Top 8 Apps Similar to Multi-Line Multi-Vitamins

Vitamins & Supplements 1.0.1
The Zoo Vn Inc.
Vitamins and Supplements appcontains12,000+topics. This application allows the user to searchthe topiclist.The user can size the font on the text description upor down.Theapplication maintains a history of the 100 mostrecentlyvieweditems.HIGHLIGHTS:* Very easy to useLANGUAGES:EnglishDISCLAIMER:Every effort has been made to ensure that theinformationprovidedby this application is accurate, up-to-date,and complete,but noguarantee is made to that effect. In addition,theinformationcontained herein may be time sensitive and shouldnotbe utilized asa reference resource. This applicationinformationdoes not endorsevitamins, herbs or dietary supplements,drugs,diagnose patients, orrecommend therapies. This app'sinformationis a reference resourcedesigned as supplement to, andnot asubstitute for, the expertise,skill, knowledge, and judgementofhealthcare practitioners inpatient care. The absence of awarningfor a given vitamin, herb,drug or dietary supplement aloneor incombination in no way shouldbe construed to indicate thatthevitamin, herb, drug or dietarysupplement or any combinationissafe, effective, or appropriate forany given person.ThisApplication does not assume any responsibilityfor any aspectofhealthcare administration. The informationcontained herein isnotintended to cover all possible uses,directions,precautions,warnings, drug interactions, allergicreactions, oradverseeffects. If you have any questions about thedrugs you areaking,check with your healthcare professional, doctor,surgeon,nurse, orpharmacist. This application does not providemedicaladvice,diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice ofahealthcareprofessional such as your physician, nurse, pharmacistorsurgeon.They are trained to respond to any inquiriesorconditionsregarding your health. Never delay ordisreguardprofessionalmedical advice or treatment as a result ofanything youread inthis application.The information contained in this application is forthesolepurpose of being informative. This information is notandshouldnot be used or relied upon as medical advice. Alwaysseektheadvice of your physician, nurse Or other qualifiedhealthcareprofessionals before you undergo any treatment or foranswerstoany questions you may seek regarding a medicalcondition.Nothingcontained on/in or provided through thisapplication isintended tobe or is to be used for medical diagnosisor treatment.Your use ofthis application is subject to certainterms andconditions. Emailme any suggestion for improving this appwill beconsidered. 2.4.1
Turkey's first and only reliable shopping application onsportssupplements
Vitamins Academy Power Health 2.9
Download the Vitamins Academy application on your smartphone/tablet device and gain the ultimate health and well-being ally.Theapplication offers you a complete personalized guide meetingyourpersonal vitamin and nutritional supplement needs, as wellasproviding you with daily expert health tips. It provides awealthof information on the beneficial ingredients of all PowerHealthproducts and can even locate for you the nearest pharmacy inyourarea. And if you tend to forget to take your supplements ontime,do not worry. Vitamins Academy promises to keep you on yourtoes soyou will never slip again! Guide Create your personalprofile withinformation on gender, age, weight and eating habits.The app willthen calculate your BMI and based on your personalneeds it willpropose the right supplement / vitamin for you.Vitamins pediaLearn everything about the natural ingredients of thePower Healthproduct range. Vitamins pedia will be your miniencyclopedia oninformation regarding vitamins, minerals, traceelements, plant andfruit extracts and all ingredients used in themanufacture of ournutritional supplements. Tips Daily health tipsfor a better lifestraight to your screen. Health, beauty andfitness experts willprovide you with practical, easy steps on howto improve yourwell-being and quality of life. Scheduler Once theright supplement/ vitamin that meets your needs has beenidentified, Scheduler willmake sure that you take it on timethrough reminders and alarms.Pharmacy You can now locate thenearest sales point for thesupplement of your choice, with onesimple move. The GPS-enabledapplication pinpoints your location andprovides you withinformation on the nearest pharmacies. And even ifyou do not haveinternet access, a list of pharmacies and retailoutlets isavailable, so with a little searching you will find whatyou arelooking for. Also, the application allows you to directlycall thepharmacy saving you time.
