Top 16 Games Similar to Jago Matematika

Math for Kids 1.2
"Math For Kids" educational game thathelpschildren learn math!The learning process takes place in the course of the gameinwhich the child needs to solve math exercises.You can choose the level of difficulty:- Addition with one or two digits- Subtraction with one or two digits- Multiplication with one or two digitsTell us about your experience and please rate our app and postacomment.If you have any questions, please email us.
Cerdas Matematika 1.6
Game ini merupakan kuismatematikauntukanakusia12 tahun ke atas dan orang dewasa.Dengan game ini kamu akan mudah dancepatmengertitentangoperasipenjumlahan, pengurangan, perkaliandanpembagian.Terdapat 3 jenis game yang dapat kamu mainkan.Dibuat di Yogyakarta,19 Desember 2013,SiswaMediaThis game isamathquizforchildren aged 12 years and over and adults.With this game you will easily and quicklyunderstandtheoperationsofaddition, subtraction, multiplication anddivision.There are three types of games that you can play.Created in Yogyakarta,December 19, 2013,SiswaMedia
Math vs. Undead: Math Workout 3.0
Peaksel Games
Use your math skills versus undead and win! Play Math vs.Undead:Math Workout.
Math games for kids: 1-2 grade 2.0.3
Fun math games: Learn addition, multiply & division withcoolvisual appeal!
Matematika 2 SD Gratis 1.4
Omukis Inc
Permainan ini adalah jenis permainan edukasi dengan matapelajaranmatematika yang dikhususkan untuk siswa siswa SD (SekolahDasar)kelas 2.Dengan permainan ini di harapkan dapat memberi manfaat bagianakanak indonesia dalam mencerdaskan bangsa.Semoga dengan permainan ini dapat menciptkan anak anakyangcerdas.Fitur :- Banyak latihan soal matematika (240 soal pilihan gandamaupunisian)- Beragam jenis soal- Fungsi share, jangan lupa beri tau juga teman teman- Beberapa musik klasik, untuk membantu penyerapan belajaranakanda- Tambah gambar untuk menarik minta belajarAkhir kata, selamat belajarThisgameis a kind of educational games with mathematics courses aredevotedto the students of elementary school students (elementaryschool)class 2.With this game expected to benefit Indonesian children inthenation.Hopefully this game can creating intelligent children.Features:- Many math exercises (240 multiple choice questionsandstuffing)- Various types of problems- Functions share, do not forget to also know the friend ofafriend- Some classical music, to help your child learntheabsorption- Add images to draw'm learningFinally, happy learning
Matematika 1 SD Gratis 1.12
Omukis Inc
Perminan ini adalah jenis permainanedukasidengan mata pelajaran matematika yang dikhususkan untuksiswa siswaSD (Sekolah Dasar) kelas 1.Dengan permainan ini di harapkan dapat memberi manfaat bagianakanak indonesia dalam mencerdaskan bangsa.Semoga dengan permainan ini dapat menciptkan anak anakyangcerdas.Fitur :- Banyak latihan soal matematika (250 soal pilihan gandamaupunisian)- Beragam jenis soal- Fungsi share, jangan lupa beri tau juga teman teman- Beberapa musik klasik, untuk membantu penyerapan belajaranakandaAkhir kata, selamat belajarPerminan This is a kindofeducational games in the subjects of mathematics devoted tostudentsof elementary school students (elementary school) class 1.With this game expected to benefit Indonesian children inthenation.Hopefully this game can creating intelligent children.Features:- Many practice math (250 multiple choice questionsorstuffing)- Various types of problems- Functions share, do not forget to give the tau also friends- Some classical music, to help your child learn absorptionFinally, congratulations to learn
Kids' Fun Math Learning 1.9.4
A fun-filled journey into math! Learn to add, subtract,multiply,and divide!
Čísla a matematika pro děti 2.13
Educational games for children. Counting for children 3-7years.1-100 numbers.
Pintar Cerdas Matematika 1.8
Smart and Intelligent Mathematics Series Addition & Reduction
Math for Kids: teach numbers 1.11
Teach numbers? Learn by playing! Soon swell the ranks ofyounggeniuses!
Math, Count & Numbers for Kids 1.1
Math, Count & Numbers for Kids –notjust exciting tasks a child can solve while playing, but alsothewhole adventure of happy animal-friends travelling from thecity tothe sea and the beach. Learning the numbers and countingnever wasso much fun – see for yourself! Works perfectly for kidsof 3 andup.***What will your child learn?***With the help of Math Numbers & Counting for Kids yourchildwill:- Learn the numbers- Learn to count to 10- Learn addition and subtraction- Learn what “zero” means- Remember the order of numbers from 1 to 10 and backwards***How to Play?***Happy friends – Crocodile, Monkey, Lemur and Hippo decided to gotothe sea for vacation. On the way to the beach they willpassthrough different locations – the city, the forest, the lakeandthe desert. In every place there are new interesting taskswaitingfor them:- In the city we’ll learn the numbers up to 10- In the forest the neighbor numbers are lost – we’ll be lookingforthem together- Next to the lake we’ll learn to count all kinds of objects- In the desert it will be time for lunch and we’ll see who atewhatand how much- By the sea we can play a bit and revise what we’ve learnedbydoing exciting tasks***Key features***- Nice lovable characters- Learn while playing – turning learning into fun- No advertisements – nothing distracts from playing- Everything is very simple, clear and pretty – works even forthesmallest kids- A great way for your kid to learn math!In the free version you can learn numbers from 1 to 5 and dothetasks for numbers memorizing, numbers order (up to 5), additionandsubtraction for numbers up to 5. No advertisements.For just $2.99 you can purchase the full version, which hasnumbersup to 10 and more tasks for revision.Join us on FaceBook:’ll be happy to answer all your questions and hearyousuggestions. Please write to [email protected] and togetherwe’llmake the Math, Count & Numbers for Kids thebestlearning app for small children!
