Top 6 Apps Similar to DEFTACT

Active Shooter Action Plan 1.400
Active Shooter Action Plan -Recognize,Respond,RecoverThe Active Shooter Action Plan - Recognize,Respond,Recovermobile app is designed to help individualsandorganizationsprevent, respond to and recover from anActiveShooter/WorkplaceViolence incident. It is a must have foreveryemployee andsupervisor, student, and school administrator.Thisapplicationprovides critical emergency response procedures andlifesavinginformation in the event of an Active Shooter situation.Theappcontains educational and functional toolsforpreventing,responding to and recovering from a potentialdeadlyActive Shootersituation in the workplace or campus.This app was developed by a team of nationallyrecognizedviolenceprevention experts with years of extensiveexperience indevelopingand delivering training to governmentalandnon-agencies,multinational corporations, schools anduniversities,as well aselite law enforcement and counter terrorismunits.The app has many features including:* Schedule of events and seminars for users to add totheirphonecalendars* GPS and QR Coupons for attending the seminars* Videos/Podcasts* Audio* Social Network and News Feeds* Call 911 Feature* Social Share* Share Pictureand more.
Homeland Security Conference 5.78.2
Thomas Welch
The National Homeland Security Association is partneringwithClarkCounty, Nevada to host the 14th annual NationalHomelandSecurityConference, August 30 - September 2, 2021, in theheart ofLasVegas, at the MGM Grand, located at 3799 S Las VegasBlvd,LasVegas, NV 89109. This year's selected topics will focus onarangeof emerging and critical topics important to alllevelsofresponders in the homeland security, public health,LE,Fire/EMSand emergency management fields. In additiontomultiplepre-conference opportunities, guests will havetheopportunity toenjoy this year's Host Social Event at theBreakouttracks includethe following: Combating DomesticViolentExtremismCounterterrorism Cybersecurity EnhancingInformationandIntelligence Sharing Grants, Policy, Personnel,andProgramManagement Lessons Learned from Recent EventsNationalExerciseProgram Planning Public Health Training andExercise Manymorerelevant Exhibitor Informational and DemonstrationSessionswilloccur! For moreinformationvisithttps:///
경찰수첩 1.2.9
경찰 업무뿐만 아니라 실생활에도 사용되는 내용이므로 모두에게 도움이 될 수 있는 내용입니다 특히 음주시 자신의혈중알콜농도측정하여 음주운전에 대한 경각심으로 소중한 생명과 재산을 지킬수 있었으면 하는 바람입니다 (*위드마크계산식은최하수치이므로 실제 측정시 더 나올수 있습니다) *각종 계산식 혈중 알콜농도 측정 스키드 마크 계산퍼센트계산식(이전과 비교,백분율, 금액환산) 평수 환산 앞으로 남은 기간 계산 복무기간과 특정기간 계산 통고처분임시면허기간계산 *생활법규 등법제처 사이트 연결 경범죄 처벌법(2013.3.22 시행) 면허결격기간과 행정심판 구제방법 삼진아웃제란? 교통법규 위반시벌점과 범칙금 음주운전과 음주사고 처벌기준 풍속업소 관련법규 공소시효 경찰관직무집행법경찰수련원 경찰관 보수표 경찰관상벌제 연령 대조표 전국 경찰관서 경찰 승진시험 과목 생활필수 전화번호 *추가적으로필요한 기능 및 필요정보가 있으시면리뷰 및 관련 개발사에게 메일 문의해주세요. 감사합니다. ---- 개발자연락처 :* 주소 : 서울시 구로구 구로동212-30 에이스트윈타워2차 1110호 * 이메일:[email protected]
Our Quality Policy“We Are Committed To Continually Improve The QualityManagementSystem To Strengthen Our Team Work, On Time Delivery AndProvideThe Best Quality Safety Products & Services To AchieveTheTotal Customer Satisfaction."Proguard Turnover of ProductsStrategies our business at every stepThrough strategies business at every step of the safety supply,wehave developed into one of the Malaysia largest safetysuppliers.Here are the few things we do which make a different foryou &grow our business are listed & feature as follows:Strategies through National CoverageWith 3 branches, strategically located throughout the country,andover hundreds of dedicated distributors specialising in thesupplyof Personal Protection Equipment and Safety Signage’s.Our local branches network backs as national sales team,withdedicated internal and mobile field sales representatives. Allofthem received continuous training to work with consumers andourbusiness to handle orders efficiently & effectively byoffertechnical advice and quickly solve any problems occurs.Strategies through Knowing our MarketThe principle business sectors we operate are both domesticandoverseas to Contractors, Distribution, Manufacturing, Oil&Gas, Food Processing, Utilities and Transportationservices.Amongst these markets are many small and medium sizedbusinesses aswell as some of the biggest leading edge internationalcompanieswith whom we have developed extremely successfulpartnerships