Top 37 Apps Similar to Aristegui Noticias

BBC Mundo
BBC Mundo, more than the news in SpanishBBC Mundo’s distinctive content is now easier and faster toaccessfor free on your Android phone.The app is simple to use, with stories in Spanish arrangedintocategories covering Latest News, Latin America, World,Business,Technology, Science, Health, Society & CultureandVideos.You can also view all stories within the app in chronologicalorderor according to their popularity among the users.With the BBC Mundo App you can:• Keep up to date with the latest headlines• Read and watch the most popular news stories• Get in-depth features and analysis of big stories• Personalise the app, choosing the News categories thatmostinterest you• Increase or decrease the story text size• Share stories by email, Facebook and Twitter• Read the top three stories from each category even whenyou'reoffline• Watch video content over Wi-Fi and 3G connectionsWe welcome your comments and feedback.App will run on v2.3.3 and above.The app will scale for any screen size but is optimum at smalltomedium screens (phones up to 7inches)Some Android devices may experience play difficulties withcertainvideos; if you experience this please try to download theh.264Main Profile codec or a player that supports it for yourdevice orrefer to your device manufacturer.
UOL: Notícias em tempo real 6.1.1
UOL Inc.
Politics, sport, entertainment and much more! Stay in the loopwithUOL.
Microsoft Start: News & more
Microsoft Start is a one-stop app for daily activities likenews,SMS & more
Noticias Libres 1.30
Con Noticias Libres podras acceder alasnoticias de medios de ámbito español sin tener que recurriramedios pertenecientes a la AEDE. Incluímos lossiguientesmedios:- El Diario- La Información- 20 Minutos- Público- Periodista Digital- Infolibre- Europa Press- Periódico Diagonal- Revista La MareaEsta aplicación surge del descontento ciudadano nacido a raizdela nueva LPI que obliga a pagar un canon a CEDRO y los mediosdeAEDE por mencionar y enlazar sobre su contenido. Con lamismaqueremos demostrar que no es necesario acceder a estos mediosparaestar informados, y a la vez participar en el movimiento"BoicotAEDE".La aplicación está en evolución constante, por lo que siconocéisalgún medio más nacional NO adherido a AEDE y queréis queseincluya, dejadlo en los comentarios.La aplicación ha sido creada a través de la api de APPYET.Lainformación mostrada en la misma es propiedad de los propiosmediosque la proveen, accesible a través de sus RSS.With Free News you cangetnews Spanish media field without resorting to means belongingto theSAFE. We include the following means:- The diary- The information- 20 minutes- Public- Digital Journalist- Infolibre- Europa Press- Newspaper Diagonal- Magazine TideThis application comes from public discontent born in the wakeofthe new LPI forcing CEDRO pay royalties and media SAFE mentionandlink to its content. With it we want to show you do not needaccessto the media to be informed, and also participate in themovement"Boycott SAFE".The application is constantly evolving, so if you know anymorenational average NO SAFE adhered to and want to be included,Ileave it in the comments.The application created through the API APPYET. Theinformationshown therein is owned by the media itself that provideaccessiblethrough its RSS.
Azteca Noticias 1.1.26
Current information. Azteca Noticias.
Notícias Brasil 2.0
Clube VIP
The Best APP of news from Brazil and the World, Newspapers,Jobs,Radios, etc.
