Top 4 Apps Similar to udonコンシェル Classic

究極のさぬきうどんナビ「Udooon!」 1.30
「Udooon!」は、香川県内のさぬきうどん店の最新情報を収録した、さぬきうどんを愛する全ての人のためのアプリケーションです。ナビゲーション機能も、旅行予約機能もあるから、今すぐにさぬきうどんを食べたい方でも、これからさぬきうどんを食べにいく方でも楽しめる、さぬきうどんアプリの決定版です。“全店制覇をめざす”も良し、”とっておきの1店を探す”も良し、あなたの好きなスタイルで、さあ、さぬきうどんを楽しもう!「Udooon!」の特長1) 全てのさぬきうどん店があなたの手の中に!タウン情報かがわ発刊の「さぬきうどん全店制覇攻略本2012-13年版」に収録されているさぬきうどん店の最新情報を収録。各店の住所や電話番号からおすすめメニューまでおいしい情報をチェックしよう。2)さぬきうどんをおすすめ コースで楽しもう!伝統のさぬきうどんガイド「さぬきうどん全店制覇攻略本2012-13年版」編集部おススメのコースでさぬきうどん店を巡って楽しもう。3)さぬきうどん店へ出発!ナビゲーション機能を使って、自分の行きたいお店に行こう。今いる場所の近くのお店も簡単に調べられるから、食べ歩きにもピッタリ。4)さぬきうどんへの旅に出よう!さぬきうどんを食べたくなったら、お得な情報満載の旅行検索サイト「」で香川県への旅行を予約しよう。5)美味しいうどん店リストを作ろう美味しいさぬきうどん店は「おいしい!」ボタンでブックマーク。ブックマークリストがあなただけの美味しいうどん店リストになる。6) 美味しい笑顔を、ハイチーズ!“ごちそうさま”の後は、「Udooon!」ならではのデコフレームで記念撮影をしよう。記念写真にコメントを添えて、TwitterやFacebookで友達に、はい、ツルート(共有)。Wasrecorded for the latest information of Sanuki udon shop inKagawaprefecture, "Udooon!" Is an application for all those wholove theSanuki Udon. Also navigation function, because there isalso atravel reservation function, Even if you want to eat SanukiUdonnow, those who go to eat Sanuki Udon now can enjoy, it isthedefinitive Sanuki Udon app. "We aim to win all stores" isalsogood, "Find one shop Totteoki" is also good, in any style ofyou,Come on, Let's enjoy Sanuki udon!Features of "Udooon!"In the hands of your Sanuki Udon shop 1) all!The latest recorded information of Sanuki udon shop that isincludedin the "2012-13 edition Sanuki Udon all stores dominationcapturebook" Town of information Kagawa published. Let's checktheinformation recommended menu from the address and phone numberofeach store up to delicious.Enjoy a recommended course 2) Sanuki udon!And have fun around the Sanuki udon shop in the course oftheeditorial department recommended "2012-13 edition Sanuki Udonallstores domination strategy books" Sanuki Udon Guidetradition.Starting to 3) Sanuki Udon shop!Use the navigation function, Let's go to the store you want togotheir own. Since it can easily be examined shops near where youarenow, it is perfect for walking to eat.Let's go out on a journey to 4) Sanuki Udon!If you ever want to eat Sanuki Udon, and trying to book a triptoKagawa Prefecture travel search site full of information dealswith"".Let's make a delicious 5) Udon shop listDelicious Sanuki Udon store bookmarks in the "delicious!"Button.Bookmark list becomes delicious udon shop list just foryou.6) High cheese, a delicious smile!After the "I'm done", let a commemorative shot in decoframe"Udooon!" Unique. Served with a comment on the commemorativephoto,Twitter and Facebook friends, yes, Tsuruto (shared).
udonコンシェル トライアル版 3.9
udonコンシェル 3.9
Narita Concierge NariCo 3.0.0
▽ A World Airport First!Narita Airport voice agent app.▽ Just speak into your smartphone and NariCo will tellyoueverything about Narita Airport!This app was developed with the full support of NTT DOCOMOInc.,by modifying its Shabette-Concier service specifically fortheneeds of customers using Narita Airport.Just speak into your smartphone to make your stay at NaritaAirportmore convenient, comfortable and enjoyable.When using Narita Airport for travel or business, makeNariCoyour companion.◆ Concierge functionTell the app what you want to find out or what you want to do anditwill scan your speech, select the most appropriate answer fromtheservice and give it to you in voice and text display.◆ Compatible languagesJapanese and English◆ Where am I functionOn arriving at Narita Airport, NariCo can give you informationonshops and restaurants around your present location.◆ NariCo can help with the following▽ Using the airportInformation on restaurants, shops, service facilities,check-incounters, flights for the day, car parks, security, theairport,etc.▽ Destination informationLocal time, tourism, weather, currency rates, etc.▽ OtherWeb search, airport facts, phrases (greetings,simpleconversation)◆ App linkingNariCo can link to other apps released by Narita Airport.▽ NariTraThis is a voice translation app with an extensive range ofuniquenouns that are commonly used at airports andtraveldestinations.▽ NRT_Airport NaviThis official Narita Airport app has a flight register withalarmand navigation function.▽ TABIMORIThe definitive guide app to Japan! This official app fromNaritaAirport is designed for visitors to Japan and provides awealth ofdiverse knowledge on the country.◆ Please Note・ The information provided also includes unedited displays ofwebsearch results and the accuracy depends on information on theweb.Some search results may produce an action that is not theuser'sdesired response.・ Network congestion may cause delays orconnectiondifficulties.・ To connect to the free Wi-Fi service in Narita Airport,launchyour browser and complete the authentication process.・ This app uses voice recognition and languageprocessingtechnologies however no guarantees are given or impliedin relationto the accuracy of those technologies.・ The accuracy of voice recognition deteriorates if speakingtooclosely, too far away, too loudly or too softly.・ For best results, use the app in quiet surroundings andspeakclearly.・ Better results can also be obtained by stating yourintentionclearly in phrases rather than single words. For example,"I'd liketo eat . . . . " or "Show me departure flights . . . .".◇ Sample phrasesI'd like to eat some Chinese noodles.Show me departing flights for All Nippon Airways.Where can I take a shower?What is the exchange rate from yen to dollars?Where are the Japan Airlines check-in counters?Can I take hair spray on board?etc.Search keywords: Narita International Airport, NaritaAirport,NariCo, Narico, narico, Narita Concierge, airportconcierge, NRT,voice information, voice agent* Shabette-Concier is a registered trademark of NTTDOCOMOInc.