Top 22 Apps Similar to MobKASIR

Nuna (Admin) Cashier 3.5
*Aplikasi ini adalah Free Trial (cobagratis),lihat bagian "Lisensi" di bawah ini.__________NUNA Handheld Cashier(terjemahan: Kasir Genggam NUNA)Nuna (Admin) Cashier membuat Anda seperti memilikiseluruhkeperluan kasir toko. Mulai dari scan barcode, melayanipenjualan,pengelolaan dana, hingga cetak struk belanja."Lebih Hemat, tanpa komputer!"Nuna Admin adalah aplikasi Point-of-Sale (POS) yang bisadigunakansecara profesional di toko, warung, atau wirausaha lainnyasepertiswalayan pada umumnya.Aplikasi super-lengkap ini akan melayani seluruhkegiatanwirausaha Anda, baik penjualan eceran maupungrosir,hutang-piutang, hingga data pelanggan maupun datasupplier.Menu Aplikasi:+ Input data (produk, stok)+ Kelola penjualan & pembelian+ Data (produk, pelanggan & supplier)+ Laporan (omset, kas, hutang, piutang, saldo)+ Scan Barcode (tergantung respon AutoFocus perangkat)+ Cetak Struk (diperlukan Printer dengan koneksiBluetooth;optional)+ Dapat juga dipakai bersama dengan Karyawan lainnya, gunakanNunaClient via Wifi (tethering​).Versi Trial:Aplikasi ini adalah versi percobaan dengan beberapa batasan.Yaitu:maksimal 20 jenis barang dan 50 transaksi brankas. Jikapenggunaantelah mencapai batas maksimum transaksi, aplikasi akantertutupotomatis setelah beberapa detik dibuka.Lisensi Admin:Lisensi diperlukan agar aplikasi bebas iklan dan tidak adabatasanjumlah produk & transaksi brankas. Hanya perlu 1 lisensiuntuksatu Admin, berlaku selamanya. Lisensi tidak terpengaruh olehHapusData maupun perbaikan (servis).Dapatkan Lisensinya di Perangkat:Jika Anda ingin berganti smartphone/tablet, gunakan akun Googleyangsama di kedua perangkat Anda. Kemudian lakukan Restore Data(darihasil Backup terakhir). Lisensi akan aktif kembali secaraotomatis,Anda tidak perlu membeli lisensi lagi.#CATATAN: Kami sarankan untuk selalu Backup Data secararutin,menggunakan akun Dropbox Anda. Untuk menjamin keamanandataAnda.Pembelian:Kami bekerja keras di Nuna Studio menyediakan perlengkapanuntukmemaksimalkan penggunaan Aplikasi Nuna Cashier.Nuna Studio menyediakan:+ Printer Bluetooth untuk Android (cek Lisensi Aplikasi Nuna Admin (cek Kertas Struk 57×40mm (cek Karyawan:Jika Anda memiliki karyawan Kasir, gunakan Nuna ClientCashier.Download gratis di .​Nuna Client hanya memiliki hak akses terbatas, untukmelayanipenjualan saja. Nuna Client adalah gratis, tanpalisensi.Penggunaan Nuna Client adalah sebagai akun kasir tambahandengankonektifitas Wifi tethering​ lokal - tanpa internet.#PENTING!!1. Wifi tethering​ (hotspot) harus diaktifkan dari perangkatNunaAdmin, baik smartphone/tablet, maupun Wifi Router.2. Hanya Nuna Admin saja yang perlu dihubungkan via bluetoothkeprinter. Nuna Client hanya mengirim perintah print ke NunaAdmin,cukup 1 printer dalam satu toko.Silahkan kirim email ke [email protected] jika Andamemilikipertanyaan dalam penggunaan aplikasi ini. Terima kasihtelahmengunduh aplikasi ini, dan kami akan sangat senang jikaAndabersedia memberi G+1 dan Rating ***** di Google Play.Copyright Icon by: Victor Ivlichev <[email protected]>* This app is FreeTrial(free trial), see the "License" below.__________Nuna Handheld Cashier(Translation: Teller Handheld Nuna)Nuna (Admin) Cashier makes you like having the entirestorecheckout purposes. Starting from the barcode scan, airportsales,fund management, to print receipt."More Efficient, without a computer!"Nuna Admin is the application Point-of-Sale (POS) which can beusedprofessionally in stores, stalls, or other entrepreneurs suchasself-service in general.These super-complete application will serve allyourentrepreneurial activities, both retail and wholesale sales,debts,up to customer data and supplier data.Application menu:+ Input data (product, stock)+ Manage Sales & Purchase+ Data (product, customer & supplier)+ Reports (turnover, cash, accounts payable, accountsreceivable,balances)+ Scan Barcode (depending on the response autofocus device)+ Print Receipt (required printer with Bluetooth; optional)+ Can also be used together with other employees, use NunaClientvia Wifi (tethering).Trial Version:This