Top 6 Games Similar to X-JPN SNOWBORAD

ゲレンデヒーロー ~スノーボード動画ハウツー~
In the video book app, trying to master a cool snowboardtrick!First of all, please experience the free content!
Snoway(スノーウェイ)-スキー&スノーボードをGPSで 5.0.0
Automatically records skiing at ski resorts and snowymountains!Since the run time, run distance, speed and calories arerecorded,you can look back on your current day's run with objectivedata.
TRANSWORLD SNOWBOARDING+公式アプリが誕生!国内外のスノーボードの最新情報・お得情報など、いち早くゲットできます!さらに、編集部が悩みや疑問に答えたり、ハウツー動画、コミックなどの面白コンテンツも盛りだくさん!!【アプリの特徴について】▼ MONTHLY PRESENT1ヶ月毎に更新! 豪華なプレゼントが当たります!!▼HOW TO技術の詳細やポイントを動画でご覧いただけます!▼HOT LINEあなたのスノーボードライフを編集部がサポート!▼COMICスノーボードコミック「SNOW DROP」を毎週配信します!▼月額課金について・サービスの出版元:トランスワールドジャパン・購読の期間:1ヶ月間・購読の料金:360円・定期購読とは-毎月の課金更新時の24時間前に購読の自動更新をオフにしない限り、定期購読は自動で更新(課金)されます。-毎月の課金更新時の手前24時間以内 に来月分の購読料は課金されます。-定期購読状況の確認と自動更新の停止は、App StoreのApple IDの設定で行うことができます。-定期購読期間中は、その月の購読(課金)をキャンセルをすることができません。プライバシーポリシー、利用規約へのリンク-プライバシーポリシー:利用規約:●プッシュ通知についてアプリ限定のお得な情報をプッシュ通知でお知らせします。アプリの初回起動時にプッシュ通知を「ON」に設定するようお願いします。(なお、オン・オフの設定は後から変更もできます)。●位置情報の取得について近くの店舗を探す目的、その他の情報配信の目的で、位置情報取得の許可をアプリからさせて頂く場合がございます。位置情報は個人情報とは一切関連するものではなく、また、本アプリ以外での利用は一切行いませんので安心してご利用ください。TRANSWORLD SNOWBOARDING+official app is born!Such as domestic and international latest information and dealsofthe snowboard, you can quickly get!In addition, the editing unit is to answer the worries anddoubts,how-to videos, such as comicInteresting content also plenty !!About features of the app]▼ MONTHLY PRESENTUpdated every month! Hit a luxurious gift !!▼ HOW TOYou can see the details and points of technology in thevideo!▼ HOT LINEEditorial support your snowboard life!▼ COMICWe will deliver weekly snowboard comic "SNOW DROP"!▼ for monthly billingService of publisher: Trans World Japan· Subscription period: 1 month- Subscription fee: 360 yen· Subscription A- Unless you turn off the automatic update of subscription to24hours before the time of monthly accounting update,subscriptionwill be updated automatically (billing).- Next month subscription fee within 24 hours before the timeofmonthly billing update will be charged.- Check the automatic update stop of subscription status, it canbedone by setting the Apple ID of the App Store.- During the subscription period, you will not be able to cancelthesubscription the (accounting) of the month.Privacy Policy, a link to the Terms of Use- PrivacyPolicy: Terms:● About push notificationWe will inform the deals app limited push notification.Thank you to set the application initial startup pushnotificationto the "ON".(The setting of the on-off can also be changed later).● Acquisition of position informationPurpose Find nearby stores, for the purposes of otherinformationdelivery, there is a case where I am allowed topermission of thelocation information obtained from theapplication.Position information and personal information not related inanyway, also, the use of other than this application, please useitwith confidence because it does not perform any.