Baby Panda's Number Friends
Addition and subtraction games to help children learnmathematicalskills!
Asah Otak Matematika 1.0
Asah Otak MatematikaAdalah salah satu Smart Education Games dengan latihanberhitungmenggunakan bilangan matematika dengan operasi penambahandanpengurangan. Ada tantangan tersendiri karena ada waktuuntukmembatasi kecepatan berpikir.Dengan latihan berhitung ini akan membantu mengasah otak kitadansangat membantu kehidupan kita sehari hariSangat cocok dan bermanfaat bagi siapa saja terutama untukanakanak dalam membantu pelajaran berhitung.Ayo download and mainkan segera.Selamat menikmati
Educational Maths for Kids 1.0.9
Educational Maths for Kids is a fun way tohelpchildren learn about maths. Also suitable for adults as thisis agood brain test and you can improve your math calculationsspeed.This game consist in resolve the puzzle by giving thecorrectresults of the operations that will appear randomly, See anexampleon the images above.This game is targeted to kids between 2-7 years old, soit'sperfect for preschooler's or even for more advanced one's.Let your kids have fun and learn at the same time,it'spossible!Learning:- Improve numbers identification- Improve their memory- Improve their skills in a puzzle solving games- Improve ability to work with numbersFeatures:- very challenging levels.- 3 game modes, puzzle easy, puzzle medium and puzzle hard.This is a casual and funny game, kids-oriented, a realchallengefor the children, download now!This full game is free, for this reason contains ads.
Математика для малышей 1.22
МАТЕМАТИКА ДЛЯ МАЛЕНЬКИХПрограмма УЧИМСЯ СЧИТАТЬ создана для обучения основам счетаиосвоению значений цифр.Простые арифмитические задачи, представлены в легкой игровой формеиориентированы на детей от 3 до 7 лет.Использование принципов педагогики в программепозволяетэффективно изучать основы счета, запоминать и повторятьзначенияцифр,правила их использования, а также закреплять знанияпоарифметике.Приложение будет полезно первоклассникам как формаотдыха,одновременно и повторения и формирования ученическогонастроя,который необходим для выполнения домашнего задания.Ребенок, вовлекаясь в непринужденный процесс игры,выполняетпростейшие интеллектуальные задачи. Каждый математическийпримерсопровождается смысловым рисунком и озвучен стихом про каждуюизцифр. При этом смысл четверостишья соответствует значению цифрыииллюстрирует ее.Данный инструмент значительно повышает эффективностьобучающийигры, так как формирует смысловые связи между значениемцифр имини-сюжетом стихотворения.Программа задействует все существующие инструментыобучения:озвучание, тактильная работа, адаптированныерисунки-иллюстрации,звуковые подсказки. Программа хвалит в случаеправильного ответа иуправляет процессом обучения.Главные педагогические принципы - наглядность,доступность,посильность и адекватность – реализованы вспецифическихособенностях приложения:рукописные иллюстрации в «советском» стиле создаюттворческоенастроение и интерес к учебе,озвучание диктором именно положительной иоптимистичнойинтонации,тактильная работа мелкой моторики для выбораправильногорешения,Знакомство с каждой цифрой происходит сразу на 3различныхуровнях усвоения и запоминания: образном - на рисунке,аудиальном –озвучанием диктором цифры и кратким четверостишьем,тактильном –для решения задачи необходимо пальцем переместитьцифру. Этопозволяет задействовать сразу 3 органа чувств, чтозначительноповышает качество обучающего процесса.MATHEMATICS FOR SMALLLearning to count program designed to teach the basics oftheaccount numbers and the development of values.Arifmiticheskie simple tasks presented in playful form andfocusedon children from 3 to 7 years.Using the principles of pedagogy in the program caneffectivelylearn the basics of the account, remember and repeat thevalue ofdigits,rules for their use, as well as to consolidate knowledgeofarithmetic.Application will be useful to first-graders as a form ofrest,both repetition and the formation of student's attitude, whichisrequired for homework.Child engaging in a laid-back gameplay, performsimpleintellectual tasks. Each example is accompanied bymathematicalsemantic pattern and voiced verse of each of thedigits. In thissense corresponds to the quatrains figures andillustrates it.This tool greatly increases the effectiveness training gamesasforms semantic links between the value of numbers and mini-plotofthe poem.The program uses all existing training tools: scoring,tactilework adapted drawings illustration, audio prompts. Programpraisesright answer and manages the process of learning.The main pedagogical principles - clarity,accessibility,stronger and value - are implemented in applicationspecificfeatures:handwritten illustrations in "Soviet" style create creative moodandinterest in learning,dubbing speaker is positive and upbeat tone,tactile work fine motor skills to select the correct solutions,Familiarity with each digit occurs immediately on 3differentlevels of assimilation and memorization: figurative - inthefigure, the auditory - dubbing speaker numbers and briefquatrain,tactile - to solve the problem you must move your fingerdigit.This allows you to use immediately 3 sensory organthatsignificantly improves the quality of the learning process.
Jadi Pintar 3.1
Permainan ini adalah jenis menyamakan duabuahgambar atau huruf.Terdapat 5 mode permainan yang dapat kamu pilih.Selain menyamakan gambar, permainan ini juga dapat dimainkandenganmendengarkan suaranya.Dibuat di Yogyakarta,20 Oktober 2013SiswaMediaThis game is kindofequate the two pictures or letters.There are 5 game modes you can choose from.In addition to equalize images, this game can also be playedbylistening to his voice.Created in Yogyakarta,October 20, 2013SiswaMedia