Top 26 Apps Similar to Рецепты. Меню на неделю. Блюда

Kitchen Assistant - Recounting 1.2.4
Enlarge the recipe. Reduce the recipe. Cake calculator.Kitchentimer. Recipes.
Recipes with photo Smachno 3.5
VRG soft
Discover the new world of cooking with Smachno!
Рецепты Юлии Высоцкой 1.0.16
An app for those who love delicious homemade food andculinaryexperiments.
Recipe Book 5.02
We offer to you a lot of recipes in our recipe book:appetizerrecipes, snack recipes, tasty salad recipes, cold soups,hot soups,yummy cream soup recipes, chicken recipes in the book,meat andfish recipes, easy pork and beef, cake recipes, casserolerecipes,tasty pie recipes, desserts and other tasty recipes in thebook.Recipe app works offline. All recipes with photo andsimpledetailed instructions. You can choose your liked recipes andkeepthem in your favorites. You also can use a shopping list. Justaddthe desired product directly from the recipe to the shoppinglist.In this application you can share your own delicious recipesandyou can leave feedback about other recipes! The applicationdoesnot require the Internet and your favorite recipes will alwaysbewith you, even when you have not Internet connection! Allrecipesare divided into the categories for easy use. You can find arecipefor your mood! There is simple searching in the app by thename orby the ingredients. Easy recipes using ingredients youalready havein the kitchen. The majority of recipes we offer can bebothprepared and cooked in 20 minutes or less, from start tofinish. Weoffer to you lot recipes of: • A lot of easy appetizerrecipes:Grandma's Country White Bread, Corn Nuggets, Mexican CornBread,Grand Omelet Puffs, Oven-baked Zucchini Fries, WhiteCastleSliders, Keto Pork Rind Tortillas, Bacon Parmesan Crisps,RoastedCauliflower, Texas Roadhouse’s Rolls, 5-layer Mexican Dip OrNachosSupreme, Mashed Potato Pie, Baked Egg In A Roasted Tomato,EasyBaked Corn, and etc.; • Delicious recipes of salads:RoastedVegetable Salad, Best Grape Salad, Best Tuna Salad Ever,ChickenCaesar Salad with Bacon, Classic Cobb Salad, Crab Salad,Daddy'sPotato Salad, Easy, Healthy and Low-Fat Salad, Eggs Salad,HeavenCaesar Salad, Heaven Potato Salad, Jicama Fruit Salad, LoadedBakedPotato Salad, Macaroni Salad, Mexican Tuna Salad, Natalie'sEasyPeasy Pea Salad, Perfect Pasta Salad, Perfect Potato Salad,SeafoodSalad, Shrimp Salad, Smoky Chicken, Peppers, and SpinachPastaSalad, The Best Fruit Salad, Tomato Salad, Triple BerrySummerSalad, etc.; • Tasty recipes of soups: 20 Bean Rib Soup,BaconCheeseburger Soup, Black Bean Soup, Butternut Squash Soup,CabbageSoup, Cajun Fusion Bean Soup, Cheesy Broccoli Soup, ClassicSpanishCold Tomato Soup, Coconut Lime Chicken Soup, Creamy Chicken&Rice Soup, Crock Pot Low-Carb Taco Soup, Crock Pot MinestroneSoup,Crockpot Hamburger Soup, Eastern European Summer Soup -ColdBorsch, Garlic and Broccoli Soup, Ham and Potato Soup,RoastedSpaghetti Squash Soup, Slow Cooker Stuffed Pepper Soup,SpicyParsnip Soup, Spinach Soup, Split Pea Soup, Tofu Soup, VeganHotand Sour Soup, Vegetable Soup, etc.; • A lot of easy maindishesrecipes: Slow Cooker Pepper Steak, Cajun Jambalaya, ChickenMasalaRice, Sweet Hawaiian Crockpot Chicken, Carrabba's ChickenMarsala,Grandmother’s Slow Cooked Meatballs, Crock Pot BaconCheesePotatoes, Vegetable and Turkey Meatloaf, Honey PecanChicken,Enchilada Bake Low Carb, Crispy Cheddar Chicken, CreamedPeas andPotatoes, Slow Cooker Pork Tenderloin, The Very BestSalisburySteak, Ranch-Parmesan Chicken, Best Steak Marinade, etc.;• Simplerecipes of desserts and bakings: Banana-Nut Cake withPeanut ButterFrosting, Buttermilk Pie Less Sugar, Cake Mix PeanutButter Bars,Caramel Peanut Butter Fudge Pie, Down South CremeBrulee Pie, DownSouth Sugar Milk Pie, Easy Chocolate Pecan Pie,Elvis Pie, HealthyPeanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies, Hershey KissPeanut Butter BlossomCookies, Hot Fudge Pie, Peanut Butter FudgeCake, Perfect CouplePie, Pinapple Pie And Pie Shell, Pumpkin PieCupcakes, Sweet PotatoButtermilk Biscuits, and much more recipes inour recipe book! Cookwith pleasure!
