Top 3 Apps Similar to PetTech PetSaver

Products that may seem safe in your home and garden canactuallybetoxic for pets, and all too often pets are poisoned as aresultoftheir natural curiosity. That’s why the American SocietyforthePrevention of Cruelty to Animals – the country’sfirstanimalwelfare organization and a leading voice for animals--haslaunched the APCC by ASPCA App. Focusing on dogs, cats,horses,andbirds, the free app helps owners quickly andaccuratelyidentifyand understand common household hazards, toxicandnon-toxicplants, potentially harmful medications, as well aswarmor coldweather hazards. It also provides crucial informationabouttheseverity of the problem and critical next steps.Information intheapp comes from expert toxicologists at the ASPCA’sAnimalPoisonControl Center, which handles more than 180,000 caseseachyear ofpets exposed to potentially toxic substances. APCCbyASPCAFeatures - A searchable database of hundreds ofplants,householdhazards, medications, warm weather toxins and coldweathertoxinscommonly found in or around homes - Details foreachtoxinincluding: scientific name, alternate names,exampleimages,severity of exposure, and potential symptoms forat-riskdogs,cats, horses, and birds - Color-coding to help youidentifythetoxins of most concern - Dogs and chocolate poison meter-Built-inrodent poison calculator - One-touch speed-dialing totheASPCAAnimal Poison Control Center As the weather improves, thisappis avital tool for pet owners shopping for new houseplantsorgardenadditions. But all pet parents should download the APCCbyASPCAapp to keep their animals safe and far from harm. Pleasenotethatthe information is not meant to be all-inclusive, butratheracompilation of the most frequently encountered toxins.Asalways,if you suspect your pet may have ingested apoisonoussubstance,contact your local veterinarian or the ASPCAAnimalPoison ControlCenter immediately.
Perros, Primeros auxilios 1.0
Aquí tienes una guía de primerosauxiliosbásicos para perros, para que puedas tratar quemaduras,hacerreanimación cardiopulmonar, y saber lidiar con otrasemergencias detu perro, sea de la raza que sea. Ayuda a perrosheridos o encrisis, sin demasiado pensar. Al contrario, con estaapp de rcp yotros primeros auxilios en tu bolsillo tendrás lasindicacionesnecesarias. Descárgala de forma gratuita ahora en tumóvil!Here's a guide tobasicfirst aid for dogs, so you can treat burns, do CPR, and knowhow todeal with other emergencies your dog, whether it's race.Helpinjured dogs or in crisis, without much thinking. Instead,withthis app rcp and other first aid in your pocket have thenecessaryinformation. Download it for free now on yourmobile!
SingaPaws 1.0.5
Description:SingaPaws is a location based search app for pet servicesinSingapore. Users of the app can find services near them fromourcomprehensive listing of pet services and places both onlineandoffline. It also has a Helpful Tips for Dog Owners sectionwithinformation on first aid as well as AVA regulations.Features- Largest organized database of services and places for dogsinSingapore- Search for pet services and places near you- Offline search by regions- Quick service category browsing- Helpful information on First Aid & Emergency as well asAVAregulation.Content- Service listings include 24 hour clinics, vets, petstores,groomers, pet sitters, pet boarding, pet taxi, pet movers,petadoption organizations and many more.- First aid and emergency information includes what to do withyourdog in case of heat stroke, poisoning, bloat, accidentsandcarrying techniques- AVA regulation information includes HDB approved breeds,bannedand muzzled breeds and dog licensing requirements.