Top 9 Apps Similar to 健康ビデオ 腰痛予防編

PlayCoach™ Fitness Back Pain 2.5
AVAILABLE IN FRENCH - SOON IN ENGLISHIt's easily treated with simple stretching andmuscleexercises.Following a simple exercise routine is aneffectivesolution torelieving constant back pain, keeping youhealthierandhappier.PLAYCOACH Back Pain is a comprehensive, convenientandeffectiveapp for people who suffer from back pain or who wanttopreventback pain through simple exercise videos.Three video routines expertly designed byprofessionalfitnesscoaches:-Essentials: lower back stretch, upper back stretch,shouldershrug,pelvic thrust -Additional Exercises: the plank-Tennis/Soccer: for athletesHere's some useful tips from our coaches to help youfeelreliefimmediately:-Use straight-backed and swivel chairs-Adjust the height of the chair to properly align withyourback-Properly adjust the height of the computer screen,preventingyoufrom unknowingly bending forward or tiltingAnd follow the advices of PLAYCOACH Back Pain !To progress and motivates you to workout more often,youneedprofessionnal videos. All of the exercises inPLAYCOACHFitnesshave videos ! You just have to choose a target,watch thevideosand progress. It's simple.PLAYCOACH Fitness offers many training programs to workallthemuscles step by step.
開運ストレッチ~肩こりや腰痛などカラダの悩み解消~ 1.4.0
Plusr Inc.
腰痛や頭痛、肩こり、便秘やむくみ…カラダには色々な悩みがありますよね。開運ストレッチは、短時間でできる簡単なストレッチやほぐし動作を集めました。アナタのカラダの悩みに合わせて、様々なカテゴリから「本日のメニュー」を設定することができます。【使い方は簡単】・お悩みに合わせて、効果別、身体の部位別のカテゴリから「本日のメニュー」を設定することができます。・アラーム機能で忘れず毎日続けられ、習慣にすることができます。・その日実行したメニューが一覧で確認できます。・気に入ったものは、お気に入り機能でブックマークできます。自分に合った使い方を探してみてくださいね!I think youhavetroublevariety of low back pain and headache, stiff neck, the...bodyswelling and constipation.Good luck stretch has some gesture I ease and simple stretchyoucando in a short period of time.It allows you to match the trouble of your body, and sets"menuofthe day" from various categories.[Easy to use]• You can be tailored to your worries, and sets "menu oftheday"from the category of site-specific effect by, thebody.• The continued every day Do not forget the alarm function,youcanbe a habit.· You can see a list of the menu you have run that day.• The thing you like, you can bookmark favorite feature.Please, try to find how to use that suits you!
腰痛解消30のレッスン-毎日の辛い症状を緩和- 1.0
Plusr Inc.
疲れスッキリストレッチ E.F.A.S 1.0.8
「疲れスッキリストレッチE.F.A.S」は、疲労回復やパフォーマンス向上にお役立ていただくヘルスケアアプリです。このアプリは画面に表示される5種類の動作を行って頂き、その結果から身体重心の不安定性と筋肉・関節のアンバランスを分析し、あなたに合った最適なストレッチを選出します。さらに、選出されるストレッチは、部位やモードをカスタマイズでき、その日の体調や時間に合わせて利用して頂くことができます。このストレッチを毎日行って頂くことで身体重心の安定性を高め、体のこわばりを緩め、血行を良好な状態に保つことができます。どうぞ日々の健康生活にお役立てください。"TiredrefreshingstretchEFAS" is a health care app that'll help us tofatigue andimproveperformance.This app will perform five types of behavior that isdisplayedonthe screen, the results from analyzing the imbalanceofinstabilityand muscle and joint of the body center of gravity,youcan electyou to the optimal stretch that fits.In addition, the stretch to be elected, it is possibletocustomizethe site and mode, it can be asked to use to matchthephysicalcondition and the time of the day.To increase the stability of the body center of gravity in thatIammaking this stretch every day, loosen the stiffness of thebody,youcan keep the blood circulation in good condition.Please help us to please every day of healthy life.