Folha de S.Paulo 5.1.4
Read the latest news published by Brazilian newspaper Folha deS.Paulo
BBC News
The BBC News app has been completelyredesignedwith a fresh look and feel to bring you more content,greaterpersonalisation and better overall performance. So you canget moreof the news that matters to you.Key features:Top Stories brings you the latest, breaking news from ourtrustedglobal network of journalists.My News is a newly introduced feature allowing you topersonaliseyour news offering.Add topics wherever you see the + icon for a quick route straighttothe stories you care about.Stories from topics you add will appear in your personalised MyNewsfeed. Here you can order stories by topic or time, and usetheManage Topics screen to stay on top of the news of theday.You can also switch the My News by Topic screen to amoretraditional carousel view from the Settings screen.Find content fastThe app can suggest topics based on stories you’ve recentlyviewedand what’s in the news now.And you can quickly find topics that interest you using theTopicSearch. Choose from the familiar list of BBC News indexes suchasBusiness, Technology, Entertainment and Health, or search foryourown subjects of interest, whether they’re people, places,things orthemes.More of the news you care aboutWe now offer a fuller selection of stories from thenewsroom,including:- Most Read and Most Watched. Keep on top of popular storiesacrossthe BBC, regularly updated throughout the day- Live BBC World Service Radio. Expertise and insight fromourjournalists available 24-hours a day and ready to listen to inthebackground as you browse- Read the best journalism from BBC correspondents- Access to our full range of video and audio- Photo galleries and full-screen imagesOther features:- Push notifications for breaking news stories- Video over cellular and wifi- Improved offline experience. Download the latest stories whenyouhave a signal and then read them at your leisure- Viewing modes. See more stories per index by choosing‘Compactlayout’ from the Settings screen- Settings to allow the app to automatically update inthebackground- Share stories to your social networks, or email/SMS toafriend- Support for dynamic text. The app will respect the font sizeinyour device settings so you can increase or decrease the storytextsize as suits your preference- Related stories, related topics. Go deeper into a storylinewithsuggestions for further reading and viewing and a range oftopicsrelated to each storyIf you choose to receive push notifications, a uniqueidentifierrelating to your device will be stored by ProcessOne onbehalf ofthe BBC to provide you with the service.No other personal data relating to you (such as a username oremailaddress) is processed. The BBC will keep your informationsecureand not share it with anyone else in accordance with theBBC’sPrivacy and Cookies Policy, availableat can choose to unsubscribe from push notifications fromyourdevice’s Notifications screen: locate the BBC News app iconfromthe list and turn off ‘Allow Notifications’.
El Universal 4.4.0
El Universal newspaper of Mexico's great Android.
EL PAÍS 2.13.6
El País
Consulta las noticias de última hora yloscontenidos más relevantes de EL PAÍS, el diario global.Puedesrepasar lo más relevante del día en nuestra portada y navegarporlas distintas secciones en busca de los temas que más teinteresen.Ahora también es posible seleccionar edición (España,América,Brasil y Cataluña). Y si quieres recibir notificaciones yalertasinformativas, o dejar de hacerlo, puedes configurarlasmuyfácilmente en la zona de ajustes.Check the breakingnewsand the relevant contents of the country, the overall daily.Youcan review the most important day in our cover and browsethroughthe different sections in search of the topics that interestyou.It is now possible to choose edition (Spain, America, BrazilandCatalonia). And if you want to receive notificationsandinformation alerts, or stop, you can easily configure thesettingsarea.
Univision Noticias 11.1.56
Noticias de EE.UU, política, inmigración, economía, salud, mundoymás
Jornal do Brasil 2.2.4
Baris Efe
Lista dos principais jornais do Brasil, revistas, sites denotíciason-line.
