Top 4 Apps Similar to ALLEMAND Holiday Check | VB

Allemand - Niveau A2 1.0
Cette application, qui s’adresse aux élèvesdecollège (6e/5e en LV1 ; 4e/3e en LV2) propose des activitésdecompréhension de l’écrit de la langue allemande. Elle peutêtreutilisée en classe, mais aussi à la maison où elle sera unoutilprécieux d’apprentissage et de révision des notionsessentielles.Elle propose un "voyage" dans différentes villes d'Allemagne:Francfort, Berlin, Hambourg, Leipzig, Munich et Nuremberg.Chaqueétape correspond à un type d’activité et sera l’occasiond’aborderde nombreuses thématiques culturelles : vie quotidienne etcadre devie, patrimoine culturel et historique, repères etréalitésgéographiques, patrimoine littéraire et artistique.Grâce à son dictionnaire et à ses modules de correctionquifavorisent l’autonomie de l’élève, l’apprenant débutants’entraîneà son rythme à la compréhension écrite de textescourts.Les diverses activités interactives – exercices à trous etàchoix multiples, reconstitution de dialogues, motscroisés,repérage d’erreurs, etc. – visent particulièrementl’enrichissementdu vocabulaire et l’acquisition de nombreux pointsde grammaire.Les élèves abordent des notions syntaxiques tellesquel’organisation de la phrase (place du verbe conjugué,négation,coordination, subordination…), le verbe (verbe simple,locutionverbale, verbes de modalité, temps et modes…), le groupenominal(structure, genre et nombre, les déterminants, les cas…),lespronoms, les adjectifs, le groupe prépositionnel,l'adverbe,etc.This application, whichisaimed at college students (6e/5e in LV1, LV2 in 4e/3e)offersactivities reading of the German language. It can be used intheclassroom, but also at home where it will be a valuablelearningand revision of key concepts tool.It offers a "journey" in various cities in Germany:Frankfurt,Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig, Munich and Nuremberg. Eachstepcorresponds to one type of activity and will be an opportunitytoaddress many cultural themes: life and living environment,culturaland historical heritage, landmarks and geographical,literary andartistic heritage.Thanks to its dictionary and its correction modules thatempowerthe student, the student beginner trains at their own paceinreading comprehension of short texts.Various interactive activities - cloze and multiplechoicereconstitution of dialogues, crosswords, tracking errors,etc.. -Aimed particularly vocabulary acquisition and many pointsofgrammar. Students approach syntactic notions such astheorganization of the sentence (instead of the verb,negation,coordination, subordination ...), the verb (simple verb,verbalphrase, modal verbs, tenses and moods ...), the nominalgroup(structure, type and number, determinants, case ...),pronouns,adjectives, prepositional group, the adverb, etc..
Guess and learn German 2.2
DOMOsoft Apps
Two in one. A guessing game to learn foreign words through images.
iTalk German 1.0.1
Do you want to speak German language with a beautifulnativeaccent?▶ Use "iTalk German" and native speakers will guideyoustep bystep. ▶ Listen, record yourself, compare and learn,havefun! ▶ It'seasy and quick – and at the end you will havethecourage go out andtalk to people – this is what we promiseyou!You will find in thisapp: ▶ the most useful day to day phrasessoYOU will be preparedfor conversations ▶ professionalvoices;excellent clarity ▶ quiztests ▶ innovative interface with“Fluid”technology Learning aforeign language is an incrediblyexperienceand a seriousconfidence booster. Use this app to achieveabeautiful accent andmore!
German Alphabet 1.05
Learn the German Alphabet today. Thefirstthingyou have to do before learning the German Language istostudy theGerman Alphabet. With this app you can do it forfree.Know all theGerman letters, all the basics of the Germanlanguage.Information about German, a West Germanic languagespokeninGermany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, andmanyothercountries by about 200 million people. This page containsacoursein the German Alphabet, pronunciation and sound ofeachletter aswell as a list of other lessons in grammar topicsandcommonexpressions in German.You only need to follow our selected video lessons, andsoonyouwill learn all the sounds, letters and characters oftheGermanAlphabet and Language. Do you want to travel toGermany?Startreading and speaking German today. Read and writeGerman in afewdays. Our app is indicated also for kids andchildren, as it hasaselection of German Alphabet Songs andCyrillicscriptexamples.German Alphabet (the app) is part of a learningprojectwhichcontains apps to learn different alphabets andlanguages suchasEnglish, German, Spanish, Arabic, Italian,French,Turkish,Chinese, Japanese, and other European languages.