Top 20 Apps Similar to Новый клиент

Chatruletka – Video Chat 603084
Chatruletka is the most popular Russian video chat.
Анонимный чат NektoMe 4.1.0
Anonymous chat NektoMe allows you to find and meetinterestingpeople
Chat Alternative — android app 604054
ChatAlternative is a video chat app with thousands of usersonlineat all times
Conferendo Free Videochat
Absolutely free video chat with more than2.5Million users around the world. Clear voice and video calls.Workson Android, iOS and Windows devices. Login with Google,Facebook,Twitter or other social networks. Search new friends inConferendo.Invite your friends by SMS, e-mail and socialnetworks.Conferendo video chat is your key to a better onlinecommunication.Conferendo can increase not only the quality, butalso the quantityof your communication, by giving you a chance tomeet new friendsanywhere on the globe.Conferendo is a compact, user-friendly, and absolutely freevideochat for Windows PC, iOS and Android devices. After aquickdownload and authorization, you will be able to hear and seepeopleacross the hall or across the ocean, in real-time, as if theyaresitting in front of you.Conferendo Features:- Free group videochat with up to 3 participants;- Free broadcasting for 20 people;- Group videochat with 6 participants and 120-user videoconferences(for PRO accounts);- Works with video over 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi networks –communicatewherever you are;- Free instant messaging;- Authorization through social networks (Facebook, Google,Twitter,etc...);- Invitation of friends by SMS, e-mail and social networks tojoinConferendo;- Automatically finds Facebook friends using Conferendo andaddsthem to your address book;- Easy-to-use user search.Something else?- Supports for Android 2.3 platform and above- Runs in the background mode.Tell the world about yourself and make new friends. Communicateyourpreferred way and JOIN our videochat Conferendocommunity!Need more information on our video chat? Contact [email protected] more at http://www.conferendo.comWatch us on Facebook at
All Social Media 2.3
Gogel GbmH
*****No advertisement in Pro version****Social Networks is a must have app for all social media users.itcontains all popular social networking sites and one canaccessyour favorite social media such as Facebook, Twitter,Instagram,VKontakte (VK), Pinterest etc. through this app.Why to install tens of individual apps for each social networkwhenyou can access all of them in only one app, that is SocialNetworksapp.List of all supported social Networks:***Social Media All in One***FacebookTwitterLinkedInInstagramYoutubeSnapchatBadooFlipboardMeet addedDailymotionVineGoogle+OutlookGmailYahooAol.mail9gagVimeoMylifeBuzzFeedSoundcloudLifehackerFandangoHabboCyworldClassmatesDevianartFotologLast.fmTwooboxNetflixslackMediumYik YakPlenty of FishPhotobucketYelpDiggBitlyMatch and TalkPinterestMyspaceTumblrFlickrMeetupRedditSina Weibohi5QzoneVKontakte (VK)OdnoklassnikiWe Heart ItWaynSocial Networks app is a big time saver and big space saver asitcontains all social media sites at one place. If you don’tfindyour favorite social networking site, please let us know, wewilltry to add it in the future updates.Disclaimer:We are not affiliated with any of the services accessed throughthisapp. This app only directs the user to avail required serviceand weare not responsible for any financial or technicaldifficultiesfaced by the user due to network failure, devicefailure or anyother complications.User of this app is solely responsible for sharing of hispersonaldata with the social networking sites listed in this app.We are inno way have control over your data, all the informationyou accessare through the official sites of listed socialnetworks.If you face any problem using this app or need anyimprovementplease email us.