Рецепты для детей. Детское мен 7.0
Maksim E.
Large, updated catalog of recipes for children from 6 months to3years and older
Diet Recipes 2.02
Good Cook
Free diet recipes: diet appetizers, salads, soups, maindishes,healthy desserts
Едим правильно - диеты для пох
Weight loss and health diets based on portion sizes andseasonalmeals.
Простые рецепты с фото бесплатно. Кулинарная книга 1.0.22
Merry Kitchen
Кулинария и рецепты из продукции, которая есть у Вас дома?Коктейльи рецепт на каждый день прост- Мобильное приложение икнигарецептов Merry Kitchen, где можно готовить простыедиетическиерецепты правильного питания, вкусные пп салаты дляпохудения,закуски из картофеля в мультиварке редмонд, торты свысокойкалорийностью в духовке, шашлык из курицы, блюда и еду вказане,пиццу, выпечка, готовим лучшие напитки и коктейли на каждыйдень!Скачать или загрузить собственное кулинарные фото и делатьсвоепитание лучше! Приложение Merry Kitchen - прекрасный выбор длятех,кто хочет разнообразить свое ежедневное меню, ищет, чтоприготовитьна ужин, хочет удивить себя или близких новым блюдом какначинающийповаренок или шеф-кот, и при этом готовить его изимеющихся вхолодильнике продуктов. У каждого из нас возникаласитуация, когдахочется приготовить на ужин или обед что-тонеобычное, а фантазиякуда-то пропала. И вот, мы открываем интернет,ищем самыеоригинальные рецепты, чтобы поесть, и видим что-то изразряда «вампотребуется фенхель, авокадо, курица и филе лосося».Естественно,что таких продуктов каждый день в доме у нас нет, аидти лишний разв магазин за покупками нет средств или времени. Ичто мы тогдаделаем в такой ситуации? Правильно, варим привычные длянас гречку,макароны, делаем что-то из картофеля и прощаемся сжеланием вкусноразнообразить наше меню. Теперь вы сможете победитьтакую проблему!Просто скачайте наше приложение «MerryKitchen» ивыбирайте те блюдана день или неделю, которые будут состоять изпродуктов в вашемхолодильнике. Внесите все продукты, которые есть увас дома, иприложение сможет подобрать по ним легкие и простыерецепты накаждый день, которые выставили другие пользователи, сфото или без.Это может быть как выпечка, так и разнообразные видысалатов,тортов, каши, супы и так далее. Тут вы сможете искатьлучшиеполезные блюда, что можно приготовить на завтрак, обед иужин,добавлять их в избранное, чтобы не потерять, а такжеделитьсясвоими рецептами с другими пользователями приложения. Вамдоступныежедневные и праздничные, новогодние и для похудения, ППрецепты(правильное питание). Чтобы найти, что готовить, вам нужно:1.Определиться с категорией, которую мы готовим дома: - завтраки;-быстрые типы закусок; - разнообразные виды салатов; -основноеблюдо; - гарниры; - супы; - выпечка; - заготовки; - соусы;-напитки; - десерты. 2. Выбрать спецификацию рецепта: - веганский;-безлактозный; - постный; - безглютеновый; - сыроедческий;-вегетарианский; - без сахара; - низкокалорийный (детскоеилиправильное питание); - подходит для детей. 3. Потом выбратьспособприготовления: - сварить; - пожарить; - в духовке (например,длятортов); - в микроволновке (печи свч); - в мультиварке(естьрецепты для мультиварки, например, Redmond); - в пароварке (напаруили в скороварке); - на гриле; - консервация; - сушка; -безтермообработки; - тушить и другое. 4. И указать желаемуюкухнюстран мира: - европейская; - азиатская; - американская;-индийская; - испанская; - итальянская; - кавказская; - русская;-средиземноморская; - узбекская; - разная еда. Вы можетеуказатьвремя приготовления и калорийность готового блюда. Ставьтеотметкутолько домашние «Продукты из холодильника» или«Допускатьдополнительные ингредиенты», если не против докупитьпродуктов назавтрак, обед и ужин. Программа выдаст вам оченьвкусные и простыерецепты по вашим продуктам и пожеланиям для детейили взрослых.Разные виды салатов, тортов, супы, каши, выпечка,мясо, пицца,мороженое — готовьте, что пожелаете. Просматривайтефото и видеорецептов, пошаговые инструкции, создавайте своисобственныекулинарные шедевры и кушайте вкусную, а главное —разнообразнуюпищу каждый день! Попробуйте скачать наше приложениепрямо сейчас ивнесите в свое ежедневное меню новые кулинарныерецепты! Готовьтевкусно и быстро на скорую руку! Наше приложение —это лучше, чемкулинарная книга на русском без интернета (офлайн).