application is a trial version with some restrictions.Namely:a maximum of 20 types of goods and 50 transactions safes. Ifusagehas reached the maximum limit of the transaction, theapplicationwill be closed automatically after a few secondsopened.Admin License:Licenses are required for the app ad-free and there is no limittothe number of products and transactions safes. Only needonelicense for one Admin, valid forever. Licenses are not affectedbyDelete Data and repair (servicing).Get a License in Tool:If you want to change the smartphone / tablet, use the sameGoogleaccount on both your device. Then do Restore Data (from thelastbackup). The license will be automatically reactivated, you donotneed to buy a license again.# Note: We recommend to always backup data regularly, usingyourDropbox account. To ensure the safety of your data.Purchase:We work hard at Nuna Studio provides equipment to maximize theuseof the Application Nuna Cashier.Nuna Studio presents:+ Bluetooth Printer for Android (check Admin Application License Nuna (check Receipt Paper 57 × 40mm (check Access:If you have employees cashier, use Nuna Client Cashier.Freedownload at Client only has limited access rights, to serve thesalesonly. Nuna Client is free, without a license. Nuna Clientusage isas an extra cashier account with local tethering Wificonnectivity- without the internet.#IMPORTANT!!1. Wifi tethering (hotspot) must be enabled on the deviceNunaAdmin, both smartphones / tablets, as well as WifiRouter.2. Only Admin Nuna who need to be connected via Bluetooth toaprinter. Nuna Client only sends the print command to NunaAdmin,just one printers in one shop.Please send an email to [email protected] if youhavequestions on the use of this application. Thanks fordownloadingthis application, and we will be very happy if you arewilling togive G + 1 and Rating ***** on Google Play.Copyright Icon by: Victor Ivlichev <[email protected]>
Nuna Client (untuk Nuna Admin) 1.5
Nuna Studio
PENTING DIBACA, SEBELUM DIPASANG!!!Tidak bisa digunakan sendiri, tanpa Nuna (Admin). Andaharusmemasang aplikasi Nuna (Admin) terlebih dahulu. Aplikasi iniadalahGratis sebagai aplikasi tambahan untuk Nuna (Admin)Cashier.√ Download terlebih dahulu aplikasi Nuna Admin di Nuna Client ini hanya memiliki Hak Akses TERBATASuntukmelayani Penjualan melalui aplikasi Nuna Admin Cashier.Fungsi Aplikasi Nuna Client adalah:√ Penjualan (akses karyawan)√ Scan Barcode√ Cetak StrukNuna Client juga dapat melakukan Scan Barcode dan PrintStruk,tetapi akses dibatasi untuk pengaturan keuangan & stok.NunaClient Cashier adalah sebagai akun Kasir tambahandengankonektifitas Wifi Lokal - tanpa internet (tetheringdariAdmin).• Langkah pemasangan:Aplikasi Nuna Admin dan Nuna Client dipasang pada 2 perangkatyangberbeda, sedikitnya Anda harus menyediakan duaperangkatAndroid.√ Nuna Admin...(1.) Instal Aplikasi Nuna Admin Cashier terlebih dahulu. Downloaddi Masukkan semua Data Kasir, yaitu username &password,pengaturan toko dan seterusnya.√ Nuna Client...(3.) Kemudian instal Aplikasi Nuna Client Cashier ini, dannyalakanWifi di perangkat Admin.(4.) Jika aplikasi Nuna Client ini berada dalam satu area WifiLokal(tethering dari Admin), maka akan terkoneksi secaraotomatis.#PENTING!!1. Wifi tethering​ harus diaktifkan dari perangkat Nuna Admin,baiksmartphone/tablet, maupun Wifi Router.2. Hanya Nuna Admin saja yang perlu dihubungkan via bluetoothkeprinter. Nuna Client hanya mengirim perintah print ke NunaAdmin,cukup 1 printer dalam satu toko.• Lisensi:Aplikasi Nuna Client ini Gratis, tidak memerlukan Lisensi.Hanyapada aplikasi Nuna Admin saja yang memerlukan Lisensi.Kami bekerja keras di Nuna Studio ( danmenyediakanperlengkapan untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan AplikasiNuna Cashierini.Nuna Studio menyediakan:√ Printer Bluetooth untuk Android√ Lisensi Aplikasi Nuna Admin√ Kertas Struk ThermalSilahkan kirim email ke [email protected] jikaAndamengalami kesulitan dalam penggunaan Aplikasi ini. Terimakasihtelah mengunduh aplikasi ini, dan kami akan sangat senang jikaAndabersedia memberi G+1 dan Rating ★★★★★ pada Aplikasi kami.Copyright Icon by: Victor Ivlichev <[email protected]>IMPORTANT READBEFOREINSTALLED !!!Can not be used alone, without Nuna (Admin). You must installtheapplication Nuna (Admin) in advance. This application isInternet asan additional application for Nuna (Admin) Cashier.