Physiotherapy Help Guide 1.0
How can physiotherapy help you?If you have a problem with moving or performingcertainactivitiesdue to pain, weakness, loss of balance or otherreasons,thephysiotherapist will perform an assessment, make adiagnosiswherenecessary, and outline a management plan tooptimiseyourabilities. Physiotherapists can help to manage acuteinjuriessuchas ankle sprains, knee, hip or shoulder injuriesandchronicconditions like arthritis, back pain, diabetes andheartdisease.Physiotherapy is a therapeutic health professionconcernedwithenhancing mobility and the quality of life of a personwho mayhavebeen affected physically in one way oranother.Physiotherapistsaim to help people gain as much movementandphysical independenceas possible so that they are able toresumetheir normal job orlifestyle, where possible. The app alsocontainsdetails of basicphysiotherapy, benefits physiotherapy,typeexercisephysiotherapist, arthritis of the thumb, triggerfinger,neck pain,low back pain, low back pain exercise, kneeconditionprogram, kneepain exercises, bowed legs, burning thighpain,compartmentsyndrome, deep vein thrombosis, limb lengthdiscrepancy,clubfoot,exercise and bone health. This app will guideyou throughtherehabilitation process step by step to restore asmuch ofyourfunction as possible. Physiotherapy is also usedaftersurgery,with the aim of speeding up recovery by getting apatientmobile assoon as possible. It also provides a usefulbaseline bywhichchanges can be detected – often before the patientis aware ofadegenerative problem. Even those without injury whoaresimplyseeking to increase general health and fitness canbenefitfromphysiotherapy. A physiotherapist can set you up withahomeexercise program, facilitate community exercise sessions(orreferyou to an appropriate service), guide you with yourorganisedsportor gym program.
Lower Back and Hip Pain Exerci 8.2.1
Lower back or hip issues? This app will help you conditionthesemuscles.
ツボ辞典~ちょい押しで悩み知らずのハッピーなカラダに!~ 1.1.0
Plusr Inc.
刺激することでカラダの不調を治したり、美容に効いたりとさまざまな効果がある「ツボ」東洋医学でその数は体中に360以上もあると言われています。ツボ辞典は仕事や家事の合間にできるちょい押しで、改善効果があるツボを多数収録しています!日頃感じている肩こりや胃腸の悩み、お肌のしわやたるみなど・・・色々なカラダの悩みに合わせて、カテゴリから「本日のメニュー」を設定することができます。毎日続けることによって、悩みも解消し「カラダノートポイント」が溜まります!溜めたポイントで流行の健康・美容グッズに応募することができるので要CHECK!【使い方は簡単】・お悩みに合わせて、効果別、身体の部位別のカテゴリから「本日のメニュー」を設定できます・アラーム機能で忘れず毎日続けられ、習慣にすることができます。・カレンダーからその日実行したメニューが一覧で確認できます・気に入ったものは、お気に入り機能でブックマークできます日頃の疲れや頭痛、肩こり、腰痛、冷え症や便秘の改善、生理痛の悩み、巡りや代謝のUP!マッサージよりも簡単なので、空き時間にむくみや顔のたるみやしわの解消、さらには美肌や目力アップまで!自分に合った使い方を探してみてくださいね!ガイドの三毛猫「つぼにゃん」が毎日頑張るアナタを応援してくれます。It is said thattherearealso more than 360 throughout the body is the number thereareavariety of effects or cure the disorder of the bodybystimulating,and or worked in beauty in the "pot" OrientalMedicine.In the little that can be pressed in between workandhousework,pot Dictionary has many recorded pot thereisimprovement!Trouble gastrointestinal stiff shoulder and you'refeelingeveryday,such as wrinkles and sagging of the skin ...It allows you to match the trouble of the body variety,andsets"menu of the day" from the category.By continuing every day, "notes the body points"canaccumulateand eliminate worries!CHECK needed it is possible to apply for health and beautygoodsofthe epidemic at the point where you have accumulated![Easy to use]- To suit your trouble, you can set the "menu of the day"fromthecategory of site-specific effect by, the body• The continued every day Do not forget the alarm function,youcanbe a habit.· You can see a list of the menu you have run that dayfromthecalendar• The thing you like, you can bookmark favorite featureImprovement of fatigue and constipation headache, stiffneck,lowback pain, and poor circulation daily, trouble ofmenstrualpain, UPand metabolic Tour of!Because it is easier than a massage, the elimination ofwrinklesandsagging facial swelling and in the free time, and evento theeyesand fair skin force up!Please, try to find how to use that suits you!For us rooting for you who tortoiseshell cat of theguide"potNyan" is work hard every day.
