Top 14 Apps Similar to 캐리티콘

캐리커쳐 메이커 1.0
Mcookie inc.
캐리커쳐 메이커(CARICATURE MAKER)는 내가 찍은사진으로자신만의캐리커쳐를 만드실 수 있는 어플리케이션입니다.사진을 선택하여 얼굴 꾸미기을 작업하고 헤어, 의상, 악세사리, 배경 등 다양한 아이템을 골라서 넣을 수있고캐리커쳐메이커(CARICATURE MAKER)를 통해 나의 친구들, 연인, 좋아하는 스타들을 만들어서 공유할수있습니다.Tip) 사진은 정면 사진으로 사용해야 캐리커쳐가 예쁘게 잘 나옵니다.----개발자 연락처 :경기도 안양시 동안구 호계동 1039번지G.Square 18층 C1호+82313408292Makingcaricatures(CARICATURE MAKER) is an application that cancreate acaricatureof your own photos I took.Kkumigieul working face by selecting a photo andhair,clothes,accessories, background, etc. can put a variety ofitems topickcaricature maker (CARICATURE MAKER) with my friends,lover, youcanshare your favorite make them stars.Tip) picture comes out pretty well is to use as afrontphotographcaricature.
캐리커쳐 마키 1.2.1
Customized Character Caricature Production Service
AR-Business Card 1.5
Color PopUp Augmented reality AR-Business Card
스티커스토어 무료 스티커 이모티콘 대두스티커 주문제작! 1.1.3
본 앱은 기존의 캐릭터 위주로 제작되어지는 스티커 앱과는 달리 일상에서 사용되는모든감정과 감성을 전달하는 스티커로 개발되었으며, 검색어로 쉽게 검색하여 SNS에 바로 적용할 수 있는 새로운개념의비즈니스모델(BM)로 프리랜서와 사용자의 온-오프라인 복합 융합서비스로 개발되어진 애플리케이션입니다.★★ 프리랜서 전문 작가가 만들어주는 나만의 스티커!!!!! ★★스티커스토어는 무료스티커를 사용하며 적립한 포인트로, “우리아이, 가족, 연인, 친구, 상사, 홍보, 영업용 움짤스티커명함”을 프리랜서 전문 작가님들이 제작해 드리는 새로운 방식의 스티커앱 입니다. 바라건대 프리랜서 작가님들의수익창출을위한 새로운 창작터가 되길 원합니다.★★ 사용방법 ★★예쁘고 선명하게 나온 사진을 앨범에서 또는 핸드폰으로 사진 촬영하여 요구사항(문구,형태)을 입력, 전송만 하면작가가접수확인 알림, 작업완료 알림 등 진행사항을 보내드립니다. 작가가 보낸 완성된 나만의 스티커를 다운, 공유하여SNS스티커 또는 인쇄용으로 활용하시면 됩니다. 받으신 스티커를 작가작품으로 공개해 주시면 100포인트를추가선물한답니다.★★ 이렇게 사용해 보세요. ★★1. 작가의 개성이 듬뿍 묻어있는 신기하고 신선한 아이디어의 무료스티커는 사용자가 돈을 주거나 프로그램을 깔아야주는스티커가 아닙니다. 무료로 사용하시고 사용하실 때마다, 1포인트씩 적립도 해드립니다. 여러 가지 방법(추천,공유,다운, 작가 팔로우)으로 부지런히 무료 포인트를 적립하시다 보면 어느새 적립된 포인트가 늘어나 주문스티커를 의뢰하실수있습니다.2. 우리아기의 백일, 돌 사진으로 예쁘고 귀여운 대두 스티커를 만들어 보세요. 너무도 깜찍하고 귀여워 가족의입가에웃음이 넘쳐납니다.3. 커가는 아이의 사진으로 추억을 회상하며 귀여운 스티커를 만들어 보세요. 앙증맞은 아이들의 표정 스티커에 모두가즐거워한답니다.4. 친구의 생일날 스티커를 제작해서 선물해 보시는 것은 어떨까요? 친구의 캐릭터로 예쁜 핸드폰 케이스, 머그컵,텀블러,티셔츠, 액자로 선물해 보세요. 친구가 감동하지 않을까요?5. 연인의 커플티는 이제 그만, 커플스티커로 연인의 달콤한 사랑이야기를 주변에 알려 주세요. 그리고 결혼식 알림도귀엽고색다른 움짤 청첩장으로 전달해보면 어떨까요?6. 존경하는 은사님 그리고 기념일을 맞은 상사에게 작가님의 예쁜 그림액자와 더불어 서비스로 만들어 주는센스있는주문스티커 선물은 오래동안 기억에 남는 선물이 될 것입니다.7, 영업맨과, 음식점, 프랜차이즈, 자영업자, 양심있는 농부의 신뢰감을 홍보용 움짤스티커 명함으로 전해보세요.업무적인홍보수단 보단 당신의 감성까지 전달해 드립니다.8. 카카오톡, 카카오스토리, 라인, 마이피플, 페이스북, 트위터 등의 메신져와 SNS 플랫폼에 공유해 보세요.이전에보여진 스티커와 전혀 다른 반응과 호감도를 접하실 겁니다.★★고객과의 대화★★다양한 이벤트나 소식을 만나보세요~스티커스토어 페이스북 :★★스티커스토어는 창조경제타운 4기 우수아이템으로 선정된 사업입니다.★★----개발자 연락처 :서울특별시 강북구 오패산로30길 68 C-401(미아동)+821062386707----개발자 연락처 :서울시 강북구 오패산로30길 68 C-401010-6238-6707This app is a newconceptof business model has been developed as a sticker to passall thefeelings and emotions that are used in everyday life isdifferentand stickers that are made mainly existing character apps,searchqueries and can easily be applied directly to the SNS (BM )as afreelancer and your on-the application being developed asanoffline complex converged services.★★ freelance writer specializing in personalized stickers tomake!!!!! ★★Sticker Store the point of use and earn a free sticker,stickerapp's "My child, family, lovers, friends, boss,promotion,commercial umjjal Stickers Business Card" freelanceprofessionaljakganim are offering a new approach to production.Hopefully eagerto see the new creative foundation for monetizationof freelancejakganim.★★ ★★ How to usePretty clearly by shooting photos in an album or photo from amobilephone requirements (stationery, forms) to enter, simplytransferacknowledgment notification will be sent to the author,such as jobcompletion notification proceedings. Download your ownstickerswriter has sent the completed, you can simply share withSNSleverages stickers or printing. Please disclose giftsreceivedSticker Artwork handapnida additional 100 points.