Top 2 Apps Similar to Change to Kaizen

5s Lean Manufacturing 1.0
Understanding what lean manufacturingisdoesnot take rocket science, nor does it take a conferenceoftenexperts to bear down to the basic concepts. Simplyput,leanmanufacturing is the achievement of the greatestefficiencyandprofitability for a company by eliminating thewasteful methodsandactivities that are commonly present incorporate regimes.At first glance, some firms are intimated with thethoughtofadopting lean manufacturing because of its fancysoundingname.But, if truth be told, it is actually easier thanseems. Whatyoujust need to have is the dedication and thediscipline toseethings through and make change happen.
Lean Manufacturing Lite 3.05
★ Deploy Lean Manufacturing to significantly improvetheoperationalefficiency of your Production System: reducingwastesand maximizingprofits. This approach is particularlyeffective inthis currentperiod of economic crisis. This will giveyou a strongcompetitiveadvantage. ★ This application allows you to:- deployLeanManufacturing (Paid version only): tool by tool, areaby area,by abusiness approach, - continuously treat productiondataonworkplace, in collaboration with operators. ★DeployLeanManufacturing around these pillars (Paid version only): -5S,-visual management, - standardization of operations,-productionleveling. ★ The “Deploy” part (Paid versiononly)consists ofpractical explanations, illustrated by manydrawings: -Determinewhere you should start your continuousimprovementapproach - Makework environment cleaner and safer -Developcommunication toolsthrough a visual management - Calculatetimereally available formanufacture - Identify and eliminate wastesofValue Added - Adjustproduction cycle on the need ofcustomerthrough Takt time - Assignresources strictly necessaryformanufacture - Reduce yourchangeover time - Build a Kanbansscheduleto manage workflow byJust-In-Time - Sustain Lean throughastructured approach ★Calculate easily major indicators ofLean:Required Time, Net Time,Fully Productive Time, AvailabilityRate,Quality rate, OEE OverallEquipment Effectiveness, AverageDailyDemand, Takt time,Resources, Kanban. ★ Send data (collectedandcalculated) by email.★ No particular knowledge is required tousethis application: -Lean beginners will appreciate: road map toselfdeploy Lean,topics that may be read independently,explanationswith lot ofdrawings, calculators for main Leanindicators, sendquestions toauthors; - Lean experts willappreciate: materials touse onworkplace, concrete examples. ★Improve this app: if you wantmoreinformation about a topic or ifyou want information about anewtopic, contact us:[email protected]. ★ Please,updatethis app to fullybenefit of new topics, bug fixes orperformanceimprovement. This appis updated regularly. ★ Keywords:5M, 5S,Continuous improvement,Demand Flow Technology, Gemba,Heijunka,Hoshin kanri, Jidoka,Just-In-Time, Kaizen, Kanbans,LeanManufacturing, Net time, OEEOverall Equipment Effectiveness,Muda,Mura, Muri, PDCA, Qualityrate, Resources, Six Sigma,SMED,Standardization, Strategydeployment, Takt time, U-cell,Valueadded, VSM, Wastes, world class.