Top 2 Apps Similar to Sismos Argentina

Earthquake Alert 1.6
Earthquake Monitor keeps you informed about earthquakes aroundtheworld.
Chile Earthquakes 1.0
Welcome to Southern PacificReview’sEarthquakeChile app for Android. To use this app, click onanyearthquake tosee its location on a map and the distance tonearbycities. Thenpost this data to Twitter or Facebook or send itoutvia email.This app shows earthquakes for the past few hours. Thereisonetab for the University of Chile Earthquake center and onefortheUS Geological Survey (USGS), as each have theirownmonitoringstations.We do not read data directly from the CentroSismológicoNacionalUniversidad de Chile website directly, becausethat siteusuallycrashes when there is much traffic. Instead we readthedata fromEuropean-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC).UChile sendsthe data directly there and that site alwaysworks,even when thereis heavy traffic.We also read data directly from the US GeologicalSurvey(USGS).They only report strong earthquakes (> 4.0) forChile andnotall earthquakes. So you will often see no datathere.Sometimesthey report earthquakes that UChile does not. Whentheyboth reportearthquakes the magnitude is usually different, soyoucan make acomparison.Because we read the data from (EMSC) and not uChile youwillseethat our calculation of the nearest cities willsometimesbedifferent from what is shown at is not an official app. We encourage you to checkwithONEMIis the event of any emergency.While you are on this page we invite you to readourmagazineSouthern Pacific Reviewfeaturing“Latin America’s BestWriting.” Wepublish in-depth reporting onnews and culture in Chile,airpollution in Chile, short stories,poems, and film reviews,mostlyin English.Finally, take a look at my new book on Chile:"TheAvocadoRepublic of Chile, because it's too cold to growBananas."It isvery funny and required reading for any foreigner whowants tocomehere.