Noticias Águila-Invita Amigos y Gana Dinero
¡Lee noticias y gana dinero! Noticias Águila es una aplicacióndondepuedes encontrar lo que quieras, desde las notas sobreactualidad,deportes, espectáculos hasta vídeos, humor y novelas enespañol. Noes sólo para leer, es para ganar. $2.5 pesos para unonuevo, másinvitas y más ganas. Lee artículos, ve videos, dejacomentarios...obtendrá premio cuando termine las diferentestareas. Todo dinero seretira rápidamente, ¡hazlo en Tienda! ¡Ahorase ofrece la función deGrupos! Varios tipos de grupos: Mascota,Turismo, Naturaleza,Educación, Anime, Bellezas, etc.. Únete a losque te interesan, o¡crea un grupo propio! Comparte la vida ytiempo impresionante contodos. ¿A qué esperas! Descárgala ahora.Para estar al tanto de lasúltimas actualizaciones y novedades dela APP, síguenos en:Facebook: Nos encantaría sabertu opiniónsobre nuestro producto. Puedes ponerte en contacto connuestroequipo de soporte técnico desde Yo -> Tus sugerencias.Si estásexperimentando problemas técnicos, también estaremosfelices deayudarte. Si te gusta esta aplicación, ¡no te olvides dedarnos 5estrellas! :)
TN - Todo Noticias
Diseñada especialmente para tu Android,lanueva aplicación de TN te trae las mejores coberturas conrelacióna los temas relevantes de la actualidad nacional einternacional.Informate en todo momento sobre lo que está pasandoen la políticanacional, novedades económicas, información deportivay lo másdestacado del espectáculo nacional e internacional.Presentamos un diseño nuevo que facilita la visualizacióndenuestros contenidos y una navegación pensada para los hábitosdelos usuarios de Android.Mirá la transmisión en vivo de TN y todos los videos con laopciónde verlos con reproducción automática.¿Qué vas a encontrar en nuestra aplicación?- Nueva navegación nativa de Android- Recibí notificaciones con las noticias más importantesdeArgentina y el Mundo- Accedé a una innovadora experiencia inmersiva a través delosvideos de TN 360- Estructura renovada en las portadas para mostrar las noticiasmásrelevantes- Escuchá la transmisión de TN en formato solo audio enTNRadio- Nuevo diseño de la página de artículos para facilitarlalectura- Soportamos todos los contenidos de redes sociales ennuestrasnotas- Más opciones multimedia: galerías, videos, transmisiones en vivoyGIFs- Acceso rápido a todos nuestros micrositios: TodaPasión, LaViola,Tecno, Show, Autos, Con Bienestar y TN y la Gente- Prendé o apagá la reproducción automática de videosSpecially designedforyour Android, TN new application brings you the bestcoverageregarding the relevant issues of national and internationalnews.Be informed at all times about what is happening innationalpolitics, economic news, sports news and highlightsnational andinternational show.We are introducing a new design that makes viewing our contentandnavigation habits designed for Android users.View the live broadcast of TN and all videos with the option toviewthem with autoplay.What you will find in our application?- New native Android navigation- Receive notifications with the most important news ofArgentinaand the World- Instantly an innovative immersive experience through videosTN360- Renovated structure in the front to show the mostrelevantnews- Listen to the transmission of audio only format TN TN Radio- Redesigned page for easier reading articles- We support all content on social networks in our notes- More multimedia options: galleries, videos, live broadcastsandGIFs- Quick access to all our microsite: TodaPasión, La Viola,Techno,Show, Cars, Con Welfare and TN and People- Turned on or off autoplay video
20minutos Noticias
Nueva aplicación de 20minutos parasmatphone,tabletas, Smart TV y relojes inteligentes, en la quepodrásconsultar todas las noticias e informaciones de última horacómoday rápidamente. Disfruta de un diseño innovador, basado enelMaterial Design de Google, con una navegación más ágil y connuevasopciones de configuración que optimizan la interacción delusuariocon todos los contenidos de 20minutos.Funcionalidades:- Última hora, noticias, artículos, fotos, vídeos y horó Recibe notificaciones de última hora y de los temas que másteinteresen.- Comenta cualquier noticia, vídeo o galería de fotos.- Comparte contenidos con tus amigos fácilmente.- Guarda y lee más tarde con la opción de 'Favoritos'.New applicationforsmatphone 20minutes, tablets, Smart TVs and clocks, which canseeall the latest news and information easily and quickly hour.Enjoyinnovative design, based on Google Design material with amorestreamlined navigation and new configuration options thatoptimizethe user interaction with the entire contents of20minutes. Features: - Last minute news, articles, photos, videos and20minutos.eshoroscope.- Receive notifications of late and topics that interest you.- Discuss any news, video or photo gallery.- Share files with friends easily.- Save and read later with the option to 'Favorites'.
