a mysterious cave and search treasures.
Asobimo, Inc.
Discover a you, outside of the real world. On to the neverendingadventure.
Fallensouls: Origins 2.2.2
Fallensouls is an rpg battling game withpvp,castle,dungeonboss,arena,guild.
My BT 8.39.0
BT Group PLC
Get the My BT app to manage your account, check usage and viewbillson the go.
Hack and slash through endless enemy hordesinyour journey of vengeance!Use your Devilian power to hunt down monsters and foes inthistragic story!The epic battle begins now.CONQUER- Play in dual Devilian Mode for tremendous power and skills- Execute disastrous attack combos to inflict maximum damageCUSTOMIZATION- Collect and upgrade devastating weapons- Progress and enhance your battle craftBATTLE- Become stronger by coordinating with allies in co-op mode- Experience Tag Match PvP- Brawl in furious raids* This game requires the following permissions foroptimalgameplay.- Permission to sync your Address Book and access device statusforFriend Invites[READ_CONTACTS, READ_PHONE_STATE]- Permission to sync your Google account[GET_ACCOUNTS]- Permission to save necessary game data externally[READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]** This game is available in English.** There may be additional costs when trying to obtaincertainitems.* GAMEVIL Official Website :* GAMEVIL Customer Support: ofService:
疾風雪姬 3.0
不壹樣的英雄收集,不壹樣的策略戰術,2015最值得期待的2D橫版回合制手遊。《疾風雪姬》結合時下流行的Q版日漫畫風,呈現帶有神秘西方魔域色彩的戰鬥故事。想要華麗麗的時裝,還是萌萌噠的坐騎;想要公會兄弟群戰,還是召喚挑戰BOSS;沒想要神獸附體,也沒想要天使變身。沒關系,想要不想要的我們都應有盡有,等妳來哦!One kind of hero isnotcollected, not One kind of strategy and tactics, themostanticipated 2015 cross-version of turn-based 2D mobilegames."Serena blasts" The combination of Q version of thepopularJapanese cartoon style, presents the story of the battlewith amysterious Western Demon colors. Want gorgeous fashion, orMengMeng da horse; you want to guild brothers gang warfare, orcallchallenge BOSS; animal thought to be possessed, but alsothought tobe an angel transfiguration. It does not matter, we allwant to donot want everything, Dengnai to Oh!
Fantasy Romance - Variety Meng Chong, creative fashion, realteam3V3,5V5 passion PK!
Astral Stairways International 4.0.5
Our 5th anniversary! One hand style, RPG game, collect all1400+characters!
Hero of Magic - War Age 12.0
Global turn-based MMORPG. Start amagicadventure with your friends NOW!Hero of Magic: War Age is a global massively multiplayeronlinerole-playing game (MMORPG) with classical turn-based battlemode onmobile devices. 4 different summoners with awesome3D-Avatars. 8Professions that you can switch from one to another asyou wish.Catch, feed, train and collect Dozens of Zodiac Monsters,which canbe your loyal companions on your mobile adventure journey.It’s nota game with simple slashes, killings and actions. You needto usestrategy, team up and cooperate well with other players toobtainhigh-level achievement and much more fun.The revenge fire of the Dragons is burning close to themysteriousEskole land. As the progeny of ancient summoners ofCarlinia, youundertake the job to continue the legend of Frandie,retrieve magicand fight against evil Dragons with the help oftalentedZodiacs.=FEATURES=★Various Professions And Manifold Careers.Swordsman, Archer, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Wizard, Knight andThief,each profession has its exclusive skills and stats. Find yourownway to grow your unique magic summoner.★Zodiac Monsters Bring Your Adventure More Fun.Search for zodiac monsters according to King’s map. Taptheirpotential and let them help you succeed.★Explore The Mystery of Elements.Use the restraint between Earth, Water, Fire, Wind andZodiacattributes to skilfully collocate your hero, making himmorepowerful.★Classical Turn-based Battle Mode Tests Your Resourcefulness.In many cases, the key to winning a battle is the goodcollocationof zodiac monsters and skills, as well as the tacitcooperationbetween team members. You will never know who will winuntil thevery last moment.★Train Your Hero Wisely to Level him Up.Collect resources, forge weapons, enhance equipment and tradewitheach other. These are the numerous ways to makeprogressquickly.★Defend your guild from guilds’ clash.Group up to challenge the dragon BOSS. Gain more EXP and lootsfromin cross-server clash of guilds and survive your guild in thisWarAge!★Easy Way to Communicate in GameThe multi-language translator and voice message system will helpyoubreak communication barriers.★Exquisite 3D Graphics.3D Avatars and vivid in-game scenes are developed byUnityApplication Generator. Smooth user experience is guaranteedbyprofession and technology.PLEASE NOTE! Hero of Magic: War Age is free to download andplay,however, some game items can also be purchased for real money.Ifyou do not want to use this feature, please set up apasswordprotection for purchases in the settings of your GooglePlay Storeapp.A network connection is also required.By downloading this game, you are agreeing to our Terms ofServiceand Privacy Policy.-Terms of Service: Policy: us on Facebook for more details, activities andsupports: service mail:[email protected] most of the popular mobile brands such as Samsung, HTC,Sonyetc.Minimum system requirements :Android 4.0+Discrete CPURemaining Rom 600MB+
梦幻仙缘-2016年经典回合制仙侠手游网游大作 1.2