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OurHome – Chores and Rewards
OurHome is a new and simple way toorganizeyour family. Kids will be motivated to do chores andtakeresponsibility while parents can reward them for theireffort.There’s a shared grocery list and a family calendar tokeepeveryone coordinated. And it’s free to use with no ads andnohidden costs.Key features:- Assign and schedule tasks and chores- Motivate kids with rewards and goals- View personal progress and activities- Add items to the shared grocery list- Enter events into the family calendar- Send messages and set reminders- Stay in sync across unlimited devicesA TRULY TRANSFORMATIVE TASK SYSTEM.The house is tidy. The pets are fed. The kids are studyingquietly.All this without even being asked! Whether it’s houseworkorhomework, OurHome’s gamified tasks system keeps yourfamilyhumming.REWARD RESPONSIBILITY. MAXIMIZE MOTIVATION.Motivated kids are successful kids. By introducingresponsibilityfrom an early age you improve your child’s chance offuturesuccess. With OurHome, your kids build self-esteem whilecompletingtasks and achieving goals!CHECK THE CALENDAR. STAY IN SYNC.Calendars keep everyone coordinated, all batting for the sameteam.With a monthly view that’s actually made for mobiles, theOurHomecalendar is the coordinating companion that you can counton.SIMPLIFY SHOPPING. GET ALL THE GROCERIES.Everyone likes returning home to a full fridge and awell-stockedpantry. With OurHome you can easily add grocery itemsand swipethem off at the store. Save time in the supermarket andneverforget the milk again.A HANDY TOOL, TAILORED TO FAMILIES.Smartphones are only as smart as their software. So it’s abouttimefamilies had a handy tool tailored to their particular needs.And atool that only grows smarter as OurHome learns yourfamilypreferences.We love hearing from our users. If you have any feedback,questionsor concerns, please email us at [email protected], orvisit don’t forget to like us on Facebook:
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En familia 1.8
La corresponsabilidad doméstica oparticipaciónen la vida familiar es una posibilidad de cambio enlas relaciones yorganización del hogar, que hace relación alreparto de las tareasdomésticas y de las responsabilidadesfamiliares entre los miembrosde un hogar: pareja, hijas, hijos uotras personas que habitan en elmismo espacio, independientementede la tipología de familia en laque convivamos.Este reparto de responsabilidades consiste en ladistribuciónequilibrada dentro del hogar de las tareas domésticas,pero tambiénde la organización, el cuidado, la educación, elacompañamiento yel afecto de las personas dependientes en casa.Esto con el fin dedistribuir justamente los tiempos de vida demujeres y hombres.Thedomesticresponsibility or involvement in family life is apossibility ofchange in relationships and household organization,which makesrelative to the sharing of domestic tasks andfamilyresponsibilities between members of a household: couple,daughters,sons or other people living in the same space, regardlessof thetype of family that live together.This sharing of responsibilities is the even distributionwithinthe household chores, but also of the organization,care,education, support and affection for dependent people at home.Thisis to fairly distribute the lifetimes of men and women.