★★ Please do this with. ★★1. The marvelous and fresh ideas that has accumulated plentyofpersonality of the artist is not a sticker free stickers totheuser program jugeona NEEDED money. Each time you use and useforfree, we will also earn 1 point each. In many ways wo diligentlytoearn free points (recommendations, share, download, writersandfollow) the score and earn points that can be commissionedtoincrease order stickers.2. Feel my baby in one hundred days, the pretty and cutestickerswith soy stones photo. This will be full of laughter mouthof thecute and cuddly family too.3. recalls the memories of growing up with photos of childrenandFeel the cute stickers. Handapnida enjoy a big, warm, hugewelcometo all the children of the right face stickers.4. Why do not you see the birthday stickers Presented bymakingfriends? Beautiful cell phone case as a friend of thecharacter,mugs, tumblers, T-Shirts, presented framed look. Wouldnot impressyour friends?5. keopeulti lover will stop now, let me know a couple stickerwitha sweet love story of lovers around. And what about theweddinghaebomyeon notifications are also passed to the cute anduniquewedding invitations umjjal?6. in the sense to make a service with a pretty picture frame totheright of the jakganim boss eunsanim and anniversary gifts tohonororders sticker will be a memorable gift for a longtime.7, youngeopmaen and look deliver restaurants, franchises,businessowners, farmers with the confidence of conscienceumjjalpromotional sticker business cards. We deliver to businesspublicrelations tool rather than your emotions.8. Share it on Kakao Talk, cacao story line, my people, suchasFacebook, Twitter and SNS platform messenger. Jeophasilwouldtotally different reactions and likeability and stickersseenbefore.★★ ★★ dialogue with customersDiscover the wide range of events and news.Sticker StoreFacebook:★★ Stickers Store is a business that is selected as thecreativeeconomy Town Quaternary excellent item. ★★----Developer Contact:Seoul Gangbuk Oh paesan 30 road 68 C-401 (Mia-dong)+821062386707
Caricature Maker Pro 1.0
Mcookie inc.
Create professional qualitycaricaturesofyourself and others with Caricature Maker Pro!Caricature MakerProis a one-of-a-kind caricature creation utilitythat combinesyourcreativity and insight with a photo of yourchoice. Theresult?Caricatures that warm your heart, make you smile,or justplainearn laughs-out-loud!Don’t fall for photo filters that just simplifyanexistingphoto—the true value of a caricature is in its abilitytotrulycapture the subject’s personality. For that, a humantouchisrequired. Caricature Maker Pro allows you to incorporateyourowninput in order to create a truly expressive image, whiledoingallof the heavy lifting for you!Start with a photo, add a dash of technology, and spice itupwithyour own sense of humor—then save or share your resultsformaximumimpact! Brighten a friend’s day, create a completelyuniqueavatar,liven up your contact photos, or surprise yoursweetheartwithcaricatures of the two of you together—it’s up toyou!Features*Use a photo you’ve saved in your device’s photo album, ortakeaphoto from within the application*Simple touch screen controls tweak the placementofaddedfeatures over the photo*Extensive customization options ensure yourcaricaturecapturesthe subject—exaggerate, downplay, and enhanceindividualfeaturesto your heart’s content.*Once you’re satisfied with your creation, use ithoweveryou’dlike! Save it as an image in your album, or spread thelovebysharing with Facebook and Twitter through theapp’sintegratedsharing options! You can also email your caricaturefromwithin theapp.*Standard accessories and options are available bydefault,butcheck out the shop to really bring your caricature tolife withanever-growing inventory of items!