√ Download the first application in the Admin Nuna Client application only has limited access rights toservicesales through the application of Nuna Admin Cashier. Nuna Client Application function is:√ Sales (employee access)√ Scan Barcode√ Print ReceiptNuna Client can also perform Barcode Scan and Print receipt,butaccess is restricted to the financial arrangements and stock.NunaClient cashier Cashier is as an additional account with LocalWificonnectivity - without the internet (tethering of Admin).• Step installation:Nuna Nuna Application Admin and Client are installed ontwodifferent devices, you must provide at least twoAndroiddevices.√ Nuna Admin ...(1.) Install Application Admin Cashier Nuna first. Downloadin Enter all Data cashier, that username and password,settingshops and so on.√ Nuna Client ...(3) Then install the Client Applications Nuna this Cashier, andturnon the Wifi in the Admin.(4.) If Nuna Client application is in the area of ​​LocalWifi(tethering of Admin), it will be connected automatically.#IMPORTANT!!1. Wifi tethering must be activated from the Nuna Admin,goodsmartphone / tablet, or Wifi Router.2. Only Nuna Admins who need to be connected via Bluetooth toaprinter. Nuna Client only sends the print command to NunaAdmin,just one printers in one shop.• License:Nuna Client application is free, does not require License.Onlyapplications that require only Nuna Admin License.We work hard at Nuna Studio ( and provideequipmentto maximize the use of this application is NunaCashier.Nuna Studio provides:√ Bluetooth Printer for Android√ License Application Nuna Admin√ Thermal Receipt PaperPlease send an email to [email protected] if youhavedifficulty in using this app. Thank you for downloadingthisapplication, and we will be very happy if you are willing togive G+ 1 and Rating ★★★★★ in our application.Copyright Icon by: Victor Ivlichev <[email protected]>
BPM - Mesin Kasir Android POS 3.0.7
Punya usaha Kuliner Rombong, Kios di Mall, Toko Oleh2,GiftShop,Depot ? Pengen pakai Cash-Register tapi Mahal dan MakanTempat?Kini hadir Mesin Kasir berbasis Android denganmenggunakanTablet7" *(kompatibel dengan beberapa merk) dan MiniPrinter POS.DenganBee POS Mobile (BPM) anda bisa : - Cetak Nota :InputTransaksiMudah dan Menyenangkan, tinggal sentuh Foto/Icon Itemyangdijualsejumlah quantitynya, Pilih Jumlah Pembayaran(ditawarkannominalterdekat otomatis) .... Nota penjualan langsungtercetak -CetakSlip Setoran : Sudah nggak jaman karyawan mestirekap danmengarangnota (karena pas ramai gak sempat bikin nota)untuksetoran.Tinggal klik menu Tutup Kasir, Slip Setoran (modalawal +TotalPenjualan) sekaligus Rekap Penjualan per Item akan diCetak.Andasebagai Owner akan di SMS otomatis waktu Tutup Kasir(andaakandapat SMS per outlet) - SMS Report : Tidak perlu lagiandaseringnelpon ke outlet sekedar menanyakan Omzet, dengan BeePOSMobileanda akan dapat SMS otomatis dari tiap-tiapoutlet,terjadwalsesuai waktu yang sudah anda program sebelumnya.Misal Jam13:00,Jam 18:00 dst. - Laporan : Salah satu kelemahanbisnis UKMadalahpencatatan, kini itu semua sudah langsung tersedialengkapapabilaanda menggunakan Bee POS Mobile. Cetak SlipSetoran,RekapPenjualan per Item, Total Penjualan Harian, Bulanansemudah 1xkliksaja. N.B. BeePOSMobile yang hadir melalui PlayStoremerupakanBeePOSMobile versi free, dimana terdapat batasanuntuktransaksiper hari yaitu sebesar Rp. 250.000 atau 25transaksi.Untuk membeliBeePOSMobile versi full,silahkanmenuju
POS (Point of Sale) IREAP LITE 2.94
