Top 6 Apps Similar to 七星景区-导游助手.旅游攻略.打折门票

桂林两江四湖-导游助手.旅游攻略.打折门票 1.1.2
景区简介:桂林两江四湖构成桂林山水美景的重要组成部分,成为桂林旅游胜地的一张天然名片。把桂林市中心区的漓江、桃花江、杉湖、榕湖、桂湖、木龙湖贯通,形成环城游览水系,即“两江四湖”工程。这是一个富有激情、富有想象力的工程,是桂林历史上最大的环保工程。今之两江四湖,已为甲天下之桂林山水锦上添花,是令中外游客流连忘返旅游景点。导游助手主要功能:1. 专业语音解说:每个景点都有生动、趣味的专业语音解说,带你深入了解景点,增添旅游乐趣;2.AR实景导览,直观显示周边景点方位与距离;3.精美电子地图可随意缩放,更直接了解景点全貌;4.导游导览功能:地图范围内提供定位功能,便于你找到当前位置,以及园区内景点、处理服务站(包括休息点、厕所)的位置;5.景点介绍:图文并茂为你细说景点。6.景点相册:不在景区也能观赏更多美景。产品权限:本软件会读取联系人数据以方便用户订票。导游助手系列产品由一块去旅行网发布,有任何意见和建议,请联系我们:邮 箱请将#号改成@)用户体验反馈QQ群:243645747新浪微博:@一块去旅行网腾讯微博:@景点打折门票网 址:www.yikuaiqu.comScenic profile:Guilin Two Rivers and Four Lakes Guilin constitute animportantpartof beauty has become a tourist attraction in Guilinnaturalcard.The central area of ​​Guilin Lijiang River, CedarLake,Banyan,Guihu, Wood Lake through the formation tour around thecitywatersystem, namely, "two rivers and four lakes" project. Thisisapassionate, imaginative engineering, Guilinlargestenvironmentalproject in history. Today the two rivers andfourlakes, thelandscape of Guilin has been icing on the cake forthebest in theworld, is to make foreign tourists lingertouristattractions.Guide helper main functions:1 professional audio commentary: Each spot has a lively,funandprofessional audio commentary, With yourunderstandingofattractions, adding travel fun;2.AR real navigation, visual display surroundingattractionsbearingand distance;3 exquisite electronic maps can easily zoom, attractionsandmoredirect understanding of the whole picture;4 guided navigation: map provided within thepositioningfunction,easy to find your current location, and parkattractions,handlingservice stations (including a break point,toilet)position;5 Attractions: illustrations for you to elaborateattractions.6 Things Album: can not watch more scenic views.Product permissions: This software will read contactdatatofacilitate the users booking.Guide helper series of products from one release tothetravelnetwork, have any comments or suggestions, pleasecontactus:E-mail: app # (please change # to @)User Experience Feedback QQ group: 243 645 747Sina microblogging: @ one to travel networkTencent microblogging: @ attractions discounted ticketsWebsite:
Taxi-Book China 1.3.1
Taxi-Book is your travel and city guideto*30*Chinese cities, a way to speak and talk in Chinesewithlocalswithout internet connection, with free versionsforBeijing,Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It provides a bigtalkingEnglishChinese dictionary and helps English Chinesetranslationswithtalking phrasebooks in its full versions.It is made to help you travel in Chinese cities and makeyourtripin China comfortable. Taxi-Book talks to Chinesetaxi-driverswho canbring you to your destinations.The available cities are: (all full versions providespeakingandtalking function for Chinese)Beijing 北京 (free Lite version)Beijing 北京Changsha 长沙Chengdu 成都Chongqing 重庆Dalian 大连Dongguan东莞Foshan佛山Hangzhou 杭州Harbin 哈尔滨Hong Kong 香港Guangzhou 广州 (free lite version)Guangzhou 广州Guilin 桂林Lijiang 丽江Kunming 昆明Nanjing 南京Ningbo宁波Qingdao 青岛Sanya 三亚Shanghai 上海 (free lite version)Shanghai 上海Shenyang 沈阳Shenzhen 深圳 (free lite version)Shenzhen 深圳Suzhou 苏州Taiyuan 太原Tianjin 天津Wuhan 武汉Wuxi 无锡Xi`an 西安Xiamen 厦门Yantai 烟台More cities are coming soon!The app also features dialogue options for talking withlocalsinChinese. Note that you may fill gaps in the phrasesusingourEnglish-Chinese dictionary containing more than 12,000wordstocreate