Top 4 Games Similar to どうぶつの森forうごくどうぶつシルエットクイズ!

森のどうぶつかくれんぼforアンパンマン★アフリカの動物編 1.0.0
infostock app
森や草原に隠れている動物は何かを当てる、幼児~子供向けの知育アプリです。「どうぶつ かくれんぼ シリーズ」全4部作の中の「アフリカの動物」編です。「アフリカの動物」編では、アフリカを主な生息地としている、ライオン・トラ・キリン・ゴリラ・シマウマなどの、動物園で子供達に最も人気のある動物達を集めています。本シリーズの大きな特徴は、ただ単にイラストを見て隠れている動物を当てるというだけでなく、登場する動物それぞれの特徴や生態にも簡単な説明を加えていることです。これにより、お子さまの動物に関する興味をさらにかきたて、楽しみながら知識をつけていくことができます。動物園や水族館で実物を見たあと、それぞれの動物の特徴を思い出しながら、本アプリのイラスト・文と比較してみるのも面白いです。ぜひ、ご家族みなさまでお楽しみ下さい。
CheerUp Animal for Baby Infant 1.1
※ This app is baby / infant app.Various animals living in the forest, so depressed, I givetocheer up.The hilarity around by touching the animal.[Comment]Use of this app, baby / infant from 0 to 2 years oldIf you touch the animal,laugh and causingexaggeratedreactionAlso other animals, ground, trees, sky, sun, and moon, Pleasetryto touch everything on the screen.And, You can scroll by dragging the screen.
Baby Sleep:Twinkle MUSIC BOX 1.3
[FOC] An intellectual learningexperienceonyour smartphone! You can use the gentle music box gameas anappfor enjoyably developing children's sensitivity and earformusic,and also as a tool for lulling him or her to sleep.This app offers two modes – "lullaby mode" for lulling ababyorchild to sleep and "play mode" for developing achild'scolorrecognition and ear for music."Lullaby mode" is intended to relax a baby or childwithgentlemusic box sounds and lovable animations, with 5-,10-,and15-minute timer settings, to lull him or her to sleep,likealullaby."Play mode" is a game mode in which motifs of animals,stars,andprincesses appear in different colors in time to the musicfromthemusic box, and the child taps those motifs that areofspecifiedcolors, in order.The app uses songs and motifs that children and infantslove,andsimultaneously develops their ear for music, sense ofcolor,andsensitivity.This is a free app and you will never be prompted toaddpaystages or be concerned about your child purchasing thembymistake.You can use it without worry.★Recommended ages and learning content★Children aged 0 to 2.■Sense of color: Letting children play by showing them twoormorecolors can develop their sense of color.■Ear for music: Listening to the variety of songs offeredbythisapplication can develop a child’s ear for music.★How to play★The colors to tap are specified in order in the upper partofthescreen, in time to the music from the music box.Then, 3-color motifs appear on the main screen. Tap the motifsinthepreviously specified colors in the correct order.If you tap them in the correct order, the motifs willburstwithtwinkling sound effects.★Description of stages★[Castle at night]A motif of a princess appears with a music box arrangementof"SomeDay My Prince Will Come" playing as thebackgroundmusic.This stage lets a girl learn while enjoying the feeling ofbecomingaprincess – something most girls dream of.[Child's room at night]A motif of a toy soldier appears with a music boxarrangementof"Grandfather's Clock" playing as the backgroundmusic.This stage lets a boy learn while feeling the excitement ofatoymoving in a somewhat mysterious child's room at night.[Night sky]A motif of a star appears with "Twinkle, twinkle,littlestar"playing as the background music.The fantastic star animation and the gentle music from themusicboxhelp children to relax.[Ranch at night]A motif of a cute sheep appears with a music box arrangementof"MaryHad a Little Lamb" playing as the background music.You can use this stage as a lullaby under the theme of "whenitcomesto sleeping, that's where sheep come in".[Festival in the forest]A motif of a butterfly appears with a music box arrangementof"TheMusic Man" playing as the background music.In the forest, animals hold a festival every night. Withthisstage,you can be friends with such animals and havefuntogether.[Castle at noon]A motif of a bear prince and princess couple appears withahousearrangement of "Some Day My Prince Will Come" playingasthebackground music.With this busy, bright stage, you can teach a childwhiledevelopinghis or her cheerfulness better.[Carnival]A motif of a rabbit dressed in Rio's Carnival costumeappearswith"Hey-Ho" playing as the background music.Children can learn a sense of rhythm and a sense ofcolorwhileenjoying the fireworks and the cute rabbit.
Baby Game -touch and sounds! 3.1.1
Free app for the baby , infant, children. "play andtouchingJapanese cartoon kawaii anime icons" It is an applicationthat babystop crying in the educational game full of fun. ●Age Thisapp isfor toddler and children 5 years old from 1 year old ●Features -There are many animals which children like so much in app- canplay as soon as you launch the app - Children can have funwithfunny sounds - There are different music in each stage ●appearancescene [ Scene of the forest(BGM:Ten thousand feet Alps) ]Birds,Teddy bear, elephants , cats , dogs, cows [ Scene of thesea(BGM:Captains Courageous) ] Crab , shrimp , Shellfish , starfish,turtle , dolphin [ Scene of the universe (BGM: Jupiter )]Musicians of bear ● Recommend - child can play with dad and momtouse this app - As an application for a child that does notstopcrying - As educational materials that is sensibility of music