Top 17 Games Similar to iSub - Il Subacqueo Free

Il Subacqueo v1 1.5.0
Roberto Aiello
La prima e unica App Android (e iOS) perilsubacqueo.L'applicazione è adatta per tutti i subacquei ma anche per chivuoleavvicinarsi a questo fantastico sport.Grazie a questa applicazione avete la possibilità di:- Rubrica con oltre 300 Diving Center in Italia con lapossibilitàdi:- Chiamare e mandare email direttamente il diving- Visualizzare il Sito Web del diving- Posizione su google maps- Navigazione diretta al diving center- Oltre 230 Siti d'immersione in Italia con tuttelecaratteristiche, posizione geografica (google maps) e videosuyoutube dell'immersione- Tutti i centri iperbarici in Italia suddivisi per regione conlapossibilità di chiamarli o recuperare la posizione sugooglemaps- Ripassare ed Apprendere la teoria subacquea suddivisaperargomenti- Tabelle d'immersione (decompressione, intervallo di superficieetempo di azoto residuo) ARIA, EAN32, EAN36, EANx sempre aportatadi mano sul vostro cellulare.- Utility per il calcolo del consumo ossigeno ad ariacompressa(BETA)- Didattiche: Le didattiche subacquee attive in Italia- nuovo menù per seguirci su facebookL'applicazione funziona completamente OFFLINE (tranne perlaposizione su google maps e i video su youtube) di conseguenzanonha bisogno di una connessione ad internet per funzionare.Aggiornamneti continui ogni settimana!Sono molto graditi:- suggerimenti- problemi riscontrati- Segnalazioni Diving- Segnalazione DidatticheVi pregherei cortesemente di contattarmi prima dilasciarefeedback negativi ... grazie ...SIAMO SU FACEBOOK : ALLA NOSTRA COMMUNITY: first and onlyappAndroid (and iOS) to the diver.The application is suitable for all divers but also for thosewhowant to approach this fantastic sport.Thanks to this application you can:- Address book with over 300 Diving Center in Italy with theabilityto:  - Call and send email directly to the diving  - Display the Web Site of the diving  - Location on google maps  - Direct navigation to the diving center- Over 230 Dive sites in Italy with all the features,geographicallocation (google maps) and video on youtube dive- All hyperbaric centers in Italy by region with the ability tocallor retrieve the location on google maps- Revise and Learning theory underwater divided by topics- Tables diving (decompression, surface interval time andresidualnitrogen) AIR, EAN32, EAN36, EANx always at hand onyourmobile.- Utility for the calculation of oxygen consumptioncompressedair (BETA)- Education: The educational underwater active in Italy- New menu to follow us on facebookThe application works completely OFFLINE (except for thelocationon google maps and videos on youtube) consequently doesnot need aninternet connection to function.Aggiornamneti continue every week!All are most welcome:       - Tips       -Problemsencountered       - Reports Diving       -ReportingEducationalI would ask you to kindly contact me before leavingnegativefeedback ... thank you ...WE ARE ON FACEBOOK: OUR COMMUNITY:
iSub - Il Subacqueo 2.0.3
Roberto Aiello
La prima e unica App Android (e iOS)perilsubacqueo.L'applicazione è adatta per tutti i subacquei ma ancheperchivuole avvicinarsi a questo fantastico sport.Grazie a questa applicazione avete la possibilità di:- Rubrica con oltre 300 Diving Center in Italia conlapossibilitàdi:- Chiamare e mandare email direttamente il diving- Visualizzare il Sito Web del diving- Posizione su google maps- Navigazione diretta al diving center- Oltre 230 Siti d'immersione in Italia con tuttelecaratteristiche,posizione geografica (google maps) e videosuyoutubedell'immersione- Tutti i centri iperbarici in Italia suddivisi per regioneconlapossibilità di chiamarli o recuperare la posizionesugooglemaps- Ripassare e apprendere la teoria subacqueasuddivisaperargomenti- Tabelle d'immersione (decompressione, intervallo disuperficieetempo di azoto residuo) ARIA, EAN32, EAN36, EANx sempreaportatadi mano sul vostro cellulare.