your own phrases. For example, in a restaurant youmaysay"I'm allergic to ... (select/dictionary). Could you makethisdishwithout it?" in perfect Chinese. Some phrases alsofeaturelikelyanswer options that the dialogue partners may chooseasareply.This free app comes with free versions of four cities. Inthefreeversion, e.g., the Beijing city guide contains morethan500locations in China's capital. And if that's not enoughforyou,just upgrade through buying the full content of Beijingtounlockmore than 1,500 locations and speaking functionforalldialogues.Taxi-Book also offers more city guides for all keyChinesecitiesfor hotels, restaurants, banks, sightseeings,hospitalsandadministrations etc. And if you don't feel likebrowsingthroughthe lists, just use the fast search option on eachcity'shome pageto find the locations you are looking for.Note: Buying another city means you pay just one time andcanuseit forever. There are NO HIDDEN COSTS.Features:- Locations: Hundreds of locations divided into 10categoriesarefeatured.- Locations come with detailed information likeEnglishandChinese name, address, phone number, and GPScoordinates.- View locations on Maps and find nearby placeseasily(requiresonline connectivity).- Once you've chosen a location, press the Taxi-Cardbuttontobring up a simple yet effective page that allows you totell ataxidriver clearly where you want to go. Show the page tothedriverand shake the phone to make it pronounce the phrasewithyourdesired destination.- Taxi-Card: Choose between different color stylestocustomizethe page to your liking.- Dialogues: Special dialogues for use in a taxisituationlike"Turn on the meter, please" or "How long will theridetakeapproximately?"- Basic Phrases: For everyday situations to saythingslike"Hello", "Thank you", tell others your name or askwheretherestrooms are.- Favourites: Pick your favourite locations out ofallthelocations and add them to your favourites list for quickandeasyaccess.*Please note that while the app is designed to work inofflinemode,using Map view and buying in-app purchasablecontentrequireinternet access.
旅行记-最美旅行纪念册 1.6.5
旅行记 - 最美旅行纪念册清新简约的设计风格、丰富便捷的记录方法、新颖的流式壁画展示风格,这里是安放旅行回忆的不二之选。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------功能亮点:1.随手记录:旅途中随手拍照、录音、写文字,即可自动生成精美旅行纪念册;2.一键分享:一键分享到各大社交网站:新浪微博、腾讯、人人、豆瓣、微信等等;3.自动同步:云端存储,手机上、平板上、网站上均可修改并自动同步;4.支持离线:没有网络时,照样可以记录;5.发现世界各地精彩:近万篇精选纪念册,数百万张精彩照片带你神游世界。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------从这里,开启我的旅行人生。在这里记录、在这里分享、在这里怀念。Travel in mind-beautifultravel yearbookFresh and simple style, rich and convenient methodforrecording,streaming novel style murals show, here it is theplaceof choicefor travel memories.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Feature Highlights:1. readily recorded: the journey by taking apicture,recording,writing text, you can automatically generateattractivetravelyearbook;2. share a key: a key to major social networking sites Shareto:SinaWeibo, Tencent, everyone, watercress, micro-channel andsoon;3. Auto Sync: Cloud storage and on your phone, tablet, thesitecanbe modified and automatic synchronization;4. Support Offline: when there is no network, youcanstillrecord;5. find wonderful world: ten thousand articlesFeaturedAlumni,millions of wonderful photos with you wander theworld.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From here, open my traveling life.Here record, here to share, here miss.