Are you having a hard time with manual invoice andtrackinginventoryof your shop? IREAP LITE POS (Point of Sale) is aFREEstore cashierapplication for Shops, FREE without DataandTransaction Limitation,and NO ADS. Runs OFFLINE noInternetconnection except for backupsales data. Suitable for foodstalls,coffee shops, cafes,restaurants, salon, barbershop,workshops,mini market, grocerystores, fashion shops, clothesshops, shoeshops, eyewear shops,clinics, spas, and services suchas carservices. This IREAP LITEcashier application is VERY EASY touse.So you DO NOT NEED to readthe instructions / manual to useitbecause it is VERY EASY. MoreInfo please visitwww.ireappos.comHelp pleasevisit StoresandMulti Users Feature can use iREAP PRO PointofSale/cashierversion POINT OF SALE - Fast and accurate Point ofSaletransaction byscanning a barcode using a camera orbarcodescanner. - Customerrecording and customer-basedtransactionreporting - AutomaticallyCalculate Sales Profit -Printingreceipts, with wifi and bluetoothprinters, 30+modelavailable,list of printersarehere MANAGEMENT - Inventory Control: Goods Receipt,GoodIssue,Stock balance - Automatic Inventory Costing:MovingAverageCalculation Method or Standard Cost MANAGEMENT&REPORTING -Sales Reports: profit by product, TOPselling,inventory audit -Graphics reporting - Email/Share Reportusing anychat, social mediaapps - Design for tablet on cashiermodule -Backup & Restore DBto Google Drive or Local Drive
Cash Register - FREE 2.0.21
Are you looking for an alternative to enter the items ofyourfoodstall, garage sale or any other kind of sales booth?Thiscashregister offers the solution! Usually, big sales dealslackthespace and power supply to plug in a great cashregister.However,sales people can make use of a technology ofwhicheverybodydisposes anyway: use the cash register app and turnyoursmartphone into a cash register! At the moment, youreceiveourapplication as a 1-place solution: all items are beingenteredonyour user -respectively cashier- account. Look forwardtotheupcoming updates: we’re working on an option thatletsseveralcashiers enter the items at the same time. Then,thisapplicationwill clearly facilitate an attribution of entereditemsto therespective cashier and thus facilitates your accountatclosingtime. Currently, you can already use thefollowinghighlights ofthis proceeding application for free: +automaticallysumming up ofthe entered items: you save a lot of timewhileaccounting atclosing time or shift changeover + speedandassortment of goods atseller’s option: per each sheet, 20 keyscanbe allocatedindividually so that the respective goods andtheirexact price canbe booked with just one single click. Havingmorethan 20 goods,you can individually arrange them on severalsinglesheets saving20 goods per sheet. + no need of any knowledgeofprogramming: thebuttons and their allocation can be varied inaclearly-arrangedchart + the sold goods and the number of itemscaneasily beexported. You can already check in the evening whichitemswerebestsellers of the day and which items do not have tobereorderedright away. + a better overview, especially fornewemployees:various colours (for example for food and drinks)offer abetterusability + facts and figures: using this application,youreceivea fast survey of the total revenue and especiallyitsattributionto respective products It has never been easiertoreceive a surveyof the daily successes for self-employees.Pleasenotice that thisapplication is in process of development andis anoffer free ofcharge. It practically offers all functions of acashregister.However, we cannot guarantee a legally compliantaccountat themoment since this would require a full permissionoftaxauthorities. The cash register application is a toolwhichoffers asurvey and helps accounting- it cannot replace thefulllegaldocumentation though. Please mind your tax computationandadhereto deadlines on your own responsibility. The programmerof„cashregister for free“assumes no liability.
 Before reallytestingtheapplication, have a look at the application’s featuresand testthebest allocation of the buttons. If you’re reallyenthusiasticaboutour application, we are looking forward to anevaluationwhichprovides an orientation for other users. If youhavesuggestionsfor improvement or remark anything that does notworkproperly yet,we are looking forward to your feedbackbeingaddressed to:[email protected] Let us know what does notansweryour wishes yetso that we can identify the room forimprovement andput it intopractice.