- Utility per il calcolo del consumo ossigenoadariacompressa- Didattiche: Le didattiche subacquee attive in Italia- Camere Iperbariche in Italia con posizionetelefonoenavigazione- Teoria SubacqueaL'applicazione funziona completamente OFFLINE (tranneperlaposizione su google maps e i video su youtube)Aggiornamenti continui!SEI UN DIVING, ASSOCIAZIONE O ATTIVITA' LEGATAALLASUBACQUEA?Contattaci subito per entrare a far parte delnostronetworkSIAMO SUI PIU' FAMOSI SOCIAL NETWORKFACEBOOK : first andonlyappAndroid (and iOS) to the diver.The application is suitable for all divers, but also forthosewhowant to approach this fantastic sport.Thanks to this application you can:- Address book with over 300 Diving Center in Italy withtheabilityto:  - Call and send email directly to the diving  - Display the Web site of the diving  - Location on google maps  - Direct navigation to the diving center- More than 230 dive sites in Italy with allthefeatures,geographical location (google maps) and video onyoutubedive- All hyperbaric centers in Italy by region with the abilitytocallor retrieve the location on google maps- Revise and learn the theory underwater divided by topics- Tables diving (decompression, surface interval timeandresidualnitrogen) AIR, EAN32, EAN36, EANx always at handonyourmobile.- Utility for the calculation of oxygenconsumptioncompressedair- Education: The educational underwater active in Italy- Hyperbaric Chambers in Italy with phonelocationandnavigation- Underwater TheoryThe application works completely OFFLINE (except forthelocationon google maps and videos on youtube)Continuous updates!ARE YOU A DIVING ASSOCIATION OR BUSINESS 'IN CONNECTIONWITHTHEUNDERWATER? Contact us now to become part of our networkWE ARE MORE ON 'FAMOUS SOCIAL NETWORK FACEBOOK: +:
Il Subacqueo Free 1.2.6
NUOVA VERSIONE: prima applicazione Android per il subacqueo.L'applicazione è adatta per tutti i subacquei ma anche perchivuoleavvicinarsi a questo fantastico sport.Grazie a questa applicazione avrete la possibilità di:- Ripassare ed apprendere la teoria subacqueasuddivisaperargomenti- Rubrica con oltre 300 Diving Center in Italia conlapossibilitàdi:- Chiamare e mandare email direttamente il diving- Posizione e navigazione su google maps- Tabelle di decompressione U.S. Navy sempre a portatadimano(sistema di misura SI) per immersione ad aria compressa- Tabelle internazionali PADI (con sistema di misuraimperiale)perimmersioni ad aria compressa- Utility per il calcolo del consumo ossigeno adariacompressa(BETA)- Didattiche: Le didattiche subacquee attive in ItaliaL'applicazione funziona completamente OFFLINE(trannelavisualizzazione su google maps) di conseguenza non habisognodiuna connessione ad internet per funzionare.COSA OFFRE IN PIU' LA VERSIONE COMPLETA:- NO Pubblicità- Siti d'immersione (la versione completa ne ha oltre 230)- Centri iperbarici in italia- Tabelle d'Immersione ARIA, EAN32, EAN36, EANx- Grafica migliore- Aggiornamenti continuiSono molto graditi:-Suggerimenti-Problemi riscontrati-Segnalazione Diving e didatticheLa versione completa NON contiene pubblicitàSIAMO SU FACEBOOK : ALLA NOSTRA COMMUNITY SU FACEBOOK:
Quantis, Inc.
★AMAZING SCUBA DIVING! Enjoy tons ofmultimediacontents!★Enjoying photos and videos of world famous diving spots rightonyour device! Come explore the Palau Islands (a longedafterdestination for serious divers), Australia (where youwillencounter large sea creatures such as whales and whale sharks),thesparkling coral reefs of Indonesia’s Manado and the oddtopographyof the Red Sea, which runs thick with schools of fish. .. Videosand photos of many incredible diving spots in Asia, Africa,theCaribbean Sea, the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean arealsoavailable for your enjoyment.The app includes many topics such as Dolphin diving,Whalediving, Shark Diving, Wreck diving, Cave diving etc.Aside from videos and photos, you can enjoy many otherfeaturesincluding scuba diving wiki.Features:1) Tons of high resolution photos2) 1,000+ videos3) Scuba diving wiki library4) Daily updated contents*You must be connected to the internet to enjoy this app.
Divers Guide 1.0.69
The most complete app for divers
Scuba diving buoyancy and scub
A buoyancy planner for scuba & free divers Fit your weightbeltfor every dive
Scuba Diving Calculator 2.6
Scuba Diving Calculator calculates the dataofscuba diving, although repetitive; now on you can not help butdivewithout a dive plan before with this application and you canalwayskeep track of the places you visit and yourdivingperformance.The features of this application are:-Tables of calculation according to the teaching:PADI and NAUI-Ability to save the dive sites through Google maps-Options for different measurement units (internationalandimperial)-Logbook for saving max 5 dives-Automatic calculation of actual consumption (sooncalculationsdiving at altitude)-Multilanguage Support (currently English, Italian, Spanish,Frenchand German).
scuba diving Dive Planner lite 1.7
This application automatically calculates a diving plan.