Caricatures & Cartoon Photo 33
Auto caricatures like cartoons with artistic filters from yourfacein photo
이미지 패러디 합성 2.4
이미지 패러디 합성카메라를 이용하여 원하는 사람을 촬영합니다. 또는 갤러리에 저장되어 있는 인물의 사진을 불러옵니다.선택한 사진을 적절한 크기로 잘라냅니다.제공되는 패러디 합성 효과는 다음과 같습니다.- 인간극장 합성- 카페베네- 그것이 알고 싶다- 런닝맨- 생활의 달인- 무한도전- VJ 특공대- News 합성- 만화 뉴스 합성- Psy 합성- 버스 광고판 합성- 빌딩 광고 합성- 야구장 광고 합성- 극장 합성- 90도 회전,- 유화 효과,- 연필 효과,- 조각 효과,- 스노우 효과,- 노이즈 효과,- 필름 효과,- 투명 효과,- 스케치 효과,- 작은 크기로 만들기,- X축 회전,- Y축 회전- 그레이 효과,- 흑백 효과,- 4레벨 효과,- 빨간색 강조 효과,- 녹색 강조 효과,- 파란색 강조 효과기타 제공 기능- 사진모서리를 둥글게 만들거나- 작업한 결과물을 저장- 카톡 전송- 이메일 전송,- 페이스북 전송,- 네이버 엔드라이브 전송 등의 공유 기능도 제공합니다.계속해서 다양한 효과가 업데이트됩니다.Synthetic image ParodyAnyone who wants to use the camera to shoot. It bringsthecharacters that are stored in the gallery of pictures.The selected photo is cut to the appropriate size.Offered Parody compositing effects are as follows:- Theatre synthetic humanVenetian cafe- I would like to know it.Running Man- The master of life.Infinite ChallengeVJ CommandoNews synthetic- Comic News synthetic.- Psy synthesis.- Synthesis billboards bus- Advertising synthetic building- Ballpark Advertising synthetic- Theatre synthetic- 90 degrees,- An oil painting effect,-Pencil effect of,-Piece effects,- Snow effect of,- The effects of noise,- Films effect,- Transparency effects,- Sketches effect,- Small in size, making- X-axis rotation,- Y-axis rotation- Gray effect,- Black and white effect,- 4-level effects,- Red emphasis,Green emphasis,-Blue highlight effects.Other offers functions- Photo or create rounded corners- Storing the job results- Katok transfer.E-mail this- Facebook transmission,-Such as Naver end live transfer, the ability to share.Continue to have a variety of effects is updated.
Caricature Maker Pro HD 1.0
Mcookie inc.
Create professional qualitycaricaturesofyourself and others with Caricature Maker Pro!Caricature MakerProis a one-of-a-kind caricature creation utilitythat combinesyourcreativity and insight with a photo of yourchoice. Theresult?Caricatures that warm your heart, make you smile,or justplainearn laughs-out-loud!Don’t fall for photo filters that just simplifyanexistingphoto—the true value of a caricature is in its abilitytotrulycapture the subject’s personality. For that, a humantouchisrequired. Caricature Maker Pro allows you to incorporateyourowninput in order to create a truly expressive image, whiledoingallof the heavy lifting for you!Start with a photo, add a dash of technology, and spice itupwithyour own sense of humor—then save or share your resultsformaximumimpact! Brighten a friend’s day, create a completelyuniqueavatar,liven up your contact photos, or surprise yoursweetheartwithcaricatures of the two of you together—it’s up toyou!Features*Use a photo you’ve saved in your device’s photo album, ortakeaphoto from within the application*Simple touch screen controls tweak the placementofaddedfeatures over the photo*Extensive customization options ensure yourcaricaturecapturesthe subject—exaggerate, downplay, and enhanceindividualfeaturesto your heart’s content.*Once you’re satisfied with your creation, use ithoweveryou’dlike! Save it as an image in your album, or spread thelovebysharing with Facebook and Twitter through theapp’sintegratedsharing options! You can also email your caricaturefromwithin theapp.*Standard accessories and options are available bydefault,butcheck out the shop to really bring your caricature tolife withanever-growing inventory of items!
