Top 44 Apps Similar to MQTT Publisher Plugin

Snackbar Tasker Plugin 11.6
A plugin to show user-configurable Material Design SnackbarsandBottom Sheets
MyMQTT 2.3.2
MyMQTT, the simple Message Queuing Telemetry Transport clientforAndroid.
SharpTools Tasker Plugin & Widgets for SmartThings
SharpTools is a set of Widgets and Tasker plugins fortheSmartThings platform.
UiTask 2.2.0
Stylish user interface tools for Tasker
Virtuino MQTT 1.0.36
Ilias Lamprou
MQTT HMI platform - MQTT visual interface
AirTask 7.1.0
AirTask is a Tasker plugin to send/receive information overthenetwork.
AutoHue (Tasker Plug-in)
Combine your Hue or LIFX light bulbs with the power of Tasker!
AutoBarcode 1.3.5
Read and Create QR Codes from Tasker.
DynamicG Utilities Plugin
☆☆☆ This is a Plugin, not an App - itdoesNOT run standalone ☆☆☆Get the main app here: Time RecordingThis plugin provides:• Vibra alarm for the «Target time reached» and «Break over»alarmnotifications• «Add geo location» on the text editors, see screenshots
Hex Converter Plus 2.0
Duncan Watson
Utility converting between decimal, hex, binary, octal andASCIInumbers
WeSpice 2.14
Analog, digital and mixed-signal circuit design and simulation
TasmotaRemota 4.9.13
Remote Control all your Tasmota devices on LAN without MQTT.
Asset Panda 6.6.2
Asset Panda
Asset Panda replaces spreadsheets for asset tracking.
RESTask for Tasker
Opt in for betatesting: is a Tasker plugin providing alternative interface toaccessRESTful APIs (targeting GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).This app is intended to work as a plugin to Tasker and doesnotprovide a launcher icon so one must have Tasker installed inorderto utilize this application.*README*Variables can be set synchronously or asynchronously.With the default sync setting, the task will wait until therequestis finished or is timed-out before executing the next taskand youwill be able to set the return code/response to localvariables.Note that in synced mode you can only set localvariables, i.e.,variables with all lower-cased letters, this is alimitation oftasker API.However, in async mode, the task will finish immediately and workinthe background so you will not be able to set local variables init(you can still use local variables for the parameters andstuff).With this mode, you can only set global variables as localvariableswill not be accessible to other tasks. Following is howto enablesetting global variables in async mode:1. To enable global variable set, you have to enable 'AllowExternalAccess' in Tasker ( menu -> preference -> misc ->AllowExternal Access')2. Return variables name should be global (with at least onecapitalletter) because it is set asynchronously in a differenttask andwill not be accessible if it is set as a localvariable.3. Since the request is performed asynchronously,returnedcode/response might not be available immediately. If youwant tocapture the returned code/response, you can set an action to'WaitUntil' the variable 'is set'. But remember to clear thevariablebeforehand because these variables are global and willremain aftertasks finished..---CookiesThe cookies will be found in the %hdr_set_cookie variable ifyourresponse header variable prefix is set to %hdr. If therearemultiple Set-Cookie headers they will stored in the samevariableseparated by newlines.---Feel free to leave comments or send email to me if you haveanysuggestions to improve this application.Special thanks to Arno Puder for helping me test the app.
SecureTask 4.1.1
SecureTask is Tasker plugin to manage secure settings
Mqtt Dashboard - IoT and Node- 1.0.0
Manage your devices, Node-RED or home automation system usingtheMQTT protocol.