DiveMate (Scuba Dive Log)
The best app for every diver -the only one connecting todivecomputers directly
Scuba Diving Planner 7.0
Now with Cloud Sync & Cloud Share ! Easily backup andsyncacross devices via the cloud. Share your lists withfriends/familyand plan/organize your scuba trip together.Configurable &customizable scuba diving checklist/planner witheverything youneed to plan scuba diving trips. Save time typing thelist as itcomes pre-populated with more than 340 items. This app isall youneed to ensure you don't forget anything before your divingtrip.Check/uncheck and reuse everytime you go on diving trips.Withoptions to add/edit/delete/copy/move/rearrange/sort/exportandduplicate you can quickly customize the list anyway you want.Easyand very intuitive thumb friendly check/uncheck options.Withability to create multiple lists - you can easily create listsfordifferent types of scuba trips. Customize it to yourpreference.UNLIMITED lists are supported. PLEASE NOTE: All thefeatures listedin the description are INCLUDED with the purchase.The in-apppurchase option is used only if you want to purchaseadditionaltemplates (in addition to scuba trip list). We back ourapp with100% refund ANYTIME beyond the refund window. If you arenotsatisfied for any reason, just send us an email. New Features!-Cloud Sync & Cloud Share. Tablet support. Quick navigation-just swipe right to reveal the left pane. "Quick add" features.Youcan add notes, quantity and an additional measurement. Autosortability. Checkout more features below. The app requiresinternetpermission so that you can avail the cloud sync features.If younever register for cloud sync, internet is NOT needed.Featuresinclude: - Cloud Sync. Easily backup and sync acrossdevices viathe cloud. - Cloud share. Share your lists with friendsand familyand keep everyone in sync. - Tablet support. - Quicknavigation.For small screen devices, just swipe right to reveal theleft pane.- Create new lists from factory templates in minutes. -Add/Edit ordelete lists/items/categories. - Quickly add item orcategory fromthe same screen with the "Quick Add" feature. - AddNotes, Quantityand an additional measurement(weight/volume/temperature etc) foreach item. - Hide/Unhide checkeditems, move checked to bottom/top.- Ability to delete all checkeditems. - "Add After This" or "AddBefore This" option to insertitems wherever you want and quickly.- Password protect from pryingeyes. - Option to check all/uncheckall so you can reuse the listagain. - Copy or Move between lists,categories and items. Quicklycreates your own personal list inmatter of minutes. - Auto Sorteither in ascending or descendingorder. - Rearrangeitems/categories/lists using drag/drop. -Indicates the total numberof items and the number of items thatneed to be completed. - Colorcoded (green, yellow and red) for avisually appealing presentation- Export/Backup all lists toexternal storage and import them backwhen needed. - Edit your liston your computer and import it back. -Easily email with yourfriends / family using any sharing client youhave on your device.- Send and share via Bluetooth to any bluetoothenabled device -Easily send to your printer (via email - Needsemail to printsupport on your printer)
Pour tous les passionnés de plongéesous-marineet de sports subaquatiques, l’application officielle dela FFESSM(Fédération Française d’Etudes et de Sports Sous-Marins)estdésormais disponible sur Android !Grâce à cette application « FFESSMplongée » accédez, depuisvotremobile, où que vous soyez :• Au meilleur des actualités du monde de la plongée• Retrouvez facilement les clubs de plongée près de vous• Connectez vous à chacune des 14 activités de cettecommunauté.Naviguez alors au milieu de ces dernières en plongéebouteille ouen plongée libre, en sport ou en loisir.• Accédez en un clic à votre espace personnel licenciépourafficher vos niveaux et brevets, votre date de licenceetassurance, et vérifier les brevets délivrés sous votre nom(pourles moniteurs).• Découvrez à chaque parution, les nouveautés du sommaire delarevue Subaqua. Et commandez facilement sur la Boutiqueenligne.• Faites vous plaisir en regardant des images de l’océan, delamer, des eaux intérieures, de la plongée et dessportssubaquatiques et retrouvez le Manuel de Formation techniqueavecaccès direct aux contenus de tous les brevets de plongée.• En exclusivité, achetez t-shirts, polaires, coupe ventetBermuda personnalisés directement depuis la Vesti’Boutique devotreapp !« Le plaisir est sous l’eau avec FFESSMplongée ».For all lovers ofdivingand underwater sports, the formal application of the CMAS(FrenchFederation of Sports Studies and Underwater) is nowavailable onAndroid!With this application "FFESSMplongée" access from yourmobilewherever you are:• The best news in the world of diving• Easily find diving clubs near you• Connect to each of the 14 activities of this community.Thennavigate among these in scuba diving or snorkeling, sportorleisure.• Navigate in a click to your personal space to displayyourlicensed patents levels, date of license and insurance, andcheckthe patents in your name (for monitors).• Discover each issue of the new magazine Subaqua summary.Andeasily order on the online store.• Indulge yourself by looking at pictures of the ocean,sea,inland waters, diving and underwater sports and find theTechnicalTraining Manual with direct access to the contents of allpatentsdiving.• Exclusive, buy t-shirts, fleece, windproof andBermudapersonalized Vesti'Boutique directly from your app!"The pleasure is in the water with FFESSMplongée."