캐리와 친구들 1.1.4
캐리와 장난감 친구들 (캐리, 엘리, 캐빈) 유튜브 채널 영상을 편리하게 볼수있도록 모아 놓은 앱입니다.- 해당 앱을 통해 발생하는 모든 수익은 원저작권자에게 가는 것을 미리 알려드립니다.- 언어 설정을 통해서 중국어와 한국어를 선택가능합니다. (중국어 컨텐츠와 한국어 컨텐츠는 100%일치 하지 않을수있습니다.)- 모든 영상은 무료로 시청이 가능하나 무제한 요금제가 아니신 분들은 WIFI 환경에서 사용하시길 권장합니다.본 어플리케이션에서 제공하는 모든 컨텐츠(영상, 이미지등 2차 저작물 포함)들은 Youtube의CopyrightManagement System에서 라이센스가 허용되는 컨텐츠들입니다.만약 저작권상 문제가 있다고 판단되는 저작권자 분들은 Youtube에서 해당 컨텐츠를 차단하시면 본 어플리케이션에서도함께차단됩니다.유튜브에 파트너사로 등록하고, Reference 영상을 등록하신 후 차단 혹은 광고수익분배모델을 택하실 수 있습니다.해당앱이 발생하는 트래픽(유튜브 시청)으로 인해 발생하는 모든 수익은 원저작권자에게 가는것을 미리알려드립니다.Carrie and sewntogetherapp toys Friends (Carey, Eli, cabin) to be viewedconvenientlyYoutube channel video.- all revenue generated by the app will tell in advance to go totheoriginal copyright holder.- through the language settings that you can choose from ChineseandKorean. (Chinese content with Korean content may notmatch100%.)- We recommend all video one can watch for free are those thatyouuse an unlimited plan ahnisin in WIFI environment.All content provided in this application (including derivativeworksvideo, images, etc.) are the content that is licensed onYoutube ofCopyright Management System.If the copyright owner who is determined that the copyrightissue,you block the content from Youtube is blocked in withthisapplication.After registration and attract partners, RegistrationReferencevideo on YouTube, you can choose to block oradvertisingrevenue-sharing model. All profits caused by traffic(YouTubeviewer) that caused the app will tell in advance to go totheoriginal copyright holder.
Cartoon Sketch Portrait Camera 1.1
Pencil sketch is a cool selfie camera.It isnotPencil Photo editor, but photo effects for cartoon photo whichwascreated by convert photo to crtoon tool. This Picture makerhelp tobeautify caricature image. We have polaroid effects,autofocus andmany other opportunities.You can give sketchy effect to your photo instantly withoutpenciland paper. You can adjust the levels as per yourchoice.This is free.Get followers easily. Get likes quickly. Get onlylivefollowers.All this we will help you to do with our amazing photo editorWe have quick link to momentcam editor to create cartoons.Momentcam - is a versatile image editor that you can use toquicklyedit your images. It has all the necessary toolsandeasy-to-understand user interface. In it everything that youcoulddo with your photos on your phone.With our photography editor you can:- One touch to improve your picture- Apply cool photo effects and frames- Apply the sticker- Change color balance- To make the crop, rotate and other main operations- Adjust brightness, contrast, color temperatureandsaturation- Sharpen and blur(focus)- Add text or mem- Create your own meme- Effects for momentcam picturesLine 360 effects can be easily applies to any photo in grid. Onthefirst sceen selfie shop of photos extracted from your gallerwillmake your work easy.So your photo collage live photo or photoswilllook smart bright and selfiest.
StickerBooth 3.1.7
My sticker made from my own picture
Moments Cartoon Masquerade Cam 1.1
Cartoon Masquerade Cam with fully loaded photo editor!
Caricature 1.14
Create caricatures in real time !!
アニメ検定アイカツばーじょん 0.0.2
大人気アニメ・ゲームの『アイカツ!-アイドルカツドウ-』のクイズアプリがとうじょう!アイドルを目指して日々アイカツ!をしている星宮いちご、霧矢あおい、柴吹らんなどのことをどれくらい知っていますか?アイカツのことがダイスキだったらぜんぶこたえられてとうぜん?答えは、いちごや、あおいが教えてくれるよ!クイズを楽しんでね^^【アプリのせつめい】・クイズは10問ずつあるよ・さいしょのがめんに戻るときは”戻る”ボタンで戻ってねOf the popularanimegame"Aikatsu! - Idle activities - "ofQuiz app appeared!Every day with the aim of Idol Aikatsu! I have aHoshimiya strawberries, Kiriya blue, that such Shiba吹 orchidHow long know have you?In that of Aikatsu is answer everything you were I loveOf course?The answer is, strawberries and, Aoi will tell!I enjoy the quiz ^^Description of the app]Quiz is by 10 questions• When you return to the screen of Saisho can I go back inthe"Back"button