Noticias Telemundo 3.1.2
Noticias en vivo y de última hora por Noticias Telemundo
News Suite by Sony
◇Selecting the Share on Twitter ButtonCausesthe Android Version of the News Suite App to CrashOn the current version of the News Suite App, selecting the ShareonTwitter button while on the article details screen can cause theappto crash.To avoid this bug, use the Share button on the top right ofthearticle details screen, select "Share to other apps," andselectTwitter from the list of available apps.We are currently looking into a fix for this bug, but pleaseusethis workaround for the time being.We apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing.THE ONLY NEWS APP YOU NEEDWith News Suite, you no longer have to visit multiple sites andappsto stay in the know. It organizes articles from 1000s of feedsintotwo tabs so it’s easy to find what’s relevant to you. The“News” tabkeeps you up to date on a wide range of current affairs,while the“My Feeds” tab brings you articles customized to yourpersonalinterests. We’ve partnered with the world’s mostpopularpublications so there’s always new, quality content toengageyou.YOUR NEWS, TWO WAYS- With our unique two-tab design, you can switch between thenewsyou want and the news you need with the tap of a finger.-The “News” tab is where you can read up on a wide rangeoforganized genres such as: General News, Entertainment, Sports,Foodand more.-The “My Feeds” tab is where we bring you a personalized arrayofcontent based on your favorite topics.CUSTOMIZABLECustomizing your “My Feeds” tab is simple. Just choose topicsfromthe list or use our popular “Keyword Register” to enter thenamesof things like your favorite celebrities, companies, brandsandwhere you live––we’ll give you all the latest news on them,inchronological order.KNOW NOW-When you enable push notifications you’ll receive importantnewsstories as soon as they develop.-With our ”Scheduled News” feature, you can customizepushnotifications for certain topics to appear periodically.SAVE AND SHAREYou can save articles to your bookmarks list to read later. Plus,wemake it easy to share your favorite stories with friends onFacebookand Twitter.Click here for FAQs & support information for Use-■ Setting Up Push Notifications ■Users can receive periodic updates via push notificationswith"Scheduled News," as well as push notifications for importantnewsarticles with "Additional feeds and other info ofinterest"You can turn notifications on or off, and set timings, byselecting"Settings," followed by "Notifications," from the upperrightmenu.■ For Xperia Users Wishing to Uninstall the App ■If you wish to uninstall the app from your Xperia device, you mayormay not be able to do so depending on your device's model. Insuchcases, you can go to "Settings," followed by "Apps," and thenselect"Disable."
Brazilian Newspapers 6.0.4
Groups all news of the most important newspapers and magazinesofBrazil
Portugal News 9.2
Portugal News is a fast and easy way to read news on Android
GÜNDEM: Son Dakika Haberler
⭐ Kişiselleştirilmiş, son dakikahaberuygulamanız⭐ En iyi mobil haber okuma deneyimi⭐ Her gün açıp haber okuyabileceğiniz bir uygulamaGÜNDEM ilgi alanlarınızı gün geçtikçe okuduğunuz haberlerdenyolaçıkarak analiz eder ve size ilgi alanlarınıza göre en sonhaberlerigünlük olarak sıralar. Bu sistem sayesinde GÜNDEM’i nekadar uzunkullanırsanız GÜNDEM sizi o kadar iyi tanır.Algoritmamız gün içinde milyonlarca içeriği analiz eder,böylecehızlı bir düzenleme yaparak önemsediğiniz yazıları kullanımıkolaybir şekilde takip etmenizi sağlar.Özellikler:1. Zeki- Popüler görülen ve ilginizi çekebileceğini tahminettiğimizkonuları içeren haberleri size göstermek için haberokumadaki ilgialanlarınızı analiz eden bir sisteme sahibiz.2. Kapsamlı - Tamamen yerel (Mynet, Hürriyet, En Son Haber,Onediovb.) ve uluslararası (NBC, BBC, Yahoo vb.) bilgiplatformlarınınhepsini kendi medya platformumuzun içindebarındırıyoruz. GÜNDEM’inkapsamlı bilgi sağlama yöntemi, sizesadece sizin önem verdiğinizhaberleri gösterir. Hangi konuda haberokumak istediğinizi seçmeimkanını size sunuyoruz ve o konuda kihaberleri pek çok kaynaktantoplayarak kendi platformumuzda sizetamamen tarafsız haberleriulaştırıyoruz.3. Hızlı ve kullanımı kolay mobil okuma deneyiminintadınıçıkarın.⭐ personalized,yourbreaking news application⭐ best mobile news reading experience⭐ can open and read the news every day practiceAGENDA day your interests analyzes Based on the articleyou'rereading passes and ranks the latest news on a daily basisbased onyour interests. If you use this system, thanks AGENDAagenda forhow long you recognize so well.Our algorithm analyzes the content of millions during the day,souse the article you care about making a quick edit allows youaneasy way to follow.Features:1. Popular Zeki- seen and news covering the issues which weestimatecould be interested, we have a system that analyzes yourinterestsin news reading to show you.2. Comprehensive - completely local (Aol, Hurriyet, LatestNews,Onedio etc.) And international (NBC, BBC, Yahoo, etc.), Wehost allthe information platform within our own media platform. Amethod ofproviding comprehensive information on the agenda, justshows youthe news you give your attention. What we offer you thepossibilityto choose the news you want to read about it in ourplatform, andthen issue the news gathered from numerous sources Webring you thenews completely neutral.3. Enjoy fast and easy to use mobile reading experience.