Chasse sous marine Apnée 0.0.1
Pour rester connecté'application vous fournit touteslesfonctionnalités du site webavec les avantages desapplicationssmartphones. Retrouvez nosarticles, nos forums etnotreréseau.To The application providesallthefunctionality of the website with the advantagesofsmartphoneapplications. Find our products, our forums andournetwork.
Suunto Dive Computers Training 2.1.3
DiveNav, Inc.
Suunto Dive Computers allows users to view their Suunto scubadivingcomputer in action on their mobile device. It provides a waytothoroughly learn the operation of a Suunto dive computer inanexciting and interactive way. In addition to its classsetting,Suunto Dive Computers is also a mobile reference ifsomething isforgotten while on the go. This App includes nativeaccess to ouronline classes for Suunto model-specific divecomputers and alsolaunches the DiveNav 's iDive Computer simulator.This App alsoinclude a dive logbook; by using DiveNav's DiveComputer Buddy itis possible to directly download logs from amodel-specific Suuntodive computer. The online classes are notfree. To enroll in aclass you need to purchase it via In App. Theonline classes andthe computers simulations have been developed byDiveNav and areowned by DiveNav. Each DiveComputerTraining class isorganizedbased on progressive learning and as such the user isrecommendedto follow the modules and sections in sequence. At thesame time,the interactive organization of the class allows user todirectlyaccess a specific section for easier reference. A typicalclasswill introduce the user to the dive computer, explainitsindicators, review the settings step by step, show what toexpectwhile underwater, and cover unexpected situations. Uponcompletionof the class, divers will feel more confident with theirincreasedknowledge of their Suunto dive computer! This app has beencreatedwith Suunto permission.
Oceans – the scuba community. 3.3.0
Oceans, a social logbook and discovery tool for scubadiversworldwide.
SCUBA Log 3.5.1
A SCUBA diver's logbook application,recordingall details of SCUBA dives, including location (withGPScoordinates), dive times, conditions, equipment,notes,photographs, and dive recognition with signatures. Diveslocationscan be shown plotted by GPS location on Google maps.Photographsand drawings can be added interactively. Adding newdives andediting existing dive data is easy and quick. All datafields allowboth metric and imperial values. Dives can be emailedas web pagesfor viewing on a computer. All data can be exported andimportedwith Dropbox.SCUBA Log app is free, but after saving a few dives itregularlyrequests that the user buy the SCUBA Key app, which stopstherequests.
Dive Flag App 2.4
Dive Flag App
Dive Flag App is one of the world'slargest& fastest growing on-line dive communities. Dive FlagApp hasbeen available for 18 months and has undergone 12 versionupdateswith the next 8 large scale revisions scheduled for over thenext 8months. During this time Dive Flag App has grown to over180,000members worldwide with extensive partnerships, withimportantcompanies in the industry. We are proud to have held thetopdownloaded 'sporting application' position in the iTunes Appstoresin a number of countries for several consecutive weeks.Currently Dive Flag App allows divers to:1) Search for dive shops:- Based on;-- Name,-- Location,-- Lessons on offer,-- Desired dive activities, or-- Top rated schools nearby2) View dive shop ratings and reviews3) View dive related specials4) Search for new dive buddies based on all possibledemographic,dive activity and geographic criteria5) Logbook- Log dive information,- 'Check' into stores,- Capture dive site satellite criteria and GPS coordinates,- Sketch approximate routes,- Tag buddies in dive logs saving them time, and- View dive history on maps6) View Dive Flag App diver manuals to refreshdivingknowledge,7) Connect with Facebook and Twitter (sharing of Dive Flag Appbasedactivities)8) Create and check into dive sites9) View Dive Flag App and member based blog entries10) Download Facebook albums to build diver profile, and somuchmore.Over and above these features shops can create, list andmanagetheir own listings. For $1 p/a shops can have direct accesstomembers which choose to 'follow' their posts etc.Over the next three months our application will be growingfrom23 features to over 45 - including photography, news, podcasts,job applications, YouTube channels, etc. We really do havesomeexciting features on their way.Dive Flag App will continually be adding to its featuresandimproving its functionality with on-going updates. Checkitout!
Cormorano SubOld
La App ufficiale di CormoranoSubForlì...subacquea dal 1974!Scopri chi siamo e rimani aggiornato con Viaggi, Eventi e Corsiovisita il sito www.cormoranosub.comThe official App ofForliCormorant Diving ... Underwater since 1974!Find out who we are and stay in touch with Travel, EventsandCourses or visit