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名人名言格言警句大全 1.0
Robert K Redd
名人名言,指為人類發展做出貢獻的,富有知識的名人所說的能夠讓人懂得道理的一句較為出名的話。廣泛上來說就是有意義,向人們揭示一定的道理的話。格言,是指可以作為人們行為規範的言簡意賅的語句,是人們機智的精華,眾人匯成的睿智,是指導人生走向成功之路的法寶,時刻激勵人生取得進步。警句,一般是一句話或一段引語,主要用來激勵和告訴當事人某些道理,提醒著使人們在生活中時刻保持著某種精神品格,所以也叫醒句。Famous quotes,referringto contribute to human development, rich knowledge ofcelebritiessaid to make people understand the truth of the words ofone of themore famous. Extensive speaking is meaningful to peoplereveal sometruth in words.Motto refers to a concise statement as norms of human behavioristhat people are the essence of wit, wisdom merged into thecrowd,is the guiding path to success in life magic, always inspiredtomake progress in life.Aphorism, usually a sentence or paragraph quotations, mainly usedtoinspire and inform the parties of some truth, reminding peopleinyour life and keep some kind of spiritual character, so wakeupsentence.