Top 2 Games Similar to one digit arithmetic

Reverse one digit arithmetic 1.0
This App "Reverse one digit +-x÷" isaarithmetic training App. And this is a searching game, too.ThisApp is a Reverse version of my App "one digit +-x÷";This App has four categories, addition:"Reverse one digit+"subtraction:"Reverse one digit -" multiplication:"Reverse onedigitx" and division:"Reverse one digit ÷". Each category has9questions on nine stages, random 81 questions.ex."one digit +" : Find '4 + 8' from '12'."one digit -" : Find '10 - 6' from '4'."one digit x" : Find '9 x 9' from '81'."one digit ÷" : Find "12 ÷ 3" from '4'.Fun Reverse thinking.
四則演算ゲーム-30秒で何問解ける?- 1.0.1
四則演算[+-×÷]のスピードを競うゲームです。制限時間は30秒。30秒間でいくつの計算を正解出来るか挑戦してみましょう。正解となる数字は1~9の1ケタの数字のみ。式はA + □ = BとなっておりAとBに自動で数値が当てはまるので、式を完成させる□に入る数字のボタンをタップしてください。スコアは毎回履歴として残ります。又これまで一番成績の良いハイスコア、全履歴の成績を合計して累積スコアも履歴の欄にカウントされています。It is a game tocompetethe speed of the - [× ÷ +] arithmetic.Time limit is 30 seconds. Let's challenge you can do correctthecalculation of some 30 seconds.Number which is the correct answer is only one numericdigit1-9.The number is so apply automatically to A and B expressionhasbecome A + □ = and B, to complete the equation □Please tap the button of the number entering.Score will remain as history every time. Also In total highscoregood results most, the results of the entire history up tonowCumulative scores are also counted in the field of history.