Top 19 Apps Similar to Aperitivi & Cene Roma

Roma Giorno&Notte 1.0.5
The app Roma Giorno&Notte will guideyoutowards the discovery of the Eternal City powered by themostpopular newspaper in Rome, Il Messaggero!Discover with the free app for iPad and iPhone, usable offlineaswell, the best sides of Rome. The app is available in ItalianandEnglish. It helps you to find cafés, the most stylishrestaurantsand typical Trattorias as well as hotels and the mostvaluedB&Bs. The app also includes itineraries and places ofinterest,concert and theater programs as well as a guide fortravelers withchildren. Background and traffic information arealso included. Usethe search or geolocation function to findeasily more than 2.000places of interest near you.The app guides you in an easy and exciting way towardsthediscovery of the city, including recommendations by theMessaggerojournalists.Features included:· Choose your starting point form the “Guide” or on themap,discovering places of interest along your actual position. Youcaneven choose from a set of interest categories.· Use the search function to find the top things to do for youoropen the calendar to find the next most promising events.· Choose an itinerary from a set of itineraries provided bytheMessaggero (“Our Recommendations”).· You can share our recommendations with your finds,organizedinners or events or even share your travel experience.
Rome Travel Guide 12.1.8 (Play)
The popular travel guide! Inspiration, information and maps.Itworks offline!
Roma audioguía 1.0.2
¡Déjate guiar por los más de 100puntosdeinterés de Roma con tu Android y la audioguíaPlay&Tour®,lamás completa!AUDIOGUÍA PLAY&TOUR® DE ROMAEl Coliseo, la Fontana di Trevi, la Piazza Navona, elForoImperial,la Piazza Spagna, el Arco de Constantino, Domus Aurea,elPanteón,Via Condotti, Villa Borghese, el Trastevere, elVaticano,... Romaes la ciudad eterna y quizás por ello llegó aconquistarEuropa.Descubre la monumentalidad de las ruinas romanas ydéjateenamorarpor sus callejuelas y sus pequeños ydeliciososrestaurantes. Moda,arte, historia... Roma es una ciudadbulliciosay llena de vida y tesorprenderá en cada rincón. No envano, todoslos visitantes que seacercan a conocer la capital deItalia,repiten. Historia, arte,arquitectura, monumentos, rincones,etc.Sólo tienes que pasear e irescuchando la información, comosiestuvieras en un gran museo. Asíde fácil.SOBRE PLAY&TOUR CITY GUIDEPlay&Tour City Guide es la empresa líder encreaciónydistribución de audioguías mp3 de lasprincipalesciudadesturísticas. Todas nuestras audioguías han sidocreadasporhistoriadores, redactores de viajes y guías locales. Poreso,sonlas más completas del mercado. Puedes encontrar mencionesalaempresa en distintos medios como la SER, la COPE, RNE,Antena3Televisión, BTV, La Vanguardia, EL Periódico,ElEconomista,Expansión, National Geographic, ViajesNationalGeographic, etc.Para más informacióÍSTICAS DE LA AUDIOGUÍA PLAY&TOUR DE ROMA:- Más de 100 puntos de interés. ¡Completísimas!- Más de 3 horas de locuciones. ¡Toda la información!- Mapa incorporado en la propia aplicación para que notengasqueconectarte a GoogleMaps en el extranjero y nopaguescuotasextra.- Actualización de contenidos periódica.- Buscador de lugares de interés integrado.AUDIOGUÍAS PLAY&TOUR EN GOOGLE PLAY:Barcelona, Londres, Nueva York, París y Roma.