10 Min Lower Back Therapy 1.0.0
Most physical therapy programs designedtotreat low back pain and some radicular pain (pain radiatingdownthe leg) will include a combination of the following typesoftherapeutic exercise:StretchingProper stretching of the muscles along with active exercisewillhelp maintain normal range of motion and provide relief formusclesthat are often suffering disuse atrophy (shrinking musclesfromlack of use) or in spasm from inappropriate posture ornerveirritation.For many patients it is best to follow a stretching routinethathas been individually designed for them by a physical therapistorsports physician. As a general rule, low back pain patientsshouldfocus on stretching the lower back muscles, abdominalmuscles, hipsand legs. The patient should never bounce duringstretching, andall stretches should be slow and gradual.Dynamic stabilization exercisesThese exercises involve the use of a variety of exercises andmayinclude use of exercise balls, balancing machines orspecificstabilizing exercises. The point of dynamic stabilizationexerciseis to strengthen the secondary muscles of the spine andhelpsupport the spine through various ranges of motion.Core strengthening exercisesThese are specific exercises to strengthen the abdominalmusclesand low back muscles (erector spinae) to provide theaforementioned‘belt of muscle’ around the spine. These exercisestypicallyinclude:Specific abdominal strengthening, such as pelvic tilts,crunches,abdominal machines, and properly controlled legraises.Low back exercises (hyperextensions), which can be performedonmachines or by simply lying on the stomach and slowly raisingthechest off the ground. This exercise utilizes the lower backmusclesto ‘hyperextend’ the spine.Water TherapySome physical therapy centers may also provide aquatic(water)physical therapy. Water supports the body and minimizes theeffectof gravity, making it easier for patients to start anexerciseprogram. Aquatic therapy can be very helpful for elderlypatientsand disabled patients who may not have the strength to dosome ofthe exercises outside the aquatic pool.Lumbar tractionAnother aspect of physical therapy program may includelumbartraction. With lumbar traction, the patient lies on his backand issecured on a special table with a cable coming from thefoot-end ofthe table that attaches to a strap that has been placedaround thepatient’s hips. The cable is attached to weights at thefoot-end ofthe table that provide a continuous and gentle pullingforce on thehips toward the foot-end of the table. The goal oftraction is tounload the disc space and muscles in the lumbarspine. Thisunloading is thought to provide a recuperative periodwhich allowsthe muscles to rest and takes pressure off the discspace. Researchabout the effectiveness of traction iscontroversial, with somestudies showing that it adds value andother studies showing thatit is of little or no value for patientswith low back pain.
シンプルストレッチ -すきま時間の運動で健康美人!- 1.0.0
Plusr Inc.
使いやすい!続く健康・美容法多数収録!流行りの健康法も分かりやすくご紹介!「腰痛・頭痛・便秘・肩こり等、、気になる身体の不調がある」「仕事に忙殺されていて、美容と健康にかける時間と手間がない!」「キレイになりたいけど、運動はなかなか続かない」そんな方に使って欲しい健康美容アプリです。・健康美人になるための分かりやすい記事が豊富!・〇〇しながらストレッチ等 忙しい方でも手軽に続けられるエクササイズ 等多数紹介!・効果から、身体の部位から自分にあった美容ストレッチ法を選択できる!・健康・美容に関するお悩みを気軽に相談できる!◆主な機能・記事のお気に入り機能・エクササイズのパターンをシチュエーション・効果から選べる:足のむくみ、バストアップ、骨盤矯正等、選べる効果は19種類。・美容法をやった日はカレンダーにマークがつくので続けられる・ステージ達成機能・コミュニティ機能:美容・ダイエットに関する相談ができる!同じ様な悩みを抱えた人も見つかる!・やり忘れ防止アラーム”もっともっとキレイになりたい!””もっともっと健康で過ごしたい!”そんな方におすすめです。