Витамины и минералы 1.0.3
Подробное описание всех витаминов иминералов.( Биотин (коэнзим R или витамин Н), Витамин А, Витамин В1(тиаминахлорид), Витамин В2 (рибофлавин), Витамин В6(пиридоксинагидрохлорид), Витамин В12 (цианокобаламин), Витамин В13(оротоваякислота), Витамин В15 (пангамовая кислота), Витамин В17(лаетраль), Витамин С (аскорбиновая кислота), ВитаминD(кальциферол, виостерол, эргостерол, «витамин солнца»), ВитаминЕ(токоферол)., Витамин F (ненасыщенные жирные кислоты:линолевая,линоленовая и арахидоновая), Витамин К (менадион),Витамин Р (Скомплекс, цитрусовые биофлавоноиды, рутин, гесперидин),Витамин Т,Витамин U, Инозит, Кальция пантотенат (пантотеноваякислота,пантенол, витамин В5), Ниацин (никотиновая кислота,ниацинамид,никотинамид), ПАБК (пара-аминобензойная кислота),Фолиевая кислота(фолацин, витамин Вс), Холин, Ванадий, Железо, ЙОД,Калий, Кальций,Кобальт, Магний, Марганец, Медь, Молибден, Натрий,Селен, Сера,Фосфор, Фтор, Хлор, Хром, Цинк, Вода)...здоровый образ жизни, витаминно-минеральные комплексы длявашегоздоровья и долголетия. Все о витаминах и минералах* ФАКТЫ* ЧЕМ ОН МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ ВАМ ПОЛЕЗЕН* ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ, ВЫЗЫВАЕМЫЕ ДЕФИЦИТОМ СЕЛЕНА* ЛУЧШИЕ НАТУРАЛЬНЫЕ ИСТОЧНИКИ* ДОБАВКИ* ТОКСИЧНОСТЬ* ВРАГИ* ЛИЧНЫЙ СОВЕТРекомендации, не предназначены для того, чтобы быть рецептами,номогут быть использованы в виде гибкой программы, когда выработаетесо своим врачом.A detailed descriptionofall the vitamins and minerals. (Biotin (coenzyme R or VitaminH),Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 (thiamine chloride), Vitamin B2(Riboflavin),Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), VitaminB12(Cyanocobalamin), Vitamin B13 (orotic acid), Vitamin B15(pangamicacid), Vitamin B 17 (laetral), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid),Vitamin D(calciferol, viosterol, ergosterol, "vitamin of the sun"),VitaminE (tocopherol)., Vitamin F (unsaturated fatty acids:linoleic,linolenic and arachidonic), Vitamin K (menadione), VitaminP (Ccomplex, citrus bioflavonoids, rutin, hesperidin), VitaminT,Vitamin U, inositol, calcium pantothenate (pantothenicacid,panthenol, vitamin B5), niacin (nicotinic acid,niacinamide,nicotinamide), PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), folicacid (folacin,vitamin Bc), Choline, vanadium, iron, iodine,potassium, calcium,cobalt, magnesium, manganese, copper,molybdenum, sodium, selenium,sulfur, phosphorus, Fluorine,chlorine, chromium, zinc, Water)...healthy lifestyle, vitamins and minerals for your healthandlongevity. All about vitamins and minerals* FACTS* Before it can be useful to you* Diseases caused by selenium deficiency* BEST NATURAL SOURCES* SUPPLEMENTS* TOXICITY* ENEMIES* PERSONAL BOARDRecommendations are not intended to be a recipe, but may beusedin a flexible program, when running with their doctor.
Op. Supplement Safety - OPSS 1.6
Operation Supplement Safety (OPSS) educates aboutdietarysupplements.
