Top 20 Games Similar to 真・三國無双 SLASH

逆轉三國 6.1.0
★★★大好評★★★穿越時空,三國志征伐大冒險!三國志謎之力量大揭露!橫掃世界的新戰法遊戲最高峰登場! !傳說中的武將大亂鬥!收集、進化×強化成最強作戰部隊!===== 遊戲紹介 =====*一个基本规则就是一个简单的难题!這是一個益智遊戲,關於同色的寶石,要去思考和安排消除的方法。你需要移動寶石以及將寶石消除,針對一個顏色的寶石努力消除更多!*與敵人的戰鬥!如果寶石被消除,你和援軍的武將就會攻擊敵人!敵人被消滅之前,你要努力打出消除多種顏色寶石的連擊!*組成一個武將的隊伍!如果將出現在每局的武將俘虜,你就會擁有一個新的武將!你可以將你的隊伍初始化,再加入你最喜歡的武將!求將還可以得到一個新的強力武將!*与朋友一起玩。成为游戏内熟悉的朋友,就可以借り一个武将!如果每局都與朋友的武將一起冒險,將會更加輕鬆愉快!【特徴】穿越时空, 三国志の世界征伐大冒险!300枚超强武将卡收集限定! 武将カードは続々と追加予定!武将收集、進化×強化で最強の部隊を作ろう!===1月18日至1月28日 不刪檔公測在此期間,若您遇到任何問題,請您郵件[email protected]反饋反饋的玩家可得到500夢寶谷積分獎勵。===
Dragon of the Three Kingdoms 2.8
This title is an Action RPG
狂斬三國2 1.1.6
App Store 排名第一單機遊戲續作強勢來襲登陆Google Play市場!萬眾矚目之下,狂斬三國2榮耀歸來!更多精彩內容及礼包敬請關注Facebook:狂斬三國2輕操作ARPG單機手游,圓你三國英雄夢!日系動漫風格,融入塔防對推策略創新玩法!操作小白必備的極品單機遊戲!《狂斬三國2》全新版本強勢來襲。新增無盡模式、好友系統和世界排行榜等特色玩法。更能在無盡模式下邀好友助戰、查看好友裝備信息。趕快邀請好友,一起並肩戰鬥吧!一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一#產品特點#【劇情】5個主題+50↑關卡,敘趙雲傳奇,繪三國烽火【操作】只有點與劃,操作小白也能暢玩其中。【玩法】攻、退、守、護,多樣玩法豐富你的遊戲體驗【裝備】多元化的裝備養成,圓你披堅執銳的將軍夢!【傳奇】源於三國的故事創新,再現三國趙雲傳!【畫面】濃墨重彩中趙雲、呂布等三國名將輪番上陣【特效】華麗的狂斬,酷炫的技能特效,閃瞎你的雙眼【音效】扣人心弦的複古背景音樂帶你瞬間重回三國戰場一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一精緻的畫面,多變的玩法,殺敵破陣盡在你的點劃之下簡單的操作,粗暴的快感,方寸之間成就你的雄圖霸業厲兵秣馬,王者歸來化身趙雲,衝鋒陷陣點劃之間,攻城掠地血染河山,成就霸業三國亂世,等你稱王
三国智 1.8.6
rao fahua
*****2015次世代三国策略游戏,骑乘美人征战天下!*****主策划:谁要玩千篇一律三国游戏?顶级策略+骑乘美人+最强社交系统才是最强《三国智》。主美术:画个红面贴个胡须就叫关羽?50人顶尖美术团队耗时1年打造最精致掌上三国!主音乐:一堆男人砍砍杀杀“哈,嘿,呀”?真人美女销魂配音,“耶,将军那里不可以啦~”主程序:游戏再好卡机搞毛?程序猿向你保证,诺基亚也能撸起来!主数值:土豪游戏付费就赢?公平竞技丰俭由人才是大作风范!天下英豪,齐聚三国五虎上将震寰宇,三国英雄贯苍穹。千里走单骑的关羽、一身都是胆的赵云、当阳桥退敌百万的张飞、威名镇蜀中的老将黄忠……都一一登场。让你遍结天下英豪!排兵布阵,谋略定江山100多个知名武将!几十个兵种与单独匹配的战术!十几个九宫格搭配阵型!游戏当中的策略战斗系统可以让玩家充分发挥自己的排兵布阵能力,巧妙利用阵形、兵种、战法来达到最大化地发挥武将的战斗实力!更有独有的“武缘”技能点亮系统使武将与武将之间产生战斗羁绊,从而在战争推图和实力角逐中发挥巨大威力!文韬武略,施政治江山丰富内政系统,心系天下事。收买人心,离间敌将,发掘隐士高人。宏观调度,通商天下,创不世伟业!万人国战,成就帝王霸业战鼓已经擂动,号角已经吹响,攻城大战一触即发。游戏首创卡牌国战,军团攻城战,全服玩家一同上阵,开启实力大PK!烈焰燃烧,尘土遮天,千人攻城,万人国战。更有副本爆刷、擂台竞技……在这个风云乱世,只有靠绝对的实力才能独占鳌头,一统天下!三国乱世今又起,试看天下谁统一! 马上加入《三国智》,宏图大业尽可一手掌握。***** 2015 thenextgeneration of the Three Kingdoms strategy game, ridingbeautycampaign world! *****master plan: who will play three games stereotyped? Top beauty+strategy + riding is the strongest of the strongest socialsystems"Three wisdom."Main Art: draw a red face posted a beard called Guan Yu? 50 topartteam took one year to build the most sophisticatedhandheldThree!Main Music: cut a bunch of men stabbed to kill "Well, hey,yeah?"Real beauty