Recipes in Russian
The official application of the most visited culinary websiteinRussia.
Recipe Calendar - Meal Planner 3.49
Harmonic Soft
Easy and healthy weekly meal plans, diets, recipes, andgrocerylists
iCook: Meal Planner & Recipes 3.4.0
iCook Ltd
Healthy & delicious food with a nutrition coach. Shoppinglist,weekly meal plan
Dinner Recipes 6.21
DIL Studio
Recipe book with easy dinner recipes. All recipes with photosandreviews.
Карри: вегетарианство для всех 1.0.2
A culinary app that helps all vegetarians find something totheirliking.
Лучшие рецепты мира 3.1.6
A large number of recipes without internet connection
Подбери рецепт PRO 2.85
The application with the most convenient search by ingredients(morethan 2300 recipes)
Healthy Recipes 6.48
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free healthy recipes: healthychicken,healthy meat recipes, baking healthy recipes, diet saladrecipes,snacks healthy recipes, low-fat casserole recipes, low carbdishrecipes, low carb pizza, diet dinner and other healthy recipes.Therecipe app works offline. In this app you could enjoy: •Allhealthy recipes with photo and simple detailed instructions •Allfree easy recipes are divided into the categories •Simplesearching in the app by the name or by the ingredients • Youcanchoose the recipes you liked and keep them in your favorites.Youcan save cooked recipes • You can use a shopping list. Just addthedesired product directly from the recipe to the shopping list •Youcan share your own delicious recipes and you can leavefeedbackabout other recipes • There is a table of caloricity •Recipe appworks offline and your favorite recipes will always bewith you,even when you have no Internet connection! We offer toyou: •Delicious recipes for healthy eating: easy recipes of usefulmaindishes, baking recipes, homemade recipes of simple salads,souprecipes, roll recipes, dietary sandwiches, vegetarianpilafrecipes, Bacon Cheddar Deviled Eggs, Italian ZucchiniBoats,Cabbage and Ground Beef Skillet, Roasted Green PepperSalad,Grilled Shrimp, Nice Pitcher, Sweet Twice Baked SweetPotatoes,Lemon Garlic Broccoli, Tomato Basil Soup, SkinnySmotheredBurritos, Cheesy Baked Asparagus, Mexican EggplantCasserole,Cauliflower Mashed Taters, Slow Cooker Beef Stew, etc.; •Tastyrecipes of healthy dishes with chicken: chicken chop recipeswithmushrooms, cutlet with breast recipes, easy recipes ofchickenrolls with herbs, chicken with broccoli recipes, homemaderecipesof chicken sausages, chicken breast diet recipes, CrockpotFiestaChicken, Melt in Your Mouth Chicken Breast, Chinese ChickenwithBlack Pepper Sauce, Chicken Bombs, Chicken and Potato, etc.; •Alot of diet baking recipes: tasty recipes of usefulmuffins,cooking recipes of low-calorie cookies, recipes oflightcasseroles, pudding recipes, Spicy Baked Omelet, FlourlessBananaBlender Muffins, Bremug Cake, Easy Cauliflower Pizza,BakedCabbage, Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies, etc.; • Tastyrecipes ofsalads with vegetables and meat; • Garlic ParmesanShrimp; •Southern Style Cabbage Soup; • Loaded Cauliflower; •DiabeticShrimp Scampi • Homemade Pasta Sauce • Avocado, Bacon andTomatoWrap; • Stuffed Mushrooms; • Low Carb Lemon "Cheesecake"Bars; •Taco Salad; • Dr. Oz's Metabolism-Boosting Drink; •Strawberryhomemade Ice cream; • Amy's Chewy Coconut Bars; •MarinatedCucumbers, Tomatoes & Onions; • Brussel Sprouts withBacon andMushrooms; • Spinach Chips; • Cooking recipes ofvegetarian soups;• Quick recipes of omelets for breakfast; • Easyrecipes oflow-calorie sweet cream; • Other recipes of simple andquickhealthy eating and much more! Cook with pleasure!