Sunshine Health Foods 2.0.69
The Sunshine Health Foods app will allowyoutoquickly redeem coupons, rewards, view healthy recipes andfindoutwhat's new and on special in our store! Here atSunshineHealthFoods we specialize in gluten free, vitamin&mineralsupplements, body building products, essentialoils,incense, soapmaking ingredients, homeopathic remedies,floweressences, gifts,grocery & refrigerated foods, bulk foods,350bulk herbs, 240liquid extracts, books, appliances, sproutingseedsand equipment,and much more.
DrNutrition 4.0.4
Dr Nutrition
Dr Nutrition the Specialist in Health, Fitness, Beauty andSportNutrition
सेहत के राज़
(गागर में सागर ) ज्ञान के अथाह सागर से चुन-चुन कर संकलित स्वास्थ्य के मोती जिनसे पाठक अपने व अपनेस्वहितेषियों का स्वास्थ्य मजबूत बना पायेंगे ! इस एप्प को समय समय परऔरबहुमूल्य उपाय सहित अपडेट किया जाता रहेगा ! इसमे समाहित जानकारीएकनज़र -अच्छी सेहत के साथी विटामिन्स और मिनरल्स,विटामिन्स कामहत्व,फैटसॉल्युबल विटामिन्स: ,विटामिन-बी कॉम्पलेक्स:,विटामिन्स कीकमी औररोग:,अच्छी सेहत के साथी मिनरल्स ,प्रमुख एंटीआक्सीडेंट,प्रमुखकैरोटिनाइड एंटीआॅक्सीडेंट्स,प्रोटीन्स के घटक - मुख्यएमीनोएसिड्स,न्यूट्रीशन की कमी के कुछ सामान्य और गंभीरस्वास्थ्यसमस्याएं.घरेलु उपचार =बवासीर,ब्लैकहेड्स ,दस्त,गोखरू या चर्मकील,मुँह में बदबू,गठिया,कमजोरी ,कमर दर्द,कफ,छाती में कफ बैठना,गुर्दे की पथरी,मूत्राषयप्रदाह,एसीडीटी (अम्लपित्त) ,लकवा (पेरेलिसिस),किडनीफेल्योर,ऐसेउतरेगा आपका चश्मा,तंबाकू की लत छुड़ाना,चेहरे की झाइयां,पसीना अधिकआये,नींद न आना,मसूड़े व दांत मजबूत,अरुचि (भूख का कमलगना),नकसीररोग,पेटदर्द,खांसी,मौसमी खाँसी,सूखी खांसी,दाद ,खाज, खुजली,जूँ केघरेलू नुस्खे,मुँहासे हटाने के उपाय,जुकाम,गले के संक्रमण,कब्ज,एक्जिमा,आँख में दर्द,बालों का झड़ना,घुटनों का दर्द,चोट लगना,निम्नरक्तचाप,सांप काटना,मोच और सूजन,चेहरे के दागधब्बे,मोतियाबिंद,मुंहके छाले,ल्यूकोरिया,गैस व् बदहजमी के घरेलूनुस्खे, मधुमेह,दादी माँके नुस्खे,स्वप्नदोष,वजन घटाने के घरेलूनुस्खे, दांत दर्द ,हकलाहट,तुतलाना ,आँख आना [ Conjunctivitis ],कानका बहना,सरदर्द काउपाय,यूरिक एसिड बढ़ना,याददाश्त कमजोर होना ,किडनीकी समस्याए ,सफेददाग,ब्यूटी केयर,दाँतों में से खून (PYORRHOEA),साइनस,आग से जल-जानेपर ,डेंगू बुखार का इलाज !,जोड़ों मेंदर्द,माइग्रेन,हैजा का उपाय,हार्ट अटैक:,थायराईड रोग,सीने मेंजलन,हिचकी, मलेरिया,आंवयुक्तपेचिश,पेट के कीडे ,बदहजमी,कालीखाँसी,क्रोध भगाएँ,खाने के तुरन्त बादपाखाना,तिल्ली बढ़नेपर,झुर्रियाँ ,टॉन्सिल्स,बालों का समय से पहलेसफेद होना,पेट के कैंसरसे बचाव,बदन का दर्द,बालतोड़,बिस्तर पर पेशाबकरना,बैठे गले काइलाज़,भांग का नशा,मुँह के छाले,रुका हुआ पेशाब ,होठों काखुश्की,पीलिया,अस्थमा,पेशाब में जलनशंख से बीमारियो का उपचार, रस-प्रयोग::---- - रस किस रोग मेंकोनसा,आजीवन स्वस्थ रहने के खास नुस्खे , औषधीय गुणों की खान है गर्मपानी,जीभ से रोग पहचान ,मंत्र चिकित्साकिस रोग में कौन से योग आसन, रोग और योगएक्यूप्रेशर चिकित्सा पद्दतिप्राकृतिक चिकित्सा,sehat ke raz ,raj, health app, ghareluupchar,dadi nani ke nuske,upay,bwasir,chaale munh,badan dard,kensar,cancer,heart atteck,gathiya,munhase,pimpal,jhurrinyan,wrinklsswapndosh,rog,rogon ke achuk upayext ,सेहत के राजआपका = योगेश कुमार अमाना .