ecstasy dubbing, "Yeah, there can not be friends-General"Main program: no matter how good the game card machine outhair?Program ape assure you that Nokia can roll up up!Main value: Tyrant pay to win the game? Fair Competitivelavishtalent is masterpiece style!world hero, gathered in the three countriesFab Five will shock world, three heroes consistently sky.RidingAlone for Thousands of Guan Yu, Zhao Yun an all guts, whenmillionsof Tuidi Zhang Yang Bridge, Wal-Mart veteran Huang Shu town......are all debut. Let you all over the guitar worldhero!formations, counsel to decide their fateMore than 100 well-known generals! Dozens of branches andindividualtactical match! Dozen squares with formation! Gamestrategy combatsystem which allows players to give full play totheir abilityformations, clever use of formation, arms, war methodto maximizeplay generals fighting strength! more unique "militaryedge"lighting system makes skills generals and generals generatefightingbetween the fetters, and thus play a tremendous power andstrengthin the war pushed FIG race!military strategy, applied political landscapeRich internal affairs system, the heart of world affairs. Winpublicsupport, drive a wedge between the enemy will discoverhermitexpert. Macro scheduler, commerce world, not the worldrecordAlbert!million people in the country war, the achievementsofimperial dominanceDrums have been skirmishing, the bugle sounded, the siegewarimminent. Game cards first national war, siege warfarecorps,full-service players with battle, opening the strength oflarge PK!Flames burning, dust shrouded, thousands of siege, peoplecountrywarfare. More copies of the explosion brush, athletics arena......troubled times in this situation, only by the absolute powertocome out on top, dominating the world!Three troubled times now underway, Look who unified theworld!Join Now "Three wisdom", the great cause as much as possiblein onehand.
“METAL SLUG 3” heads out to Android! Use various weapons andslugs!!
三国志草船借箭 3.9
草船借箭是三国演义中一段脍炙人口的故事。 东汉末年各地群雄割据相互争战并吞,曹操挟天子以令诸侯,剿灭了吕布、张绣、袁术称霸中原,更在官渡之战中以寡敌众大败袁绍统一了北方。 曹操统一北方之后,率领数十万大军攻打江东想要一统天下,东吴的孙权与周瑜、鲁肃、黄盖等大将商讨对策,刘备也正为了对抗曹操与诸葛亮、关羽、张飞、赵云众将研议方针,两者为求自保决议联兵抵挡来犯的曹操,孙权麾下的周瑜十分忌惮刘备军师诸葛亮的才能, 心中暗自盘算如何借机除掉诸葛亮,而刘备和诸葛亮内心也有着自己的打算,三方之间斗智斗勇互不相让, 这就是鼎鼎有名的赤壁之战,草船借箭便是在这期间所发生的一段奇谋逸事。
Cooking Fever: Restaurant Game 18.1.1
Cook delicious meals and desserts from all over the world!