Fast News
Fast and lightweight mobile news feedreaderfor your country major newspapers! Supported countries areUSA, UK,Ireland, India, Canada, Australia, Malaysia and manymore.Choose, read and easily compare the most famous newspapers withyourmobile free of charge and in the fastest way possible. Alltheheadlines of major newspapers in the palm of your hand.If you want to stay up to date with what happens in your countryanduse as little time as possible, then this app is whatyouneed!Fast News is a RSS Feed Reader but unlike other feature richnewsreaders, it will bring you directly to the news without wastinganytime messing around with the user interface or news loading. Itisthe best app for the daily reader.This app is still in Beta state, please provide feedback!Fast News US version will show you the content of the publicrssfeeds from these major United States newspapers:* The New York Times* New York Daily News* USA Today* L.A. Times* Huffington Post* CNN* Washington Post* MSNBC* NPR* Reuters* NYPost* Newsday* Denver Post* Dallas Morning* ABC News* Fox News Latest* ESPN Sport News* The Daily Beast* Forbes* Salon* The Nation* Yahoo! News US* USA Reddit channel* Wall Street JournalFor UK:* Daily Mail* Daily Mirror* Daily Star* BBC UK* Daily Telegraph* Reuters UK* Daily Express* Daily Record* The Guardian* The Independent* The Herald* The Conversation* Sky News* Huffington Post UK* UnitedKingdom Reddit* #UK #NEWS TwitterFor India (various languages):* Dainik Jagran National* Dainik Bhaskar* Hindustan* Amar Ujala* Times Of India (TOI)* Jagran Post* Rajasthan Patrika* Mid-Day* Malayala Manorama* Prabhat Khabar* The Hindu* Deccan Chronicle* Mathrubhumi* Deccan Herald* NDTV News* Financial Chronicle* Lokmat* Dinakaran* RediffNews* Economic Times* Telegraph India* New Indian Express* Reddit India /r/india* #India #News TwitterFor Ireland:* Irish Examiner* Irish Daily Star* Irish Independent* Irish Central* Herald* RTÉ* BreakingNews.ieFor Canada (in English and French):* Toronto Star* The Globe and Mail* Le Journal de Montréal* La Presse* Montreal Gazette* The Vancouver Sun* The Toronto Sun* The Province* National Post* Calgary Herald* Winnipeg Free* Ottawa Citizen* Edmonton Journal* Chronicle HeraldFor Australia:* Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)* Herald Sun* Courier-Mail* Sydney Morning Herald (SMH)* The West Australian* The Age* The Advertiser (Adelaide)* The Conversation* The Australian* Perth Now* SBS World NewsFor Malaysia (In Malay, English and Chinese):* Borneo Post* The Sun Daily* Harian Metro* NewStraitsTimes* Free Malaysia Today* HarakahDaily* Oriental Daily* MalaysiaKini* Berita Harian* The Malaysian InsiderIf you want another newspaper to be included in the list,pleasesend us an email.Features:* Very fast and lightweight newsreader* Immediate and simple to use* Optimized for low bandwidth usage and high download speed* Easy to compare an article between different newspapers* Choose only the newspapers you want and change their order* Front page of the most important newspapers in your countrywithall the currents news and stories about politics crimesgossipsport government taxes crisis economics finances* Many countries supported: United States of America,UnitedKingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Malaysia, India,Germany,France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Mexico, Argentina,China,Taiwan, Belgium, Austria* Share the news with friends through mail, socialnetworks,Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or any other app youhaveinstalled.* The best for the daily readerDisclaimer: This app is not affiliated nor related with any ofthenewspapers cited here. The content the app shows comesfrompublicly available RSS feeds from the newspapers which retainsallcopyrights and thus the app is not to be held responsible foranyof the content displayed.
