Top 17 Games Similar to 森のどうぶつめいろ【中級】幼児・子供向け無料人気ゲームアプリ

森のどうぶつめいろ【初級】幼児・子供向け無料人気ゲームアプリ 1.0.2
infostock app
みずと色遊び2-人気最新お絵描き知育ゲームアプリ 1.0.0
シリーズ最新作:みずあそび7★おかげさまで大人気!シリーズ累計120万ダウンロード突破!(2018.1)【おすすめ】無料人気ゲームアプリ《みずあそびといろあそび》シリーズの最新作です。お絵描きしながらみず遊びと色遊びができるゲームアプリとして設計しています。シリーズ累計55万ダウンロード突破し、2014年AllAbout の人気おすすめ知育アプリトップ10として選ばれました。▪️▫️▪️▫️スマートフォンアプリの特徴▪️▫️▪️▫️子供から大人まで楽しめる。親子でも楽しめるアプリとして設計しています。-対象としたお絵描きといろあそびとみずあそびを合体した知育アプリ-発達に合わせたいろいろな遊び方-色鮮やかと動きが豊かでこどもが喜ぶ -親子で一緒に楽しみながら考えられる▪️▫️▪️▫️最新作の特徴▪️▫️▪️▫️ 1.線(鉛筆)の太さ選べます 2. 線(鉛筆)の色選べます 3.消しゴムの大きさ選べます 4. みずの色選べます
がんばれ!ルルロロ お買い物ごっこ〜子供向け無料知育アプリ〜 1.0.0
「がんばれ!ルルロロ」公式アプリ○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○● ルルロロとお買い物ごっこで遊ぼう!○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●大ヒット絵本シリーズ『くまのがっこう』から、かわいい双子の女の子、ルルとロロの幼児向け知育アプリが登場。ルルロロと一緒にお買い物ごっこで遊びましょう。子供はお店やさんごっこが大好き。好きな商品をカゴに入れたりレジを打ったりしながら、お子さんと一緒にお買い物ごっこあそびが楽しめます。■英語/日本語切り替え商品名の表示は日本語と英語に対応していますので、遊びながら自然に英単語を身につけられます。■お買い物ごっこ看板をタッチするとお店の中を移動出来ます。好きな商品をカゴに入れたり、カゴから棚に戻したり、本物のお店みたいに遊べます。■お店やさんごっこレジの商品をセンサーにドラッグ。「ピッ!」と通してお店やさん気分。レジ画面では電卓と同じように計算も出来ます。■商品を集めようお店の中からタイトル画面に戻るとプレゼントがもらえます。繰り返し遊んで色んな商品を集めましょう。【がんばれ!ルルロロ】(C)BANDAI/ルルロロプロジェクト
PW5-Fun Free Games & Apps 1.0.0
Simple and intuitive, you will have lots of fun for hours!Thiseducational game will help you to improve skills inproblemsolving, logical and cognitive skills, concentrationandmemory.Available for all screen resolutions and devices,includingtablet device as Kindle and Samsung ! ◆◇◆ Japan's TopFreeEducational Game App ◆◇◆ ◆◇◆ Our Play Water Series have ranked#1in Japan's App Store ◆◇◆ ◆◇◆ Our Cumulative Download havereachedmore than 500,000 Downloads ◆◇◆ Let's play this apptogether! The"Play Water 5" app, sequel to the number 1 educationalapp inJapan! This is a free educational app to nurture yourrichimagination! ◆◇◆ How to Play ◆◇◆ ▽ Let's change the flow ofwater!Draw a black line by sliding a finger by across the screen.Thedrawn lines can change the flow of water! You can try to slowtheflow of the water by drawing a slope, or draw a cup and fill itup,the possibilities are endless! ▽ Remove the black line withaneraser! Switch between drawing mode (the pencil button) toerasemode by pressing the eraser button. Open a hole on the drawncupwith the erase mode. Watch as the water trickle through thenewhole (or holes!). ▽ Move the faucet! Press and hold the faucetandyou can move the faucet around! ▽ Add more faucets! Add morefaucetby pressing the faucet button! The colour of the waterflowing fromthe faucet can be picked by pressing any of the coloursbuttonbefore pressing the faucet button. Remove any unwanted faucetbydragging the faucet to the dustbin. ▽ Tilt your device! PlayWater5 will detect the tilt of your device. Tilt around yourdevice, andsee the water falls in a different direction! ▽ Removeall thedrawn lines! Press the cross button, and see all your drawnlinesclear from the screen! (And it is all so pretty!) ◆◇◆ Review◆◇◆Please leave us a review! We would like to hear from youafterplaying around with Play Water 5! You can also email usatfacvtokyo [at]
Play Water 1.1.7
◆◇◆ How to Play ◆◇◆ From the tap, which is displayed on thescreen,the water comes flowing out to infinity. You draw a linefreely,and watch the water flows on the line! Move the faucetaround! Inaddition, you can erase the line you wrote. Now, Let'senjoyplaying in the water!! ◆◇◆ Review from Our Users ◆◇◆ 1.SimpleNoneed for real water when you have this app! It's like realwaterbut much fun since you can draw where you want the water togo!Perfect for people who is tired of challenges and likesomethingcalm and cheerful! 2.Awesome I like the water its likewhen you'rethe god of water 3.Nice water Best little game 4.I loveit It'sfun. You can create almost anything. 5.Great Frees yourcreativity.But if can add more features that would be awesome NoteFromDeveloper: We are adding more features! ◆◇◆ Play Water 2Released!!◆◇◆ We released the Play Water 2!! Let's enjoy playing inthenewwater!!