武媚娘-梦回三国 1.6.0
rao fahua
年度最具人气的宫廷史诗电视剧授权手游《武媚娘-梦回三国》,武媚娘穿越三国,化身绝美妖姬,携手历代美人,大小乔,西施,妲己等,助阵名将称霸三国!游戏内绝美时装,搭配姿色倾城的美女,给主公一个欲火焚身的超感体验!想统领江山,坐拥后宫三千?《武媚娘-梦回三国》内娇外嫩的妖姬等您一手掌控!本年度最让人撩拨人心的策略RPG手机游戏--《武媚娘-梦回三国》正式上线!武媚娘带您回到烽火四起的乱世三国,天香国色任您摆布,英雄豪杰上阵征讨八方。众多三国名将供您组合,打造属于您的最强队伍!妖姬入得厨房出得厅堂,共赴战场助您一战成名!经典战役任务等您征讨,群雄争夺只为万世流芳!华丽战斗技能闪耀夺目,再现沙场硝云弹雨景象!丰厚战役宝藏随手可得,武装上阵成为盛世霸主!游戏特色:武将系统:三国武将齐聚于此向您俯首称臣,调兵遣将统领群雄独霸江山!妖姬系统:美人后宫与您共枕同眠,燃点欲望之火,战场共同决战挡路敌寇!技能系统:特效技能炫丽呈现金戈铁马激战场景,主动招数威风凛凛,天赋技能如虎添翼!养成系统:猛将养成令武将潜能激发,妖姬培育共同扫荡战场!专属系统:名将传记开启各项神兵利器奇珍异宝丰富武将玩法提高战斗力!图腾系统:点亮星宿图腾武将属性得以全面发挥,战斗力更上一层楼!风林火山:疾如风,徐如林,侵掠如火,不动如山。资源调配考您神机谋略赢尽天下战役!军团系统:佣兵天下,称霸群雄。集结兄弟,凝聚力量。以贡献论功行赏,群策群力得转生秘宝!邀请系统:独乐乐不如众乐乐,Facebook共邀好友煮酒论英雄赢取丰厚奖励!年度最具人气的策略RPG手游巨献--《武媚娘-梦回三国》独特妖姬系统让您左拥右抱尽情调戏美人,妖姬更能助战给战斗带来更多悬念和逆转的可能性。结合排位策略、武将培养、三国剧情于一身的RPG玩法,名将专属神兵利器开启无限潜能,天赋技能扭转乾坤,星宿图腾属性提升让您打造一支只属于您的超群队伍。闯荡变幻莫测三国战场,掌控美人,傲视天下,一切皆在《武媚娘-梦回三国》。征战沙场如有疑问,请通过游戏内方便快捷的反馈渠道给我们留言,武媚娘将常伴您左右为您解决燃眉之急,同时还有多种游戏以外方式与我们联系哦!欢迎加入《武媚娘-梦回三国》充满艳遇的战场!year'smostpopular epic drama palace authorized hand tour "Wu Mei Niang-Dreaming Three Kingdoms", Wu Mei Niang across the threecountries,the embodiment of beautiful Enchantress, join the ancientbeauty,size Joe, beauty, Daji, etc., to help out star dominate thethree!Fashion beautiful game, with pretty Allure beauty, to thelord of ahorny super sense experience! I want to guide the country, sitting harem three thousand? "WuMeiNiang - Dreaming three" Johnson outside and tender insidewaitingfor you to hand control Enchantress!Deeply moved the hearts of most people this year Strategy RPGmobilegame - "Wu Mei Niang - Dreaming Three" formally launched! WuMeiNiang takes you back to the flames everywhere troubled timesthree,you are at the mercy of any Fantasy national colors, heroesbattlecrusade Octagon. many three star for your portfolio, create yourstrongestteam!Enchantress into the kitchen out of the hall, ride afamousbattle battlefield to help you!classic battle of tasks your crusade, warlords competeonlyfor the Greatest Story Ever Told!gorgeous fighting skills glitz, reproduce battlefieldscenenitrate cloud hail of bullets!Battle rich treasures are readily available, armed battle tobecomePrime overlord! Game Features:Generals system: three generals gathered here you vanquishtheirplans to dominate the country to guide the pack!Enchantress System: Sleeping beauty temple with you fellows,lightedthe fire of desire, common battlefield battle invaders outof theway!Skill System: dazzling special effects skills presentedarmoredcavalry battle scene, the initiative tricks majestic,naturalskills become more!Develop a system: the generals Reggie order to develop thepotentialof excitation, Enchantress foster joint raidsbattlefield!Exclusive system: open the famous biography rich treasuresmagicweapon to improve the combat effectiveness of thegeneralsplay!Totem system: Lit stars totem generals property to fullplay,fighting a higher level!Furinkazan: lightning-fast wind, Xu Rulin, invaders fire, donotmove a mountain. God machine provisioning test your strategy towinthe battle to make the world!Legion System: mercenary world, dominate the pack.Assembledbrothers, gathering strength. To contribute reward, teamwork wasreincarnated Mibao!Invitation System: Better Together alone, Facebook friendswereinvited to cooking wine Heroes win huge rewards! The year's most popular strategy RPG hand tour Juxian - "WuMeiNiang - Dreaming three" Enchantress unique system allows youtoenjoy the left hold the right owner molested beauty, to fighttobring more suspense and better assist in reversingpossibilityEnchantress. Combined qualifying strategy, generalsculture, thestory in one of the three RPG gameplay, exclusivefamous magicweapon that open up infinite potential, natural skillsto turnthings around, the stars totem property promotion allows youtocreate a superior only part of your team. Threebattlesunpredictable battlefield, control of beauty, disdain fortheworld, and all are in the "Wu Mei Niang - dreams of theThreeKingdoms."Swords If in doubt, please convenient and efficientfeedbackchannels within the game give us a message, Wu Mei Niangwill oftenaccompanied by your side to solve your urgent needs, aswell as avariety of ways other than the game contact us Oh! Welcome to "Wu Mei Niang - Dreaming three" fullAventurebattlefield!