Chile News (Noticias) 9.2
Chile News (Noticias) is a fast and easy way to read news onAndroid
News Republic: Breaking News
News Republic
News Republic has complete,up-to-the-minutedaily breaking news and headlines from over 2,500fully licensed& trusted national and international sources.Easilypersonalized to give you the headlines that interest you fromtheworld’s most popular publishers, including CNN, HuffingtonPost,Fox News, and Quartz. We have the latest on US politicsandelection results from around the world as well as local newsandweather, and we personalize it all for you in just onecustomizedfeed.Google Editor's Choice as one of the top-rated daily breakingandlocal news apps for free on Google Play! Make News Republicyournumber one source of information!Get the very latest on US politics as well as politicalheadlinesand election results from around the world.Want more?We give you over 1 million national and global personalisedtopicsin a lightning-fast, material design interface. Receive theverylatest updates on global finance, business, sports,entertainment,politics, technology, health and travel and stayup-to-date withall the top buzz and latest celebrity gossip - getall that andmore in one personalized feed."News Republic offers the cure for infobesity" - CNET."If you love news, News Republic is the right app for you!"-AppDictions."Best News App" - AppStorm.– Trending: Can’t get enough of Trump and want the latest onUSpolitics and important election updates from around the world?Keepon top buzz of the most popular trending articles and topics ofthemoment. Find the hottest and most-shared viral news thatinterestsyou by following your favorite topics and publishers likeCNN,Huffington Post, ESPN, Associated Press and Quartz and learnwhatis hot as it happens.- In-depth: Have a special interest in US politics and wantthelatest on Trump or want top local news and weather alerts foryourcity? Learn more by exploring related topics via ourinnovativenavigation system to get all the articles and topics thatinterestyou.- News Digest: Get all the day’s top political headlines,electionupdates and trending stories that you care about in onesimpledaily digest. We give you articles from the best nationalandinternational sources like CNN, Huffington Post, ESPN, BBCandQuartz and is built around your interests.- Featured Channels: Get the top US politics, business,finance,health, sports and local headlines all in one place. FollowCNN,NBC, ABC, FOX, Huffington Post, Salon, Politico,Townhall,Breitbart, Time, USA Today, The Atlantic, BBC, TheEconomist andmore for the very latest updates and in-depth analysison the Trumpadministration.- Smart: Get this local news app for free and it will learn asyouread - our technology quickly personalizes yourexperienceautomatically.- Customization: Want even more customization? Choose from over1million topics for a custom home screen and help create ahighlypersonalized experience based on your interests.- Videos: We give you lightning-fast and in-app viralheadlinesincluding all the latest, most-shared and popular contentof theday in one simple and easy-to-use material designinterface.- Social: Want to share your interests with friends? Create yourownfree personal profile and use it across multiple devices tosharewhat you like on all your favorite social networks.Join us! Get the world’s top politics and local news app forfreenow and join our exclusive Users Community to get early accesstonew features and updates. Give us your feedbackandwe promise to listen. Unlike other local news apps for freeonGoogle Play, we value your opinion!Get the world’s best news app for free and make News Republicyournumber one source of information!
CNN Breaking US & World News 7.18.1
When you want to know what’s happening,tapinto the global news gathering power of CNN. Withcorrespondentsand bureaus reporting from across the world, no othernews sourceeven comes close.• Custom alert settings - stay informed withoutgettingoverwhelmed• Watch live CNN, CNNi or HLN television anywhere, anytime*• Experience the world of breaking news through in-depthstories,photo galleries and news clips.• Watch CNN Original Series like “Anthony Bourdain: PartsUnknown”,CNN news programs like “Anderson Cooper 360” andaward-winning CNNFilms.Video on Demand and Live TV limited to US consumers.*first 10 minutes free each day, log in with your US satelliteorcable provider credentials for unlimited viewing.