Roma App - Rome Travel Guide 4.1.0
Wami APP
Roma App is the first tourist mobile guideforRome managed by locals, completely free and offline.Find out our offline maps!Beautifull and light (~6 MB) offline maps of Romeandsurroundings.Find out Amerigo!A revolutionary system that suggest you what to do and where togobased on your context (hour of the day, position, weather,..)This is what you can find:- what to do- over 1000 detailed points of interest- where to eat and drink- accommodations- shopping- spare time- nightlife- news- events- weather forecastThis is what you can do:- book a restaurant or a hotel from the App- find what you need with a smart search engine- locate a place on the map and get directions- use the App everywhere in offline mode- share contents with your friends- get free updates when you are connected to the internet
Roma Sparita Mobile 1.12
Roma Sparita
The official website of Rome Sparita mobile version
Rome Audio Travel GuideDo you know where Keats died as they covered the cobble-stonesinhay to soften the outside noise from passing carriages? Do youknowthe spot where Julius Cesar was brutally stabbed to death byhisown senators? Do you know where the Coliseum’s recycledmarbleended up?If you come to Rome seeking eternal or contemporary, clichéorunexpected, these carefully crafted city tours will takeyouthere.PocketGuide, the world’s leading audio city guide application,givesyou tours by voice, revealing the best stories, insiderhangouts andmust-see sights in close to 100 major cities andtouristdestinations. The app determines your location and arecording ofyour personal tour guide describes where you are – youdon’t need totouch your phone or read from the screen. All thetours aredeveloped by local experts who know their citiesinside-and-out. Youcan choose from different themed tours, or justwander around thecity and let PocketGuide inform you when aninteresting site isnearby. The app can also record your trip: Withone click you cancreate an amazing 3D video of the sights you seeon yourtravels.You can use the GPS-activated voice tours for free as long asyourphone is online, but that means you will have to payroamingcharges. If you pay to download the tours, you can usethemoffline, and save on the cost of roaming. We charge a small feefordownloading the offline features because we need to reimbursethetour guides and cover our development costs. Other features youcanget for free include a map that works offline and free use ofthe3D tour.Why PocketGuide?• TOURS OFFERED BY LOCAL EXPERTS - Browse more than 400 toursguidedby people who make sure you see the most excitingplaces.• AUDIO GUIDED TOURS - It will guide you with clear audio cuesandonce you approach a sight it automatically starts to tell youaboutit• SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES - During your tour you can take photosandadd comments; from this PocketGuide automatically creates a3Dvideo which you can easily share with your friends• FIND GREAT PLACES - If you are tired, let our guides recommendyouthe best nearby restaurants and cafés• AVAILABLE OFFLINE - Once you download a city, the wholecontentworks in offline mode so you don’t have to payroamingcharges• OFFLINE MAP - Get a free offline map and navigate in thecityeasily while avoiding roaming charges.Enjoyed the tours? Keep on traveling? Download PocketGuide'sotherversions available in other cities of Europe.
Rome - Travel guide 120
Rome is a metropolis par excellence and oneofthe world’s first major cities. Many things have changed sincethedays of the Roman Empire but, thankfully, many things haveremainedthe same. All roads lead to Rome…So let us show you the best things to see, places to eat, andplacesto stay for your trip to Rome. Ready to begin yourjourney?Features:➢ Over 70 places recommended by real travelers.➢ Categories: What to See, Where to Eat, Where to Stay.➢ Over 200 photos from real travelers who’ve beentherebefore.➢ All content and maps available for download offline so youcanexplore Rome without roaming charges.