Cash Register 1.02
------------------- - no permissions - no advertising -supportthedeveloper ------------------- Are you looking for analternativetoenter the items of your food stall, garage sale or anyotherkindof sales booth? This cash register offers thesolution!Usually,big sales deals lack the space and power supply toplug ina greatcash register. However, sales people can make use ofatechnologyof which everybody disposes anyway: use the cashregisterapp andturn your smart phone into a cash register! At themoment,youreceive our application as a 1-place solution: all itemsarebeingentered on your user -respectively cashier- account.Lookforwardto the upcoming updates: we’re working on an optionthatletsseveral cashiers enter the items at the same time.Then,thisapplication will clearly facilitate an attribution ofentereditemsto the respective cashier and thus facilitates youraccountatclosing time. Currently, you can already usethefollowinghighlights of this proceeding application for free:+automaticallysumming up of the entered items: you save a lotoftime whileaccounting at closing time or shift changeover +speedandassortment of goods at seller’s option: per each sheet, 20keyscanbe allocated individually so that the respective goodsandtheirexact price can be booked with just one single click.Havingmorethan 20 goods, you can individually arrange them onseveralsinglesheets saving 20 goods per sheet. + no need of anyknowledgeofprogramming: the buttons and their allocation can bevaried inaclearly-arranged chart + the sold goods and the number ofitemscaneasily be exported. You can already check in theeveningwhichitems were bestsellers of the day and which items donot haveto bereordered right away. + a better overview, especiallyfornewemployees: various colours (for example for food anddrinks)offera better usability + facts and figures: usingthisapplication, youreceive a fast survey of the total revenueandespecially itsattribution to respective products It has neverbeeneasier toreceive a survey of the daily successesforself-employees. Pleasenotice that this application is in processofdevelopment and is anoffer free of charge. It practicallyoffersall functions of a cashregister. However, we cannot guaranteealegally compliant accountat the moment since this would requireafull permission of taxauthorities. The cash register applicationisa tool which offers asurvey and helps accounting- it cannotreplacethe full legaldocumentation though. Please mind yourtaxcomputation and adhereto deadlines on your own responsibility.Theprogrammer of „cashregister for free“assumes no liability.
Beforereally testing theapplication, have a look at theapplication’sfeatures and test thebest allocation of the buttons.If you’rereally enthusiastic aboutour application, we are lookingforward toan evaluation whichprovides an orientation for otherusers. If youhave suggestionsfor improvement or remark anythingthat does notwork properly yet,we are looking forward to yourfeedback beingaddressed to:[email protected] Let us know what doesnot answeryour wishes yetso that we can identify the room forimprovement andput it intopractice.
Cash Register 11.9.5
Selada MK
Helps your daily transaction, sell reload & electricity
POS Point of Sale - Cash Regis 1.10.48
POS Point of Sale - Cash Register
TabShop: POS & Point of Sales 212
Efficiently manage sales & invoicing with TabShop's POS app.
ELKASSA merupakan Aplikasi Point Of Sale(POS)atau program kasir berbasis Android yang dimiliki oleh PT.MozaikBintang Persada. Sesuai dengan semangat kami yaitu “TumbuhBersamaUMKM”, dengan harapan kami dapat membantu UMKM di Indoneisadapattumbuh dan berkembang. Aplikasi ELKASSA dapat terhubungdenganperangkat penunjang Point Of Sale (POS) seperti : BARCODESCNANNER,CASH DRAWER (laci uang), dan THERMAL PRINTER. AplikasiELKASSAmemiliki fitur-fitur yang dibutuhkan Anda dalam menjalankanbisnis.ELKASSA dapat di akses di fitur yang dimiliki ELKASSA, antara lain :- Support untuk segala jenis bisnis baik RETAIL maupunGROSIR.- Rekam Jejak Transaksi, Proses transaksi lebih cepatdanmenyenangkan : Proses lebih fleksibel jika ada perubahanharga,diskon, jumlah, dan satuan.- Kustomisasi Transaksi & Diskon- Manajemen Stok, Pencatatan stok lebih rapi dan akurat.- Tata Kelola Produk, Pengelolaan produk lebihdapatterkontrol.- Manajemen Pelanggan, Tingkatkan kenyamanan pelanggandenganpengelolaan pelanggan yang lebih baik.- Manajemen Supplier, Pengelolaan supplier lebih mudah.- Multi Cabang, Integrasikan dan dapatkan kontrol penuhsetiapcabang dari bisnis Anda.- Dashboard & Laporan, Cukup Pantau proses bisnis anda,semualaporan serahkan kepada ELKASSA.