Top 2 Apps Similar to 動物ずかん 絵・写真・音声で楽しい幼児向け無料図鑑アプリ

幼児向け 間違い探し 無料 クイズ アプリ 猫 ねこ 楽しい 1.0.0
幼児も安心して遊ぶことができる間違い探しの無料クイズアプリです。すべて、画像の4択問題で、50問あります。簡単ですが、大人もはまります。同じような画像からでも、色々なバリエーションを付けていますので、全問正解するまでには時間はかかりますが、シンプルで楽しいクイズになっています。猫ちゃんと一緒に、可愛い画像で、どうぞお楽しみください。How to play is simple.Will be displayed four paintings in one of the quiz, youonlychooseone a different thing.Even in young children enjoyed in adults.如何发挥很简单。在测验中的一个将被显示四幅画,你只能选择一个不同的事情。即使在年幼的孩子享受它在成人中。게임 방법은 간단합니다.1 개의 퀴즈에 4 장의 그림이 나타납니다 때문에 다른 것을 하나 선택하면됩니다.유아도 성인도 즐길 수 있습니다.
RealFireworks! children for 3
Baby Village
0 years old - is a game app of baby and infants and children forupto about 6 years old. ■ Contents ■ To the eye, to the touchbyhand, to hear in the ear, you can play with crazy. ■ How to Play■★ I have a very simple. When you touch by hand, you canplayfireworks. You sound is produced in conjunction with it, butyoucan enjoy out sound that turned into rare. Number of fireworksIhave to be displayed on the screen. Baby to move the crazy hand,itwill even forget cry. By touching with children, look, enjoytohear.