Roma mapa offline gratis 6.0.0
Esta versión gratuita de VisitaboRomapresentapublicidad y un contenido limitado, si quieres accederatodo elcontenido, más de 175 lugares de interés, y nodeseaspublicidadtienes disponible la versión de pago. DescubreVisitaboRoma, sienteuna auténtica experiencia de viaje 2.0.Descárgateesta app yencontrarás toda la información realmentenecesaria,práctica y útilque necesitas para disfrutar de tu viaje.Podrásdiseñar, planificary personalizar el día a día de tus rutasenfunción de tusintereses, gustos y necesidades en cadamomento,tanto si disponesde 2 días o una semana para conocer laciudad,como si viajas portrabajo o por placer. Visitabo Roma teofreceuna óptima experienciade uso, te resultará muy intuitiva yaqueaporta unos niveles deusabilidad muy satisfactorios.Visitabo Roma es una guía de la ciudad viva, alegre, cercana,quetedescubre en su versión completa más de 175 puntosdeinterés,clasificándolos por zonas y barrios de granatractivoturístico,zonas imprescindibles, monumentosrecomendables,itinerarios yrutas con encanto. Incluye informaciónhistórica,artística,curiosidades de cada uno de los lugares,informaciónrealmentepráctica como web y teléfonos para reservar,horarios yprecios deentrada de determinados museos, monumentos, asícomomúltiplespropuestas vanguardistas de restaurantes, cafés,hoteles,bed andbreakfast, comercios curiosos, etc. La experienciasecompleta conmás de 50 exclusivas fotografías de losdiferenteslugares.El contenido creado por periodistas especializadosenviajesresulta dinámico y realmente práctico. Localizarápidamentelainformación que necesitas en cada momento, te permiteubicar enelmapa tus puntos de interés que podrás seleccionar con laopciónde“favoritos” y gestionar tu ruta con la función GPS sabiendoentodomomento donde te encuentras. Todas estas funcionalidadeshacendeVisitabo Roma un imprescindible en tu viaje.FUNCIONES- No necesita conexión a Internet, lo que permite elahorrodel“roaming” y mayor autonomía gracias a su bajoconsumo de batería.- Integra funcionalidades del tipo GPS, facilitando labúsquedadelos puntos de interés, manteniendo informadoconstantemente al usuario del lugar donde se encuentra.- Funcionalidades de redes sociales, facilitandocontactocontinuodel usuario con otros viajeros de la comunidadVisitabo,con quiencompartir sus experiencias, opiniones,valoracionesysensaciones.- Guías de viajes diseñadas para su uso en movilidad.- Entre 200 y 450 puntos de interés por guía.- Contiene información práctica de cada lugar de interés queayudaalusuario en todas las fases de su viaje: antes,duranteydespués.- Contenidos de autor y más de 50exclusivasfotografías.Contenidodinámico y actualizadopermanentemente,sinnecesidad de asumir ningún coste adicional.- Amplia oferta gastronómica, hotelera, cultural, comercialydeocio.- Permite filtrar por una o varias categorías yposicionarloslugares de interés directamente en el mapa.- La opción de marcar y desmarcar favoritos permiteplanificarrutaspersonalizadas.- Itinerarios por destinos.- Agenda con los eventos culturales y de ocio más destacados.This freeversionofVisitabo Rome presents advertising and limited content, ifyouwantaccess to all content, more than 175 points of interest, anddonotwant to have available advertising the paidversion.DiscoverVisitabo Rome, feels an authentic travel experience2.0.Downloadthis app and find all the information really necessaryandusefulpractice you need to enjoy your trip. You can design,planandcustomize your daily routes based on your interests,tastesandneeds at all times, whether you have two days or a weektoexplorethe city, as if traveling for work or pleasure.VisitaboRomeoffers optimal user experience, it will be veryintuitive asitprovides a very satisfactory levels of usability.Visitabo Rome is a city guide alive, cheerful, close,youdiscoverthe full version over 175 points of interest,classifyingareas andneighborhoods of great tourist attraction,essentialareas, monumentsrecommended, charming itineraries androutes.Includes historical,artistic curiosities of each of theplaces,really practicalinformation as web and phone forreservations,schedules and ticketprices of certain museums,monuments and manyproposals vanguard ofrestaurants, cafes, hotels,bed and breakfast, curious shops, etc..The experience is completedwith more than50 exclusive pictures ofdifferent places.Content created by travel writers is dynamic andreallypractical.Quickly locate the information you need at anytime, youcan locateon the map your points of interest you canselect theoption to"favorites" and manage your route with GPSfunctionknowing at alltimes where you are. All these featuresmakeVisitabo Rome a must onyour trip.FUNCTIONS- No internet connection needed, allowing savings of"roaming"andgreater autonomy thanks to its lowbattery consumption.- Type integrates GPS functionality, facilitating thesearchforpoints of interest, keeping informeduser constantly where you are.- Social media functionalities facilitating usercontinuouscontactwith other travelers Visitabo community, tosharetheirexperiences, opinions, evaluations and feelings.- Travel guides designed for use in mobility.- Between 200 and 450 points of interest guide.- Contains practical information for each point ofinterestthathelps the user at all stages of their journey: before,duringandafter.- Contents copyright and more than 50 exclusivedynamicandcontinuously updated fotografías.Contenido withoutneed to take any additional cost.- Wide gastronomic, hotel, cultural,shoppingandentertainment.- Allows you to filter by one or more categories andpositionthesights directly on the map.- The option to check and uncheck favorites toplanpersonalizedroutes.- Itineraries for destinations.- Calendar with cultural events and entertainment highlights.