- Sinkronisasi & Update Data, Sinkronasikan data kesemuaperangkat Anda- Dan banyak lainnyaUntuk info lebih lanjut dan support, hubungi kami :Alamat : Jl. Pondok Betung Raya Ruko No. 10 D Bintaro (Sektor3)Kecamatan Pondok Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten.Email : [email protected] : (021) 7375096ELKASSA anApplicationPoint Of Sale (POS) or cashier's Android-based programowned by PT.Mozaik Star Persada. In keeping with our spirit of"GrowingTogether SMEs", in the hope we can help SMEs in Indoneisacan growand develop. ELKASSA applications can connect withdevicessupporting Point Of Sale (POS) such as: BARCODE SCNANNER,CASHDRAWER (drawer of money), and THERMAL PRINTER. ELKASSAapplicationshave features that are required in running yourbusiness. ELKASSAcan be accessed at for the features of the ELKASSA, among others:- Support for all types of businesses both RETAILandWHOLESALE.- Record of the transaction, the transaction process is fasterandfun: The process is more flexible if no change in price,discount,quantity, and unit.- Customization Transactions & Discounts- Stock Management, Recording of the stock is more neatandaccurate.- Governance Product, product management can be controlled.- Customer Management, Improve customer convenience withbettercustomer management.- Supplier management, supplier management easier.- Multi Branch, Integrate and get full control of every branchofbusiness.- Dashboard & Report, please Monitor your businessprocesses,all the reports and submit to ELKASSA.- Synchronization & Data Update, Sinkronasikan data to allyourdevices- And many othersFor more information and support, contact us:Address: Jl. Raya Pondok Betung office No. 10 D Bintaro (Sector3)Sub Pondok Aren, South Tangerang City, Banten.Email: [email protected]: (021) 7375096
Pawoon: Kasir / POS Online 2.27.0
Start using Pawoon & accept digital payments (GoPay, OVO,Dana,LinkAja)
iPos 4 Mobile 2.1.1
Mobile modules to access applications from the Store ProgramIPOS4.0 smartphone
Dotypos PoS system 1.236.26
The Dotypos app, used with a high-quality touch cashregisterandother accessories, presents an affordablepoint-of-salebusinesssolution for gastronomy, accommodationservices, shops orprovidersof various services. Dotypos offers manyuseful featuresthat helpyou manage your business with ease and keepattractingnewcustomers. It means you are not getting just a PoSsystem, butalsoa reliable helping hand for your operation. Try thefullversion ofthe Dotypos app FOR FREE FOR 30 DAYS • The Dotyposapp issuitablefor small and medium-sized shops, restaurantsandcafés,accommodation services, stand sales, craftsmen andsoletraders andall other types of services and business • Fivesystemsin one –PoS, stock, reservation, attendance and ordering •Alsooffers adetailed overview of your operation, stock andemployees •Runs onthe Android platform • Includes an easy-to-enableEETfeature •Works offline; no internet connection required •Automateddatabasebackups in case the internet connection or EETserver goesdownMain benefits: • 24/7 technical and customer support•Unlimitednumber of items, categories and receipts •Stockmanagement –Stocktaking, warehouse management,operations,ingredients • Cloud– detailed overviews, reports andcharts •Detailed text and videoguides • Regular updates includingchangesin legislation Featuresfor restaurants and cafés: • MobileWaiter –ordering right at thetable • Warehouses – stocktaking,batch stockin, ingredients,warehouse operations… • Cloud – fullcontrol overyour business atany time and anywhere • Free ordersystem – • Loyaltyprogrammes, happy hours, sales andpromos •Connecting othersystems – Order, accounting or camerasystems andPoS terminalsFeatures for shops and services: • Connectyour PoS toan e-shop •Stock system – ingredients, batch stock in,stocktaking,supplieroverview • Detailed reports, overviews andcharts in aCloud •Support for connecting certified scales, barcodereadersandoptional accessories • Accepting bonus, customer anddiscountcards• Making reservations via a reservation system •Option ofusingmultiple reg. numbers at one PoS Integrations andconnections:•Order system – Vyzvednisi, Adaptee Gastro • Shoptet –connectyourPoS to an e-shop • Connecting PoS terminals, theNetrexcamerasystem or to Qerko • Using an API, the PoS can beconnectedtoother accounting, reservation, information or ERPsystems. APoSsystem for small and medium-sized shops, restaurantsandcafés,accommodation services, craftsmen and soletraders,hairdressers,cosmeticians and various other types ofbusiness…
W&O Restaurant POS Pro 12.10.2
Over 500k users, easy to use, save time and money, no monthlyfee,must try.