Вконтакте с друзьями 0.1
Вконтакте с друзьями –этоотличнаянеофициальная версия старой и знаменитой социальнойсети.Мыразработали это приложение для того, что быпользователямбыломаксимально удобно пользоваться всемивозможностями программы.Мыреализовали удобный поиск по группам,пабликам, людям,друзьями,музыки, видео и другим разделам.Вход в учетную запись реализован через защитную среду,чтоделаетмаксимально безопасным в использовании наше приложениеизащищаетваш профиль от взлома и похищения пароля.В отличии от оригинальной версии мы реализовали скачиваниемузыкиивидео вконтакте. Теперь что бы скачать музыку вконтактеиливидео,достаточно нажать кнопку скачать под описаниемтрека.Нашеприложение по достоинству оценило уже болеемиллионачеловек.Простота и удобство использования делаетнашеприложениенезаменимым.Скачивайте «Вконтакте с друзьями» - это удобно, надежно иVKontakte withfriends-it's great unofficial version of the old andwell-knownsocialnetwork. We have developed this application so thatusershave beenthe most convenient access to all program features.Wehaveimplemented an easy search for groups, public,people,friends,music, video and other sections.Account Login implemented through the protectiveenvironmentthatmakes it the most secure to use our application andprotectyourprofile from hacking and stealing passwords.Unlike the original version, we have implementeddownloadingmusicand video VKontakte. Now that would vkontaktedownload musicorvideo, just click the button to download a trackdescription.Ourapp appreciated the more than one million people.Simplicityandease of use makes our app indispensable.Download "Vkontakte friends" - it is convenient, reliable and
Love is - images and quotes
Tell your sweetheart what is love...
Чат с незнакомцем 1.6
Seronaldo Ltd
Общайтесь с незнакомцем наедине в анонимном чате от nekto.meНикаких регистраций и авторизаций! Один клик и вы уже на связи!Новое в версии 1.6- исправлена проблема вылета, появившаяся в прошлой версииНовое в версии 1.5- добавлена функция вибрирования при входящем сообщении[можноотключать]- небольшая оптимизация работыНовое в версии 1.4- устранено возможное зависание чата при входящем звонке- кнопки фильтра стали красивееНовое в версии 1.3- исправлены редкие ошибки работы в свёрнутом режиме- автоподключение к беседе при временной потере связи- теперь отправка сообщений проверяется- улучшена производительностьНовое в версии 1.2- возможность отправлять сообщения нажатием Enter- отображение общего числа общающихсяНовое в версии 1.1- полноценная работа в альбомном режимеCommunicate with a stranger alone in an anonymous chatfromnekto.meNo registrations and authorizations! One click and you'reconnected!New in version 1.6- Fixed problem of departure, which appeared in thepreviousversionNew in version 1.5- Added the function of vibration when an incoming message [canbedisabled]- Optimization of the smallNew in version 1.4- Fixed possible crash when an incoming call chat- Filter button become prettierNew in version 1.3- Fixed a rare work in minimized mode- Auto-the conversation with a temporary loss ofcommunication- Now send messages verified- Improved performanceNew in version 1.2- The ability to send messages by pressing Enter- Shows the total number of communicatingNew in version 1.1- Full-time job in landscape mode
Гости Вашей страницы ВКонтакте 6.4.0
Хотите знать кто посещает Вашу страницу?С данным приложением Вы легко сможете отслеживать друзей игостейВашей страницы ВКонтакте! Уникальный алгоритм позволяетотслеживатьпосетителей, как результат Вы получите подробнуюстатистику о том,кто просматривал Вашу страницу!Функции приложения:◉ Детальная информация посещений страницы ВК*◉ Аналитика активности и событий Вашего аккаунта◉ Ссылка-ловушка. Отслеживайте всех кто перейдет поВашейссылке-ловушке.◉ Топ популярных фотографий◉ Топ пользователей приложения.◉ Возможность попасть в топ на 1-е место и привлечь внимание ксвоейстранице!◉ Нотификации о посещении Вашей страницы.Просмотр гостей доступен только до обновления списка илипослепокупки доступа к статистике посещений на 24 часа за монетыилипосле покупки полной версии (единоразовый платеж).Политика конфеденциальности:◉ Обратите внимание! Данное приложение не показываеттехпользователей, которые зашли на Вашу страницу инкогнито иневыполнили никаких действий!Want to know whovisitsyour page?With this application you can easily keep track of your friendsandguests VKontakte page! The unique algorithm allows you totrackvisitors as a result you will receive detailed statisticsabout whois viewing your page!Application Features:◉ details page visits VC *◉ Analysis of activity and events of your account◉ Link trap. Keep track of all who pass by your link-trapped.◉ Top popular photos◉ Top Apps users.◉ The ability to get to the top in the 1st place, and drawattentionto your page!◉ Notification to visit your page.Viewing offers available only to refresh the list or afteryourpurchase access to visitor statistics for 24 hours for coinsorafter buying the full version (one-time payment).confidentiality policy:◉ Attention! This application does not show users who are loggedinto your page incognito and not perform any operation!