Rome audio guide 1.0.2
Let yourself be guided through the100mostinteresting places of Rome with your Android! Downloadthemostcomplete audio guide now!ROME PLAY&TOUR® AUDIOGUIDEThe Coliseum, the Fontana di Trevi, Piazza Navona,theImperialForum, Piazza Spagne, Constantine’s Arch, DomusAurea,thePantheon, Via Condotti, Villa Borghes, Trastever,VaticanCity…Rome is the Eternal City, maybe that’s why theAncientRomansconquered Europe. Discover the monumental ruins ofAncientRome,get carried away by its alleys and its smallbutexcellentrestaurants. Fashion, art, history… Rome is aboisterouscity, fullof live and amazing things waiting around anycorner. Notfornothing all those who once visited Rome want to comeback.History,art, architecture, monuments, insider tips, etc… Youcansimplyhave a walk through the city and listen to theinformation,just asif it were a big museum. It’s that easy!ABOUT PLAY&TOUR CITY GUIDEPlay&Tour® City Guide is a leader companycreatinganddistributing mp3 audioguides of the main touristiccities. Allouraudioguies have been made by historians, travelwriters andlocalguides. That’s why our audioguides are the mostcomplete ones.Youcan find kind words about us in the media:NationalGeographic,Viajes National Geographic, Cadena SER, COPE,RNE,Antena 3Televisión, BTV, La Vanguardia, EL Periódico,ElEconomista,Expansión, etc. For more information OF THE ROME PLAY&TOUR® AUDIOGUIDE:- More than 100 points of interest. Incredibly complete!- More than 3 hours of audio. All the information!- Map included in the app. This avoids you a connectiontoGoogleMapswhich might be expensive abroad.- Regular content updates.- Point-of-interest search included.PLAY&TOUR® AUDIO GUIDES IN GOOGLE PLAY:Barcelona, London, New York, Paris and Rome.
La Mappa Parlante di Roma
Con una grafica originale ecolorata,un’interfaccia user-friendly e informazioni precise, eccounaapplicazione a misura di bambino per scoprire Roma attraversolebizzarre voci dei monumenti più caratteristici chelacontraddistinguono: dal Colosseo “gradasso” alla BoccadellaVerità, fino ai quattro pazzerelli della Fontana dei fiumidiPiazza Navona, ogni storia è ricca di aneddoti, curiositàedettagli che renderanno facile e divertente la comprensionedeilati artistici di questa meravigliosa città.La app è venduta insieme ad una coloratissima mappa pieghevoleedettagliata, che consente di seguire, ascoltando, lesimpatichevoci dei personaggi che introducono il passato, oltre aisuoni erumori della vita quotidiana.Annessa alla descrizione del monumento specifico prescelto,anchesuggerimenti sui migliori luoghi di svago e ristoro perbambini: 48indirizzi selezionati fra musei, monumenti ed edificitutti dascoprire, oltre alle preziose informazioni pratiche permangiare,rilassarsi e divertirsi.Tapsy è una perfetta alternativa alle classiche guide turisticheeuna nuova opportunità alle famiglie per far conoscere e vivereunacittà anche ai più piccoli, in allegria e senza proteste,senzacomunque dimenticare i desideri degli adulti.With an originalandcolorful graphics, a user-friendly and accurate information,hereis a child-friendly app to discover Rome through the bizarrerumorsof the characteristic monuments that mark: the Colosseum"bully"the Mouth of Truth, until Zany four of the Fountain ofPiazzaNavona rivers, each story is full of anecdotes, trivia anddetailsthat will make it easy and fun to understand the artisticside ofthis wonderful city.The app is sold together with a colorful folding anddetailedmap, allowing you to follow, listening, the nice voices ofthecharacters that introduce the past, in addition to the soundsandnoises of everyday life.Annexed to the description of the specific chosen monument,eventips on the best places for recreation and refreshment forkids: 48addresses selected from museums, monuments and buildings tobediscovered, as well as valuable information practices to eat,relaxand enjoy.Tapsy is a perfect alternative to classic tourist guides and anewopportunity for families to communicate and live a eventhesmallest towns, in joy and without protests, withouthoweverforgetting the desires of adults.