NYTimes - Latest News 9.48
Download the NYTimes app for Android FREEtodayand subscribe for as low as $9.99/month and receive yourfirst7-days at no cost*.The New York Times app for Android delivers breaking news andouraward-winning journalism wherever you are. Read thelatestheadlines from today’s news and original content in our FREEnewsapp for phone and tablet.The New York Times is offering new lower subscription options foralimited time:1) Digital Access for $9.99/month. Digital Access includes and all NYT apps. Unlimited article access,anytime,anywhere. Subscribe now and get your first 7-days free atno costvia Google Play*. All subscriptions auto-renew.2) Digital Access + Times Insider for $19.99/month. Digitalaccessfeatures plus access to exclusive, behind-the-scenesstories,photos and videos from our journalists inside the newsroom.Youalso receive 1 bonus subscription (a $25/month value) to givetoanyone you'd like. Subscribe now and get your first 7-days freeatno cost via Google Play*. All subscriptions auto-renew.Favorite Features:* New Interactive Comments, now you can write andrecommendcomments* Explore our best sellers lists now located at the top of theBookssection* A new top navigation for swiping quickly acrosspopularsections* Customize which sections will be in your shortcuts andavailablefor instant offline reading* Improved app performance including speed and stability* Redesigned daily notification featuring the MorningBriefing* A more visually appealing grid layout for tablets* Article pages with richer images, fonts and multimedia* Two widget layout options: photos or headlines* Breaking News Alerts that link directly todevelopingstories* Twilight Mode: darken your screen for more comfortable readinginlow light* Collapsible top navigation: see more of your screen as youscrollthrough the sections* Save NYT articles across platforms to revisit later on anydevice(web, phone, tablet)* Share articles, photos and videos through your favoritesharingplatform* Watch exclusive videos and browse ouraward-winningphotographyThe New York Times app also includes our International edition,TheInternational New York Times, with breaking news, worldnews,current events and cultural stories from our 50 newspaperbureausaround the globe.

The NYTimes app for Android is built responsively and isformattedfrom 4” phones to 12”+ tablets. The app works on alldevicesrunning Android OS (4.1+).The NYTimes app requires certain permissions to provide you withthebest possible reading experience. Here's a little bit aboutwhateach one does:* In-app purchases: This allows you to make purchases withintheapp.* Location: In exchange for the free content provided throughtheNYTimes app, we compile demographic information about ourreadersin accordance with our Privacy Policy. This information isno morespecific than the state in which you are located.* Photos/Media/Files: This permission allows the app to cacheimageslocally, reducing load times for pages you revisit.* WiFi connection information: This item gives the app permissiontouse available WiFi networks rather than your mobile network. Intheabsence of trusted WiFi networks or if WiFi is disabled, theappwill make use of your cellular network (if available).Normalbandwidth and usage charges apply as detailed in yourserviceagreement with your wireless carrier.* Device ID & call information: These settings turnphonenumbers in NYTimes articles into clickable links.Feedback? Suggestions? Issues? Please contact our support [email protected]. We’ll do our best to assist you. Yourfeedbackis important to us.* Promotional offers for new subscribers only. Smartphone andtabletapps are not supported on all devices. Does not includeaccess tothe print newspaper. Prices shown are in U.S. dollars,and localpricing is available in over 55 countries. Otherrestrictionsapply.
Globo News 4.3.0
App Globo News, a informação que vocêprecisa,ao alcance da sua mão.Os vídeos da Globo News já podem ser acessados do seu celularoutablet Android. Baixe o aplicativo e fique ligado com aagilidadeda informação em tempo real, a profundidade da análise eacredibilidade do principal canal brasileiro de notícias.Veja vídeos das principais notícias do dia. Acesse os blogsesiga o canal nas redes sociais.App Globe News,theinformation you need within reach of his hand.Globo News Videos can now be accessed from your Android phoneortablet. Download the app and stay connected with the agilityofinformation in real time, the depth of analysis and thecredibilityof the main Brazilian news channel.See videos of the top stories of the day. Visit blogs andfollowthe channel on social networks.