GPC2016 1.0.5
Welcome to Global Partner Conference 2016ofEricsson-LG Enterprise!GPC2016 application includes the useful information ofGlobalPartner Conference 2016 and helps to communicate withparticipantsof this year.Enjoy the precious moments in Bangkok withGPC2016application.keyword : iPECS GPC 2016 LG-Erisson LG GPC2016Welcome to GlobalPartnerConference 2016 of Ericsson-LG Enterprise! GPC2016 application includes the useful information ofGlobalPartner Conference 2016 and helps to communicate withparticipantsof this year. Enjoy the precious moments in Bangkok withGPC2016application.keyword: iPECS GPC 2016 LG-Erisson LG GPC2016
多趣上海-TouchChina 3.0
『多趣上海』是『多趣旅行』旗下的上海旅行指南,提供精彩实用的旅游攻略、个性化的的旅行景点及当地吃喝玩乐推荐、更可离线使用不费流量,给你一场说走就走的旅行!由专业旅游编辑和本地生活专家提供的主题旅游攻略包罗万象,不管是当地的必玩景点、特色美食、实惠购物街区,还是交通、文化、本地习俗等实用事项,都一览无遗。内容经过精心编排,提供随时随地的舒适阅读体验。『多趣旅行』对信息都做了特别处理,充分挖掘智能手机的特性,提供最佳的使用体验:- 所有喜欢的内容,都可一键收藏,方便直接查看使用;- 查看身边的吃喝玩乐,或搜索、排序来选出心仪去处;- 想知道怎么前往?程序提供了位置信息,可直接用手机地图导航;- 想电话店家?程序提供了联络电话,可直接拨打;- 各类信息都可一键分享到微博、微信及朋友圈;- 你也可随手记录旅行足迹,与亲友共享旅行乐趣。除已包含的上海数据外,另有28个热门旅行目的地可供下载,所有内容定期更新以提供最新的旅行指南。
- 国内:北京、天津、厦门、广州、桂林、三亚、凤凰、张家界、南京、苏州、镇江、西安、成都、拉萨、大理、昆明、丽江、杭州
- 出境:香港、台湾、澳门、新加坡、马来西亚、曼谷、清迈、巴厘岛、普吉岛、毛里求斯

 这不仅是一本出色的旅行指南,更是一个完美融合了智能手机功能特点的贴身“导游”!*********************************************************@TouchChina致力于提供完美的手机旅游软件,是国家博物馆、恭王府、拙政园、留园、周庄、凤凰古城、张家界等知名景区的官方合作伙伴,旗下产品曾多次被苹果首页推荐、入选iPhone电视广告、获选苹果App Store 最佳旅行应用和豌豆荚设计大奖。 
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Guilin (桂林) City Guides 2.0
This is rank from Tripadvisor community- Top 100 Restaurants in Guilin- Top 99 Hotels in Guilin- Top 100 Attractions in Guilin- Top 13 Activities in Guilin- Top 3 Nightlife in Guilin- Top 4 Shopping in GuilinGoing to Guilin (桂林; Guìlín), China? Get this Guilin City Guides,apersonal advisor in your pocket which helps you plan and havetheperfect trip. With restaurants, attractions, hotels andTripAdvisorreviews you love, stored in the app, all availableoffline -- nodata roaming charges!Key reasons travelers love this app:WORKS OFFLINEThere is no need for a live data connection while using this app,aseverything is stored on your phone, after you do an initialupdate.This means you won’t be charged for expensive data roaming,and theapp is super fast to use.RESTAURANTS, ATTRACTIONS, HOTELSAll places that are listed on in this cityareincluded in the app.SELF-GUIDED TOURSTripAdvisor members and destination experts have handpicked thebestitineraries in the city for you, enabling you to exploreinterestingneighborhoods, famous landmarks and hidden gems. Usingthe phone'sGPS, you can follow along and read about theinteresting sightsalong the route.PHOTO ALBUMS ON MAPPhotographing and tagging on the mapONLY 1 EURONeed we say more? Download the app now, there’s absolutely norisk,and we’re sure you’ll love it!