byhelping to streamline their safety needs.Strategies through Quality of CataloguesWe publish comprehensive catalogues each year forPersonalProtection Equipments. These catalogues illustrate the fullproductrange with product selection guides with certified standardsuch asSIRIM, (Malaysia Standard) CE (European nation), ANSI(AmericanStandard) requirements.Strategies through Quality StandardOur company is certified to ISO 9001:2008.Proguard® is committed to ensuring that its business is conductedinall respects according to professional and legal standards.Everyemployee is responsible for ensuring that any contact withourcustomers and the public at large reflectsprofessionalism,efficiency and honesty.Strategies through StockOur company has a RM4 million stockholding backed up inhisheadquarter. In addition, Proguard continually to sourcingqualityproducts that are tested and approved to the latest SIRIM,CE &ANSI specifications.No order is too big or too small with the majority ofproductsare offered in single units. Standard case or packquantities arestated in catalogues where appropriate. We providedoor to doordelivery at no cost. Remotes areas will be charged witha minimumcost.Strategies through TrainingWhether it is for head to toe protection, chemical spills orothercare, we can help with training programmes tailor made tosuitcustomer needs.Strategies through I.TWe continued significant investment in informationtechnology,website upgrading & business operation software tomanage ourbusiness, store & logistic operation.Safety Equipment, Safety Supplier, Safety Manufacturer,SafetyGoggle, Welding Helmet, Safety Helmet, Security &Protection,Ear Protector, Safety Mask, Safety Gloves, Safety Shoes,FallProtection, Safety Clothing, Safety Can & Cabinet
GPEC 1.0
Malaysia’s capital city, KualaLumpur,willagain become the focus of the Police, Emergency&LawEnforcement community when F&R Exhibition andConferenceSdnBhd host GPEC ASIA - the region’s only exhibition andconferenceofits kind. GPEC ASIA is an exhibition exclusivelyforspecificmembers of the enforcement agencies, primarily, thepoliceforce aswell as other law and security enforcementauthorities suchas theprisons, customs, immigration, civil defence,the militarypoliceand selected private security organisations.In this era where global security is anuncertainty,lawenforcement agencies must be fully equipped with themostcurrenttechnologies and innovations in the call toprevent,protect, andrespond to homeland security requirements andpoliciesset byresponsive and responsible governments.Overall,thisincludestechnologies and services in the following fields:Counter - TerrorismCombating Criminal ActivitiesNatural DisastersHumanitarian and Emergency AidSearch and Rescue OperationsLand and Maritime Border SecurityNuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence
Security Cleared Jobs 1.0.2 is a UK basedjobboarddesigned and marketed to attract candidates who areSecurityClearedor who meet the Security Clearance criteria and arelookingforPermanent and Contract opportunities across a wide rangeofindustrysectors.We specialise in vacancies with the followingNationalSecurityVetting levels:Developed Vetting or DV JobsSecurity Check or SC JobsCounter Terrorism Check or CTC JobsNATO or NATO JobsWe have an in-depth knowledge of the recruitment processgainedbyyears of experience within the recruitment industry.Weunderstanda candidate's requirement in searching for theirnextjobopportunity within this niche sector.We can assist employers and recruiters and reduce the timeandcostinvolved in attracting the best individuals within amarketplacesuffering from skills shortages. Security Clearance isnotonlyrequired for military or government posts.Increasinglycompaniesfrom all industry sectors includingNuclear,Aerospace,Construction, Oil and Gas, Engineering,Finance,Intelligence, ITand Security are competing to hirequalityemployees andconsultants with Security Clearance.By advertising job requirements with us an employer cangainaccessto and attract candidates who are actively looking fortheirnextPermanent or Contract assignment and who meettheirrecruitmentcriteria.By registering with us a candidate is able to market theirCV,makingtheir details available to all of the majoremployersrecruitingwithin the Security Cleared sector