= (Yogesh Kumar Amana) YoguruTechnologiesयोगुरु(Container in theocean)bottomless ocean of knowledge to choose from - choose pearlsthathealth compiled reader will strengthen your health and yourselfHiteshion! The app will be updated from time to time andincludingvaluable tips! It also contains information at a glance-Vitamins and minerals for good health partners, the importanceofvitamins, fat Solyubl vitamins: Vitamin B complex: a lackofvitamins and disease, good health partner Minerals,majorantioxidant, leading Karotinaid Antiaॅkseedents, thecomponents ofproteins - the amino acids , a common and serioushealth problemsto a lack of nutrition.Home remedies =Piles, blackheads, diarrhea, bunions or Charmkil, mouthodor,arthritis, weakness, back pain, cough, phlegm in the chestsit,kidney stones, inflammation Mutrasy, Seediti (acidity),paralysis(Perelisis), kidney failure, such descend Your glasses,weantobacco addiction, freckled face, had more sweat, insomnia, gumandteeth strong, anorexia (loss of appetite loss), bleedingdisorders,abdominal pain, cough, seasonal cough, dry cough,shingles, eczema,scabies, lice home remedies, acne removal remedy,colds, throatinfections, constipation, eczema, eye pain, loss ofhair, kneepain, injury, low blood pressure, snake bite, sprains andswellingof the face, birthmarks spots, cataracts, oral ulcers,leukorrhea,gas business of indigestion remedies, diabetes,grandmother'sprescription, sleep disturbances, weight loss, homeremedies,toothache, stutter, lisp, ophthalmia [Conjunctivitis],Otorrhoea,headache the measure, increased uric acid, weak memory,kidneyproblems, white stains, beauty care, teeth bleed(PYORRHOEA),sinus, fire-being, treat dengue fever!, joint pain,migraine,measures of cholera, heart attacks: Thayraid disease,heartburn,hiccups, malaria, dysentery Aanvyukt, stomach worms,indigestion,whooping cough, Bgaaa anger, immediately after eatingshit, spleenenlargement, the wrinkles, tonsils, Hair prematurelywhite,protection from colon cancer, body pain, Baltod, to urinateon thebed, sitting neck treatment, cannabis intoxication, coldsores,paused urination, dryness of mouth, jaundice, asthma,urinejealousy Treatment of diseases of shellfish, juice-use :: - ----Whichjuice in which disease, particularly lifelong healthy livingtips,hot water medicinal properties mine, tongue diagnosis,healingspells Which Yoga postures in which disease, disease and yoga Acupressure therapy liturgiesNaturopathy, sehat ke raz, raj, health app, gharelu upchar,dadinani ke nuske, upay, bwasir, chaale munh, badan dard,kensar,cancer, heart atteck, gathiya, munhase, pimpal, jhurrinyan,wrinklsswapndosh, rog, rogon ke achuk upayext, health secretYogesh Kumar Amana your =. = (Yogesh Kumar Amana)YoguruTechnologies Yoguru