MQTT Dash (IoT, Smart Home) 4.4
Control and display data from MQTT enabled devices and apps(IoT,Smart Home)
Prime Calc 0.6
PrimeCalc - free scientific symbolic calculator - 70functions,20mathematical constants and up to six variables - Newfunctionsandconstants can be defined by the user - Supports complexnumbers-Matrices, vectors, sets and calculations on them -Solvesthemathematical equations - Calculate the integrals andderivatives-Step-by-step calculations - And many moreSupportedfunctions,operators, and mathematical constants:Arithmetic:Operators +, -,×, ÷, % x^n - nth power of x √(x) -Square root of x√(n, x) - nthroot of x ln(x) - Natural logarithm ofx log(x) -Logarithm of x tobase 10 log(n, x) - Logarithm of x tobase n∑(f(x), imin, imax) -Summation of f(x) from imin to imax∏(f(x),imin, imax) - Productof f(x) from imin to imaxMathematicalanalysis: ∫(f(x)) -Indefinite integral of f(x) ∫(f(x),xmin, xmax)- Definite integralof f(x) from xmin to xmax ∂(f(x)) -Derivativeof f(x) lim(f(x), c)- Limit of f(x) when x approaches cEquationsolving:Representation of polynomial - x^2+3x-2=0 = -Polynomialequationoperator Numerical Functions: m mod n - Remainderof m ÷ ngcd(m,n) - Greatest common divisor of m and n lcm(m, n) -Leastcommonmultiple of m and n abs(n) - Absolute value of nround(n) -Integerclosest to n frac(n) - Fractional part of nfloor(n) - Floorvalueof n ceil(n) - Ceiling value of n Complexnumbers:Representation -5+2i re(c) - Real part of complex number cim(c) -Imaginary partof complex number c Statistics: median([a]) -Medianof [a]gmean([a]) - Geometric mean of [a] amean([a]) -Arithmeticmean of[a] randi(n) - Random integer from 0 to n randr -Randomreal from0 to 1 Number theory: harmonicN(n) - nthharmonicnumberCombinatorics: n! - Factorial of n binomial(n, k)-Binomialcoefficient multinomial(n1, n2, ...) -MultinomialcoefficientcatalanN(n) - nth Catalan number fibonacci(n)- nthFibonaccinumber Trigonometric functions: sin(x), cos(x),tan(x)sec(x),csc(x), cot(x) asin(x), acos(x), atan(x),acot(x)Hyperbolicfunctions: sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x)arsinh(x),arcosh(x),artanh(x) Matrixes: Representation -[[1,2],[3,4]][m1]⋅[m2] -Product of [m1] and [m2] tran([m]) -Transpose [m]ctran([m]) -Conjugate and transpose [m] inverse([m]) -Invert [m]det([m]) -Determinant of [m] tr([m]) - Trace of [m]mpow([m], n) -nth matrixpower of [m] Number sets: Representation -[1,2]union([a1], [a2])- Union of two sets intersec([a1], [a2])-Intersection of two setsmax([a]) - Largest element of [a]min([a])- Smallest element of[a] Constants: π - Number Pi e -Euler'snumber i - Imaginary unit∞ - Infinity γ - Euler–MascheroniconstantG - Catalan's constant A- Glaisher–Kinkelin constant φ -Goldenratio κ - Khinchin'sconstant C₂ - Twin prime constant ζ₃ -Apéry'sconstant B₄ - Brun'sconstant for prime quadruplets B₂ -Brun'sconstant for twin primesEB - Erdős–Borwein constant δ -Feigenbaumfirst constant α -Feigenbaum second constants BL -Legendre'sconstant M₁ -Meissel–Mertens constant
Binders | License 1.8
Lifetime extension. Price increase scheduled this week.
Tasker Now 9.0.3
The power of Tasker together with the power of Google
AutomateIt Pro - Automate task 4.0.286
Turn your smartphone into a genius-phone!
WizardProg Expert 1.5 build 103050
Mobile programming environment for TL866A/CS universalportableUSB-programmer.
Material Design Tasker Plugin 7.1.3
A Tasker Plugin to show a diverse range of Material Design actions
AVR Calculator 1.4
This app allows to calculate register values for hardware modulesofAVR MCU.
PDF Utility - PDF Tools - PDF 1.5.7
PDF Reader & PDF tools app to read PDF & convertormanipulate PDF offline.
PostgreSQL Viewer 1.161
Shi Bok Jang
PostgreSQL Viewer provides a useful mobile interface to PostgreSQL
SailformsPro Relational DB 2.0.27c
A Relational Database for Sailforms
PDF Utility 6.2
Sharda Gohil
The comprehensive tool to perform various operations on PDF
SharePlus - SharePoint Mobile 2.0.545
SharePlus is the ultimate mobile SharePoint and Office365experiencefor Android devices. Benefit from all the advantagesofthehigh-performing modern mobile workplace: • ConnecttoSharePoint,on-premises or in the cloud. No need to installservercomponents orto have special SharePoint permissions. •Accessadditional storageservices, like OneDrive for Business,GoogleDrive, or Dropbox. Plus,you can also access Network drivessharedby your colleagues. • Editall your content and documents onthe goby taking advantage ofSharePlus’ seamless integrationwithexternal editors. • Discoverinformation buried in SharePointwithEnterprise Search. Search allyour portals and have yourcontent athand with quick access toRecent Content and Favorites. •Updateyour SharePoint contenteffortlessly, withSharePlus’behind-the-scenes contentsynchronization that keeps allyourrelevant information updated.Your SharePoint content,includingDocuments, Libraries, Lists, anditems can be accessed andeditedeven while offline. • Get your teamin sync while workingonSharePoint, enjoy easy document check in/outand quicklyshareDiscussions, Tasks, Contacts, Wikis, Issues, and avariety ofothercontent types. Supported SharePoint versions: •SharePoint2007 •SharePoint 2010 • SharePoint 2013 • SharePointOnline (Office365)• Windows SharePoint Services 2007 (WSS) •SharePointFoundation2010 • SharePoint Foundation 2013 Additionalstorageproviderssupported: • OneDrive for Business • Google Drive•DropBox •Network Drives (Windows File Shares) UpgradetoSHAREPLUSENTERPRISE! SharePlus Enterprise is more than justamobileSharePoint app – it is a flexible and extensible platformtobuildsolutions that meet all of your connectivity,security,deployment,and configuration needs. SharePlus EnterpriseforAndroid includes:• Application Launchpads – Create customscreenswith rich dynamicinteractions that give you a personalizedaccessto your SharePointcontent, even without connectivity. •Enhanced Security -Keep your business data private bydeployingSharePlus in-house orthrough an MDM Server •CentralizedConfiguration • PrioritySupport - in-app or by emailEmailusat [email protected] tolearnmoreabout SharePlus Enterprise. CONTACT US If you haveanyquestions orcomments, don’t hesitate tocontactusat: [email protected] Have an idea howtoimproveSharePlus? Submit and voteforideasat
Headspeed Tachometer 1.2.3
Measure the headspeed of your r/c-helicopter.