WC Rome 2
WC Rome is the App that helps you to find public bathrooms inthecity of Rome
Rome Map and Walks 55
A handy app with several self-guided walks to help you exploreRome.
Charta Roma 6.1.2
The first official map in Augmented Reality of the MunicipalityofRome!
Rome Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Rome guide you'll book activities, guided toursandexcursions.
Rome Quick Guide 2.0
Location of the main monuments of Rome
Rome City Directory 3.4
Rome City Directory Rome, Italy’s capital, is asprawling,cosmopolitan city with nearly 3,000 years of globallyinfluentialart, architecture and culture on display. Ancient ruinssuch as theRoman Forum and the Colosseum evoke the power of theformer RomanEmpire. Vatican City, headquarters of the RomanCatholic Church,boasts St. Peter’s Basilica and the VaticanMuseums, which housemasterpieces such as Michelangelo’s SistineChapel frescoes. Area:1,285 km² Weather: 22°C, Wind S at 3 km/h,69% Humidity Local time:Wednesday 11:24 AM Province: Province ofRome Population: 2.753million (2010) Area: 352 km² Local time:Monday 4:57 AM Weather:23°C, Wind S at 19 km/h, 20% HumidityPopulation: 603,488 (2013)100% Offline Map & Guide. Discovernew places, and browse fullfeatured offline map on your device. OurOFFLINE Map is highresolution, and you can using this map withoutdata roaming, WIFIConnection and hidden costs! 10 LANGUAGESsupported: english,german, french, russian, korean, portuguese,spanish, japanese,italian, chinese FEATURES: - complete offline mapwith GPSgeolocation (100% offline) - List of categories to Finddifferentthings using google play serveice - List of categorieslikeairports, - attractions list with description & photo(offline)- Location show on map with respect to your currentlocation -multilingual city information about transport, food,history,airports and many others information like clima table oreat &events (offline) - currency converter: euro, britishpound, USdollar, chinese Youan, Japanese Yen, Korean Won, Rupee,RussianRuble (offline) - multilingual interface - hotels deals(onlinemodule) - Things to do & trips - Pani Puri details..Discovercities and places with our offline app. Our Offline Map& Guideprovides you with an easy way to find anything. Browse afullfeatured offline map on your device and find your way. NOTE :Alldata on this app is coming from google Play API . For moredetailscontact us on [email protected].
Rome Travel Guide Italy 2.3.9
The Rome Travel Guide - Italy creates custom itinerariesinRomebased on your preferences! The guide calculates thebestroutes,suggests places for you to visit, considers schedulesofplaces,helps you to find hotels, restaurants, museums,palaces,castles,bike, weather, nightlife, tours, maps and outlets.ExploreRome -Italy as if you were a local! Features: ★ The RomeTravelGuidecreates itineraries for your trips in seconds, basedonyourpreferences! You can change and adapt it as you wish★Exploreattractions, outlets, restaurants food,attractions,hotels,nightlife, maps, hostels and city tours in Rome- Italy ★NativooRome Travel Guide learns your preferences, you canalso seta quickprofile to help the guide suggest the best routesand placesforyou.
MiC Roma 1.0.1
Exhibitions, Events and Educational activities of 21 civicmuseumsin one App
La Quiete Roma
La Quiete RomaLA QUIETE... a Roma Tiburtina!PERMISSION INFORMATION- Network communication:         1. Networkaccessfull         2.DisplayNetworkThe app needs these permissions to be able to show a smallbannerad.- Position:         1. Writeexternalmemory.         2. Access totheposition.The app needs these permissions to be able to show where weare!Your position will not be stored nor distributed tothirdparties!COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS:If you have ideas for improvements or new features, pleasecontactus!For comments, suggestions or technical problems: [email protected]