Snowboarding 1.0
Snowboarding is a recreationalactivityandOlympic and Paralympic sport that involvesdescendingasnow-covered slope while standing on a snowboardattached toarider's feet.The development of snowboarding was inspiredbyskateboarding,sledding, surfing and skiing. It was developed intheUnited Statesin the 1960s, became a Winter Olympic Sport atNaganoin 1998 andfirst featured in the Winter Paralympics at Sochiin2014.Its popularity (as measured by equipment sales) intheUnitedStates peaked in 2007 and has been in a decline since.Modern snowboarding began in 1965 when Sherman Poppen,anengineerin Muskegon, Michigan, invented a toy for his daughtersbyfasteningtwo skis together and attaching a rope to one end sohewould havesome control as they stood on the board andglideddownhill.Dubbed the "snurfer" (combining snow and surfer) byhiswifeNancy, the toy proved so popular among his daughters'friendsthatPoppen licensed the idea to a manufacturer,BrunswickCorporation,that sold about a million snurfers over thenextdecade. And, in1966 alone over half a million snurfersweresold.In the early 1970s, Poppen organized snurfing competitionsataMichigan ski resort that attracted enthusiasts from alloverthecountry.[citation needed] One of those early pioneers wasTomSims,a devotee of skateboarding (a sport born in the 1950swhenkidsattached roller skate wheels to small boards that theysteeredbyshifting their weight).As an eighth grader in Haddonfield, New Jersey, in the1960s,Simscrafted a snowboard in his school shop class by gluingcarpetto thetop of a piece of wood and attaching aluminum sheetingtothebottom.[citation needed] He produced commercial snowboardsinthemid-70s.[citation needed] Articles about his inventioninsuchmainstream magazines as Newsweek helped publicizetheyoungsport.
スノボ動画 2.01
YouTubeにアップロードされているスノーボードの動画を検索し、再生するアプリケーションです。・はじめて・トリック・ロケーション・その他など、分野ごとにキーワードを設けて、スノボに関連する動画を検索します。探したいキーワードが存在しない場合は、「カスタム」メニューにて、好みに応じた検索ワードを登録できます。リフトに乗っている時間など、空き時間にご利用ください。※このアプリは、YouTubeの公式アプリなど、外部アプリを使用しています。★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★このアプリの開発者は、安心・安全なアプリの開発者であるとしてアンドロイダーの公認デベロッパーに認証されています。 is an applicationthatwill search for videos of snowboarding that have been uploadedtoYouTube, to play.-The first timeTrickLocationAnd otherSuch as, search for the video by providing a keyword ineachfield, related to snowboarding.If the keyword you are looking for does not exist,In the "Custom" menu, I can register a search word inaccordancewith the taste.Eg the time when you're riding the lift, please use thefreetime.※ This app uses, such as official app of YouTube, theexternalapplication.★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★The developer of this app, are certified to certified developersofandro insider as a developer of a safe and secureapplication.
スノったーA 1.1.6
【スノったーA】は、雪山・スキー場の情報収集に特化したアプリです。検索なんて面倒だ!雪山情報を 楽に知りたい!そんな方におすすめ。権限もツイート検索の為のネット接続、画像つぶやきの為の読み込みだけなので安心!ツイッターからリアルタイムな情報を取得。スキー場毎に天気、積雪、地図、Webも見れます。読むだけなら、【ツイッターのアカウント不要】【特徴】・全国約480箇所のスキー場をエリア分け・スキー場に関する「みんなのツイート」をピンポイント検索・スキー場関係者のツイートをまとめて読める・読むだけならツイッターのアカウント不要・アカウントがあればツイート可能・スキー場毎に天気、積雪、地図、Webが見れる数々のスキー場情報のアプリやwebサイトが存在しますが、欲しいのはリアルタイム!今!なう!な情報だと思ったことありませんか?通常使用のツイッタークライアントは、既にお手持ちのアプリがきっと使いやすいでしょう。でもSNOWな気分のときは、スノったーAがおすすめです。スキー、スノーボード、雪山ライフの助けとなれば嬉しいです。すのったー スノッター、変換は少し面倒ですね。[Sunotta A] isanapplication that specializes in information collection ofsnowmountain ski area.Search Nante's a hassle! I want to know to ease the snowmountaininformation!Recommended for such people.Authority also net connection for tweet search, because onlyreadfor the image tweet peace of mind!Get real-time information from Twitter.Weather in every ski, snow, map, and I can see Web.If you only read, [unnecessary Twitter account]FeaturesNationwide about 480 locations and area classification theskiThe pinpoint search for "everyone's tweet" for ski area• The read together the ski officials of Tweets· Read unnecessary account of Twitter if onlyAccount can tweet ifWeather, snow, map, Web can watch every ski areaAlthough apps and web site of a number of skiinformationexists,Want is real-time! Now! Now! Do not have it I thought it wassuchinformation?The Twitter client of normal use,Already your existing app it would be easy-to-use kit.ButWhen the SNOW mood, Sunotta A is recommended.Skiing, snowboarding, if familiar with the help of thesnowmountain life is happy.Sunotta Sunotta, conversion It is a little cumbersome.