Cash Register 1.2.1
This app provides you a simple but efficient mobilecashregister.Items can be added and catogorized in a flash,andcalculatingchange was never easier. Long press on a categoryoritem to editor delete them.
QIWI Cashier 1.1.14
The program QIWI Cashier accepts payments addressed toover3,000service providers including mobile operators,internet,e-commerce,electronic cash, digital television, communalservices,as well asloan repayments, deposits to bank accounts andcredit anddebitcards with the help of a cell phone.
Microinvest DataCollector 3.07.008
Microinvest DataCollector for Android isanadvanced barcode scanning app that provides automation ofstockcontrol and inventory management. The newest Microinvest appallowsimplementation of digital customer service, remote connectionwithPOS system. Using Microinvest DataCollector for Androidwillincrease every salesman’s effectiveness and as a resultmorecustomers will be served.All the specifics of everyday work were taken intoconsiderationwhile developing Microinvest DataCollector forAndroid. As a resultthe app is modified to meet all cashiers needsproviding an optimumbalance between simplicity and efficiency. Theuser-friendlyinterface offers a smooth navigation of item inventoryand stocks.Microinvest DataCollector for Android will improve thecustomerservice and efficiency and increase revenue generationcapabilityof the business.The advantages, which Microinvest DataCollector for Androidgivesyou:1. Incredibly fast work of the salesman and convenienceinaccomplishing their daily activities;2. Intuitive interface, easy to learn and accessible toeverycashier;3. Optimization of the time for inventory control withensuringminimal processing time for an operation;4. Low system requirements for the hardware device andcompatibilitywith wide range of Android devices;5. Integration with many computer systems for POS business.6. Multilanguage support, easy to translate toanotherlanguage;7. Adaptable to client’s or software company requirements;8. Irreplaceable assistant in customer service.Microinvest DataCollector for Android might work in 4differentregimes for data exchange:1. As a part of the Microinvest Warehouse Pro POS softwaresystem( through acentralSQL server (MS SQL or MySQL). On-Line or Off-Line modeofwork;2. Demo mode with autonomously embedded database withoutconnectionto another system.A big advantage of the app is the ability for connectionviaWi-Fi and GPRS technology which allows remote work andaccumulationof sales to a central server, operating in a networkandmulti-users interface.Install the app and check how it works with real data. Changethesettings and enjoy Microinvest DataCollector for Androidbenefits!For more information visit
Software Laundry 1.6
Software Laundry dari Bee Accounting.Program laundry berbasis android APK ini dibuat khususuntukmemanajemen administrasi usaha laundry sehingga fleksibel danmudahdigunakan. Kasir hanya perlu memilih jasa & dikelompokkansendiri terlebih dahulu (cuci kering, cuci basah,cucikering+setrika). Jenis layanan / paket laundry dapatdidefinisikansendiri (contoh : kilat, reguler, basah, kering,setrika, dll).Aplikasi Laundry juga mendukung layanan notifikasiSMS otomatiskepada customer ketika proses laundry telah selesai.Spesifikasi Fitur "Software Laundry" :> Transaksi Kiloan.> Auto add New Member> Seting Harga> Laporan :- Pemasukan- Transaksi- Print nota> Buka Kasir :- Set modal> Tutup Kasir :- Total pemasukan- Saldo akhir- Cetak slip setoran> Progress (proses/status pengerjaan laundry)> Master- Item- Paket> Notifikasi SMS otomatis saat proses laundry selesai.Silakan download software laundry atau aplikasi laundryberbasisAPK ini untuk usaha laundry anda.Untuk aktivasi, silahkan order lisensi melalui linkberikut
Restaurant SMART POS 5.10809
Must have system for those who run restaurant, cafe,bar,coffeeshop. FoodZaps is an integrated QR/Web Ordering,POS,eWaiter,eKitchen, TV Menu Board and Queue that allow yourstaffsandcustomers view and place order any time any where. TheQR/WebMenuOrdering can be easily setup within 5 mins. FoodZapsalsoprovideintegrated customer loyalty program which requirenophysical cardand easy to signup.