【教育】どうぶつなあに~シルエットクイズ!幼児向け知育アプリ 1.2
Anyware Inc.
森のどうぶつめいろ【お金の計算・初級】子供向け無料人気ゲーム 1.0.0
infostock app
Dharma san fell ~ baby for app 5
Baby Village
0 years old - is a game app of baby and infants and children forupto about 6 years old. ■ Contents ■ To the eye, to the touchbyhand, to hear in the ear, you can play with crazy. ■ How to Play■★ I have a very simple. When you touch by hand, you can playthat'sDharma colon. You sound is produced in conjunction with it,but youcan enjoy out sound that turned into rare. The number of IfellDharma I have to be displayed on the screen. Baby to move thecrazyhand, it will even forget cry. By touching with children,look,enjoy to hear.
ぽえぽえ-不人気ゲームお手玉!面白くないはず 1.0
Game to juggle the animal's in soap bubbles Kids Games
Cool Kids Games 4 years old 5.55.001
sparse kids
Cool Games for Kids: Brain Games for Kids in the Wild LifeAfricaand Australia
Fireworks!infants,children for 5
Baby Village
0 years old - is a game app of baby and infants and childrenforupto about 6 years old. ■ Contents ■ To the eye, to thetouchbyhand, to hear in the ear, you can play with crazy. ■ How toPlay■★ I have a very simple. When you touch by hand, youcanplayfireworks. You sound is produced in conjunction with it,butyoucan enjoy out sound that turned into rare. Number offireworksIhave to be displayed on the screen. Baby to move thecrazy hand,itwill even forget cry. By touching with children, look,enjoytohear.
森のどうぶつめいろ【たし算初級】子供向け無料人気ゲームアプリ 1.0.0
infostock app
Learning Japanese - How to write Hiragana/Katakana 1.0.4
Japanese Language App for Beginnner Japanese charactersLet'slearnJapanese characters, Hiragana and Katakana with thisapp.Onelanguage, two systems, three characters Japaneselanguageusesthree characters, Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. KanjicamefromChina in the 5th to the 6th centuries. Then laterHiraganaandKatakana evolved to represent "readings" inJapanese.Kanjirepresent forms of something or situation and eachofthemrepresent meaning. On the other hand, Hiragana andKatakanaarephonetic symbols. They do not represent any meaning. Ifyou areacomplete beginner, Japanese writing may appear justlikeChinese.Hiragana and Katagana Both hiragana and katakana haveafixednumber of symbols: 46 characters in each, to be precise.Eachofthese corresponds to a combination of the 5 Japanese vowels(a,i,u, e o) and the 9 consonants (k, s, t, n, h, m, y, r,w).Hiraganaare recognizable for their roundish shape and you’llfindthembeing used for three functions in Japanesewriting:1.Particles(used to indicate the grammatical function of aword)2.To changethe meaning of verbs, adverbs or adjectives,whichgenerally have aroot written in kanji. 3.Native Japanese wordsnotcovered by theother two scripts. Katakana are recognisablefortheir straightlines and sharp corners.They are mainly used for:1.Loanwords fromother languages. 2. Transcribing foreign names◆◇◆How To Use thisApp ◆◇◆ Select the character you want to write-Hiragana -Katakana - Numbers (1 〜 100) - Alphabets (LowercaseandUppercase)Increase the difficulty by erasing the sampleordisabling thegrid. The last 3 attempts of a letter are saved,foryou to compareyour progress ◆◇◆ Credits ◆◇◆ BGM :可愛い音楽素材 -こんとどぅふぇ-あみたろの声素材工房-
漢検漢字・漢字検定チャレンジ(2級、準2級、3級、4級、5級、6級) 4.22.0
Trips LLC
森のどうぶつめいろ【時計・時間・初級】人気無料知育アプリ 1.0.0
infostock app
くるくるま 車大好き幼児向け 1.0
画面にでてくるを車を、タップして作ったり★ 捕まえたり★そして傾けて滑らせたり★直感的にあそべるくるま大好きなお子さん向け、簡単ゲーム!パトカー、消防車、救急車、タクシー、バス!だいすきな車が登場するかな!The car comes out onthescreen,You can make Tap ★ or caught ★And you can let it tilted slip ★Intuitively play car and favorite child-friendly,Easy game!Police car, fire engine, ambulance, taxi, bus!Kana favorite car appeared!