Healthy Recipes & Meal Plans 1.84
Healthy diet meal plans to lose weight! Gourmet vegetarian&pescatarian recipes
Holiday Recipes Cookbook 6.07
DIL Studio
Holiday recipes: appetizers, holiday salads, main dishesforholidays, desserts
Recipe calculator - CookBook 6.4
Recipe Converter - recipe nutrition calculator. Serving sizer -Whatto cook
DuRecipes – recipes Dukan diet 2.3
Logomotiv LLC
Cooking recipes for Dukan diet with photo and description.Attack,Cruise etс.
Keto Diet App: Ketogenic Diet 1.2.9
Lose weight and get free daily keto recipes & meal plans withalow carb diet 🥑
Vegetarian Recipes 6.01
DIL Studio
Vegetarian recipes: easy recipes, dinner recipes, desserts
Delicious recipes 6.8
All recipes with step by step photos
Salad Recipes 5.04
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free salad recipes: pasta saladrecipes,meat and fish salad recipes, vegetable salad recipes, fruitsaladrecipes, potato salad recipes, tuna salad recipes, chickensaladrecipes, easy salad recipes, mushroom salad recipes, macaronisaladrecipes, egg salad recipes and other tasty salad recipes.Recipeapp works offline. In this app you could enjoy: • All saladrecipeswith photo and simple detailed instructions • All freesaladrecipes are divided into the categories • Simple searching intheapp by the name or by the ingredients • You can choose therecipesyou liked and keep them in your favorites. You can savecookedrecipes • You can use a shopping list. Just add the desiredproductdirectly from the recipe to the shopping list • You canshare yourown delicious recipes and you can leave feedback aboutotherrecipes • There is a table of caloricity • Recipe app worksofflineand your favorite recipes will always be with you, even whenyouhave no Internet connection! We offer to you lot recipes of:•Delicious cooking fast recipes of salad for every day: easyrecipesof meat salads, fish salad recipes, tasty recipes ofvegetablesalads, homemade recipes of cold and warm salads, saladwithmayonnaise recipes, recipes of salads without mayonnaise,saladrecipes with yogurt dressings, Mayo-Less Pasta Salad, MexicanCornSalad, Raw Beet, Carrot and Cabbage Coleslaw with Onions,AvocadoCilantro Salad, Pasta Salad with Pesto and Mozzarella,JicamaSalad, Cajun Pasta Salad, Zucchini Slaw, Citrus and SpinachSalad,Classic French Green Salad, Diabetic Special Seven LayerSalad,Southern Caviar or Black Eyed Pea Salad, Egg Salad forSandwiches,Potluck Spaghetti Salad, Avocado Strawberry Salad withPoppy SeedDressing, Muffaletta Tortellini Salad, Quinoa, Avocado,TomatoBlack Bean Salad, Tomato & Cucumber Salad, etc.; •Tastyrecipes of salads with chicken: salad recipes with chickenandpineapples, salad recipes with chicken and croutons, saladrecipeswith chicken and carrot, salad recipes with cabbage andchicken,Cucumber Chickpea Salad, The Great Caesar Salad, BlueberryChickenSalad, Venezuelan Chicken Salad Sandwich, Orange ChickenSalad,Chicken Pasta Salad, Chicken Nuggets Salad, Tea Room ChickenSalad,etc.; • A lot of homemade recipes of salads with seafood:crabsalad recipes, salad recipes with cabbage, salad recipeswithsquid, shrimp salad recipes, recipes of spicy salad, ricesaladrecipes with seafood, Shrimp Salad, Grilled Shrimp Salad,ShrimpSalad with Feta Cheese and Candied Garlic, Shrimp EggSalad,Shrimp, Avocado, and Grapefruit Salad, etc.; • Easy recipesof fishsalads: cold salad recipes, salad recipes with canned fish,recipesof cold salads with tuna, salad recipes with red fish,recipes offish salad with crackers, etc.; • Yummy recipes of puffsalad; •Simple salad recipes with mushrooms; • Delicious recipes ofsaladswith ham; • Cooking recipe of Taco Bag; • Candy Salad; •Tastyrecipe of Oriental Salad; • Amish Broccoli Salad; • Homemaderecipeof Cucumber Salad; • Macaroni Salad; • Seven-Layer Salad; •JicamaSalad with Cilantro and Lime; • Lime Shrimp and AvocadoSalad; •Delicious recipes of salads with bacon; • Recipesofbeautifully-decorated salads; • Recipes of sweet salads andquicksalads, and much more! Cook with pleasure!
Мультишеф 5.4
Multichef - recipes for a multicooker
Soup Recipes 6.14
DIL Studio
Soup recipes: chicken soups, meat soups, fish soups, coldsoups,cream soups!