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FoodZapsis aone-stopsolution used by waiters, to key in orders, ordoubleconfirmSelf-Ordering from customers, on the spot real-timeandon-premise,with your choice of Android operating devices,tablet,hand-heldmobile and terminals. The orders will be sentimmediatelyto theKitchen Printer and Kitchen Display Unit. There isno needfor staffto memorise the menu, as the menu is displayed onthehandhelddevice, a great opportunity for the staff to upsell,focusonhospitality and level up the customer experience.AbsoluteBenefits:• Let your customer self-order using their ownmobile(Apple andAndroid) • Use Pineapple Loyalty to reward yourcustomer• Let yourwaiter up-sell and suggest popular dishrecommendations• Orderaccuracy eliminates writing errors andmissing papersorders • Startor Continue to order at any time, forany table •Order are sentimmediately from the eWaiter to theKitchen • Easyconfiguration •Increase in labour efficiency •Flexible HardwareFoodZaps has afull suite of solutions that allowyou to choose therighttechnology that fits into your business modeland budget toachievethe ultimate business goals with greatercustomerexperience.Customer Self-Order - Using Customer’s OwnMobile -Scan QR &Self-Order - Pineapple Loyalty (auto sign upwithFacebook andGoogle) Dine-In Restaurant - SMART POS -MobileeWaiter Grab &Go - SMART POS - Customer Display -QueueDisplay Kitchen - KitchenDisplay Unit - Inventory Staff-Attendance (Clock In/Out) - OrderHistory - Access Control-Performance Report - Auto Email - AutoBackup - OnlinePortalFoodZaps POS help to save money, savemanpower, bettercustomerexperience and increase sales! FoodZaps isalso the GrandWinner ofSingapore’s IT Federation, Best InnovativeInfocomm Product-Digital Services (Gold) Award 2017. If you needmore support,pleaseclick on the followinglink:
Thrive - Small Business App 1.0.4
See how your business is performing in thepalmof your hand anytime, anywhere. Created exclusively formobiledevices so that you can be successful as a small businessowner,even when you step away. Empower your business to thrive!BRING YOUR DATA TO LIFEGet real-time sales, profitability and social media data soyouknow exactly how your business is doing. Understand whicheventshave impacted your sales, such as promotions, discounts,weather,and theft. Access social media tracking for Facebook andInstagramplus Yelp user reviews and campaign activity fromMailChimp and nowalso from Constant Contact.EMPOWER YOUR BUSINESS TO THRIVEBy having instant access to your daily, 7-day, and 30 daysales,you can take immediate action to impact your business.Real-timenotification options for every sale, hourly sales recaps,refunds,discounts and more so you know exactly what’s happeninginside yourstore, even when you’re not there!We love feedback! Email us at [email protected]
Cash register for point of sale 1.0.46
FREE cash register software for point of sale. Freeonlinecashregister is a tool available in order to record saleswithyourtablet, computer, or mobile device. Everything that isfreenowwill stay free forever. This app lets you configure a setofitemsbelonging to departements, you can affect VATs todepartments,anddiscounts, you can handle client accounts, printreceipts(ifconnected to a printer), or accept credit card payment.Veryeasyto set-up : in the configuration page, simply click on afieldtoedit it, then press return to save. Get yourdaily/monthlyreportsexported in Excel, CSV or PDF or get graphs ofyour sales.You canalso go to inorder to usethecash register on a web browser.
Restaurant Point of Sale | Cash Register - W&O POS 11.12.10
W&O POS - Restaurant Point of Sale is a phone/tablet POSbuiltfor restaurant to allow you easily use pos system.W&ORestaurant POS - Point of Sale is perfect for diningrestaurant,quick service restaurant, bar/nightclub, pizzeria andcoffee shops,food trucks and food events. No monthly or annualfees. No needInternet connection. Key Features ★ Support dinner in,takeout, taband delivery ordering ★ Print receipt, kitchen, bar,order, report★ Various discount, gratuity, surcharge and tax ★Flexiblepermissions ★ Sales reports ★ Table reservations ★ Pay in& payout ★ Expense management ★ Customer membership ★Inventorymanagement ★ Kitchen display ★ Delivery management How tosetupprinters Printer setupguide: Supportfollowingprinters: 1. W&O POS Printer Adapter (Support all kindofprinters) Download PC-PrinterAdapter 2.Wi-Fi/Lan orUSB (Support most thermal printers with ESC/POSCommand) Bestsupport printer:TSP143LAN( printer (Support specific printers with ESC/POSCommand)Best support printer: StarSM-L200( supports FireTablets about thehardware How to use withW&OKitchen DisplaySystem full version Tosupportmultiple phones/tablets taking order at same time, you willneedserver version, you can download the trial version fromourwebsite. To get userguide To report bugsorrequest features P.S.If you like theapp,we will love it if you could give us a good rating. It reallydoeshelp on our mission to making small business Point of Sale asfastand hassle-free as possible. Thank you for choosing our W&OPOSsystem!