Super Mega Runners : Stage mak 16.5
Tap to jump! Over 200k levels! Super hard stage ranking. Makeyourown stages!
Smash Hit 1.4.3
Prepare for a transcendental, ambient journey through timeandspace.
ARTERIA:Robot action game 2.80
Real 3D realistic robot action shooting game!
探検ドリランド【カードバトルRPGゲーム】GREE(グリー) 1.5.10
GREE, Inc.
★ That popular character is now power-up ★ ★ Now start withafirst-time registered reward to get a 4S rare ★
Pairs派愛族:聊天配對遇見愛情約會結婚的交友App 59.0.0
eureka Inc.
♡ A dating platform that lets you meet true love when you arelonely♡ It is more effective than a blind date to get out ofsingleness,find boyfriends and girlfriends and get married!Through chattingand making friends, you can communicate and matchwith men and womenof the opposite sex. Different from other datingplatforms, you canearnestly help you find true love!
千人斩 4.2.3
Fruit Ninja®
Swipe your screen to cut fruit, but don’thitbombs – that’s how easy it is to play Fruit Ninja, thehitfruit-slicing mobile game enjoyed by billions of players alloverthe world!Start your addiction to the delicious fruit carnage with thethreeoriginal game modes and a wide range of blades and dojos tochoosefrom. Experience the thrill of setting a new high score inthefan-favourite Arcade mode as you dodge bombs and slicemassivecombos with the help of the special Double Score, Freeze orFrenzybananas, or relax and slash for stress relief in Zen Mode.Last butnot least, slice as many fruit as you can in Classic mode –justdon’t drop the fruit and don’t hit the bombs! Make your gameevenmore exciting by equipping the special power-ups: PeachyTime,which gives extra time; Berry Blast, which destroyssurroundingfruit when sliced; and Bomb Deflect.Ready to put your super skills to the test? Play throughsixchallenging minigames and use the Golden Apples earned toenterEvent mode, where you’ll clash with other characters from theFruitNinja world and can win powerful new blades and dojos. Withregularevent updates, be sure to keep playing so you don’t miss outonspecial prizes! The competition continues in the dailyChallengemode - can you out-slice the other ninjas for prizes andglory? Youcan even duel against your friends and family with thelocalmultiplayer mode by playing a match on the same device, orrise upthe ranks to become king or queen of the leaderboard!So if you’re looking for some fast, juicy arcade action, this isthegame for you. Play it now and get hooked on the awesomenessthat isFruit Ninja – chop chop!View our privacy policy at our terms of service at help with the game? Email us at [email protected]
Bricks Breaker King 1.5.4
We invite you to the fantastic world of the block breaking.
海賊王国コロンブス[海賊カードバトル] GREE(グリー) 1.7.6
GREE, Inc.
"Pirate Kingdom Columbus" is a real-time card battle game of GREEinwhich over 35 million people enjoy SNS and games! Create YourOwnPirate Kingdom!
kingdoms war 1.4
The romance of The Three Kingdoms is set intheromance of The Three Kingdoms horizontal version of thearcadefighting games, describes a hero long war epic game, with apike inThe Three Kingdoms, showing elegantly spectacular, thrillingfightcloud chart, single machine can play well
Kung Fu Do Fighting 3.5.5
No rules,only life and death, who is the strongest fighting king
Emulator For PSP
Free App Ltd
Play Your Own PSP games on yourAndroiddevice,Best gaming experience at high definition with extrafeatures!Best emulator to play Emulator For PSP(PlayStation Portable)gameswith best game compatibility.Emulator for PSP works well on most smartphones and tablets,evenbudget.this emulator is the best emulator for psp, have goodgraphicsand fester and smooth playing with full fast play gamesever isuggest you to download this emulator for psp.this emulator don't have any game included withthisdownload.but you can dump you own psp games with extension .ISO or .CSOFilesand you can download game by searching in google but you musthavereal game first.put games in SD Card or USB have some question like:what is the best emulator for psp?what is fast emulator for psp?how can i play psp game on android?that the solution by downloading this app EMULATOR FOR PSPThis Some Game Works very Well:God of War - Chains of OlympusNaruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja ImpactGod of War - Ghost of SpartaTekken 6Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3Kingdom Hearts - Birth by SleepMonster Hunter Freedom UniteNaruto Shippuden - Kizuna DriveDissidia 012 - Duodecim Final FantasyShin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 PortableDragon Ball Z - Tenkaichi Tag Teamand many more...Enjoy it now!This PSP emulator is created for educational purposes, based ontheopen source developments (GPL 2.0).