Kate Mobile for VK 107 lite
Application for VK social network. Fast and reliable.
My World. Movies. Music. Games
Mail.Ru Group
My World is a social network from Mail.ruthatis used by millions of people on a daily basis.You are welcome to join!With this great application, you will always be able to:✓ Stay updated about your friends' lives✓ Communicate and stay in touch with your family and friends✓ Easily share phots and your good mood✓ Add colorful effects that your friends willsurelyappreciate✓ Play your favorite games right from the app✓ Listen to free music. Our huge collection of tracks will leavenoone indifferentInstall the My World app and your friends and classmates will getsomuch closer to you!
Mamba Dating App: Make friends 3.202.0 (22524)
Online dating app & site. Meet people, make friends, findloveor relationship.
Vichatter Client 1.3
Vichatter LTD
Vichatter is the social network for live video streaming. Youcanbroadcast yourself as you have talent in something or justhavefun. You can make new friends with people with similarinterestsand talk to them about many things. Share yourmoments,communicate, get followers or become a follower, give giftsor getgifts as a reward from your fans. The main features ofVichatterapp: ✽ broadcast whenever and wherever you want ✽ chatwith yourviewers commenting your stream ✽ get fans of your talentand theyreward you with gifts and attention ✽ explore othersbroadcasts andchat with people ✽ meet new friends and follow thetalented ones ✽give gifts to people you like ✽ use funny"superpowers" to makelaugh in chat
Наборы стикеров для ВКонтакте
All the most beautiful and interesting popular stickers VKontakte!
Тесты для девочек 1.2
Лучший сборник бесплатных тестовдлядевочек.Пройдите тесты и узнайте о своих сильных и слабыхсторонах.Здесьсобраны самые распространенные темы: тест нахарактер, наличность,на любовь, на совместимость, на влюбленность ит.д.The best collectionoffreetests for girls. Take the test and find out abouttheirstrengths andweaknesses. Here you can find the most commontopics:the nature ofthe test, the personality, love,compatibility, beingin love,etc.
Free chat-Videochat 1.0
Lamour fas
Chat with all theworldwithoutregistration.
Отдам даром 3.10.0
Find the things that give nothing in your city and share your!
VK Chat 1.2
All VK messaging functions is now onyourmobile device.Now you can instantly send images directly from your cameramobilephone, and use the map to indicate its location.Attached photos, audio, video, maps, documents - all this youcanview and listen to directly on your mobile device.VK Light Chat - is a convenient and practical way tocommunicatewith friends and family. To use this application doesnotnecessarily have to be VK user. Sign up VK Light Chat takesacouple of minutes as required only your name and phone numbersoyou can almost immediately start talking. User-friendlyinterfacewill help you to find potential friends.Additional features:- Offline conversations;- Group conversations;- Synchronization your friends list with your phone contacts;- Search dialogs and messages;- Change photo;
W-Match: Video Dating & Chat 2.14.3
Live video chat with random people around the world! Meet&Start dating!
The official appforAndroid- Ask and answer the questions where ever you go.- Read newsfeed of your friends.- Become more popular.- Meet new people and learn more about your friends.- Give and receive gifts.- Change settings for comfortable use.- Always stay in touch with friends!Suggestions, information about errors, and other comments youcansend on [email protected]