Boxstorm Inventory 1.12.1
Cloud-Based Inventory Management System
PLC Ladder Simulator Pro 1.425
In the industry the PLC is the mostimportantdevice because of is role, it's the responsible of all theprocessin the automatization industry, in other words is the brain.Butthis brain doesn't work if there's no tasks to do, so the PLCneedsome kind of code or language that it understand in order todosome tasks.One of the languages that the PLC understand is the LadderDiagram,this is a graphic language that represents the logic ofrelaycircuits.PLC Ladder Simulator is a simulator for the Android OS withinputand output objects that simulates the I/O port of a real PLC.Youcan create your designs with the basic components of aladderdiagram, which are five for this version: normally opengate(N.O.), normally closed gate (N.C.), Coil, Counter and Timerandmuch more.PLC Ladder Simulator PRO features an unique option available intheworld and it's the possibility of program an Arduino board withaladder design using an Android phone. So actually what it doesisthat transforms an Arduino into a PLC (ProgrammableLogicController). The app writes a code into the Arduino by usingan USBOTG cable.The Arduino mode it's compatible with the Arduino UNO(atmega328),MEGA (atmega2560) and NANO (atmega328).The Pro version features compared with the Free version are:- Arduino Mega (USB) board available in Arduino mode.- Arduino Nano (USB) board available in Arduino mode.- Export .PLC file for the PC PLC Loader tool.- ROL ladder function.- ROR ladder function.- SCL ladder function.- No restriction for counters.- No restriction for timers.- 10 save slots for keep more designs with slotnamecustomization.Tutorial on how to use the Arduino mode can be foundat: you buy this version you can try the FREE version toensurethat your device is compatible.-> PLC LadderSimulator:
Electronics Toolbox 4.072
Toolbox for electronic engineers, hobbyists and students.
Paper Icons for Solid Explorer 1.0
Paper Icon Set for Solid Explorer
PICmicro Calculator 2.03A
PIC Micro Calculator is a tool to easily calculatedifferentregister values.
Virtuino 6 Viewer 6.0.08
Ilias Lamprou
This app can run projects that are created by Virtuino apps
DriveTask 2.2.2
****THIS IS A TASKER PLUGIN! IT REQUIRES TASKER APP****DriveTaskallows you to perform operations on Google Drive™: 1)Upload filewith conversion option to Google document 2) Downloadfile withconversion option from Google document 3) File actions(createforlder, delete, rename, set/unset starred, trash, untrash)4) Listfiles 5) Force sync 6) Empty trash Google Drive is atrademark ofGoogle Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to GooglePermissions.
vGIS AR 2.15.0(1.2)
vGIS Inc.
High-accuracy Augmented Reality for BIM, GIS, and 3D Scans
Manage your alarm clocks with Tasker
AirWatch Relay 5.10.0
Google has created a true corporate ownership modeforAndroiddevices that allows AirWatch and the IT administratortocontrolthe entire device. This mode is known as “WorkManagedDevice”mode. The purpose of this app is to provision adevice intoWorkManaged Device mode and auto-enroll it intoAirWatch. Settingup aWork Managed Device using AirWatch Relayrequires astagingprocess. This will require a staging device or a“parentdevice”that will stage a “child device”. The parent devicewillhaveAirWatch Relay installed on it. This applicationwillrelayinformation through NFC telling the child device to: Setthedevice date/time and locale  Connect to the stagingWi-Finetwork Download the latest production version of theAirWatchAgent forAndroid  Silently set the AirWatch Agent asdevice ownerAutomatically enroll the agent into AirWatch Note: Thechilddevicemust be in a factory reset state and support/have NFCturnedon bydefault in order to be provisioned into Work ManagedDevicemode.This will guarantee that the device is not setup forpersonaluse.Requires Android Beam (not available in Android 10)
Fast STL Viewer 2.11
High performance binary and ASCII STL files 3d viewer for Android
Printoid for OctoPrint LITE
Redefine your 3D printing experience with the smartest remoteforOctoPrint!
Bulk Rename & Group Pro 1.63
Dire Studio
Bulk / batch rename all your music, photos, videos anddocumentswith 1 click.
WizardProg Mobile 1.47 build 751
Mobile programming environment for TL866A/CS universalportableUSB-programmer.