Mexico News (Noticias) 9.2
México News (Noticias) is a fast and easy way to read newsonAndroid
Noticias, el tiempo y más 202300001.0
Press Spain, weather, radio, film, television, calendar and more
Periódico EL TIEMPO - Noticias 5.0.9
EL TIEMPO Newspaper - News from Colombia and the world
Spanish Newspapers
Baris Efe
Lista de los principales periódicos españoles, sitios de noticiasenlínea.
Terra 3.5
Football and real-time news, photos, videos and live music shows.
Euronews - Daily breaking news 6.1.1
European media, Live TV & video streaming, world info24/7,stories & articles
Extra Notícias
Jornal Extra
O aplicativo do Jornal Extra, com asúltimasnotícias do Brasil e do mundo, sempre tratadas de formaclara eobjetiva! Extra Notícias, o aplicativo de um dos jornal maislidosdo país! Baixe aqui e fique ligado!Informações úteis e interessantes sobre famosos, esportes,empregos,economia, casos de polícia, TV, novelas, política,universo femininoe muito mais. Serviços no seu smartphone, napalma da sua mão comatualizações em tempo real e fotos dequalidade dos principaisassuntos do momento.O aplicativo tem uma navegação simples e direta, que se adapta àsuatela, e reproduz a estrutura do site ao qual vocêestáacostumado.As diferentes editorias são:Notícias (Brasil, Mundo, Economia, Educação, Carros)PolíciaEmprego (Capacitação, Concursos, Servidor Público)FamososMulher (Beleza, Corpo, Decoração, Moda)TV e Lazer (Novelas, Música, BBB)Esporte (Brasileirão, Copa 2014)FotosTodas elas permitindo o acesso rápido à notícia que você quer lerea possibilidade de compartilhar no Facebook, Twitter oupore-mail.Outras funcionalidades do aplicativo são a possibilidade deaumentare diminuir o tamanho da fonte, de avaliar o aplicativo efalar com opessoal do Jornal Extra.Extra Notícias é um produto Infoglobo.The application ofExtraNewspaper, with the latest news from Brazil and the world,alwaystreated in a clear and objective manner! Extra News,theapplication of one of the most widely read newspaper inthecountry! Download here and stay tuned!Useful and interesting information about famous, sports,jobs,economy, police cases, TV, novels, politics, and morefeminineuniverse. Services on your smartphone, in the palm of yourhandwith real-time updates and quality photos of the main issues ofthemoment.The application has a simple and straightforward navigationthatfits your screen, and reproduces the structure of the site towhichyou are accustomed.The various editors are:News (Brazil, World, Economy, Education, Cars)PoliceEmployment (Training, Contests, Public Servant)FamousWomen (Beauty, Body Decoration, Fashion)TV Goods (Novels, Music, BBB)Sport (Brasileirão, Copa 2014)PhotosAll of them allowing quick access to the news you want to readandthe ability to share on Facebook, Twitter or by email.Other features of the application include the ability toincreaseand decrease the font size, to evaluate the application andtalkwith the staff of Extra Journal.Extra News is a Infoglobo product.
Matters - News summaries 2.0.23
Garage Born
Your time is precious. Take 15 minutes adayto read only the news that really matter. Matters isthedefinitive news aggregator that helps you catch up withtheworld.• The news, summarized.We'll read it and break it down for you. Find out what's going oninjust a few words.• News that really matter.We'll scour the web to find what everyone's talking about so youcanread what really matters.• Your favorite websites in one place.Read the news from several different publishers in asingleapp.• The same news, different points of view.We group the news of the same subject so that you can findandchoose the one that you prefer.• Read about what you care.From politics to sports, from gaming to economics, we gotyoucovered!• Notifications.Follow today's top stories without being constantly bothered.
RPP Noticias 4.0.1
Grupo RPP
RPP Noticias brings you the latest news with full coverage.